There's no greater song out there (except At Dawn)

Started by talleshortz, Apr 07, 2009, 01:20 AM

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That's right!  I said it!  You get one song.  Post it.

Whatch'all got?  Choose wisely young grasshopper

Sorry, this song is so awesome it needs 2 videos merged.  My apologies
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

capt. scotty

so are we talking about a song or a musical book?

im confused since you started this with a 20 minute song  :D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quoteso are we talking about a song or a musical book?

im confused since you started this with a 20 minute song  :D

Just post THE SONG that does it.  Like I said, you only get one.  Just curious what comes out of the peeps in this forum.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Silly Answer:


Real Answer:

Roses Are Free, but there's no good video for it I can find
I'm surrounded by assholes


Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Also, Ruckus...

"They shall call you Cygnus, the God of Balance you shall be!!"

[insert mammoth amounts of rock right here]

Good. Call.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


As long as you keep a straight face...


"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Penny Lane

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.



Nice Ghosts.  I hope this wasn't a dig on the Spartans or Tower will be pissed! ;D
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


QuoteSorry, I cant pick just 1...Theyre all better than Rush though






...and more recently






Yeah and you're fired for following directions so intently.   >:(
I was about 2 bottles of wine in when I decided to blast some Cygnus.  It has been great to be able to slowly make it through the tracks and feel some good vibes. :)
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


QuoteAlso, Ruckus...

"They shall call you Cygnus, the God of Balance you shall be!!"

[insert mammoth amounts of rock right here]

Good. Call.
;D ;D ;D

Why thank you, while I've never been called the God of Balance, if you haven't heard of IT, you haven't listened long enough!
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


I was about 2 bottles of wine in when I decided to blast some Cygnus.


that takes me back to the dark ass days man; I mean daaaaaarrrrrrk days. (but I still love it!)


I was about 2 bottles of wine in when I decided to blast some Cygnus.


that takes me back to the dark ass days man; I mean daaaaaarrrrrrk days. (but I still love it!)

Sorry about the dark days but you clearly seem to be the poster boy (man) for seeing the light.

Clearly Cygnus has brought balance to you ;)

Just good times over here man :)
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


I was about 2 bottles of wine in when I decided to blast some Cygnus.


that takes me back to the dark ass days man; I mean daaaaaarrrrrrk days. (but I still love it!)

Sorry about the dark days but you clearly seem to be the poster boy (man) for seeing the light.

Clearly Cygnus has brought balance to you ;)

Just good times over here man :)

thanks, I actually busted it out, up all the way to 11 this afternoon. It still cooks. I had some killer air guitar/bass/drum shit going on that was off the hook. I got a video for this whole song mapped out in my brain. It's complicated...


When our weary world was young
The struggle of the ancients first began.
The gods of Love and Reason
Sought alone to rule the fate of Man.

They battled through the ages,
But still neither force would yield.
The people were divided,
Every soul a battlefield.


"I bring truth and understanding,
I bring wit and wisdom fair,
Precious gifts beyond compare.
We can build a world of wonder,
I can make you all aware.

I will find you food and shelter,
Show you fire to keep you warm
Through the endless winter storm.
You can live in grace and comfort
In the world that you transform."

The people were delighted
Coming forth to claim their prize
They ran to build their cities
And converse among the wise.

But one day the streets fell silent,
Yet they knew not what was wrong.
The urge to build these fine things
Seemed not to be so strong.

The wise men were consulted,
And the Bridge of Death was crossed
In quest of Dionysus,
To find out what they had lost.


"I bring love to give you solace,
In the darkness of the night,
In the Heart's eternal light.
You need only trust your feelings;
Only love can steer you right.

I bring laughter, I bring music,
I bring joy and I bring tears.
I will soothe your primal fears.
Throw off those chains of reason
And your prison disappears."

The cities were abandoned,
And the forests echoed song.
They danced and lived as brothers;
They knew love could not be wrong.

Food and wine they had aplenty
And they slept beneath the stars.
The people were contented
And the Gods watched from afar.

But the winter fell upon them
And it caught them unprepared,
Bringing wolves and cold starvation,
And the hearts of men despaired.


The Universe divided
As the Heart and Mind collided,
With the people left unguided
For so many troubled years.
In a cloud of doubts and fears,
Their world was torn asunder into hollow Hemispheres.

Some fought themselves, some fought each other.
Most just followed one another,
Lost and aimless like their brothers,
For their hearts were so unclear,
And the truth could not appear.
Their spirits were divided into blinded Hemispheres.

Some who did not fight
Brought tales of old to light.
My Rocinante' sailed by night
On her final flight.

To the heart of Cygnus' fearsome force
We set our course.
Spiralled through that timeless space
To this immortal place.


I have memory and awareness,
But I have no shape or form.
As a disembodied spirit,
I am dead and yet unborn.

I have passed into Olympus
As was told in tales of old,
To the city of Immortals,
Marble white and purest gold.

I see the gods in battle rage on high,
Thunderbolts across the sky.
I cannot move, I cannot hide,
I feel a silent scream begin inside.

Then all at once the chaos ceased.
A stillness fell, a sudden peace.
The warriors felt my silent cry
And stayed their struggle, mystified.

Apollo was atonished;
Dionysus thought me mad.
But they heard my story further,
And they wondered, and were sad.

Looking down from Olympus
On a world of doubt and fear,
Its surface splintered
Into sorry Hemispheres.

They sat a while in silence,
Then they turned at last to me.
"We will call you Cygnus,
The god of Balance you shall be."


We can walk our road together
If our goals are all the same.
We can run alone and free
If we pursue a different aim.

Let the truth of love be lighted,
Let the love of truth shine clear.
Sensibility, armed with sense and liberty,
With the Heart and Mind united in a single perfect Sphere.