BK on EU, new album and T5 - article

Started by SaraBananaBear, Aug 26, 2010, 07:30 PM

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"What is the progress like on the new album? Do you guys try to shake up the sound a little with each album?

We've done a decent amount of work on it so far, but it's far from finished. We're in a good flow, though, and feeling good. I don't think we purposely try to shake things up just for the sake of it. I think it's more about following inspiration as it comes, starting with Jim's demos and we go from there. We like to experiment and try things for sure. Everyone is open.

Are there any new influences on this record?

There may be -- I'm not sure! It's always hard to describe for me. I think all of our influences are there one way or another, whether it's in a subtle way or overtly."

More and source here: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/10238/1082572-388.stm

Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket


"Why was that record so difficult to make?

Hmmm, tough to say. It seems like all the records I've worked on have required a lot of effort, patience and concentration, especially when you care so much about the end result. With "Evil Urges" we took ourselves out of our comfort zone and tried a lot of new and different things. [highlight]There were also a lot of songs to sort through and many different styles.[/highlight] We took some drastically different approaches depending on what song it was, so in that sense it was a bit more intense. That was the goal, though, and I don't think anyone looks back on it as a negative thing, just as something that took a lot of energy. The joy and satisfaction for me comes from the struggle and hard work, and I look back on it as an accomplishment."

I'm guessing this is where "Friends Again" came from.  I've always felt, in its style and sound, that it felt like a track demo'd for Evil Urges that didn't make the cut.  That leaves the question, will it end up on album no. 6?

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


great read, thanks.

but the caption of the photo says "MMJ is on a reunion tour"...

Hardly a "reunion", just return from a haitus ... not like this is Soundgarden or something!