Open Letter to MMJ (Health Care Reform)

Started by Nikkogino, Aug 02, 2009, 09:45 PM

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The only thing messed up about this plan is that it will be expensive in less-realized way because it is such a patchwork of ideas and people are focused more on silencing those who disagree because they generalize those who disagree as misinformed ignorants who hate poor people. Because about 5% of them are.

If we pass bullshit legislation that no one reads or fine tunes because they're pre-occupied with other bullshit, no one is really taking into account the sheer volume of litigation and the costs that will be associated with it as a result. You think the birthers went to an extreme with their court cases? Just wait until this passes. Makes me want to switch my focus from Digital Rights management to health law and be guaranteed future employment
I'm surrounded by assholes


I think camille is an alias for someone else...she steps in for politcal discussions, owns us all, and then bounces. I remember her from when Prop. 8 was the topic. Camille, you're awesome.

Alright, now I really need to read this thread.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteI think camille is an alias for someone else...she steps in for politcal discussions, owns us all, and then bounces. I remember her from when Prop. 8 was the topic. Camille, you're awesome.

Alright, now I really need to read this thread.

I think you're right, bbill.  Good for her.  Sometimes truthtellers must wear many veils.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I hope things work out for all Americans regarding health care. I can't imagine living without universal health care and I beg of you to not believe the anti-Canadian health care rhetoric spewing forth from the right-wing media and some Republicans and Democrats; it's offensive, ignorant and just plain wrong.

Obama is right when he says Canadian/British/French styled universal health care wouldn't work in the US. I think it would be a mess if he ever tried to adapt the Canadian health care model and apply it to all the US states. For one, the US medical association is big business. Good luck. I find most of the health care discussions fascinating, and quite frankly, a little frightening.


Who is this Camille lady?  I think I love her.

Anyway, canned food drives!  Yay.  I have a friend who does something similar for another band...just started out doing canned food drives at shows and donating proceeds to the local food pantries...and it's mushroomed into thousands of dollars in donations to the bands' favorite charities over the past three or four years.

We should think about forming a similar organization for the Jacket; a fan-based 501(c)(3).  Anyone into it?
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires



This is your website, and you can obviously do whatever you want.  That's cool that you want health care reform.  I want some kind of health care reform too.  But when your views differ from mine, it gets me wrapped up in politics and such, when I only want to be wrapped up in the music.

If you started a campaign in support of killing puppies, I would not be able to listen to MMJ without feeling a little bit horrible.  My MMJ t-shirt would cease being a badge of honor, and start being a symbol of puppy slaughter.

I guess what I am saying is...  If you are going to kill puppies, please don't tell me about it.



QuoteWho is this Camille lady?  I think I love her.

Me too  :-*

I for one, can only speak from a personal point of view.  As a small, independent business owner, me and my biz partner feel it is a moral obligation to provide our employees with health benefits.  We ask that they contribute a very small amount (tax deferred) from their paycheck.  But the rest is on the biz's shoulders.  There is no law saying that a business our size has to do this.  Again, it is a moral issue to make sure that those who give to our organization are taken care of.  However, the ridiculous insurance premium rate increases are making us question the viability of offering it at all.  We are doing fine in this economic times, but we can't keep up with the crazy 20% yearly increases!  we had to change carriers this year just to keep it steady.  And we don't know what we can do next year if this trend continues.  It forces small businesses to function with part-time employees who do not qualify for coverage (one must average at least 35 hours a week).  Well that doesn't help my lovely employees who depend on us to make their income.  So what do we do?  Insurance overhaul is necessary.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a fool or purely misinformed.  The optimist in me thinks it is the latter.  Get over the "socialism" propaganda.  If ya' read the bill, you would see this won't turn us into communists.  It will help our fellow Americans.  

But I guess if our representatives (ehem...Newt Gingrich) feel that reading a 1000 page bill is a ridiculous request of their constituents, well someone needs to get fired.  Stop buying into the propaganda of those who feel it is unnecessary to read the bills to understand them.  Last time I checked, it was part of their job description.  

Oh, and MMJ has every right to stand by their convictions.  Check the 1st amendment.


I wonder who funds  
I think this may shed light, but's it's only wiki, so, take it for what it's worth.  Me? I have wine to drink.
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


wow!   to just jump on the forum and see all the political discussion is amazing, to say the least!  I thought MMJ had music to talk about.


I guess I should have clarified in that last post that I am not Chico....just his better half.  But wow......not loving the format of the forum thus far.


I'm not liking your posting style so far.  If you wanna talk about music and not politics how come you posted in one of the few politics threads and not one of the many music threads?  

And I like how your first posts lecture the band and the fans about what they should be talking about.  How about leading by example?  And how about registering a new name so you don't wreck your better half's rep around here.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

Penny Lane

wizzard----i think a key to this legislation are the Blue Dog Democrats working on this--they've got the small business owners in mind and in spite of Pelosi trying to shove a piece of fragmented sh*t through, they are actually working w/repubs trying to create something good. more of these fiscally conservative dems could woo some moderates back to the party...

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill



And I like how your first posts lecture the band and the fans about what they should be talking about.  How about leading by example?  And how about registering a new name so you don't wreck your better half's rep around here.

Arg!!!  Ok, the first post was Chico (me).  The next two were wifey.

AMD, not trying to lecture anyone.  Just expressing one fan's opinions to the band.  Simply stated, I prefer my favorite band not tread too far down the political path.  It can be a slippery slope.

Now excuse me while I go scold wifey for making me look like a schizophrenic.



And I like how your first posts lecture the band and the fans about what they should be talking about.  How about leading by example?  And how about registering a new name so you don't wreck your better half's rep around here.

Arg!!!  Ok, the first post was Chico (me).  The next two were wifey.

AMD, not trying to lecture anyone.  Just expressing one fan's opinions to the band.  Simply stated, I prefer my favorite band not tread to far down the political path.  It can be a slippery slope.

Now excuse me while I go scold wifey for making me look like a schizophrenic.

Eventually, all bands seem to get political, at least the ones that have shreds of intellect. I'm not surprised Jimmy and company have gotten political, but I wasn't expecting them to get involved with the sticky subject known as health care reform.


No biggie. You may want to explain to the wife that there is plenty of music talk on this board.  We hardly ever get into politics around here unless an election is coming up or the band releases a political statement or donates money to political charities/causes.  We have more threads about the Black Cab Sessions video than politics threads in total, I bet.  not that there's anything wrong with discussing politics IMO, you just might want to point that out.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Really interesting debate for my second post.  We've got your debate over here in the UK here with the more deranged members of the opposition popping up on Fre'um Channel Fox dissing our Free at the Point of Delivery, Universal Health Service. And contrary to all propaganda the NHS in the UK has not turned me into a terr'st (well apart from the Sandinista Service I put in in the 80s and that depends on your defintion of terr'sm). They do not inject us with tracts of Das Kapital or make us do Tai Chi on the lawns of Buckingham every morning here in the UK. Not at the Hospital I work at anyway. We just try to do our best for everyone now matter their status - and it sticks in my craw that those that can afford better get preference.  Everyone should have the best available treatment.

The point of the NHS in the UK was to take it outside of the political arena and guarantee everyone a cradle to grave health service. Now our political masters here are turning to your system to break up my Family Silver (again). So I'm with MMJ on this one. It's a principled stand for those less fortunate than ourselves on an issue that directly affects all of us. I'm glad I'm into this band.


I staunchly oppose any further government involvement in health care.  That said, I understand why one would use whatever channels available to further their stance on issues they feel passionate about.

That is all.

Penny Lane

QuoteReally interesting debate for my second post.  We've got your debate over here in the UK here with the more deranged members of the opposition popping up on Fre'um Channel Fox dissing our Free at the Point of Delivery, Universal Health Service. And contrary to all propaganda the NHS in the UK has not turned me into a terr'st (well apart from the Sandinista Service I put in in the 80s and that depends on your defintion of terr'sm). They do not inject us with tracts of Das Kapital or make us do Tai Chi on the lawns of Buckingham every morning here in the UK. Not at the Hospital I work at anyway. We just try to do our best for everyone now matter their status - and it sticks in my craw that those that can afford better get preference.  Everyone should have the best available treatment.

The point of the NHS in the UK was to take it outside of the political arena and guarantee everyone a cradle to grave health service. Now our political masters here are turning to your system to break up my Family Silver (again). So I'm with MMJ on this one. It's a principled stand for those less fortunate than ourselves on an issue that directly affects all of us. I'm glad I'm into this band.

well that's the catch, not all Americans believe that...the philosophy that health care should be for FREE and universal, regardless of what you contribute. some people believe you should have to pay for it, ....once you get past that issue (you really never will), the rest is all logistics. i don't think it's so much that we think Canada, the UK and Sweden and various other countries have a lesser quality of care, there's that fundamental difference in values.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I just hope to see a clear line drawn between "health services" and "insurance"
I'm surrounded by assholes