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Started by hazeyjane, Sep 19, 2003, 12:45 AM

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They're a rock band. Their hair is perfect. I think Jim would look silly with shorter hair, rockin' the way he does. Led Zeppelin - long hair, the Who - long hair, Black Sabbath - long hair, the Beatles - long hair. Need I go on? They're keepin' it real.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Besides! I'm tired of bands being judged by their look instead of by their music. Who gives a damn what they look like? They're NOT models, they're musicians. Okay. I'm done now.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Like I mentioned before I think the hair is a way hide from the attention while being in the limelight, I would be shitting bricks if I knew I was performing on a show watched by millions, and am so proud that the band played so incredible! I think it's cool as hell and got a lot of people talking as well.

Conan's reactions were so true and believable too, so I'm hoping for a repeat visit for their next single.

Who's surprized that they chose "One Big Holiday'????

Its taken me all week to get past "Mahgeetah", what a great song. I couldn't stop listening to it. I'm really impressed by the guitar work, it has a great 50's feel at the beginning of the song and has multiple layers like Johnny Marr did way back in the 80's with the Smiths. At the 1:52 mark things change and get rocking, which with MMJ, you kinda come to expect.

The hook is when Jim James sings "So are you ready to go my Lady", that line will stay with you for days. This song teases the listener by going back and forth from the melodic verse/chorus to instrumental fills throughout.

At the 3:11 mark things get rocking. Jim ups the passion and the band follows suit.

The big question is what is he singing about? The fact he's waiting for his lady or that he's got his guitar and a little wine to pass the time?

One will never know and that's the beauty of this song.


i saw MMJ on conan for the first time. i have a friend who is really into them (drove something like 14hrs to a show once) but i never much paid attention..until now.

i bought the new album today. i think i'm digging on it mostly becuase its not like anything i have in my cd collection right now. when it seems like everything that is coming out is super synthy or dancey (not that i don't enjoy that from time to time) this is just..sweet rock n' roll...and i can totally dig on that.


I became an MMJ fan last December at their live show at Headliner's.  It's good to see a deserving band get some national attention.


why didn't anyone tell me they were going
to be on Conan. I guess I should check the
board more often.

congrats to the band on all the new fans


I have a video on my computer of the Conan preformance if anyone wants it i can send it over AIM.My AIM name is Mfiction99.By the way saw MMJ last night at the Metro in Chicago what a great show.-Kyle


What the f*ck is AIM? Can anyone please put in on Kazaa?


i know im a little late with this but i myself found out about the band from watching Conan, i cannot tell you how impressed i was with the bands performance. i was seriously expecting something totally different going upon the bands name in the opening credits. the thing i was really hoping against was that the track that they played on the show would be the only good song on the record and too my enjoyment it surely wasnt. i am full on addicted to "it still moves" and im still kicking myself in the ass just because the day i found out about them was 2 weeks too late. i found out that they played NYC twice before appearing on conan. oh well soon enough im sure theyll swing on by again. i hope the band reads this, i personally am not impressed by anything easily especially when it comes to music and you guys are such a breath of fresh air. L8ers.
i have a bunny in my pants.


are you serious? that was just a couple of days ago? ohhhh...wish I'd known! still haven't seen them on tv yet. better keep a bit of a nose or is it ear tied to disa board. don't wanna miss out on such important info!!! ??? :o :-/ ::)


Believe it or not, but I have finally seen the performance.  :)

They rocked, for sure. And the look on Conan's face after the song is priceless. But you've all discussed that earlier, haven't you? Err, ignore me.  :)
I'm ready when you are


I remember watching this on rerun and laughing and Conan's dumbfounded look after they played, may be "blown away would be a better description.  good times!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.