Palin's Bra: Support for Quitters (of nicotine delivery products)

Started by johnnYYac, Jan 01, 2011, 11:57 AM

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Have you quit smoking recently?


Sorry, I'm a bit tense. 

Think of the improved health!

Think of the money you'll save!

Think of all the others like you!

Come here for support. 
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I'll start.

Hi.  My name's John.  I've been a smoker since my freshman year of college, so its been 25 years!  About a pack a day (sometimes more) since then.  I've probably quit about a half dozen times, totalling maybe 3 or 4 years.

Enough's enough.  After some stalling, I'm quitting again.  Join me.

I'm using Nicorette 2 mg mini lozenges this time.  In  the past, I've also used Wellbutrin, but I'm trying to avoid the mind meds this time. 

Good luck everyone.  Let me know how its going.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I like this Johnny.  I start tomorrow, I think.  Best of luck to ya.   :)
I had made it for quite some time and then I completely relapsed at T5. 
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 01, 2011, 12:26 PM
I like this Johnny.  I start tomorrow, I think.  Best of luck to ya.   :)
I had made it for quite some time and then I completely relapsed at T5.
Yeah, I was smoke-free for over a year when I started touring with MMJ in April 2010.  Then it was on and off again through the year.  All that driving and being away from my family made it easy to fall off the wagon. 

2011 has the potential to be a great time to be a MMJ fan, with the new album and tour, so it may also be a time of temptation for folks like us.  Let's do this so we can live to see MMJ 20 years from now! 

More importantly, so we can live to see our children graduate, get married, and have kids of their own.
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Tracy 2112


My name is Tracy and I kicked nicotine on August 1, 1990.

(Hello Tracy)

I was up to a pack and a half a day and had been smoking for 10 years when I quit for the 7th time. I'd wake up and light up (before the feet hit the floor, or even if I had found myself waking up on the floor) and I'd burn one before going to sleep. I quit cold turkey and it was the hardest thing I ever did quit; a lot harder than drugs and alcohol, even though nicotine is a drug, but...

I was in a bad mood for 3 months but I did it. It took a lot of willpower and candy (which is the name of my 3rd album) and a lot of Who-Quadrophenia.

My mantra was : Smoking will kill me; not smoking won't kill me.

Haven't had one in over 20 years and I don't miss it.

Good luck Johnny and remember > Just don't smoke.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I smoked cigs for a couple years.  the key for me was directing all my money I was spending on cigarettes to weed.  it made the transition easier. 

maybe this will motivate you:

treat it as if you were addicted to crack or something.


Been quit for about 6 years now.Watched my mother die from brain cancer. Went from the lungs to the brain. Doctors said it was from smoking. Quitting smoking is the HARDEST thing you will EVER go through. YOU CAN DO IT  !!
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 01, 2011, 02:22 PM
I smoked cigs for a couple years.  the key for me was directing all my money I was spending on cigarettes to weed.  it made the transition easier. 

maybe this will motivate you:

treat it as if you were addicted to crack or something.

Ha! That's the opposite story for me, traded off in the other direction.

Key for quitting for me was dividing it up in to smaller chunks - for example, I quit during common situations -when in traffic, during finals, and when I was drunk. First I said "no more in traffic" and just focused on that. When I was pretty much used to not smoking in traffic, I worked on the drunkeness. The only remaining factor was during finals, so I would say "hold out til December" etc as a reward. After a few semesters of that, I forced that habit to stop.

I also started running, so I would use that as a guilt measure because I didn't want to sabotage that aspect. I haven't had a cigarette since December 2008.

I should note that science had no effect on me. I worked for an Asbestos defense litigation firm, reviewing the medical records of a lot of guys with lung cancer. Asbestos-related lung cancer was often operable if caught, but smoking-related (small-cell carcinoma specifically) was guaranteed death, as bad as mesothelioma itself.  Seeing a lot of people lose their claims because of smoking was sad to say the least, but I still smoked.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

that's a smart way to do it chode.  easy on the brain.  after awhile most cig smokers don't even get a buzz from smoking, just relief from their craving.  which to me isn't worth my time.  I can spend the same amount I'd spend on a pack or two of cigs a day on a gram of chronic.   

in the end herb was what my body craved.  a chill, smooth, natural, untainted, delicious delightful silky smooth blast of smoke to my lungs.  and if I really wanted to be health we all know about vaporizers and the fact that the plant matter is what has the bad shit in it. when you vap it marijuana's plant matter burns at a higher temperature than THC, thus you can bypass most of the bullshit.  Cigs are like injecting cancer into your lungs, literally.  plus, the buzz isn't worth the bread.   Weed has healing properties we do not understand, I'd rather inject healing powers into my lungs. 


I smoked for seven years, quit for six years, started smoking again when I got divorced, it last about two months, decided to quit five days ago.  I got really drunk / depressed last night and had about four cigarettes, but I'm determined not to go back.  I told my special lady friend I would be a non-smoker the next time she saw me and she's coming to Louisville in 11 days.  Oh, and on top of that, smoking sucks!  I stink, I have horrible coughing fits, everyone thinks I'm stoned because my eyes get really bloodshot when I have the coughing fits, it will eventually kill me, and it's crazy expensive.  If that's not enough to stay away from cigarettes I'm hopeless.

Good luck everyone!  My method was using a lot of cough drops for the oral fixation and to soothe the throat and plenty of xanax to calm the nerves.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


This is such a great thread~

I quit in 98, and the toughest time I had was when I was drinking.....definitely had several "slips" like you mentioned AMD, but still smoke free. (though i have been known to take a drag here and there when smashed)

  I actually work in tobacco research, but my main focus is on helping folks with serious mental illness quit (schizophrenia/schizoaffective/bipolar)....if anyone ever needs any extra tips, resources or support, please don't hesitate to reach out.

If you're into online support, this is a pretty cool site to check out:

This is the best thing you can  do for yourselves, but also one of THE toughest!  And please, if you need anything don't hesitate -- the one thing we know is that using nicotine replacement -- patch/gum/lozenge/inhaler/nasal spray GREATLY improves your chances of staying quit.  So if you are really struggling with cravings, pick something up!

one day at a time (sometimes one hour at a time :)

.....Back at the Model Home


Report in, troops!

johnnYYac- 2 days smoke-free; had about 8 of the 2mg mini lozenges in that time; feeling it, but doing okay.

How's everyone else doing?  Don't give up! 
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 02, 2011, 09:10 PM
Report in, troops!

johnnYYac- 2 days smoke-free; had about 8 of the 2mg mini lozenges in that time; feeling it, but doing okay.

How's everyone else doing?  Don't give up!

that smells like determination.  fuck yeah dude.

just a heads up.  day 3-8 is going to be the days you start to withdrawl.  have some music/beer/etc to sooth you during this time.  pretend like you're on your period.  pamper yourself when you start to feel grouchy.  buy something nice, doll yourself up.  maybe get the wife to help you stay motivated.  you're so golden dude.  you've got at least two or three weeks you can milk this shit for.  get clean brah.


Hello, My name is Taterbug and I'm an addict.  I smoked my 1st cig at the age 9 and my 1st chew at age 11.  I became addicted to both by the age 16 and have been in a battle for the last 27 or so years. When I would quit smoking I would switch to skoal which never lasted very long and I would be back to doing both.  I have been able to cut back on both due to the smoking ban in our fucked up state and I have never smoked in my house. I currently smoke about a half a pack a day and in the evening I will have a chew while watching a ballgame or something.   I need a new method to quitting. I have tried nicorette gum and the patch and failed.  Maybe cold turkey is the way to go this time.  I NEED  to quit.  I thought that after watching my Dad die of smoking related illnesses that quitting would be easy, I was wrong.  He died over 2 years ago and I'm stiil an idiot.  I need to stop being selfish and start thinking about the ones that depend on me and need me to be healthy. 

I think I'm gonna quit tomorrow or maybe the next day. C'mon, I'm an addict...what else am I gonna say.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 02, 2011, 09:10 PM
Report in, troops!

johnnYYac- 2 days smoke-free; had about 8 of the 2mg mini lozenges in that time; feeling it, but doing okay.

How's everyone else doing?  Don't give up!

Hey Johnnyyac!  I am at 16 days of (just about) smoke free.  I caved early on, but only a tiny bit and it solidified my desire to quit.  I am happy you are doing this thread, I read every post to keep strong.

Taterbug, may I suggest my method?  I am on Chantix.  It blocks the receptors in your brain so you do not receive the lovely dopamine rush from nicotine.  Which is why when I cheated, it didn't work.  No pleasure and it just tasted stale and gross.  I felt like you and had tried to quit cold turkey (many times) and with gum, lozanges, the patch, etc...
Nothing worked.  But for me, Chantix is working great.  And I get very vivid dreams as a side effect, actually a plus most nights.

You can do it, we all can do it.

Penny Lane

Good luck to all of you!
I've never smoked but I've heard it's harder to stop smoking cigs than hard drugs. (which is why i stick to harder stuff)..
Srsly, though...YOU CAN DO IT!! ;) One day, one min at a time.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Honest Man

My new years resolution is to start smoking cigarettes but only ghetto
brands. I really like the taste of Basic's and Merit's. Any suggestions
on others would be greatly appreciated. I am up to 6 a day but hope
to hit a pack a day by the end of the month.
The fact that my hearts beating, is all the proof you need.


Sticky, you're right on about day 3.  And its my first day back teaching.  My little freshmen are hating me right now!  This is usually when I run to the store, but I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT! 

In the past, I've used Nicorette gum, but it never worked.  I had better luck with the lozenges and a prescription for Wellbutrin, but my insurance wouldn't cover it (wft?) because its an antidepressant being used for something else and my doctor won't lie.

This time, I'm trying to go without the prescription to save money (it was about $100 per month).  I'm replacing the Wellbutrin with this thread.  I just hope I don't hit a kid or swear in class this week.

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I'm right there with ya, Johnny.  I thought it'd be smooth sailing after day three but I'm still getting cravings especially with being back at work.  I bummed one from a co-worker just now and it was so what I needed, but not really, I know that.  My problem is that I can never do anything half way, it's all in or nothing for me so I need to find the strength to not take another puff.  We can do it, buddy!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quote from: aMillionDreams on Jan 03, 2011, 12:11 PM
I'm right there with ya, Johnny.  I thought it'd be smooth sailing after day three but I'm still getting cravings especially with being back at work.  I bummed one from a co-worker just now and it was so what I needed, but not really, I know that.  My problem is that I can never do anything half way, it's all in or nothing for me so I need to find the strength to not take another puff.  We can do it, buddy!
You know you have the strength; you're a teacher, bro!  We're made of harder stuff!

One cig is not defeat!  No guilt allowed! 

Actually, you can kind of think about this nicotine withdrawal feeling as a buzz in and of itself.  Unfortunately, its more of a bum trip than euphoria, but I can relate to losing control of my buzz, as my T5 EU pals can attest.  Just ride the mother!  Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.