so I was on facebook and now this kid wants to sue thread

Started by Sticky Icky Green Stuff, Jul 10, 2011, 03:21 AM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

okay. here's the jist. conservative dbag always causing trouble on this news sites facebook page I visit. I google his username and this article comes up:

I post article on news page asking "alex" to explain it.  nobody from the station has said a peep. pretty sure there's nothing illegal about posting an article that made national news.  but he's saying it's harassment.  I disagree.  academic law students, should I remove the article? being provocative is my thing, I'd hate to f that up over a scare tactic.

his messages and my response:

QuoteAlex Provenzino
are you fucking kidding me posting that on here? i am going to contact the craig fahle show, and facebook in order to originate you email address to find out who you are and you will here from an attorney representing me for posting that.. trust me

12 hours agoAlex Provenzino
my parents we're acquitted and i was a juvenile. i already contacted WDet about your post. this is the last i'll be messaging you. once we find out who you are there will be harassment and civil charges forthcoming

7 hours agoAlex Provenzino
i'm going to ask you nicely once to remove that post..that was a disgusting low blow. i think your own mother would be ashamed of you for that move. asking me is one thing but posting it there? trying to make my parents look stupid? one time. otherwise i will find out who you are through you IP address of the email you used to create your fb account. and i will take any legal action i can

about an hour agoStickyicky Greenstuff
no you won't and I will not remove the post. eat it.
and for the record I was just curious if it was you. apparently, and hilariously enough it was. my apologies for you making national news


leave it up Sticky....that guy sounds like a REAL jerk.... :thumbsup:
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


You have three options:

1) cave
2) Make him spend money to learn that FB likely will not just turn over personal information without a warrant
3) [proceed with caution] head over to 4chan or reddit [the safer option] and tell your story and see of the anon kids will show him what harassment really feels like
I'm surrounded by assholes


Asses like this get my goat. To wit:

Cyberharassment differs from cyberstalking in that it is generally defined as not involving a credible threat. Cyberharassment usually pertains to threatening or harassing email messages, instant messages, or to blog entries or websites dedicated solely to tormenting an individual. Some states approach cyberharrassment by including language addressing electronic communications in general harassment statutes, while others have created stand-alone cyberharassment statutes.

If he contacts you again, inform him that any further direct communications between the two of you will be construed as harassment as he has not only made a threat (legal action is still a threat) but he is persistent in communicating with you

Note: Nothing I say here can be construed as legal advice since I'm not your lawyer and you should not think that I am your lawyer (required text for law types).
I'm surrounded by assholes

Tracy 2112

This coming from the guy who boasts about stealing movies on line? Better hope this guy isn't loaded with cash and wants pay back. You post a lot of incriminating information here that a vindictive person with cash could may your life a little more difficult.

he knows someone at your internet provider, they watch your computer, etc....
And how do you know someone here won't e-mail the guy and tip him off about your posts here?

Just saying, if you're going to throw stones, your own house better be clean.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 10:28 AM
This coming from the guy who boasts about stealing movies on line? Better hope this guy isn't loaded with cash and wants pay back. You post a lot of incriminating information here that a vindictive person with cash could may your life a little more difficult.

he knows someone at your internet provider, they watch your computer, etc....
And how do you know someone here won't e-mail the guy and tip him off about your posts here?

Just saying, if you're going to throw stones, your own house better be clean.

the kid is hyperactive.  I didn't even know if it was him or not and when it did end up being him he went nuts.  I'm not afraid of him.  I deleted the post to shut him up but other than that I see nothing I did as wrong.  posting news articles on a news site, is it my fault the dude is in the article for burglary?  no. do I care? no.  should he grow a pair? yes.

here is his last response before blocking me, which is a continuation of the rant he sent me above:

QuoteAlex Provenzino
i'll find you dandruff flake. and when i do u'll regret being alive
go make another fake profile with no pics of urself u coward pussy twat..ur just a little bitch. afrai of who u are cuz ur probably an ugly faggot sitting in ur moms basement with no friends. probably eat ur moms old green sticky icky pussy for her


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 10:28 AM
This coming from the guy who boasts about stealing movies on line? Better hope this guy isn't loaded with cash and wants pay back. You post a lot of incriminating information here that a vindictive person with cash could may your life a little more difficult.

he knows someone at your internet provider, they watch your computer, etc....
And how do you know someone here won't e-mail the guy and tip him off about your posts here?

Just saying, if you're going to throw stones, your own house better be clean.

There are laws against ISP employees accessing customer info.

But you're right on the last line - a person who is accusing one of harassment is better off not posting numerous messages with actual, articulate threats
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: el_chode on Jul 10, 2011, 10:49 AM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 10:28 AM
This coming from the guy who boasts about stealing movies on line? Better hope this guy isn't loaded with cash and wants pay back. You post a lot of incriminating information here that a vindictive person with cash could may your life a little more difficult.

he knows someone at your internet provider, they watch your computer, etc....
And how do you know someone here won't e-mail the guy and tip him off about your posts here?

Just saying, if you're going to throw stones, your own house better be clean.

There are laws against ISP employees accessing customer info.

But you're right on the last line - a person who is accusing one of harassment is better off not posting numerous messages with actual, articulate threats

but this is where things get fuzzy for me.  did I actually threaten this kid? is it actually harassment? 

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

oh yeah and would it make a difference that I received a message via facebook telling me to google the kid? enticing me if you will.  so my motive for googling him was a suggestion made by another person.  that article was at the top of the google search results as well. 


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jul 10, 2011, 11:32 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Jul 10, 2011, 10:49 AM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 10:28 AM
This coming from the guy who boasts about stealing movies on line? Better hope this guy isn't loaded with cash and wants pay back. You post a lot of incriminating information here that a vindictive person with cash could may your life a little more difficult.

he knows someone at your internet provider, they watch your computer, etc....
And how do you know someone here won't e-mail the guy and tip him off about your posts here?

Just saying, if you're going to throw stones, your own house better be clean.

There are laws against ISP employees accessing customer info.

But you're right on the last line - a person who is accusing one of harassment is better off not posting numerous messages with actual, articulate threats

but this is where things get fuzzy for me.  did I actually threaten this kid? is it actually harassment?

Think about what you've said - could anything said by you be reasonably construed as a threat of physical or economical harm? It's one thing to show a manifest intent to ruin a reputation, it's another to bring up unfavorable information in a public forum where the other is participating in the conversation, in either a positive or negative fashion.

Often the threat of legal action is the option of last resort for someone who has no leg to stand on and is moving based on pure emotion. From what I can tell, you haven't taken the private life of a private individual and exposed it to the public (a tort different from harassment), but instead have made a publicly available fact more...public. Boo hoo.

It makes no difference whether you were enticed. You've got free will. But that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. It's not unlawful to be an asshole, a stance I've taken since getting thrown out of college (for something similar to this, where there was no legal recourse so the kid's dad paid a large sum of money to get me in trouble with the university)
I'm surrounded by assholes


I think there's a news article about that somewhere... ;)
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Tracy 2112

Quote from: el_chode on Jul 10, 2011, 10:49 AM
There are laws against ISP employees accessing customer info.

Right. And we all know that everyone follows the laws of the land. Most everyone has their price.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

Tracy 2112

Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jul 10, 2011, 10:44 AM
here is his last response before blocking me, which is a continuation of the rant he sent me above:

QuoteAlex Provenzino
i'll find you dandruff flake. and when i do u'll regret being alive
go make another fake profile with no pics of urself u coward pussy twat..ur just a little bitch. afrai of who u are cuz ur probably an ugly faggot sitting in ur moms basement with no friends. probably eat ur moms old green sticky icky pussy for her

I don't get it. That news article is from 1996 and he was 16. So now he is 31? Am I missing something? NOt sure I know anyone in their 30's who would post something as silly and juvenile.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 01:48 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jul 10, 2011, 10:44 AM
here is his last response before blocking me, which is a continuation of the rant he sent me above:

QuoteAlex Provenzino
i'll find you dandruff flake. and when i do u'll regret being alive
go make another fake profile with no pics of urself u coward pussy twat..ur just a little bitch. afrai of who u are cuz ur probably an ugly faggot sitting in ur moms basement with no friends. probably eat ur moms old green sticky icky pussy for her

I don't get it. That news article is from 1996 and he was 16. So now he is 31? Am I missing something? NOt sure I know anyone in their 30's who would post something as silly and juvenile.

yeah, it's hilarious. he's super conservative. he'll support anybody if they're spouting his sides rhetoric. beck, coulter, you name it.  if you prove him wrong he'll complain to the producers of the radio show and stuff.  super emo.


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jul 10, 2011, 02:00 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 01:48 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jul 10, 2011, 10:44 AM
here is his last response before blocking me, which is a continuation of the rant he sent me above:

QuoteAlex Provenzino
i'll find you dandruff flake. and when i do u'll regret being alive
go make another fake profile with no pics of urself u coward pussy twat..ur just a little bitch. afrai of who u are cuz ur probably an ugly faggot sitting in ur moms basement with no friends. probably eat ur moms old green sticky icky pussy for her

I don't get it. That news article is from 1996 and he was 16. So now he is 31? Am I missing something? NOt sure I know anyone in their 30's who would post something as silly and juvenile.

yeah, it's hilarious. he's super conservative. he'll support anybody if they're spouting his sides rhetoric. beck, coulter, you name it.  if you prove him wrong he'll complain to the producers of the radio show and stuff.  super emo.

they should make a reality show about this guy..


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.

Tracy 2112

Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 10, 2011, 02:26 PM
Better look out, Sticky.  He's ripped!

damn! that dude is fucking hot! he rocks
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Jul 10, 2011, 10:49 AM
There are laws against ISP employees accessing customer info.

Right. And we all know that everyone follows the laws of the land. Most everyone has their price.

Well yeah, so let's say that person goes and breaks the law. Not only are they liable for a felony, Sticky's nemesis here would have at the minimum a conspiracy charge against him, not to mention he'd open him up to significant violations under state and federal laws. Depending on what he accessed, he could be liable for up to $100 per day or $10,000 per violation of the ECPA, directly to to Sticky, whichever were greater.

So sure, the damage would be done, but it'd be utterly useless in court.
I'm surrounded by assholes

Tracy 2112

Quote from: el_chode on Jul 10, 2011, 02:48 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jul 10, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Jul 10, 2011, 10:49 AM
There are laws against ISP employees accessing customer info.

Right. And we all know that everyone follows the laws of the land. Most everyone has their price.

Well yeah, so let's say that person goes and breaks the law. Not only are they liable for a felony, Sticky's nemesis here would have at the minimum a conspiracy charge against him, not to mention he'd open him up to significant violations under state and federal laws. Depending on what he accessed, he could be liable for up to $100 per day or $10,000 per violation of the ECPA, directly to to Sticky, whichever were greater.

So sure, the damage would be done, but it'd be utterly useless in court.

Regardless of the legal mumbo jumbo, there's ways around that.
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Not unless Walter Sobchak is employed by the ISP. Then, all bets are off.
I'm surrounded by assholes