"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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Quote from: LeanneP on Jan 13, 2014, 12:47 AM
Maybe it's the critical reading skills but when I read the reveiws on the HRHRM Trip Advisor the negative reviews sound like sour grapes and over reactions. Frankly, on that site, close to half of the reviews are on the positive side. Even the outraged reviews on the ASP Trip Advisor are often rating individual features surprisingly highly but then giving a very low overall score. And that, to me, reads as sour grapes.

When I was a restaurant reviewer, there were some pitiful places that I ate in. But, it was a truism that if the space sucked, the food and service were probably awesome, if the food was dicey, the location and decor were probably really great, if the service was awful, the food was likely pretty stellar. And there were different kinds of stellar food or service: maybe the cooking wasn't fancy but it was incredibly tasty home style, or maybe the servers weren't terribly efficient but they were kind and personable and charming. And all of that is to say that I never trust any review that doesn't try to be balanced in some way.

It's a 5 star resort that got phenomenal reviews up until the renos. Renos suck. Of course exposure to the renovations is not going to be great. But the resort is a really, really big place. Go elsewhere. Food kinda crappy and run of the mill at the buffet, go to one of the real restaurants. Hot tub lukewarm or closed, get your walking shoes on and go exploring. Go find some happy people to hang out with. Oh, and here's a tip: if something kinda sucks and you can't live with it? BE NICE TO THE STAFF WHILE TRYING TO FIND SOLUTIONS BECAUSE WHEN YOU ARE NICE PEOPLE ARE NICE BACK!

The people whining, in the reviews, about the resort not being perfect remind me of my kids whining at me that they're bored. I don't care. Go make your vacation awesome instead of expecting awesome to be handed to you. Honestly, if you can't make your own fun, you'll be miserable whether the renos were done or not. I have so little patience for whingers.

The fact that there are reviews on both sides of the fence, and the fact that many of the reviews point out that the problems are all on the adult side and that the family side is completed and pretty fine, all that points out that the problems being raised by some people are very likely exaggerated and often hinge on personal experiences ("wouldn't let us check out until we returned the xbox" - yeah, no shit sherlock, return the expensive, if defective, equipment you borrowed and stop being an entitled tool!).

THere is a term that describes what the whiners are doing perfectly: AGGRANDIZE - to make things appear bigger than they are, to exaggerate.

So, yeah, the slow renos and the couple of unpleasant glitches that weren't completed/fixed as of a few days ago are NOT the worst thing that will have ever happened to us and if you are a fairly flexible, easy going person, you'll be well able to roll with the punches and enjoy yourself. You'll be able to make your own fun with your spouses and friends and new friends and you'll walk away feeling changed, for the better, for ever!  :beer:

Cripes!  Can you Assholes imagine g2j a week before PC3 last year looking at the forecast and fretting about how it's a complete travesty to have to stand in the snow and sleet so they can get decent spots on the floor?! Gah!


well said
Stolen as the war begun, this time your soul is my one.


This thread  :huh:

Hope you guys have an awesome time - free booze and MMJ will definitely help with that.  I loved Mexico when we went about 10 years ago - we spent six weeks or so travelling around and ten days or so in that part of the Yucutan peninsular before heading to Cuba.

If the resort isn't working out for you, I suggest heading up the road to Cancun and getting a scheduled boat across to Isla Mujeres (takes about 20 minutes).  One of the most beautiful sets of beaches I've ever visited, anywhere.  You can get a bucket of beers for about $10 at a beachside bar too.

The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Wow!  I came on here to get hyped up about my trip but have found nothing but negativity!  It sounds like the resort will have some issues, (unfinished etc., no beach?  wtf?) but you guys realize we are going to see MMJ in a completely exclusive environment, right?  I have no doubt that the magic of these shows will overshadow any of the resort's shortcomings.  This will be amazing, and I am so glad I am going.  Hope to see y'all there!!


Quote from: rincon2 on Jan 12, 2014, 03:30 PM
Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Jan 12, 2014, 12:44 PM
It seems like some people actually hope this place is a shithole just so they can say "I told you so" on this thread.
I don't think that is accurate, or adds anything other than animosity to this thread.

i didn't state this as some matter of fact, i did say it "seems" because to me that's just what it appears to be.  listen, i'm glad that someone posted the tripadvisor link initially so that we all know what we could be facing and that the proper expectations are set.  but at this point, constantly posting the links and/or cutting and pasting shitty reviews are not breaking any news to anyone.  everyone is quite aware of the situation down there.  we know where to access that information if we choose to.  so what could the motivation be to keep reminding us all that we are about to enter into some hellscape worthy of a Chernobyl housing project (or so you'd think)?  in my opinion, it's either a) to try and rankle the masses into making sure we have the appropriate level of angst and aggravation or b) to assert the rightness in their own position.  as for my own pre-trip emotional state, i prefer excitement and anticipation versus fear and regret. 

but that's about enough for me over here.  i'll head back to the facebook group where it's a lot cozier. 

happy monday folks...13 days away!  :cool:
what Madonna said really helped

My Morning Tube top

OK I logged on earlier in this thread to defend Penny and drop a bit of joking to lighten the heavy load here.

I am incredibly Grateful to be going to OBH! I know how fortunate I am. There are many here who I will miss that aren't able to make the trip   :cry:

I know the conditions are not up to par with expectations and you really should make the choice you feel comfortable with regarding attending. I wish you GTJ a happy decision and best wishes on your marriage! I think what people are really trying to say is try to keep it all in a positive light. Everybody has a right to share their feelings and frustrations. We all just hope to keep perspective of our very fortunate First World Problems. To even be able to make a decision is a blessing in this world! I know no matter what, the shows will be amazing and the humor of great people attending will make the trip! Hanging out in cold weather lines at the Capital was great fun, so the not so great hotel conditions in warm weather doesn't look so bad to me!

That being said, I am amped up!

Ole!  :grin:


I'm not going to go back and look, but this is their Instagram page that looks to have new pics as well as lots of comments from people who have just left.



REALLY wish that I could be going to this- I doubt anyone will be disappointed when it is all over.  Stop your fretting, it's gonna be great.  More than Great actually.

For those of you who were with me at Forecastle in 2012-- how many of us waited under a high-way overpass during a torrential downpour b/c we showed up early for a special roll call only performance with the band pre-show.   It kinda sucked standing in the rain and under a highway for over 90 minutes not knowing if we were going to see anything or if the band was even going to show.

Well  .....    we all remember how that turned out.   No one had any regrets and it still remains to this day, one of the musical highlights of my life.

Don't worry peeps, be happy.  You are all going to have a blast.  Can't wait to hear some stories....

was some shakin' and some record playin'


please, for the love of Jim, stop all the scorched Earth and trolling bullshit.

I'm flying out in less than 11 days and have some anxiety about the renovation.  However, the fucking place could burn down and I'd still show up if MMJ could plug in and play.  Hell, I'd go for unplugged with kid's toy instruments.

I will not name names, nor implicate who was more annoying.  Let it be

12 days til the first show!!!!  NEW MUSIC
What's in here won't disappear


The new music thing has been completed overlooked in this thread. Awesome reminding us. If anyone follows the guys on social media, looks like they are having fun recording.

Those initial recordings of new songs are going to be coveted. I'm sure a thread will start, but I hope to god I meet some friendly tapers.

I will be the drunk guy in shorts and a Tshirt with the hair and flip flops.


Quote from: millerjustin on Jan 14, 2014, 03:55 PM
please, for the love of Jim, stop all the scorched Earth and trolling bullshit.

I'm flying out in less than 11 days and have some anxiety about the renovation.  However, the fucking place could burn down and I'd still show up if MMJ could plug in and play.  Hell, I'd go for unplugged with kid's toy instruments.

I will not name names, nor implicate who was more annoying.  Let it be

12 days til the first show!!!!  NEW MUSIC



Quote from: LeanneP on Jan 13, 2014, 12:47 AM
So, yeah, the slow renos and the couple of unpleasant glitches that weren't completed/fixed as of a few days ago are NOT the worst thing that will have ever happened to us and if you are a fairly flexible, easy going person, you'll be well able to roll with the punches and enjoy yourself. You'll be able to make your own fun with your spouses and friends and new friends and you'll walk away feeling changed, for the better, for ever!  :beer:

you appear to be the only sane one here.


I'm ready!  The pools better be thawed by the time I get there. 

Catch the Ice Dude
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

ms. yvon

 :grin: :grin: :grin:

you've cast the die:  CANNON BALL CONTEST.

"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."

ms. yvon

Quote from: JTG1975 on Jan 14, 2014, 04:40 PM
I will be the drunk guy in shorts and a Tshirt with the hair and flip flops.
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


ms. yvon

"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."



Excited to see info start to trickle in from the Further folks, not about hand towels in the bathroom or the wifi quality, but the logistics and set up.

they got a sold out situation, so seeing how that plays out,, in terms of the shows, will be enlightening (I hope).


Photo of the concert courtyard  :cheesy:


that pic makes me with I had somehow come up with the funds to get the two bedroom rock suite w/ terrace and stagefront.  Those have to be the rooms closest to view in the picture.

The anticipation of OBH is having a negative impact on my work productivity!!!!

PS.  Can someone please update the subject to add a few more exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!