Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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I was very happy to read this......

It also appears that Obama friend Valerie Jarrett, an incoming senior White House adviser, is the person referred to repeatedly in court documents as "Candidate 1." That individual is described as a female who is "an adviser to the president-elect" and as the person Obama wanted appointed to the Senate seat. Court papers say that "Candidate 1" eventually removed "herself" from consideration for the Senate seat.

In a Nov. 11 phone conversation with an aide, Blagojevich talked at length about "Candidate 1" and said he knew that Obama wanted her for the open seat but "they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. (Expletive) them."

One day later, Jarrett, a Chicago businesswoman who is one of three co-chairmen of Obama's transition team and was a high-level adviser to his presidential campaign, made it known that she was not interested in the seat. And, on Nov. 15, Obama announced that Jarrett would be a senior White House adviser and assistant for intergovernmental relations.

I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Quote"Federal authorities arrested Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich "
[smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]
This is wonderful news, my office is so excited! We had cake!
HA! Can we ever elect a Gov to this State who doesn't rip up off?

did you see what was on those recordings? straight out of a movie. high drama!
I just cannot believe the idiocy or the arrogance. Just unbelievable.




Bill Muwway! Are those his daughters?!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.



Bill Muwway! Are those his daughters?!
check out 'random thoughts' to find out!



ok, this shoulda gone into the YouTube thread, but I was (and still am) new to this site

anyway, weeks later, i'm still singing the song at the end of this clip


People have always hassled me for picking up change off the ground.  

Well now it's my turn to laugh.  

Every couple years I roll up all the change from my change jar and cash it in.  This time around I've rolled up $41 and I'm just starting dimes and haven't gotten to the pennies.  I'm guessing I'll end up in the $60 range, not counting the $20 or so in dollar coins that mysteriously appeared in my change jar.  

Not too shabby!  Especially for someone who is rather broke right now!
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place

capt. scotty

QuotePeople have always hassled me for picking up change off the ground.  

Well now it's my turn to laugh.  

Every couple years I roll up all the change from my change jar and cash it in.  This time around I've rolled up $41 and I'm just starting dimes and haven't gotten to the pennies.  I'm guessing I'll end up in the $60 range, not counting the $20 or so in dollar coins that mysteriously appeared in my change jar.  

Not too shabby!  Especially for someone who is rather broke right now!

#1: Anyone who scoffs at someone saving change is either a douche or a rich douche

#2: Unless youve been picking up coinage from the ground for 59 years, I highly doubt that 41$ came from just roadside change...especially bc homeless ppl are all over that shit!!
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Finally penned a poem for the paper I was supposed to have written at 5pm yesterday! Still need a title for it. I'll post it if anyone's interested, but it's supposed be my imitation of Wallace Stevens' style.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteFinally penned a poem for the paper I was supposed to have written at 5pm yesterday! Still need a title for it. I'll post it if anyone's interested, but it's supposed be my imitation of Wallace Stevens' style.

You're a brave person. I'd never post any of my poems. I write them for class and then try to pretend I never did outside of it.


QuotePeople have always hassled me for picking up change off the ground.  

Well now it's my turn to laugh.  

Every couple years I roll up all the change from my change jar and cash it in.  This time around I've rolled up $41 and I'm just starting dimes and haven't gotten to the pennies.  I'm guessing I'll end up in the $60 range, not counting the $20 or so in dollar coins that mysteriously appeared in my change jar.  

Not too shabby!  Especially for someone who is rather broke right now!

#1: Anyone who scoffs at someone saving change is either a douche or a rich douche

#2: Unless youve been picking up coinage from the ground for 59 years, I highly doubt that 41$ came from just roadside change...especially bc homeless ppl are all over that shit!!

No, it's not all from the ground.  Though I've found you can come up with several dollars at the end of a rowdy concert if you walk around near the front rail.  

Anytime I'm in my room and remember I have change, I put it in the jar.  
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


QuoteFinally penned a poem for the paper I was supposed to have written at 5pm yesterday! Still need a title for it. I'll post it if anyone's interested, but it's supposed be my imitation of Wallace Stevens' style.

You should post it. How about in the "our art" thread"?
Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


My good friend here at the office brought in a pecan pie.

I am eating a huge slice slowly and carefully even though my stomach is bursting.

Oh, this is a great afternoon.

Cow temperature.


My roomies and I are cooking up a Turkey Dinner tonight.  Here's the menu:

Green Beans
Mashed Taters
Squash Casserole
Lots of Champagne
Maybe Weed

I'm stoked.


QuoteMy roomies and I are cooking up a Turkey Dinner tonight.  Here's the menu:

Green Beans
Mashed Taters (Oh hells yes.)
Squash Casserole
Lots of Champagne
Maybe Weed

I'm stoked.

Uhhh, triple G, Thanksgiving was a couple weeks ago.

Plus, "maybe weed"?  What's the big decision?  However, I would not recommend the weed two hours prior to the dinner.  Ugly things may happen.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteMy roomies and I are cooking up a Turkey Dinner tonight.  Here's the menu:

Green Beans
Mashed Taters
Squash Casserole
Lots of Champagne
Maybe Weed

I'm stoked.
Don't you mean "Baked" not stoked?  :P


The Pot-Aquiring did not go as planned, so Weed is off of the menu.  I didn't think it'd be so hard to find a little green in my post-college era.  Maybe I'm growing up too fast...

Still, the champagne was just popped and the Turkey is basting.  BASTING!!!!  

The Drake

Quote I didn't think it'd be so hard to find a little green in my post-college era.  Maybe I'm growing up too fast...

The older you get the harder it is.  And I'd say nearly everyone is growing up too fast.  Stay young!!!

bowl of soup

Quote I didn't think it'd be so hard to find a little green in my post-college era.  Maybe I'm growing up too fast...

The older you get the harder it is.  And I'd say nearly everyone is growing up too fast.  Stay young!!!

People stop being cool post-college.  Postpone post college.  Everyone just gets drunk and medicated; usually at the same time.  Then they start hitting each other.  Then they come see me.  That makes them sadder and they drink some more, fight some more, and pay me double.

A massive, weed-filled feast should be on everyone's monthly to-do list.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.