NCAA Football 2011

Started by Tracy 2112, Jun 22, 2011, 12:55 AM

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Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 09:59 AM
Sandusky's punishment is to be told to stop bring boys to PSU to rape them.  Apparently he does not follow his punishment.

Basically, the only action PSU took back in 2002 was to tell Sandusky to take his raping of children elsewhere.  Just don't do it on our campus anymore... ::)

Tracy, I totally agree with your last post too.  Hopefully, this whole tragic scandal will be used to better our understanding of how prevalent sexual abuse of minors actually is in our society and how prevalent not reporting sexual abuse really is.


Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 10, 2011, 10:35 AM
Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 09:59 AM
  We don't know if Paterno knew about this, even though I find it hard to believe that he didn't.  If he did, he's in even hotter water and even less of a man.

To be clear, I agree 100% with this.  There are just so many unknowns I wish we knew.

It's pretty hard for me to believe, after reading that Grand Jury report, that JoePa couldn't have done more to prevent this monster from continuing his predatory ways for nearly 10 more years after that 2002 incident went down...

Tracy 2112

Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

capt. scotty

I cant believe McQueary is going to be on the sidelines on saturday. I figured they didnt mention him at the BOT presser last night because it was smaller news, relatively, and because they were just going to have the new AD boot him instead of putting that on the trustees hands. Essentially everyone is gone at PSU that was involved with this, except the guy who was the actual eyewitness of rape and considering he had the least ties/power related to the school, maybe the most likely of all cover up participants to actually go to the police. Ridiculous if he coaches on saturday as well as if he actually survives this scandal and remains on the staff
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I'm not eloquent enough to put into words just how sick this whole thing has made me feel, and it seems to be getting worse....

QuoteRumors are being investigated that Sandusky and Second Mile, a non-profit Sandusky founded in 1977 to help children, was pimping young boys to wealthy donors.

The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.

capt. scotty

Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 10, 2011, 01:46 PM
I'm not eloquent enough to put into words just how sick this whole thing has made me feel, and it seems to be getting worse....

QuoteRumors are being investigated that Sandusky and Second Mile, a non-profit Sandusky founded in 1977 to help children, was pimping young boys to wealthy donors.

I heard last night that there were rumors this would get even more troubling....maybe this is it. Jesus.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


"You guys have lived for this place. I've lived for people like you guys and girls. I'm just so happy to see that you feel so strongly about us and about our school. And as I said, I don't know if you heard me or not, is, you know, the kids who were victims or whatever they want to say, I think we all ought to say a prayer for them. It's a tough life when people do certain things to you. But anyway, you've been great. Everything's great, all right."

Joe Pa's comment last night to the crowd outside his house.

It amazes me that the guy that actually saw Sandusky raping the child in the showers is still on the PSU staff.

Jon T.

Quote from: ophidiophobia on Nov 10, 2011, 03:26 PM
"You guys have lived for this place. I've lived for people like you guys and girls. I'm just so happy to see that you feel so strongly about us and about our school. And as I said, I don't know if you heard me or not, is, you know, the kids who were victims or whatever they want to say, I think we all ought to say a prayer for them. It's a tough life when people do certain things to you. But anyway, you've been great. Everything's great, all right."

Joe Pa's comment last night to the crowd outside his house.

It amazes me that the guy that actually saw Sandusky raping the child in the showers is still on the PSU staff.

I really need to stay out of this because I'm making myself sound like a Paterno sympathizer, which I a not.  BUT, those comments were taken out of context.  He slipped when he said "victims" and just kind of fumbled over his recovery of it.  HOWEVER, right after that, he started what can only be described as a pep rally, shouting (or attempting to shout) "WE ARE...  WE ARE..  WE ALWAYS WILL BE..."  That was so bizarre and only further proved how out of touch with this situation he is.

capt. scotty

Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 10, 2011, 03:46 PM
Quote from: ophidiophobia on Nov 10, 2011, 03:26 PM
"You guys have lived for this place. I've lived for people like you guys and girls. I'm just so happy to see that you feel so strongly about us and about our school. And as I said, I don't know if you heard me or not, is, you know, the kids who were victims or whatever they want to say, I think we all ought to say a prayer for them. It's a tough life when people do certain things to you. But anyway, you've been great. Everything's great, all right."

Joe Pa's comment last night to the crowd outside his house.

It amazes me that the guy that actually saw Sandusky raping the child in the showers is still on the PSU staff.

I really need to stay out of this because I'm making myself sound like a Paterno sympathizer, which I a not.  BUT, those comments were taken out of context.  He slipped when he said "victims" and just kind of fumbled over his recovery of it.  HOWEVER, right after that, he started what can only be described as a pep rally, shouting (or attempting to shout) "WE ARE...  WE ARE..  WE ALWAYS WILL BE..."  That was so bizarre and only further proved how out of touch with this situation he is.

Agree with everything here. The guy is 84 yrs old, he isnt going to put together the best sentences in an improptu interview. I dont think Paterno even realizes how big of a deal this whole scandal is.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


They are all complaisant in the disgusting affair. They all should be severely punished. I don't give a shit that Paterno is 84. That is a bullshit excuse. He new what was going on. I'm sorry, I find out or I walk in on this disgustoid in human form raping a 10 year old (or anyone for that matter). I'm not going to leave and tell a school admin. I'm going to probably kill the motherfucker and get the police there IMMEDIATLY. Fuck these horrible people. I hope they all burn in hell. I do not tolerate shit like this. At all.

bowl of soup

I have no idea why, but I'm torn on the McQuery aspect of this story.  He walks in on the monster raping a child in the shower, they see him, and he runs.  But not to the police; he runs to his phone and calls his Daddy.  Daddy tells him to get the hell out of there and go to Paterno the next day which he does.

We'd all like to think that if placed in that situation we'd do the heroic thing and run to the aid of that child, kick the monster's ass, and hold him until the police came.  I think that's what I would do, but I don't know.

Put yourself in his shoes.  He played at Penn State and had some form of a relationship with the monster while he was still a revered and respected coach.  Dude apparently still had free run of the campus and considerable access at that point - so he's not some random creep, he's a guy you know, probably respect, and here is raping a child right in front of you.  You might not respond as honorably as you think you would.  You might panic.  You might run.  You might call your mommy or daddy.

So he recovers the next day and goes to Paterno.  There is no higher moral authority in State College, PA in 2002 than Joe Paterno.  He reports what he saw to Paterno and has to asume that something will happen.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

bowl of soup

But then nothing happens and the monster continues to roam the campus until last week.  I guess that's where McQuery's failing is.  He sees child rape, reports child rape, nothing happens to child rapist.  In fact, child rapist continues to parade around campus as if nothing is wrong.  He has to come in contact with child rapist, doesn't he?

OK, I guess I've worked through it.  While I can somewhat understand McQuery's initial failings. His ten year silence in the face of the monster makes him just as bad as the rest of 'em.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

Jon T.

Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 10:50 PM
I have no idea why, but I'm torn on the McQuery aspect of this story.  He walks in on the monster raping a child in the shower, they see him, and he runs.  But not to the police; he runs to his phone and calls his Daddy.  Daddy tells him to get the hell out of there and go to Paterno the next day which he does.

We'd all like to think that if placed in that situation we'd do the heroic thing and run to the aid of that child, kick the monster's ass, and hold him until the police came.  I think that's what I would do, but I don't know.

Put yourself in his shoes.  He played at Penn State and had some form of a relationship with the monster while he was still a revered and respected coach.  Dude apparently still had free run of the campus and considerable access at that point - so he's not some random creep, he's a guy you know, probably respect, and here is raping a child right in front of you.  You might not respond as honorably as you think you would.  You might panic.  You might run.  You might call your mommy or daddy.

So he recovers the next day and goes to Paterno.  There is no higher moral authority in State College, PA in 2002 than Joe Paterno.  He reports what he saw to Paterno and has to asume that something will happen.

Bowl, I agree with you 100% on this.  I don't know what I would do if i walked in on that.  Nobody does, unless you've been in that situation.  It's beyond our realm of thinking.  I think I would have stopped it right there.  But, that's never happened to me.  I will say this, my Dad would be one of, if the not the first, persons I would have called. This was a 27-28 year old "kid', working his dream job - working for The Machine. And he's still just a grad asst. at this point.  He just walked in on the most horrific thing imaginable and he fucking freaked/panicked.  He called his boss, who is bascially "The Boss" of the town to call. Of course he should have stopped it. But hindsight is a luxury us internet posters have.  This was real life.

I hate this whole situation.  I hurt for the kids that were affected by this - which will be plenty more than actually come forward.  I hate that I have to re-evaluate every person I know that I trust my children with.  This is the worst imaginable situation that I can think of.

Jon T.

Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 10:54 PM

OK, I guess I've worked through it.  While I can somewhat understand McQuery's initial failings. His ten year silence in the face of the monster makes him just as bad as the rest of 'em.


What about Sandusky's wife? Is it even remotely possible that she didn't know or at least suspect any of this? No fucking way.  She had to have known.

bowl of soup

Don't you get the terrible feeling that we're at the tip of some terrible, terrible iceberg? Dude had 6 adopted children and fostered many more.  There's this incredible apathy towards his actions by many people who could have stopped him.  He is allowed to remain deeply involved at this charity for troubled youths until just a year or so ago.  The D.A. who could have stopped him but didn't in 1998 goes missing in 2005 and his hard drive is found floating in the river too damaged to find out whats on it.

What is happening here?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

capt. scotty

I know I act like a hardass sometimes, but if if I was some assistant at a major FB program and walked into being an eyewitness on this, Im not so sure I wouldve tried to break up the rape and beat up Sandusky at the moment. I think I wouldve been in such a state of shock, that I wouldnt know what to do and maybe fled the scene.

At this point, I dont think McQueary is in the right because you dont let this go without telling the authorities for a decade, but I cant fault him for what he did that night. Apparently he's getting death threats (which I think is over the line) and wont be coaching saturday. He shouldnt be on the staff at this point, Im not sure what the hold up is.

That story about the DA going missing in 2005 I think is totally unrelated and 1 or 2 journalists are trying to connect dots and get readers. That DA was prosecuting the biggest heroin bust in Pennsylvania history at that time, I think its much more likely connected to that.

This DEFINITELY is gonna get worse before it gets better, or 'tip of the iceberg' as Bowl said.

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 11, 2011, 12:05 AM
Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 10:54 PM

OK, I guess I've worked through it.  While I can somewhat understand McQuery's initial failings. His ten year silence in the face of the monster makes him just as bad as the rest of 'em.


What about Sandusky's wife? Is it even remotely possible that she didn't know or at least suspect any of this? No fucking way.  She had to have known.

I'm not so sure she had to have known. John Wayne Gacy's wives didn't.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.

Penny Lane

Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 11, 2011, 09:21 AM
Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 11, 2011, 12:05 AM
Quote from: bowl of soup on Nov 10, 2011, 10:54 PM

OK, I guess I've worked through it.  While I can somewhat understand McQuery's initial failings. His ten year silence in the face of the monster makes him just as bad as the rest of 'em.


What about Sandusky's wife? Is it even remotely possible that she didn't know or at least suspect any of this? No fucking way.  She had to have known.

I'm not so sure she had to have known. John Wayne Gacy's wives didn't.

that room he built on the basement for these kids he molested---? i mean when he snuck downstairs at night, she never wondered? he was caught by the wrestling coach, by security guards?

i have no doubt that everyone knew...he used to host this golf tournament years ago and i guess eventually everyone stopped coming...and when they alerted the charity he could no longer bring children on campus (because he was caught showering with them?)...people talk and everyone must have known....
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


This sickening mess makes the Miami Hurricanes scandal look like a church outing.