"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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Maybe it's a question of priorities, for me:

1. Shows
2. Sun (no rain)
3a. Booze
3b. Pool
3c. Sky Terrance
4. Cool Company

11. Food
12. Housekeeping/front desk/shops/construction/time share peddlers/ingrates

My Morning Tube top

Mr. Given2Jacket, Are you giving Miss Pennylane a hard time after she extended such kind understanding to your frustrations? You couldn't possibly be doing that right? I'm sure you don't want to deal with a whole bunch of Assholes in her defense.  :happy:

We wouldn't trade her for a six pack!

Peace out music lover, it will all work out!

"And you always told me no matter how long it (takes Hard Rock) holds me
If it falls apart or makes us millionaires (Totally Stoked)

You'll be right here forever (pool bar), we'll go through this thing together (group hug)
And on Heaven's golden shore we'll lay our heads (resort beds)"

P.S. Your Forum name is in reference to the Band's name right?  :beer:

Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 01:39 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 08, 2014, 08:57 AM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 12:31 AM

I have an agenda posting on here.  I want the few (many don't post) to read the reviews and tell Cloud 9 it's unacceptable.  For the few of you that could care less what's going on, JAM ON BRO!!!!!!!  I get it.

Hey given---hang in there. Seems to me that contacting C9 won't do much if they've been unresponsive but nonetheless, it won't hurt to try. I would think the construction schedule is way out of C9's control by now. And if this trip is ruined due to an unfinished resort, I'll be getting all letigious on them after the fact no matter what kind of disclaimers were in the purchase order.

Dude...but suing is so un-rock&roll!!!!  Just take a chill pill man and enjoy the grooves.


Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Jan 08, 2014, 05:48 PM
Mr. Given2Jacket, Are you giving Miss Pennylane a hard time after she extended such kind understanding to your frustrations? You couldn't possibly be doing that right? I'm sure you don't want to deal with a whole bunch of Assholes in her defense.  :happy:

We wouldn't trade her for a six pack!

Peace out music lover, it will all work out!

"And you always told me no matter how long it (takes Hard Rock) holds me
If it falls apart or makes us millionaires (Totally Stoked)

You'll be right here forever (pool bar), we'll go through this thing together (group hug)
And on Heaven's golden shore we'll lay our heads (resort beds)"

P.S. Your Forum name is in reference to the Band's name right?  :beer:

Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 01:39 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 08, 2014, 08:57 AM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 08, 2014, 12:31 AM

I have an agenda posting on here.  I want the few (many don't post) to read the reviews and tell Cloud 9 it's unacceptable.  For the few of you that could care less what's going on, JAM ON BRO!!!!!!!  I get it.

Hey given---hang in there. Seems to me that contacting C9 won't do much if they've been unresponsive but nonetheless, it won't hurt to try. I would think the construction schedule is way out of C9's control by now. And if this trip is ruined due to an unfinished resort, I'll be getting all letigious on them after the fact no matter what kind of disclaimers were in the purchase order.

Dude...but suing is so un-rock&roll!!!!  Just take a chill pill man and enjoy the grooves.

Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt."[1][2] Sarcasm may employ ambivalence,[3] although sarcasm is not necessarily ironic.[4] "The distinctive quality of sarcasm is present in the spoken word and manifested chiefly by vocal inflections".[5] The sarcastic content of a statement will be dependent upon the context in which it appears.[6]


I must admit, I've been a lurker and not logged in, and was going to keep my opinions to myself. But as an elder member(and I do mean by chronological age) I feel I must.

First of all, I don't think there is anyone who is going to OBH that doesn't have some concerns.  However, I can tell you as a seasoned 2nd and 3rd world traveler and as a travel agent with over 20 years of experience, we can call, text, write, email, etc. Cloud 9 and Hard Rock all we want and it won't change the fact that there is nothing that we can do to change the building standards of Mexico.  They do not uphold the same time frame expectations as North Americans,and will not move any faster if we were all down there behind them pushing in person.  That's just how it is. It's just a fact of traveling out of North America.   
We are all hoping for a top notch experience, and we've all paid a high price to obtain that. But my opinion is, go in expecting the least and maybe, just maybe, we'll get more than we hoped for.   Isn't that why we travel, to have new adventures, learn about different cultures and leave the norm as we know it at home?
I for one, don't like all the name calling, bullying,sarcasm and other bullshit I see written here or on the Facebook page.  I don't feel that Penny Lane was trying to cause anyone  to think that she is going down there with the sole purpose of suing, just pointing out that there is nothing we can do before we go.  I too have read the Trip Advisor Reviews, and they aren't good, but fighting on here won't change anything.  I noticed that the resort has replied to the complainers and have mentioned making it right with the reviewers, hence; the go with an open mind and if you aren't pleased, let them know per Trip Advisor Review, in person  and by any form of communication that you feel necessary and hope for some type of compensation. 
In my past experience, complaining prior to even arriving will not serve one well. You might just be the one that gets the worst room, spit on food, watered down liquor and worse. 
Feel free to agree, disagree or criticize my post. Whatever.  I'm going to go with an open mind and hope for the best.   
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane

Furthur fan

Given & Ime me--- I am going to Furthur the week before. I too am VERY concerned at this point--- let me start by saying I have nearly 30 years experience running hotels. I hope and pray I am wrong but having overseen 6 different hotel renovations over the years I am VERY VERY concerned. I was hoping as we got closer that things would look up but brutal brutal reviews keep coming in. I have never ..ever.. seen worse reviews... oh and at my last job it was my responsibility to respond to any negative comments---the folks I worked for would FREAK if there was any negative comments -- especially anything related to unresponsive staff or management. The volume of negatives is so high I see no way that in 10 days they are gonna "have the kinks worked out"...and we are talking not kinks but disasters. With what seems a half assed if that, I'm being generous attitude of management, my biggest fear is the stage and sound system sucking badly. They are also trying to move early arrivals to other hotels.. all the rooms are NOT ready. The other major major issue--  if they are having trouble providing service when they are 20-30% full what's gonna happen when they are sold out? I anticipate LONG waits at the restaurants, checkin, getting a drink--- if they are having trouble at 30% full how the f are they gonna clean a sell out... grab as many towels off maid carts as you can... you probably will have multiple days with no service or them showing up at 8pm to clean your room. Also,  suddenly Cloud 9 does not answer phone calls or return messages....... I left one Monday morning still no return call. For all the $$$$ laid out you could do 2 whole tours (or at least one and a half)).
We all are paying top dollar----way over their regular rates..... they should at least be able to offer basic services like you get at your local Red Roof Inn. Next,  we booked a room with a rooftop Jacuzzi and I have a bad feeling without all the rooms completed their is a serious possibility of not getting the room type you booked.  Sorry to be Debbie Downer.... we are getting there next Saturday and I will be posting what happens as well as photos on the Furthur board........... nothing would please me more than to report I am 100% wrong but my experience tells me otherwise. Rock on...


Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 



The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I'm not going to lie, this isn't good at all. I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude, but expectations are set when a product is presented in such a manner and the price that is charged appears to reflect the high quality of said product.

Its clear that it won't be close to being fully operational for MMJ. I'm not sure what my response or options will be if our trip is materially affected in a negative way. I'll take a wait and see approach.

That said, I think the Furthur crowd is totally fcked.


What's in here won't disappear


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.
"Where's Jim going?"


Let's not forget the likelihood that My Morning Jacket will also be doing all that they can to make this experience the best it can be.  If some aspect of One Big Holiday and the resort falls short of expectations, I would expect MMJ to step up in the performances they deliver each night and how they interact with fans when not on stage.

Look back to Forecastle 2012.  Over 100 fans, myself included, paid extra for a soundcheck experience that looked like it was going to be cancelled as a huge thunderstorm forced them to kill power to the stage.  After waiting and wondering, we were treated to an even better experience than we could ever have hoped for.  That is what sustains my belief that any material shortfalls in the quality of rooms, food, and service will be met with once-in-a-lifetime experiences to make up for it. 

My Morning Jacket - "Soundcheck" at Forecastle Festival, Louisville, KY - 07.14.2012
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Just called Cloud 9. Recording said the office was closed.

Its 1pm EST...


Quote from: ericm on Jan 09, 2014, 12:23 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.

EricM - I'm not positive that this guy will be welcomed quite as warmly once people realize his forum name. He's told one guy to grow the fuck up, insulted Penny when she was trying to throw him a bone, and made a point to get everyone whose going upset. In fact, he hasn't made one positive post on this board. It's all been in this thread and negative. He said he had an agenda, and it's obvious that agenda is to make everyone less excited about their trip.


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified?  Where do you think this vacation is happening, North Korea?  You're bascially telling us we're schmucks for not being as worked up as you over this, but I think you might benefit from a little perspective.  If the resort sucks, well, you might be out a few grand that you could've spent on a different vacation.  Not trying to diminish the expense that we all laid out for this trip but you live in the richest country on Earth and unless you're on social security, you'll probably have ample opportunity to make back that money and take other glorious vacations in your life.  Let's try and get a grip. 
what Madonna said really helped


Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 09, 2014, 12:45 PM
Let's not forget the likelihood that My Morning Jacket will also be doing all that they can to make this experience the best it can be.  If some aspect of One Big Holiday and the resort falls short of expectations, I would expect MMJ to step up in the performances they deliver each night and how they interact with fans when not on stage.

Look back to Forecastle 2012.  Over 100 fans, myself included, paid extra for a soundcheck experience that looked like it was going to be cancelled as a huge thunderstorm forced them to kill power to the stage.  After waiting and wondering, we were treated to an even better experience than we could ever have hoped for.  That is what sustains my belief that any material shortfalls in the quality of rooms, food, and service will be met with once-in-a-lifetime experiences to make up for it. 

all of this  :thumbsup: :beer:
100204 102305 112506 80711 71412 7050613 OBH14151718 6232415 71815 5121316 52616 62217 81017 8020319


Quote from: ericm on Jan 09, 2014, 12:23 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.

Wow you got me on a word choice.  You win the internet!!!


Quote from: Fully on Jan 09, 2014, 01:10 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 09, 2014, 12:23 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.

EricM - I'm not positive that this guy will be welcomed quite as warmly once people realize his forum name. He's told one guy to grow the fuck up, insulted Penny when she was trying to throw him a bone, and made a point to get everyone whose going upset. In fact, he hasn't made one positive post on this board. It's all been in this thread and negative. He said he had an agenda, and it's obvious that agenda is to make everyone less excited about their trip.

I didn't insult penny you bafoon - I was being sarcastic.  I AGREE WITH HER. 

Yes, I get kicks out of bringing people down.  That's why I'm posting here about the problem at hand.  Trying to ruin the experience for everyone.  You get it! 


Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Jan 09, 2014, 01:15 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified?  Where do you think this vacation is happening, North Korea?  You're bascially telling us we're schmucks for not being as worked up as you over this, but I think you might benefit from a little perspective.  If the resort sucks, well, you might be out a few grand that you could've spent on a different vacation.  Not trying to diminish the expense that we all laid out for this trip but you live in the richest country on Earth and unless you're on social security, you'll probably have ample opportunity to make back that money and take other glorious vacations in your life.  Let's try and get a grip.

Thanks for the kind perspective.  I've totally changed my mind now and have no problem if I show up to a resort in shambles after I was promised a complete resort and paid $5000 six months ago that was non refundable. 


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 01:59 PM
Quote from: Fully on Jan 09, 2014, 01:10 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 09, 2014, 12:23 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.

EricM - I'm not positive that this guy will be welcomed quite as warmly once people realize his forum name. He's told one guy to grow the fuck up, insulted Penny when she was trying to throw him a bone, and made a point to get everyone whose going upset. In fact, he hasn't made one positive post on this board. It's all been in this thread and negative. He said he had an agenda, and it's obvious that agenda is to make everyone less excited about their trip.

I didn't insult penny you bafoon - I was being sarcastic.  I AGREE WITH HER. 

Yes, I get kicks out of bringing people down.  That's why I'm posting here about the problem at hand.  Trying to ruin the experience for everyone.  You get it!
The proper spelling is "buffoon".


Quote from: Fully on Jan 09, 2014, 01:10 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 09, 2014, 12:23 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.

EricM - I'm not positive that this guy will be welcomed quite as warmly once people realize his forum name. He's told one guy to grow the fuck up, insulted Penny when she was trying to throw him a bone, and made a point to get everyone whose going upset. In fact, he hasn't made one positive post on this board. It's all been in this thread and negative. He said he had an agenda, and it's obvious that agenda is to make everyone less excited about their trip.

I get the feeling we'll know exactly who this dude is without ever being introduced.  He'll be the one screaming bloody murder at the wait staff because he ordered his nachos with "PINTO BEANS!!!!!! PINTO BEANS, NOT BLACK BEANS YOU STUPID FUCKING IMBECILE!!!!!!" 
what Madonna said really helped