Not everyone In arizona Supports the Immigration bill!!!

Started by gahry22, Sep 20, 2011, 09:10 PM

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Hey mmj,
I just got a look at your new tour schedule....and It makes me  :'(  . I have been following you guys since It Still Moves. I've seen you in 3 different states and introduced all of my friends to your music. Sadly, I came to Arizona in 2007 for college. A few years later some radicals put into action the immigration bill that I then protested along with the massive education budget cuts. To put it simply, this state is fucking nuts....I know that. However, it doesn't mean everyone here is. I've graduated now and am looking for a job only outside this state. But, with the times it just isn't an option for a lot of people.

So here's my question, why would you boycott playing in a state where you undoubtedly have fans? Not everyone here supports the shittyness that is this state government. Not everyone here supports this immigration bill. And even if they did, people are crazy no matter what state, country or continent they live in. However, with the current shityness of the entire country...many don't have the option of moving or paying 3.80 a gallon to drive a state over. Thus, if you really want to make a difference and not hurt the fans you have here....don't boycott, bring your message here and ramble a bit between songs to your fans that are all likely opposed to the crazy bill. I remember Eddie Vedder talking about the Memphis 3 at lollapalooza in 2007...look where that went! P.s. you guys rocked it that night. Steam Engine changed my life guys. You brought back the heart of rock and roll! Anywhere you go you have crazy fans but thats just because you melt faces on a daily basis. However, all the crazy people here seem to work in the government---and have probably never been to a concert. You can't avoid  an entire state because of something you don't like and hope it goes have to rock it until they see the light!!!! So.....what do you think? I would love to hear a counterargument! Till then, Keep on Rockin'!


This has been said soooo many times: they tour relentlessly, and they're out there, sometimes you have to go to them. I live in a city that is very very fortunate to be their hometown, but its also a city that gets passed by almost every major tour out there. I also will have seen jacket 20 times come the MSG show, and only 3 times in Louisville. they've played 3 full on mmj shows in louisville since 2007. their home town. it happens.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


...I'd like to add to Gahry22's statement by mentioning that State Senator Russell Pearce, the SB1070 sponsor, has been recalled and must compete in a runoff in November to keep his job.  The recall was our citizen's direct response to the 1070 bill and other radical positions taken by Pearce.  In addition, a many of the area's top business leaders signed a petition denouncing the bill earlier this year (more concerned for the economics than the human rights angle, but I'll take it nevertheless).   I look forward to the day that AZ gets to once again roll out the red carpet for MMJ and in the meantime, I'll settle for seeing them in LA in December.
soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over


btw, I wasn't arguing either way wether bands should play AZ or not. but that IS awesome that the bill(s) are being received so negatively. you don't hear too much of that in the news, only the negative
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Sometimes it really sucks when the far-right wingers take control of your local govt. They are destroying our teachers' union in Tn. I'm sorry they aren't playing in your state too. But there are other states that aren't getting any MMJ love this time around. They can't play everywhere and still have home lives.


Quote from: Fully on Sep 21, 2011, 01:01 AM
I'm sorry they aren't playing in your state too. But there are other states that aren't getting any MMJ love this time around.

Or countries...

I don't live in Arizona or America but I am interested, what exactly was the bill?
Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes


I'll probably get skewered for being political (I can take it) but this is an issue that MMJ has taken a public position on.  SB1070 is a bill sponsored by AZ State Senator Pearce that allowed state/local agencies to enforce federal immigration policy by arresting "illegal" aliens...aka Mexican citizens who come to the US to work minimum wage jobs that most Americans don't want in order to make a better life for their families.  I'm amazed in the lack of evolution (pardon the pun) that fuels an irrational fear of the poorest and most desperate segment of society. BTW, YourEveningCoat, where are you from?

The bill was born from a process where large corporations meet with lawmakers in DC several times a year through an organization called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to draft laws slanted towards their much for "Power to the People".  In the case of SB1070, one of the largest private prison firms in the US (Corrections Corporation of America) drafted the language and subsequently funded a campaign to pass the bill.  In effect the bill created "customers" for the private prison firm.  The CCA then toured small towns in southern AZ to lobby for them to build detention centers for women and children immigrants awaiting deportation.  The towns would get tax revenue and the CCA would get corporate revenue all paid for by taxpayers.

SB1070, coupled with a particularly overzealous law enforcement agency resulted in a period where a very significant number of families fled to other states or back to Mexico to escape (note, some of the more rational local law enforcement agencies DID oppose the bill for fear that it would take resources away from catching the REAL bad guys who commit crimes against people, regardless of citizenship status).  I  witnessed the gut wrenching scenes of families sitting on curbs on the side of the road with hands zip tied behind their back while their vehicles and other belongings were confiscated (if they were unlucky enough to be caught leaving the state, this means they likely had ALL of their life's possessions with them).  My kids lost numerous friends from school, families I know to be good and hard working.

It appears now that the pendulum is swinging back and citizens are exercising their voices.  First of all, it goes without saying that it is a human rights atrocity.  However, it has also had other negative ramifications.  Many local business leaders signed a petition opposing the bill for economic reasons.  When and if we escape from this recession, AZ will likely find itself in a severe labor shortage, which may lead to a slower recovery.  Many out of state corporations have publicly boycotted investing in our state, though this appears to be waning as the furor dies down.  There have been attempts by our lawmakers to address the issue (the Dream Act, which affords citizenship to young people who attend college or the military) and negative (an add-on bill revoking citizenship from children born in the US to parents who are not here legally)...neither bill passed.  On a more familiar note, Tom Morello formed an organization called Soundstrike, which unified many artists, including MMJ, in a boycott of AZ in their tour stops.  As the dust continues to settle, Pearce is now being challenged in a recall election to be held in November.  It is nice to see that there is still some truth to "Power to the People"...let's hope for success in November. 

IF the recall is successful, maybe MMJ will reward the people's voices and give us a 5 night run to celebrate...a west coast T5 would be a wet dream...but I'll take a one night show.  Enough politics...the negativity really does drain me, so I will follow YY's lead and refocus on positive.  In the meantime, I hope to see some of you in the pit in LA in December!!!
soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over

buster douglas

Thank you blucas for a well-written summation.  My hopes are with you and your people, your state, your country.  I don't really get why people are afraid of illegal immigrants either... It's not as prominent an issue here in Canada, though we still have some problems with our immigration process.  Hopefully MMJ will swing out your way soon!


Quote from: buster douglas on Sep 24, 2011, 06:50 PM
Thank you blucas for a well-written summation.  My hopes are with you and your people, your state, your country.  I don't really get why people are afraid of illegal immigrants either... It's not as prominent an issue here in Canada, though we still have some problems with our immigration process.  Hopefully MMJ will swing out your way soon!

soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over


Wow that was interesting.  I always think Immigration is a hard one because this Pearce guy is probably thinking that they are taking away jobs from American Citizens who "deserve" them more?  But yeah human rights and stuff.

I'm from New Zealand, born and raised till I die.  Population 4.4 Million and an area the size of Colorado, we are having Illegal Immigrant problems with people from Asian, not mexico, in fact i've never even met a Mexican in my life.  I think something should be done about it, but whenever the government wants to make it just a little bit harder for them the Green Party steps in and nothing gets done.  The one thing I hate about this country is how PC it is...
Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes


Quote from: buster douglas on Sep 24, 2011, 06:50 PM
Thank you blucas for a well-written summation.  My hopes are with you and your people, your state, your country.  I don't really get why people are afraid of illegal immigrants either... It's not as prominent an issue here in Canada, though we still have some problems with our immigration process.  Hopefully MMJ will swing out your way soon!
I second this blucas.  :beer:
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


 :dankk2: Ruckus

...and I also second this: "Two burgers are better than one"

...the same applies to cocktails  :beer: :beer:
soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over


Wow blucas, I knew the jist of the bill, but had no idea it was proposed by the private prison company. That's absolutely heart wrenching that that can go on. I believe that our biggest problem is the power of corporations, and while my knowledge of politics hidden from the mainstream is limited, that really goes to show how big of a problem it is. I was unaware that this "ALEC" system even existed. Kind of disgusting.

I wonder if major countries in Western Europe have similar systems. Again, my knowledge is limited, but it has always seemed to me that countries in Europe (as well as other parts of the world, I'm sure) such as Great Britain really got it going (more) right. I get the impression that over there the government runs many national services and businesses, making them cheap and convenient for the citizens.  By that I mean I thought airlines, all insurance, prisons, Transportation, sanitation, etc was government ran, very cheap in exchange for higher taxes.

I don't know how the immigration bill led me to that thought.

As for the music ban, I would feel similarly upset if I lived in AZ, but honestly the politics of this one are a little more important here. When all this is settled, AZ will surely be treated by many concerts.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


e-wind, i agree with you that the issue is bigger than concerts (thx for your comments) and as much as my wallet would prefer a 10 minute trip to Tempe or even a 2 hr trip to Tucson or Flagstaff vs. the CA road trips, I support MMJ's position fully.  I am in no position to speak for the band, but would bet that they are pleased that their quiet gesture is leading to dialogue between human beings from varying states, countries and even continents (btw youreveningcoat, New Zealand appears to be insanely beautiful!). 
soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over


Most people miss the whole point of this issue.  America has a system of laws which are there to control immigration in order to keep people who are going to be problems out of our country.  The process of legally immigrating and becoming a citizen is not that big a deal but it does take time.  AZ simply had the balls to institue a law that mirrors the federal law which apparently irked his majesty and his court.  I'm not sure the private prison connection has been irrefutably proven or if its an NPR driven witchhunt.  In any case how about the AZ ranchers who are terrorized or killed by Mexi drug runners on their own USA property?  Who speaks for them and keeps their families safe--it should be their state government...or maybe bleeding hearts feel the illegal invaders are more important than our own citizens.  I know this is going to chaff some of you but I will always stick up for my fellow countrymen over people who wish to disregard out laws--good enough for my grandparents on both sides, good enough for Mexicans.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Sep 25, 2011, 11:29 PM
Most people miss the whole point of this issue.  America has a system of laws which are there to control immigration in order to keep people who are going to be problems out of our country.  The process of legally immigrating and becoming a citizen is not that big a deal but it does take time.  AZ simply had the balls to institue a law that mirrors the federal law which apparently irked his majesty and his court.  I'm not sure the private prison connection has been irrefutably proven or if its an NPR driven witchhunt.  In any case how about the AZ ranchers who are terrorized or killed by Mexi drug runners on their own USA property?  Who speaks for them and keeps their families safe--it should be their state government...or maybe bleeding hearts feel the illegal invaders are more important than our own citizens.  I know this is going to chaff some of you but I will always stick up for my fellow countrymen over people who wish to disregard out laws--good enough for my grandparents on both sides, good enough for Mexicans.

anyone else want to try to touch this one? I'm too busy trying to figure out if all hispanics are pack mules and murderers, and if all immigrants are bad for our country...

my head hurts now
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

blucas becomes too easy to stop seeking a solution that works when this is made into "us or them" issue.  Opposition to 1070 is not an endorsement of violent criminals who will keep doing what they are doing regardless of immigration law.  It is unfortunate that 40 years later, Neil Young's song "Alabama" seems to fit today's AZ politics to a tee.  ???

With respect to ALEC, if anybody cares, simply Google ALEC SB 1070 and come to your own conclusion (ALEC also has their own website).  I don't believe that there has ever been an attempt to rebut the story because it is accepted as "business as usual" in political circles.

Nice video e-wind, I found myself involuntarily taking my hat off and placing it over my heart before the video was over...


soft and warm all the time make you want it over and over


Quote from: blucas on Sep 25, 2011, 05:30 PM
(btw youreveningcoat, New Zealand appears to be insanely beautiful!).

It is, it is :)

NZ Anthem with scrolling lyrics

And this is just as much of an anthem as that one.  Guaranteed to send shivers down your spine!

All Blacks Haka Vs Australia 2011 P.S I was at this game ;)

Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes

buster douglas


Is it just my imagination or was that Haka different than the one I've usually seen?  Here is a video for reference:
All Black's Haka + Translation

Am I crazy did that one against Australia feature a different verse? 

Also, I didn't realize that New Zealand's national anthem featured Maori lyrics.  That's awesome, must be one of the only colonial nations to properly acknowledge their aboriginal influence in an anthem (pardon my ignorance if wrong).  I've never been there, but it seems to me like race relations are pretty cool and everyone integrates pretty easily in NZ?  I've heard in Australia it's the opposite.  Up here in Canada we like to think that we have a hunky-dory relationship with our aboriginals because we let them have their own land and they are entitled to all sorts of grants and bursaries, but really that's just to make up for centuries of atrocities against these people which frankly we may never live down.

Hmm, I fear I've gone horribly off-topic... To steer the ship straight, hey MMJ, play in AZ and NZ!  And Canada more :)