The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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I had a funny feeling the whole time during Jack's flash forward because of the rather new cell phone he was using. I also found it odd that Jack said he was "sick of lying". Fuck why do we have to wait 'til fucking Jan./Feb. for the new season???
i kinda think right now is a pretty good time to just sit down and sing people some mother-fuckin songs


This show is as good as "V".

There's Still Time.........


QuoteCould have been Locke's funeral I guess.  I'm guessing the "he" Kate refered to was Sawyer.  I imagine Kate stayed with Sawyer but had an affair with Jack, so Sawyer doesn't want them anywhere near each other.

I'm gonna go with Ben or Locke's funeral. Only because Jack realizes they were right and they needed to be on that island for whatever the hell reason. "Him" I'm guessing is Sawyer. Like your idea of an affair....

Sooooo, Penny didn't send the boat. Well who the hell is Naomi and is she a recon for Darma who is trying to take back the island from Ben and his merry band of minstrals or someother unnamed group? Fuck, now we have to wait until February to find out.


umm... who are the three pregnant chicks?

1. sun

why was future jack talking about his dad as if he were still alive?
why isn't kate in jail if she's back in the "real world?"

what's gonna happen when that boat gets to the island?

why did charlie have to die?

oh... and WALT? WTF????


My wife pointed out that Jack was pretty delusional, hence talking about his father as if he were still alive. The other doctor looked pretty perplexed when Christian was mentioned. Also, he said "Forget it!" or whatever when the pharmacist wanted to call his dad's office. So he'd probably still dead, but Jack's so fucked up that he thinks otherwise. At least, that's my wife's idea. Sounds pretty solid to me.

I saw Walt's name in the credits at the beginning and shit on myself just a little bit.


i think kate is preggers. but i still wanna know why she is not in jail.

yeah, jack was pretty ripped, so maybe that is why he kept talking about his dad. booze and pills will do it to you, that's for sure.

are we gonna get flash FORWARDS now instead of flashbacks?

and... seriously... WALT?


Quotei think kate is preggers. but i still wanna know why she is not in jail.

yeah, jack was pretty ripped, so maybe that is why he kept talking about his dad. booze and pills will do it to you, that's for sure.

are we gonna get flash FORWARDS now instead of flashbacks?

and... seriously... WALT?

We needs to know how far forward this flash forward was. Maybe Kate got a get out jail free card for being a crash victim along with the carte blanche to fly Oceanic.

Now is the same ghost Walt Shannon and Syid kept seeing or is this Jacob or some other force f'n with Locke to make him think it's Walt? I still do not think we have seen the end of Walt and Michael. Maybe the ship has something to do with them.

OH AND WTF DID BEN SAY?!?!?! Something about plans to go to the TEMPLE? What Temple???

DAMMIT I am not going to last until Feb.


BTW, my wife found this amazing theory that explains everything, EVERYTHING. It is way to long to post here. I will try to find the link. I read it twice and just sat there going, that has to be it. It made complete sense. Either this show has me way to confused, or I did to much of the stickiest of the icky back in school or it is dead on.

Anyone one interested in it, I can try to PM you if I cannot post the link.


Does anyone have any thoughts on the significance of the use of "Scentless Apprentice" while Jack was driving to the funeral?  
There's Still Time.........


Nirvana - Scentless Apprentice

Like most babies smell like butter
His smell smelled like no other
He was born scentless and senseless
He was born a scentless apprentice

Go away - get away, get a-way

Every wet nurse refused to feed him
Electrolytes smell like semen
I promise not to sell your perfumed secrets
There are countless formulas for pressing flowers

Go away - get away, get a-way

I lie in the soll and fertilize mushrooms
Leaking out gas fumes are made into perfume
You can't fire me because I quit!
Throw me in the fire and I won't throw a fit

Go away - get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get a-way

There's Still Time.........


Oh Yeah, Jack's Dad has got to be alive....the question is how/why....didn't Desmond have a premonition of being off the Island in an earlier episode.
There's Still Time.........


OH AND WTF DID BEN SAY?!?!?! Something about plans to go to the TEMPLE? What Temple???

i know.


and what was with juliet talking about their building a runway?


There's Still Time.........


I could be stretching but I think "Scentless Apprentice" is a clue to the fact that he was headed to Ben's funeral.  Ben just seems like the person described in the song.

It also kind of describes Jack at that moment to though.  "Throw me in the fire I won't throw a fit"  "Get-Away" "You can't fire me because I quit" etc. etc.  I've noticed the show making good use of song on many occasions.
There's Still Time.........


when she said that i was like, "Oooohh. NOW i get it." but then it was revealed to be a joke (?) and i was confused again.

who are the other 2 pregnant chicks?
why did jack want to jump?

wasn't it badASS when hurley came out in that van and plowed through the others?


Quotewhen she said that i was like, "Oooohh. NOW i get it." but then it was revealed to be a joke (?) and i was confused again.

who are the other 2 pregnant chicks?
why did jack want to jump?

wasn't it badASS when hurley came out in that van and plowed through the others?

I'm not sure what gave you the impression there were three pregnant chicks.  As far as I know it's just Sun and mabey Kate.  They painted three tents but that was just for effect, there was no rhyme or reason to why they picked three it could have easily have been two or four.  Then again I noticed that when they were leaving the beach there were like 30 characters with them that I've never seen before so mabey some of them are pregnant.

I'm guessing Jack wanted to jump because he feels like his life is crap compared to the Island, he was so important on the Island and it seemed like his life had a purpose.  We all know Jack's problem is that he always has to be fixing something.  He rescued the flaming car people, then he wanted to do the surgery himself.  Remember how depressed Jack was in his marriage.  I think he just needs to be in a crisis at all times.  Mabey he's upset because they got rescued and he realized it's not going to make him happy, I'm sure it also has something to do with his Dad and Kate and Sawyer.  He will end up with Kate though, you can bet your ass on that one.

;DHurly, that was the best thing since Rocky knocked out the Russian.
There's Still Time.........


Quote;DHurly, that was the best thing since Rocky knocked out the Russian.


BTW, the funeral home name Hoffs/Drawler, is an anagram for FLASH FORWARD

And promised, here is the link. Takes some hits from the Vics Vapor Rub lined Bong, this is mindboggling good. What if C-A-T spelled DOG good.


QuoteFor the aliens?

i think that was a joke b/w the producers, damon and carlton....if you listen to their podcasts they have joked about aliens before.
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


WHAT AN EPISODE.  IMO, best of the series.  Totally sweet mind-fuck at the end, wow.  I cried for Charlie and I'm not even a fan.  

Sawyer shooting that bastard Other - so badass.  WALT!!!  I was sure Locke was gonna kill Jack.

Wow wow wow.


Damn. I wish we didn't have to wait until February. I wonder who is on the boat.

Also, bearded Jack is hot. I never thought Jack was attractive before, but that beard just ups the ante. See, boys, facial hair is where it is at. Grow a beard. Ladies will love you.

I am glad Locke is not dead. He is my fave.