"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 02:02 PM
Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Jan 09, 2014, 01:15 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified?  Where do you think this vacation is happening, North Korea?  You're bascially telling us we're schmucks for not being as worked up as you over this, but I think you might benefit from a little perspective.  If the resort sucks, well, you might be out a few grand that you could've spent on a different vacation.  Not trying to diminish the expense that we all laid out for this trip but you live in the richest country on Earth and unless you're on social security, you'll probably have ample opportunity to make back that money and take other glorious vacations in your life.  Let's try and get a grip.

Thanks for the kind perspective.  I've totally changed my mind now and have no problem if I show up to a resort in shambles after I was promised a complete resort and paid $5000 six months ago that was non refundable.



Seriously though, what's the biggest concern? Construction noise? Mildew smells? Inexperienced staff? Turds floating in the pool? Killer bees?

A room switcharoo would suck. I'd be pissed.

Wasting a day waiting to check in, that would suck (though, no way in hell I'm standing in line - I'm at the pool until the line dies down I that situation).

A bad setup for the shows? That would suck.

The rest, not sure I care. And the one off reviews on trip advisor are worthless. I largely ignore those and pay attention to folks with 10+ reviews



Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 01:59 PM
I didn't insult penny you bafoon

I'm sorry but this one made me laugh. Classic shit right there!

I hope you guys all have a blast (that includes you mr nice guy)


Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 02:22 PM
Seriously though, what's the biggest concern? Construction noise? Mildew smells? Inexperienced staff? Turds floating in the pool? Killer bees?

A room switcharoo would suck. I'd be pissed.

Wasting a day waiting to check in, that would suck (though, no way in hell I'm standing in line - I'm at the pool until the line dies down I that situation).

A bad setup for the shows? That would suck.

The rest, not sure I care. And the one off reviews on trip advisor are worthless. I largely ignore those and pay attention to folks with 10+ reviews

Bad set up and bad sound system for the shows would suck.  I'd like some fresh fruit and to be able to sleep in.  And a few clean towels.  I can deal with a big floater in the pool but please no vomit.   :thumbsup:


Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 02:17 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 02:02 PM
Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Jan 09, 2014, 01:15 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified?  Where do you think this vacation is happening, North Korea?  You're bascially telling us we're schmucks for not being as worked up as you over this, but I think you might benefit from a little perspective.  If the resort sucks, well, you might be out a few grand that you could've spent on a different vacation.  Not trying to diminish the expense that we all laid out for this trip but you live in the richest country on Earth and unless you're on social security, you'll probably have ample opportunity to make back that money and take other glorious vacations in your life.  Let's try and get a grip.

Thanks for the kind perspective.  I've totally changed my mind now and have no problem if I show up to a resort in shambles after I was promised a complete resort and paid $5000 six months ago that was non refundable.


Another English major getting on my word choices!!!!

So now terrified and shambles are banned from my use...anything else?

Love you guys. 



Quote from: jaye on Jan 09, 2014, 03:07 PM
Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 02:22 PM
Seriously though, what's the biggest concern? Construction noise? Mildew smells? Inexperienced staff? Turds floating in the pool? Killer bees?

A room switcharoo would suck. I'd be pissed.

Wasting a day waiting to check in, that would suck (though, no way in hell I'm standing in line - I'm at the pool until the line dies down I that situation).

A bad setup for the shows? That would suck.

The rest, not sure I care. And the one off reviews on trip advisor are worthless. I largely ignore those and pay attention to folks with 10+ reviews

Bad set up and bad sound system for the shows would suck.  I'd like some fresh fruit and to be able to sleep in.  And a few clean towels.  I can deal with a big floater in the pool but please no vomit.   :thumbsup:

All kidding aside (kind of) one of the reviews said there is virtually no fresh fruit available on the property. 


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 03:10 PM
Quote from: jaye on Jan 09, 2014, 03:07 PM
Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 02:22 PM
Seriously though, what's the biggest concern? Construction noise? Mildew smells? Inexperienced staff? Turds floating in the pool? Killer bees?

A room switcharoo would suck. I'd be pissed.

Wasting a day waiting to check in, that would suck (though, no way in hell I'm standing in line - I'm at the pool until the line dies down I that situation).

A bad setup for the shows? That would suck.

The rest, not sure I care. And the one off reviews on trip advisor are worthless. I largely ignore those and pay attention to folks with 10+ reviews

Bad set up and bad sound system for the shows would suck.  I'd like some fresh fruit and to be able to sleep in.  And a few clean towels.  I can deal with a big floater in the pool but please no vomit.   :thumbsup:

All kidding aside (kind of) one of the reviews said there is virtually no fresh fruit available on the property.

The gal complained about a lack of mangos, bananas, and strawberries!

How dare they!


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 03:09 PM
Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 02:17 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 02:02 PM
Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Jan 09, 2014, 01:15 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified?  Where do you think this vacation is happening, North Korea?  You're bascially telling us we're schmucks for not being as worked up as you over this, but I think you might benefit from a little perspective.  If the resort sucks, well, you might be out a few grand that you could've spent on a different vacation.  Not trying to diminish the expense that we all laid out for this trip but you live in the richest country on Earth and unless you're on social security, you'll probably have ample opportunity to make back that money and take other glorious vacations in your life.  Let's try and get a grip.

Thanks for the kind perspective.  I've totally changed my mind now and have no problem if I show up to a resort in shambles after I was promised a complete resort and paid $5000 six months ago that was non refundable.


Another English major getting on my word choices!!!!

So now terrified and shambles are banned from my use...anything else?

Love you guys. 


Hyperbole. It's what's getting you in trouble. Shambles and terrified,  a bit dramatic and extreme. That's all.


I just wrote to Cloud 9 and insisted on assurances there will be adequate melon coverage that week. I'm sure Bob Weir and Phil Lesh won't put up with a lacking fruit spread, so we should be okay our week.

And I figure the band will have the ba ba banana nana thing covered.



Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 03:19 PM
I just wrote to Cloud 9 and insisted on assurances there will be adequate melon coverage that week. I'm sure Bob Weir and Phil Lesh won't put up with a lacking fruit spread, so we should be okay our week.

And I figure the band will have the ba ba banana nana thing covered.


Being pelted with bananas, though awesome, hurts. Just saying 😜


Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 09, 2014, 03:19 PM
I just wrote to Cloud 9 and insisted on assurances there will be adequate melon coverage that week. I'm sure Bob Weir and Phil Lesh won't put up with a lacking fruit spread, so we should be okay our week.

And I figure the band will have the ba ba banana nana thing covered.




My take on all this stuff? It has taken on a life of its own. "Given" posted about reviews and was told no big deal. Well, to many of us it could be a big deal. He posted some a bit later and got a ton of shit. Now he is being a bit defensive and his concerns are minimized by the majority who post. Hyperbole is the logical next step, which just digs the hole deeper in this case. Now he has people telling him when he goes he will basically be ostracized. I believe a whole ton of lurkers have the same concerns he does. That does not make me terrified, but I would be lying if I denied if the food, drinks, rooms, pool, are sub par as compared to as advertised I won't be a bit disappointed. What really terrifies me is the implication that this might be Sticky and I defended HIM!!


Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 09, 2014, 12:45 PM
Let's not forget the likelihood that My Morning Jacket will also be doing all that they can to make this experience the best it can be.  If some aspect of One Big Holiday and the resort falls short of expectations, I would expect MMJ to step up in the performances they deliver each night and how they interact with fans when not on stage.

Look back to Forecastle 2012.  Over 100 fans, myself included, paid extra for a soundcheck experience that looked like it was going to be cancelled as a huge thunderstorm forced them to kill power to the stage.  After waiting and wondering, we were treated to an even better experience than we could ever have hoped for.  That is what sustains my belief that any material shortfalls in the quality of rooms, food, and service will be met with once-in-a-lifetime experiences to make up for it. 

My Morning Jacket - "Soundcheck" at Forecastle Festival, Louisville, KY - 07.14.2012

Through all the negativity and worry (warranted in my opinion), I have been keeping this in mind and have thus stayed away from posting on this thread.

Thanks Yac for putting into words what I have been feeling. No matter what, MMJ is going to do everything they can to make this the greatest experience it can be. After meeting Pat recently in Austin, I believe this to be true. He told me (a few months back) that they really had no idea what they were going to do for this but that they just wanted to have as much fun as we will. This is after all, a vacation of sorts for them as well.

My only expectation of this is that MMJ is going to rock or socks (sandals??) off for four incredible nights. Despite any bullshit we may encounter from the resort, it's beyond worth it to me to spend this time with incredible and like minded people who love this band as much as I do. WE WILL MAKE IT AWESOME!

I'm really excited to spend this time with new peeps and re-meet others I have met along the way.

Given, I'd gladly like to buy you a free drink at the bar  :wink:

Mona Lisa must'a had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles.


Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 01:57 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 09, 2014, 12:23 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified? Really?  :shocked:

I'm sorry  but that is a bit extreme no?  I understand your concerns, and frustrations but terrified to me means you're scared for your life. I understand you might not get what you paid for, and that would suck, but you'd only be losing some money, not your friggin life.

If you really are terrified, I think you'd be better off to sit this one out. If you do decide to go, rest assured you'll be among some of the nicest, caring people you could ever want to be around. They'll welcome you with open arms, and rock this week with you like you'd never imagine. There's a lot of great, fun people on that Roll Call list.

Wow you got me on a word choice.  You win the internet!!!

Wow! I wasn't trying to win a damn thing.  :rolleyes: Just trying to bring a little perspective to the conversation, and talk you off the ledge a bit if I could. You were the one who "chose" the word terrified, not me. I guess that means you lose the internet?
"Where's Jim going?"



Just a couple additional links I found interesting....

https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.658374580868178.1073741900.116179758420999&type=1  or search BiCostal images on FB.

The above is some local photg couple who took some far better pictures that show what the resort really looks like albeit still with a lil professional fluff to them.

This one is more interesting in that it shows the good and bad,


Bottom line, what we have is a resort coming out of the tail end of a refresh, no question there will still be an issue or two, but I like the perspective in the one above as its clear she still had a good vacation. Moreover keep in mind that was on Dec 23 and improvements are ongoing.....

And yes, I'm STILL working on "growing the fuck up", but with any luck at all, I'll be able to put it off till I get back.


Thanks for the links bulldog. Jesus Christ this thread went from a celebration to whatever the hell it is now. I booked my room just this week knowing full well the place won't be 100%. And while it sucks that they seemed to have mismanaged the deadline/construction, WE'RE GOING TO HAVE AN AWESOME FUCKING TIME. As some people are aware, this is our honeymoon, we could have gone to any resort we wanted and certainly one not currently undergoing construction. We ultimately chose OBH because what other resort can you go to where our favorite band is playing almost every night??? And what's more, there's going to be an awesomely large group of great people to enjoy it with, many of whom I can't wait to meet for the first time.

I also heard something about an aftershow orgy on some asshole's rooftop suite, can't find that shit anywhere else either. Construction be damned.


Anyone know if there is walking distance access to a real beach? I would hate to go the the "real tropics", FLA don't count, for the first time, and not have a chance to easily swim in the ocean from a beach, with access to pre paid beer. (This is the best place to discuss concerns because so many posters are going to be there. Nothing wrong with venting, complaining, or informing. Some people need an outlet to figure it out, and it will ALL be in the past when we are there. Bulldogs links were, relatively speaking, very encouraging)


Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Jan 09, 2014, 01:15 PM
Quote from: given2jacket on Jan 09, 2014, 09:32 AM
Further fan:

I 100% agree with you.  If I was in your shoes, I'd be even more terrified than I am.  The MMJ show is not sold out so there is some wiggle room.  I don't know how they are going to even put people in the rooms for Further. 

And yes, I've never read reviews like that on TripAdvisor in 10 years of reading.  I'm surprised Hard Rock corporate hasn't gotten involved because it's seriously tarnishing their brand. 

Please do us a favor and post here from the resort so at least you can warn us in advance if it's an outright disaster.  I simply won't attend and will litigate. 


Terrified?  Where do you think this vacation is happening, North Korea?  You're bascially telling us we're schmucks for not being as worked up as you over this, but I think you might benefit from a little perspective.  If the resort sucks, well, you might be out a few grand that you could've spent on a different vacation.  Not trying to diminish the expense that we all laid out for this trip but you live in the richest country on Earth and unless you're on social security, you'll probably have ample opportunity to make back that money and take other glorious vacations in your life.  Let's try and get a grip.

Is North Korea still scary?  I thought Dennis Rodman smoothed everything out for the next MMJ destination.  Oh well. 

Just trying to add a little humor to lighten the mood.  Fully has been cracking me up.  As taxing as this thread is, it's worth reading for Yac's terrific perspectives and reminders.  Thank you.