Palin's Bra: Support for Quitters (of nicotine delivery products)

Started by johnnYYac, Jan 01, 2011, 11:57 AM

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Just came across this...I thought it was just for people trying to quit smoking the fake cigs (lol).

This is one of my new year's resolutions.  I quit for almost 3 months no problem after my grandma died of smoking related illness.  That was October 2009.  Then I hit a rough patch with a lady friend and started up again.  I've never been a heavy smoker...actually I don't know how people do it...I wouldn't be able to breathe!  I do have some mild asthma.  But it also makes my throat hurt and my hangovers horrible.  I have "averaged" probably a pack a week since I really started at age 18.  Not heavy at all, but I could never totally kick the habit either.  I would have no problem smoking all week, until I went out drinking one night.  Then I'd smoke half to a full pack in one night, and continue smoking the rest until I ran out or went out drinking again.  I think that without drinking, I would have no problem kicking it completely.

Anyway, I haven't smoked since New Year's Eve, so I'm doing all right.  I've had some minor cravings...basically whenever I see someone else smoke...but not enough to break down yet.  We'll see how it goes Thursday night during dart league.  One guy on my team just quit maybe 2 months ago, so I'll try to use him for support.  Need to get my lady friend to quit now too...she's a light smoker too, but if she smokes at all it might weaken me.

Sometimes I think:  if I smoke so little, do I really need to quit?  The obvious answer is yes...I'm almost certainly just making excuses to not have to totally quit, but I'm definitely not hooked to the nicotine, because I can easily go 2 weeks without smoking with no side effects...if I'm not drinking.  I think it's the drinking and the "social" aspect of smoking that makes it hard for me to quit, if that makes sense.  It was always kind of an "escape" from the bar for me.  A chance to change scenery and hang out and chat in the quiet without just standing there looking like I had no reason to be there.  Although that sounds a bit silly when you write it out.  I've had a few of my Dad's friends say that if they smoked as little as I did, they'd never quit.  But it's those times when I'm really drinking and smoking a pack a night that are killer.  I waste the entire next day and sometimes more with such a hangover that I literally don't get off the couch.  I know it's not worth it.

Anyway, that's my rant.  STay strong everyone!  I know where I'm coming for support now!  Now I just need to get my Dad to quit!
We could.


Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 04, 2011, 08:45 AM
Holding strong so far.  Entering day 3.  This place has been helpful.  Any time I had the urge, I reminded myself that I didn't want to admit that I broke here and that this urge was temporary.  Trying to sleep at night is always toughest the first three days when I'm just tossing and turning with crazy dreams and night sweats.  I think after tonight, much of that will hopefully subside for me.

Perfectly normal to give up three vices at once right?  I'm no longer eating after 8pm which is hard to do with my work schedule and not drinking.  I pity my girlfriend.  I must be a joy to be around. ;D

Great point Ruckus - the urge is temporary, even though it totally may not feel like it sometimes.  We have done studies in our lab on the physical/psychological symptoms of cravings, and have learned, strictly scientifically speaking - that the average craving lasts 10 minutes.  I was still a smoker when I learned this, and I was like - SHUT UP.  But it's true...and one of the strategies we recommend when going through this craving state is called the 4 D's"

DEEP Breathing


DO something to get your mind off that cigarette -- and if you need some tips on that I have lists and lists and lists

DELAY reaching for the cigarette - remember it is temporary, and it will pass!

.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: ALady on Jan 04, 2011, 01:26 PM
Quote from: tdb810 on Jan 03, 2011, 03:22 PM
ALady -- Thanks for your input : )  The ecigarette is a hot topic these days in my business.  I will just say this:   E-cigarettes  are absolutely NOT a treatment, just an alternative when a smoker cant smoke (ie airplanes etc).  FDA says there are toxic chemicals, one of which being antifreeze, in the vapor, and it should not be used as a treatment.  The Nicotine inhaler is a safe alternative to that, is covered by many plans, and gives you the hand to mouth thing. 

Trish - this is interesting, thanks for addressing it!  So those "fake" cigarettes are just as harmful as the real thing?  I don't know which one my friend was using - she basically used it as a crutch for a few weeks, but eventually gave that up too because she felt stupid smoking a fake cigarette   ;D 

Anyway, great info - we are really lucky to have you "on staff" here!   :)

Awwwww thanks girl :)  so happy to be of assistance around here, especially for something SO important!!
.....Back at the Model Home


Keep it up JY, you are doing so great! 

Hawkeye, your story TOTALLY resonates with me! I used to smoke like a chimney when I drank, and the hangovers were SO much more awful! I swear I was more hungover from the cigs than the alcohol....and it kinda makes sense when you think of all the crap that's in there....There is also evidence that even light smoking can be harmful, so you might as well follow your Dad's friends advice.  WIshing you all the best! You can do this. 

Such a great forum !!  hugs and hope everyone is doing ok.  And even if you have a slip, come back here!  The best thing you can do is learn from it - beating yourself up does not help! ;D 
.....Back at the Model Home


What's cracking me up is something Rob posted and the reason I put up this thread.  The forum is giving me somewhere to blather on about this with folks enjoying the same basic experience.  That's what this forum does in regards to MMJ and music in general.  And I think, in the back of my mind, that I don't want to fail, even for one cig, and have to admit it on this thread.  Like I know I wouldn't lie, gargle some mouthwash, splash on some aftershave, and pretend nothing happened.  Or, worse, find myself back to a pack a day! 

No pressure here, but this thread is keeping me honest and providing a form of support lacking in all of my previous attempts to quit.  In 25 years of smoking, I think its safe to say that I've been smoke-free at least 5 of those years.  But each attempt, lasting 3 months to almost 2 years, was me alone in the experience.  My wife never smoked, no one in my family smokes, only one of my friends smokes (and we hardly see each other).  No one at work smokes, except for some of the students, really.  Speaking of which, I've got an exam to write, so...
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I can't say enough how helpful this place has been.  I hope everyone keeps trying and if you fuck up, start again.  That's why I'm here right now.  I came home from work around 8 all pissy knowing I couldn't eat any more for the night, drink any booze, and of course not smoke.  I chatted briefly with 'ole MJK online and told my fat ass I'd jump on the elliptical and air cycle away my rage while watching the OSU/Ark game.  I'm done air cycling and I'm tired as shit...too tired to do anything but sit on the couch and drink water and watch the game.  I still feel like I'm cross country skiing!  WTF?!
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Good luck everyone!!!

ruckus, hopefully you're not quitting drinking permanently.. that is unthinkable!  so many great beers out there!


I was really bad today. I bought a pack. I'm going to have to start over but I'm ready for it.  I have 9 days left to be done completely...
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quote from: aMillionDreams on Jan 04, 2011, 09:46 PM
I was really bad today. I bought a pack. I'm going to have to start over but I'm ready for it.  I have 9 days left to be done completely...

Not bad......just struggling which we all know is totally normal.  You will do this thing.  What's the plan?
.....Back at the Model Home


Another trick (and treat).  Figure out how much money you would spend on cigs daily, and for each day you're smoke-free, you're that much richer. 

How many days without a cig would get you to a bunch of Jacket shows this year?

Smokes here were running me at least $6 per day.  When I go to bed tonight, I'll have earned $24!  By the end of the week, it'll be $42.  At the end of January, $186.  By the approximate time of the album's release, $810!  That's a number I can remember, eh Trish?
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: tdb810 on Jan 04, 2011, 10:03 PM
Quote from: aMillionDreams on Jan 04, 2011, 09:46 PM
I was really bad today. I bought a pack. I'm going to have to start over but I'm ready for it.  I have 9 days left to be done completely...

Not bad......just struggling which we all know is totally normal.  You will do this thing.  What's the plan?

I think the plan is gonna have to be to keep the number of smokes to a minimum until the weekend and then go cold turkey on saturday.  It's just too difficult to not smoke during the week.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 04, 2011, 10:35 PM
  How many days without a cig would get you to a bunch of Jacket shows this year?

Great way of putting it Johnny! And what a perfect time to quit. By the time the next tour starts you'll have a nice amount saved up. I'll expect to meet you at a show near me.  8)
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Quote from: ChiefOKONO on Jan 04, 2011, 09:32 PM

ruckus, hopefully you're not quitting drinking permanently.. that is unthinkable! 

This is silly.  That would never happen.  It's like Rickey Henderson talking in the 1st person. ;D

Just taking off enough time where I feel I can have some drinks without totally caving in to smokes.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jan 01, 2011, 12:46 PM

My name is Tracy and I kicked nicotine on August 1, 1990.

(Hello Tracy)

I was up to a pack and a half a day and had been smoking for 10 years when I quit for the 7th time. I'd wake up and light up (before the feet hit the floor, or even if I had found myself waking up on the floor) and I'd burn one before going to sleep. I quit cold turkey and it was the hardest thing I ever did quit; a lot harder than drugs and alcohol, even though nicotine is a drug, but...

I was in a bad mood for 3 months but I did it. It took a lot of willpower and candy (which is the name of my 3rd album) and a lot of Who-Quadrophenia.

My mantra was : Smoking will kill me; not smoking won't kill me.

Haven't had one in over 20 years and I don't miss it.

Good luck Johnny and remember > Just don't smoke.

Best advice ever
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


I just had a dream last night that I caved and smoked one and had to tell all you guys...I guess it was a NIGHTMARE!!!!

Stay strong, walk the line, and JUST DON'T SMOKE.  Sounds so easy.
We could.


Quote from: aMillionDreams on Jan 04, 2011, 11:35 PM
Quote from: tdb810 on Jan 04, 2011, 10:03 PM
Quote from: aMillionDreams on Jan 04, 2011, 09:46 PM
I was really bad today. I bought a pack. I'm going to have to start over but I'm ready for it.  I have 9 days left to be done completely...

Not bad......just struggling which we all know is totally normal.  You will do this thing.  What's the plan?

I think the plan is gonna have to be to keep the number of smokes to a minimum until the weekend and then go cold turkey on saturday.  It's just too difficult to not smoke during the week.

Ok, so you have a plan.  Good.  You gotta do what feels right for you, and what you think it realistic. 
Don't forget - if the cold turkey is too to CVS and get some lozenges or gum or will help a little bit.  My mantra is why suffer if I don't have to. 
Keep on keepin' on.....
.....Back at the Model Home


Good things, Good things:  (SORRY FOR FORMATTING - you get the idea)

Within 20 minutes of quitting smoking, a quitter's body begins a series of long term changes, including:

20 minutes:   Blood pressure drops to normal.
      Pulse rate drops to normal.
8 hours:      Carbon Monoxide level in blood drops to normal.
      Oxygen level in blood increases.

24 hours:                   Chance of heart attack decreases.
48 hours:      Nerve ending start regrowing.
      Ability to smell and taste is enhanced.

2 weeks to 3 months:      Circulation improves.
            Walking becomes easier.
            Lung function increases as much as 30%.

1 to 9 months:         Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue,
                                                                shortness of breath decrease.
                                                                Cilia regrow in lungs, increasing ability to
lungs,                                                      handle mucus, clean the lungs, reduce infection.
            Energy level increases.

1 year:   Risk of heart attack  is half that of a smoker.

5 years:   Stroke risk is reduced to that of a nonsmoker within 5-15 years after quitting.
   Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, and esophagus is half that of a smoker.

10 years:   Precancerous cells are replaced.
   Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas decreases.

15 years:  Risk of  heart disease is equal to that of a nonsmoker.   

Adapted From:  Abrams, D.B. et al "The Tobacco Dependence Treatment Handbook: A Guide to Best Practices"  The Guilford Press, 2003. 
.....Back at the Model Home


Just read through parts of this thread. Some great advice and support! Love that it's a conversation and a spot for those to go who are currently tackling the issue. I quit somewhere like 8 years ago? Not sure, glad to not remember the date, I think it shows how much it is out of my life. I started smoking around the time my dad was dying from emphysema, which is really pathetic. Smoked for about fifteen years. This is what I did when I quit.

1. made up my mind!!! this was the most important step and looking back the only one that really counts.
2.  bought some patches and used them.
3. wrote down all my reasons to quit and carried it around with me for a year or something.
4. figured out how much in a year i spent on cigs (would be interesting for the ones trying to quit now to do this, since the cost has gone up so much and to compare it to money spent on music!)
5. checked out smokers when i was out and about and noticed how they looked and how others behaved around them. the smoke distance.

Good Luck to all of you who have decided to be smoke free!!!



Thanks to all the encouragement everyone.  It's reassuring to know that so many of you have fought the good fight and succeeded.  I'm hoping to learn from all the many ways that I've rationalized "just having one" over the years, only to completely fall off.  I had my last smoke sometime in the wee morning hours of Sunday in Philly.  Almost through 4 days and feeling good.

I'm missing the booze more.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Just checking in.  Day 5 almost done.  Averaging 5 of the 2-mg mini-lozenges each day.  Cut my beer and diet soda consumption by more than half, replaced with a liter of water.  Starting to cough up some choice goo this morning.  I fall asleep faster, since I'm no longer kept awake by my pounding heart. 

I hope everyone else is doing well.  I highly recommend these mini-lozenges, but if I followed the directions, I'd be using 3 times as many.  I let my cravings tell me when to pop another one.  Thanks to Trish and the others, who are sharing their wisdom.   Thanks to Dylan and Rob and everyone else in the struggle for your honesty.     
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.