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Casket Salesmen!

Started by LayLowAtDawn, Dec 29, 2008, 10:12 PM

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This band came out with their debut record in 2006, and it was one of my most favorite albums of that year.

They manage to sound like a cross between My Morning Jacket and Tool, amongst other influences.  But I don't want to limit them by their influences.  What they do is make pure, honest rock music that shoots for the stratosphere.  No limits.

My girlfriend (at the time) and I hung out with them after their show in Cambridge, MA in May '07.  They were super nice dudes, let us partake in their niceties, and I learned a lot about what it's like being a band trying to make it - in a nut shell: not fun!

Very nobly of them, they tried to skirt the major labels and they released their album on their own label, along with other bands they liked.  Well, it was tougher than they thought.  They're on hiatus right now, and I hope they come back stronger than ever.  They are still very young.  I believe 22 or 23.

I think they'll find some fans here, and they deserve to to have many, many more... so check them out!  I swear, once you hear them, you'll wonder how they don't already have 3 or 4 radio hits.  Then again, radio is shittier today than ever.


Best tracks are Dr. Jesus, Art Sandwich and The Anaheimlich Maneuver.

I swear I do not work for this band - I don't think they could afford to pay anyone anyway.  I'm just a friend and a fan.  I want to see them play arenas!


My buddy Jedi told me about these guys...they were pretty alright.

That's all I got.


oh and Art Sandwich is my fav. =)


Nice.   Just ordered their CDs - looking forward to them arriving.
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side