Come on Irene

Started by Ruckus, Aug 25, 2011, 09:37 AM

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I gotsta say, FEMA seems way on top of this one eh?  No fighting for bottled water at the supermarket peoples!  Weather Channel was just showing potential Irene track models and had two going through B'more though the greater likelihood seems like Jersey and LI is gonna get hit harder other than of course the Carolinas. 

I got a 14 team live fantasy football draft on Sunday at my house.  Come on Irene, turn right!
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


i am supposed to fly to michigan sunday morning for work....bob said i should start driving now  ;D ;D
.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: tdb810 on Aug 25, 2011, 09:38 AM
i am supposed to fly to michigan sunday morning for work....bob said i should start driving now  ;D ;D
He's probably right ;D  You might have a window to escape right? ???
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Aug 25, 2011, 09:38 AM
i am supposed to fly to michigan sunday morning for work....bob said i should start driving now  ;D ;D
He's probably right ;D  You might have a window to escape right? ???
i might...unfortunately i'm  not that motivated :) 
.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 25, 2011, 09:37 AM
I gotsta say, FEMA seems way on top of this one eh?  No fighting for bottled water at the supermarket peoples!  Weather Channel was just showing potential Irene track models and had two going through B'more though the greater likelihood seems like Jersey and LI is gonna get hit harder other than of course the Carolinas. 

I got a 14 team live fantasy football draft on Sunday at my house.  Come on Irene, turn right!

I hear ya ruckus. Watching this biggie VERY closely! Where I live on Long Beach Island it's only three blocks wide from bay to ocean, so it could get scary. A big storm surge and it'll be one body of water! Thankfully my living space isn't ground level, but downstairs is sure to fllood. I'm worried about Irene taking my roof or downing the power lines right in front of my house. Hopefully she passes far enough out  to sea, and not do too much damage here, but gotta be prepared.

I'm already packing up anything important, and plan on heading inland to ride it out.

Fingers crossed for anyone in harms way, and be safe everyone.
"Where's Jim going?"

Penny Lane

I'm supposed to head out to MONTAUK (Long Island) Saturday AM for a bachelorette party weekend, this would be PERFECT if the Hamptons were evacuated and we couldn't go!  PLEASE please let this jitney from NYC be cancelled. I can't handle a group of girls I barely know and have nothing in common with, drag me out to nightclubs.

PLEASE PLEASE, if you're going to hit, hit before I start that 4 hour bus ride on Sat AM heading 'straight into a storm'...

Everyone else, be safe! Water and flashlights and AAA batteries...and cans of lentils.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Oh man, looks like this is going to be a mess for a lot of folks. Hope it turns away, or at least lets up -- be well, Eric! Glad you're prepared, man.

Now Penny, what could be more fun than being around a bunch of Lon Giland nightclub girls getting blasting by a hurricane! If you see Ron Cantore out there, you know you're in the shit.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket.  About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....



N.J. Gov. just declared a State of Emergency, and is considering a mandatory evacuation of the Shore area.

I'm planning on getting off the island, but would sure like to get back asap. Hoping a mandatory evac gets lifted quickly after Irene.

On a plus side.... maybe it'll take out some cameras from that damned tv show, and we won't ever have to be embarrassed by that stain on all good Jersey people ever again.
"Where's Jim going?"


Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket.  About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....

Oh that's a bummer, Val!  Be safe, lady - all you east coasters be safe, please!
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

Penny Lane

ericm----thinking of you, safe
bluesky---if you're forced to be here this weekend, let's hang...and i'll just laugh at you, too! ..sorry about your vacation, though :-( this storm sucks (for everyone except me)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Thanks Penny, I will. I've got a place to stay on the mainland. Ten miles or so away from the beach.

I might not be able to say the same for the house, but I've got everything important to me packed in the car. Whatever happens to the rest......I try to never worry about things out of my control, so hopefully Mother Nature will be gentle this weekend.

You be safe too. Montauk might not be the best place to be this weekend. Saturday might be ok out there, but Sunday into Monday looks like a different story. Keep a close eye on this one. She's shaping up to be trouble.You definitely don't want to be stranded out there with no power for who knows how long.
"Where's Jim going?"


Quote from: Crispy on Aug 25, 2011, 10:49 AM
Oh man, looks like this is going to be a mess for a lot of folks. Hope it turns away, or at least lets up -- be well, Eric! Glad you're prepared, man.

Now Penny, what could be more fun than being around a bunch of Lon Giland nightclub girls getting blasting by a hurricane! If you see Ron Cantore out there, you know you're in the shit.

Thanks Crispy. I will be.

Too funny about Cantore. You nailed it...just heard he's on his way to NYC!!
"Where's Jim going?"

My Morning Tube top

Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket.  About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....

Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too.  Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???


sending good vibes for all those who may be affected...I'm in N Florida so it looks like we're going to get lucky.  This baby has the potential to be scary powerful.  Be smart and be safe. 


awe jen, wish i had seen you the other night. i am so thankful for the mann show wish we had another show to cheer me up! christine i'm gonna see if there is any music this weekend and maggie when are you coming to nyc?
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Aug 25, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket.  About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....

Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too.  Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Aug 25, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket.  About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....

Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too.  Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???

I hope you're right Jenn, and you get lucky there in Conn. You be safe too, and keep a close eye on this baby. It's looking like she's going to bring a big swell, and one helluva storm surge with her. Hopefully none of us get hit at high tide especially with the new moon.
"Where's Jim going?"

capt. scotty

Im in Southport, NC right now...the beach today was friggin fantastic. The waves were about 5x as intense as they were just a few days ago. Bodysurfing was great, the waves were so wicked they sent me doing underwater cartwheels a few times, and the tide was so high it was like sliding into home plate. The water was about 10 feet from reaching the dunes as far as how far it went up the beach. Almost lost my shorts a couple times, luckily my cat-like reflexes told me to flex my knees and I didnt totally lose them. On that note, also thankful I had no close encounters with the sand on those occasions.  :bath:
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote from: ericm on Aug 25, 2011, 07:15 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Aug 25, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket.  About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....

Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too.  Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???

I hope you're right Jenn, and you get lucky there in Conn. You be safe too, and keep a close eye on this baby. It's looking like she's going to bring a big swell, and one helluva storm surge with her. Hopefully none of us get hit at high tide especially with the new moon.

damn....hope everyone is safe and makes out ok with this. 

moved my flight to michigan from sunday to saturday, so i will be outta here....but feel kind of guilty leaving everyone behind :( 
.....Back at the Model Home


have a great time in michigan trish!! call or text if you have any questions!!!  :thumbsup: