American Dad (!)

Started by LaurieBlue, Oct 15, 2009, 11:51 AM

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QuoteMy Dear God this was the greatest 30 minutes of my life.  My girlfriend and I were laughing our asses off, because it was me to a T!!

Did anyone record a DVD version of this, the Karma will be passed on!!

Hello to everyone, I've been away due to a bloody divorce, but Im back, Alive, and ready for the Jacket to get back in the studio.  MOF is great, but its time.

"I can't get Dick Van Patton's eyes to light up"

Hey, what's up man!  Good to hear from you.  Sorry about your marriage news.  Glad your back.

"I'm sure they'll be snorting huge lines of coke as soon as they fix that pinball machine."  (or something like that.)

Thanks for the vibes man!  Sometimes, bad news is good news.  This was the case here.  glad to be back.  Im headed to Charlotte for good next week, and looking forward to a positive future!!

Perhaps we shall cross paths once again my friend!!


Finally got to see this on Hulu. The Phone Went West doorbell is genius. I wish the whole band had been given more lines but other than that, it was pretty awesome. It was great that they significantly featured Remnants. That song doesn't get nearly enough credit.


QuoteI'm not talking about the Almost Famous parody...obviously I got that, and thought it was sort of cute.  I'm talking about the sequence while "Remnants" was playing.  Flashing cooch to get backstage?  Really?  That was tasteless, and not something I want to associate with MMJ, even if it's cartoon cooch  :P

Really? You didn't see the humor in it? I'd try harder and don't take yourself so seriously.

I didn't think the cartoon cooch was very funny either.
Cow temperature.


maybe ya'll should flash more cooch, then you'd be less uptight and more backstage.
sincerely, my morning wood.


honestly- I barely laughed at the whole show- I was smiling because of the MMJ parts but I don't find the humor in American Dad, Family guy, etc to be very funny...

Its awesome that a huge fan of MMJ got to honor the band in his own special way though.
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

bear sin rug

QuoteI'm not talking about the Almost Famous parody...obviously I got that, and thought it was sort of cute.  I'm talking about the sequence while "Remnants" was playing.  Flashing cooch to get backstage?  Really?  That was tasteless, and not something I want to associate with MMJ, even if it's cartoon cooch  :P

Really? You didn't see the humor in it? I'd try harder and don't take yourself so seriously.

I didn't think the cartoon cooch was very funny either.

you know, people complain that MMJ hasn't reached the national stardom they deserve, but when they do get some national attention on a major network then people complain about that too!

Shall we dissect the corporate affiliation and sponsorship of American Dad now?  :-/

I think some people just like to complain   :P
It's a bad idea


i forgot about this line:

"the name's abbey road. when it snows, i need to be plowed."
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


I don't think anyone is really complaining.  There is sometimes stuff that is shocking AND very funny and sometime there is stuff that is shocking just for the sake of shocking.  This show definitely rides the fine line in between the two.  

I thought the it was kind of funny because as she got closer and closer it got tougher and tougher for her to get past the security.  After using her top just to get free popcorn, she had to raise her game.   ;D
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Quotei forgot about this line:

"the name's abbey road. when it snows, i need to be plowed."

Yes!  Now that's offensive, funny AND clever.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


I one was complaining, merely stating they found a particular scene offensive.

Bully, your comment is terribly inappropriate.
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


QuoteI'm not talking about the Almost Famous parody...obviously I got that, and thought it was sort of cute.  I'm talking about the sequence while "Remnants" was playing.  Flashing cooch to get backstage?  Really?  That was tasteless, and not something I want to associate with MMJ, even if it's cartoon cooch  :P

Really? You didn't see the humor in it? [highlight]I'd try harder and don't take yourself so seriously.[/highlight]

Words to live by.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteDoes anyone have a link for watching it in Oz? Everyone I try says it can't be watched outside the US. :(

Hey weenie, I'm in the UK and was able to watch it here:

Maybe it'll work for you  :)


Quotehonestly- I barely laughed at the whole show- I was smiling because of the MMJ parts but I don't find the humor in American Dad, Family guy, etc to be very funny...

Its awesome that a huge fan of MMJ got to honor the band in his own special way though.

I agree competely.  the flashing of the coochie to get back stage kinda made me cringe..I think mmj is classier than that...however i know it was an exaggeration for the cartoon.  If thats what it takes to get ain't gonna happen for me.


Quotehonestly- I barely laughed at the whole show- I was smiling because of the MMJ parts but I don't find the humor in American Dad, Family guy, etc to be very funny...

Its awesome that a huge fan of MMJ got to honor the band in his own special way though.

I agree competely.  the flashing of the coochie to get back stage kinda made me cringe..I think mmj is classier than that...however i know it was an exaggeration for the cartoon.  If thats what it takes to get ain't gonna happen for me.

I think the funniest part was when the guy is backstage and Jim says "Uhh, if anyone can hear my voice, can you please come in here?"

actually scratch that- the funniest part is that tiny little flying giraffes flew in to help put Jim's pants on.
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


Quotehonestly- I barely laughed at the whole show- I was smiling because of the MMJ parts but I don't find the humor in American Dad, Family guy, etc to be very funny...

Its awesome that a huge fan of MMJ got to honor the band in his own special way though.

I agree competely.  the flashing of the coochie to get back stage kinda made me cringe..I think mmj is classier than that...however i know it was an exaggeration for the cartoon.  If thats what it takes to get ain't gonna happen for me.

don't forget that you have to make out with the female bouncer at the end.
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

...From On High

QuoteLoved the posters, thought that was a real nice touch.  Wish they used a Burwell but pretty sick anyways

And don't forget about:

Oh, I'll never say I knew you.  But my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.

capt. scotty

Quotehonestly- I barely laughed at the whole show- I was smiling because of the MMJ parts but I don't find the humor in American Dad, Family guy, etc to be very funny...

Its awesome that a huge fan of MMJ got to honor the band in his own special way though.

agreed...i loved the episode, but it was terrible up until the Wordless Chrous scene, and all the funny stuff revolved around MMJ and the MMJ-tied humor.

i wonder if it was better than the 59th highest rated show last week?!  ;D not even going to get into flashing the money vacuum because itll be a slippery slope for me  ::)
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

QuoteFinally got to see this on Hulu. The Phone Went West doorbell is genius. I wish the whole band had been given more lines but other than that, it was pretty awesome. It was great that they significantly featured Remnants. That song doesn't get nearly enough credit.

Yep...whenever I listen to Evil Urges anymore, I pretty much just skip directly to Remnants after Thank You Too.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


you know, people complain that MMJ hasn't reached the national stardom they deserve, but when they do get some national attention on a major network then people complain about that too!

Shall we dissect the corporate affiliation and sponsorship of American Dad now?  :-/

I think some people just like to complain   :P

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback I saw on here regarding the American Dad episode.  There was some negativity on the MMJ FaceBook page, and the way I see it (and after reading the article by AD co-creator*) I think it was a true fan's vision of "the power" MMJ can have over you.  You know he was a fan (he attended Bonaroo 2008) due to all of the references that only MMJ fans would understand.  

I am a fan of American Dad (more so Family Guy) so it was really quite an experience for me.  For those of you who were put off by some of the lewdness; it may not have been funny to you, but it sure was funny to many others.  Like someone else said, don't take it seriously... it's a cartoon for crying out loud!  

Oh and like there isn't a basis in reality for the idea of women exposing themselves or promising sexual favors to get back stage.  MMJ may not be the stereotypical band to have wild groupie sex parties after a show (though, I wouldn't know... maybe they are ;) ).  But I think the writers were using the Rock n' Roll genre for humor's sake.  It is certainly an essential part of the "Sex, Drugs & Rock n' Roll" ideology.  In the end, humor like music is a matter of personal preferences.  I happen to think American Dad (and Family Guy) are waaay funnier and show more comedic wit then your average sitcoms on TV.  For those offended, I'd be curious to hear what TV shows you find funny...

But again, I'm glad to see most people liked the episode.  It should spur more interest in the band; I only hope older fans like us will be able to get tickets on the next tour!  Side note- It would be great if MMJ had fan club pre-sale ticket opportunities like other bands.  The episode could be a major milestone for the band.  Time will tell.



P.S.--Do you ever watch "Between Two Ferns?"  :P

I do!  I was thrilled to see Zach and I thought he had some of the best lines of the when the mom asked him to stop pressing the PWW doorbell and he was like "...I wish I could."   ;D  I hope we see him working with the band again in the future.

Quotemaybe ya'll should flash more cooch, then you'd be less uptight and more backstage.

Funny, I've never had to flash anything except a backstage pass.   ;)  As for "taking it too seriously"...well, I take my MMJ seriously, as do you all.  They've always seemed to me to be a band that was fairly progressive in their thinking.  So it was jarring to me, as a fan who thinks of MMJ as part of all that is good and right in this world ;D to see them portrayed alongside that cheesy "ha ha, ladies have to flash the musty ol' claptrap to get what they want" plotline.

It's not that I didn't appreciate the episode; I thought it was very cool to see all of our MMJ inside jokes on the small screen.  

Rub, I enjoy Curb Your Enthusiasm, Arrested Development, Eastbound and Down, Life and Times of Tim...I'm not some PC wackjob.  I just didn't think that particular sequence was amusing or cute.  I'm not writing letters to N.O.W. or anything, just expressing some disappointment here.  As someone said above, it made me cringe a little.  That's all.

Quotei forgot about this line:

"the name's abbey road. when it snows, i need to be plowed."

Now that was actually sort of clever.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires