Happy New Years !

Started by TheBigChicken, Dec 31, 2010, 11:08 AM

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Resolution 4 for 2011: be undeniable.

I don't know exactly what it means yet, but I like the sound of it.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


 :o I was wondering where the new years thread was! I didn't think we'd go without one!

Cut/Pasted from 'current joys,' where I randomly thought this would fit......

I got out today and climbed some big hills and jogged for about 5 mins, as part of my "move more than to and from the car" resolution for winter '11.  I don't usually make new year resolutions cause my brain rebels when I get authoritative with it.  I usually just start "projects" or "improvements" when my mind least expects it, and I wake up one morning and change somethin'.  But it made sense, after the cookie-and-carb filled holidays to naturally start a new plan. So in order not to frighten my rebellious mind, I opted for the "2 days a week aerobic activity" plan. That way, if and when I go beyond that, I feel extra good, and it's hard to fall UNDER that..... I also opted for the "half hour" aerobic plan, so when I get the heart rate up for longer than that, I feel extra successful, and (again) it's hard to go under the 30 minute mark... Just mind tricks to be less sedentary, cause on these cold ass days it's real easy to just sit in front of my space heater listening to music or snuggle up under the covers reading and call it a day.

Happy new year all, and congrats to the smoke-quitters!!!!! You guys rock!!!  ;D ;D

Love all the resolutions, I'm still catchin' up on the thread though, as it seems to have gone directly under my radar (which doesn't say a whole lot for my radar, besides it not being on)
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: ALady on Dec 31, 2010, 12:20 PM
Happy New Year, everyone!  My 2010 was kind of le suck, so I'm happy it's almost over.

In 2011, I hope to:

-sleep more
-give up dairy and wheat  :'(
-become a better hooper

Maggie: let me know if you'd like any tips/pointers/recipes/encouragement/what-have-you about this resolution! I go off of dairy every so often, and I'm generally full-time wheat-free, so I have a little stockpile of recipes and tips etc if you're lookin for any helps! Man does it feel good to be off of irritating things! I completely eliminated my migraine headaches by going off of wheat, and my system just feels lighter and clearer when I skip dairy.... you can totally pull it off!!!
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Thanks, my dear! I'll definitely take you up on that.  I don't eat much dairy, but when I started thinking about it, I have a little bit each day - and that might be just enough to trigger my sinus issues.  I was eating slightly differently last winter/spring (salads for lunch instead of sandwiches) and my symptoms were nonexistent.  So I'm doing a little test to see if I'm putting the correct two and two together.

I don't know if I mentioned it before the old board closed, but a hearty CONGRATULATIONS on your acceptance into herbalist school! That's going to be so amazing!  And I have heard such great stuff about Asheville lately. Yay  for you!   ;D
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Hope 2011 is treating y'all kindly so far. My New Year's resolution has already been broken... I wanted a year without any medical drama, and I've got a surgery scheduled for January 24th. Weak.

My other resolution: Own it. I am a badass and plan on having 150% more self-confidence in 2011.

Good luck on your quitting endeavor, Dylan. I think I've "quit" at least 15 different times, yet I always seem to start smoking again. I really need to quit for good.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Quote from: ALady on Jan 03, 2011, 01:07 AM
Thanks, my dear! I'll definitely take you up on that.  I don't eat much dairy, but when I started thinking about it, I have a little bit each day - and that might be just enough to trigger my sinus issues.  I was eating slightly differently last winter/spring (salads for lunch instead of sandwiches) and my symptoms were nonexistent.  So I'm doing a little test to see if I'm putting the correct two and two together.

I don't know if I mentioned it before the old board closed, but a hearty CONGRATULATIONS on your acceptance into herbalist school! That's going to be so amazing!  And I have heard such great stuff about Asheville lately. Yay  for you!   ;D

Ahhh! Thank you!! I couldn't even sleep last night thinking about it... and I'm 2 months away!

That's also very helpful that you've noted your diet & sinus symptoms. I had chronic sinus issues until I was 13 or 14, and by the time I was 17-18 I was learning loads and loads about how diet affects the body, etc... and my sinuses have improved ten-fold or more!

As for headaches... In May 2009, I totally went ballistic and stopped eating dairy, wheat.... and CHOCOLATE (not an easy task).  All of which can be triggers for headaches. (I don't drink coffee, and I find chocolate is my weak spot instead)  The whole month I didn't have a single headache (longest time on record since childhood before I got headaches) And I slowly started to reintroduce chocolate again for a couple weeks. No headaches. Then I brought dairy back slowly, still nothing. So out of process of elimination, I gathered it was the wheat. And since then, I still eat some every now and then. I notice a small headache sometimes afterward, but nothing to the severe, debilitating degree I used to experience.

Testing, like you said, and experimenting with different foods and the like, seems to be the most effective way to really get to the root of things! Keep me posted, I'd love to hear how things go!!  ;D
Daylight is good at arriving in the night time


Quote from: megalicious on Jan 03, 2011, 05:26 PM
Hope 2011 is treating y'all kindly so far. My New Year's resolution has already been broken... I wanted a year without any medical drama, and I've got a surgery scheduled for January 24th. Weak.

My other resolution: Own it. I am a badass and plan on having 150% more self-confidence in 2011.

Good luck on your quitting endeavor, Dylan. I think I've "quit" at least 15 different times, yet I always seem to start smoking again. I really need to quit for good.
Join us, Meg!  Misery loves company.  Also, as a veteran quitter, I can truly say the Palin's Bra: Support for Quitters thread is an immense help, so hop on while its warm.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: woodnymph on Jan 03, 2011, 07:37 PM
Quote from: ALady on Jan 03, 2011, 01:07 AM
Thanks, my dear! I'll definitely take you up on that.  I don't eat much dairy, but when I started thinking about it, I have a little bit each day - and that might be just enough to trigger my sinus issues.  I was eating slightly differently last winter/spring (salads for lunch instead of sandwiches) and my symptoms were nonexistent.  So I'm doing a little test to see if I'm putting the correct two and two together.

I don't know if I mentioned it before the old board closed, but a hearty CONGRATULATIONS on your acceptance into herbalist school! That's going to be so amazing!  And I have heard such great stuff about Asheville lately. Yay  for you!   ;D

Ahhh! Thank you!! I couldn't even sleep last night thinking about it... and I'm 2 months away!

That's also very helpful that you've noted your diet & sinus symptoms. I had chronic sinus issues until I was 13 or 14, and by the time I was 17-18 I was learning loads and loads about how diet affects the body, etc... and my sinuses have improved ten-fold or more!

As for headaches... In May 2009, I totally went ballistic and stopped eating dairy, wheat.... and CHOCOLATE (not an easy task).  All of which can be triggers for headaches. (I don't drink coffee, and I find chocolate is my weak spot instead)  The whole month I didn't have a single headache (longest time on record since childhood before I got headaches) And I slowly started to reintroduce chocolate again for a couple weeks. No headaches. Then I brought dairy back slowly, still nothing. So out of process of elimination, I gathered it was the wheat. And since then, I still eat some every now and then. I notice a small headache sometimes afterward, but nothing to the severe, debilitating degree I used to experience.

Testing, like you said, and experimenting with different foods and the like, seems to be the most effective way to really get to the root of things! Keep me posted, I'd love to hear how things go!!  ;D

That's so interesting - I had a friend for whom chocolate was a headache trigger, too.  Who knew!  It's funny how these things can affect us for years and we never realize what's causing it until we sit down and think about it.

Western medicine has utterly failed me on this point, so I am actively searching for answers.   I believe they're out there, and not as difficult to find as we might think.   :)
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires