Mogwai Fear Satan...

Started by dragonboy, Feb 15, 2008, 12:08 AM

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dragonboy one of the most powerful/stunning/incredible songs of all time!!!

Hands up everyone who agrees (& those of you who haven't heard it do yourselves a favour and go out & buy Young Team right now!)

(don't waste your time looking for a good version on you tube - there isn't one!)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


(don't waste your time looking for a good version on you tube - there isn't one!)

Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Are you a fan Capt?

Fear Satan is a gym fav of mine. If I've still got 10 minutes left on a machine & need a song to give me a bit of a push then Fear Satan always hits the spot everytime.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.




Then I shall kneel @ your altar & am forever jealous Patches!  [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

I just played Fear Satan & Dead Flag Blues back-to-back for my wife! 32minutes +!!! Imagine never having heard these songs before...I pity the fools!!!

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


I wish I had a picture and I would literally "raise my hand" to show my love for this album.  

I have the logo for this album tattooed on my left wrist.  It is my favorite tattoo, I see it every time I look at my hand.  

I can't wait for the remastered deluxe edition that's due this year.

I too have seen Mogwai Fear Satan live.  One of my favorite bands.  Actually, my top three favorite bands all start with the letter M.....My Morning Jacket, The Mars Volta, and Mogwai.


QuoteI have the logo for this album tattooed on my left wrist.  It is my favorite tattoo, I see it every time I look at my hand.  

I can't wait for the remastered deluxe edition that's due this year.
Any pictures of your Tattoo Ellistransit? I had no idea that a remastered deluxe edition was due out, thanks for the info. My only complaint when I play Young Team is that it's not loud enough, especially on my mp3 player so that's great news!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteThen I shall kneel @ your altar & am forever jealous Patches!  [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]

I just played Fear Satan & Dead Flag Blues back-to-back for my wife! 32minutes +!!! Imagine never having heard these songs before...I pity the fools!!!

Seriously you can't imagine how powerful this song is when performed live...the loudness will blow you away!
In june I'm going to see Sigur Rós at Southside Festival. I Hope they'll play Viorar Vel Til Loftarasa. Like Mogwai Fear Satan an INCREDIBLE song. Especially the ending!!!! Love it!


Holy hell. I've actually never heard anything by Mogwai. Truth be told, I always tought they were some kind of band like Yngwie Malmsteen's. Someone slap me. Boy was I wrong. I just listened to MFS. Fuck, that song is beautiful!  :o :'(


If you like Mogwai Fear Satan I highly recommend
Com (?) by Mono, from the album "One More Step and You Die"
Its 16 minutes of bliss with my favorite "post-rock" cresendo ever. :o
Also there album "You Are There" is top notch.

I think they are from Japan, maybe you already know them

Wine, Woman, and Song


I am a huge fan of Mogwai!  Young Team is my 2nd fav. album of theirs.  Check out the album Ten Rapid.  I still get goosebumps listening to that album. :)


If you like Mogwai Fear Satan I highly recommend
Com (?) by Mono, from the album "One More Step and You Die"
Its 16 minutes of bliss with my favorite "post-rock" cresendo ever. :o
Also there album "You Are There" is top notch.

I think they are from Japan, maybe you already know them


Ah, this is a band that Cameron Crowe picked for his limited edition 10 inch series. Wanted to check them out. Thanks Larson.


QuoteI have the logo for this album tattooed on my left wrist.  It is my favorite tattoo, I see it every time I look at my hand.  

I can't wait for the remastered deluxe edition that's due this year.
Any pictures of your Tattoo Ellistransit? I had no idea that a remastered deluxe edition was due out, thanks for the info. My only complaint when I play Young Team is that it's not loud enough, especially on my mp3 player so that's great news!

I'm gonna have to get off my lazy butt and fiund one. I think I have one, but anyway, I can get  a picture anytime I guess though.  It's definitely not going anywhere.  Haha.  Nobody ever knows what it is either.  It's not like most people really know who they are, but they had a profound impact on the way I listen to music.  

Whoever was talking about Mono too, another great band.  

A couple of updates......

mogwai young team - uber remastered version with bonus tracks!!
it's been ten years - believe it or not - but the impressive power of mogwai's debut album has not been diminished with age. we've been talking to the band and felt that it was time to remaster the album, augment the liner notes and include some extra tracks (eight to be precise) to create an anniversary version of young team that would manage to improve on the original while offering you guys value for money. the release is pencilled in for april depending on how the mastering sessions go but keep your eyes peeled for full tracklistings in due course....

And from Mogwai's website......

so that's us one week into our recording session with andy miller at chem 19 and i'm delighted to say that its going great. we'll also be announcing our first shows of 2008 in the next week or so. rock action is also preparing for a frenzy of activity too. the debut albums by errors and desalvo are currently getting finished up and we received the long awaited second record from james orr complex the other day too. i'm listening to it right now and its amazing. i also heard some new demos by part chimp and they are fantastic. aren't we lucky boys!



If you like Mogwai Fear Satan I highly recommend
Com (?) by Mono, from the album "One More Step and You Die"
Its 16 minutes of bliss with my favorite "post-rock" cresendo ever. :o
Also there album "You Are There" is top notch.

I think they are from Japan, maybe you already know them

Cheers Larson! Yeah I first heard Mono playing in Tower Records here in Japan a couple of years ago. I was blown away & had to ask the staff who was playing. I remember the album being expensive & I didn't buy it (very unlike me!)
I was checking them out again a couple of weeks ago when I noticed that they're playing with Explosions In The Sky. They're on my list, I go for One More Step...

Pleased you liked the track MJ  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Mono and Explosions in the sky! What a lineup, I saw Mono with High on Fire.... great show, really nice to get to two different bands like that on the same bill.
Here is a few more of my post rock suggestions

This Will Destroy You- Young Mountain EP
Sunn O)))/Boris - Altar
Caspian-You Are the Conductor
Mogwai-Come On Die Young (especially the build up to "Christmas Steps")
All things GSYB!E, Tra-La-La,Silver Mount Zion,One Speed Bike,etc

Hope you enjoy, has there been a "post-rock" entry to the forum yet?
It truly is the best headphone music for passing time on a plane.
Wine, Woman, and Song


"Any pictures of your tattoo Ellistransit?"

My camera is long gone, but I finally found a picture.  One of my favorite tats for sure.  It's funny because people ask what it means, and when I tell them they are even more confused.  I'm surprised by how few people know who they are.


Very, very cool tattoo!!! Thanks for posting ET  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Everything in Mogwai's catalog is amazing, also one of the best live acts I've ever seen.  X-Mas Steps and Helicon 1 are my favorites.


Unlike my usual buying habits, I bought Young Team when it first came out, loved it but didn't buy anything after that.

Shame on me...slowly catching up, have bought Rock Action (amazing!) Happy Songs for Happy People (amazing!) have Mr. Beast & Hawk on order.

Although I can't imagine anything will ever beat Fear Satan, I think I prefer Rock Action & Happy Songs to Young Team overall...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

easy way

So, I just purchased Young have I made it this far without listening to these guys? I'm very disappointed in myself...Mogwai Fear Satan is KRUNK>>>>>>
"the time is with the month of winter solstice, when the change is due to come..."