Red Rocks - August 14

Started by e_wind, Mar 03, 2015, 09:05 PM

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Quote from: dontgetupset on Aug 18, 2015, 11:26 AM


i'll just say that i cannot fathom how anyone could think circuital is a better album than the waterfall.  by far?  just does not compute.  but to each his own.

as for the concerts, i tend to agree that red rocks was slightly disappointing....but only from a setlist standpoint. i felt the same way about forecastle. we know what they're capable of regarding covers and deep cuts and when we don't get it there's bound to be some disappointment.

but i got my fix in atlanta. :beer:



COMPLETELY AGREE on the version of shows we can expect from this band and how we need to tailor expectations a bit. So looking fwd to catching the one Beacon show I can.

RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE on The Waterfall. Hadn't listened to much of the LP since this tour began. Threw it on the other day and it's still damn good and my already favorable opinion did not change one bit. I can't see it as a regression as there is nothing in their catalog that resembles it. Maybe a change in direction which we will only be able to tell when the next album is released.  BUT, I can see where you are coming from as it sounds like the most "produced" album.
Don't you ever turn it off


that poster didn't last long :angry:


The Beatles definitely have some clunkers, in my opinion. 

The Waterfall is not perfect, but I like it.  I place it above EU and Circuital in my personal rankings.  The songs KILL live. 

Regarding Red Rocks, lets not forget that Red Rocks 2012 was a 2-night run during spontaneous curation with no repeats, so having the second night broadcast on AXS-TV and selling soundboard audio was a real treat.

This show was special in that it was almost 3 hours and 28 songs were played (though two not in their entirety). 

By album, 1 song from Tenn. Fire, 3 from At Dawn, 4 from ISM, 6 from Z, 5 from EU, 3 from Circuital, and 6 from The Waterfall.  As this was the final stop on the US leg of their Waterfall tour, not bad at all.

And, most importantly, they played those 28 songs over 3 hours exceptionally well!  They have gotten so much better while adjusting to new songs and old bodies. 

I would have loved to hear my requested tunes - Master Plan and Just One Thing - but I've gotten those before and appreciate this setlist.

As we've all heard, opinions are like assholes... we all got 'em and they usually stink. 

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Thanks for the responses and for not lashing out.

Johnyy- TOTALLY off point but which Beatles albums do you think are clunkers- I am not looking to debate this at all I'm just totally curious and I know you to have a very high music IQ.

Parker and SlappyMoe: Firstly, I like Evil Urges A LOT enough to think of it as in the first 4 albums' camp and not the last 2. (My biggest criticism is that its like a collection of B-Sides and all over the place). Dontgetupset's very personal opinion is that Circuital is #5 most liked album, took a long time to get into (starting when that NPR stream of it was up a week early) has more duds than any album other than this most recent one but I still think its a cut above. Furthermore the songs that I never thought were great on Circuital, specifically the title song and Outta my system, First Light I enjoy seeing live. Maybe Tropics is similar to First Light/Outta My System in that it can create a guitar heavy live performance but I'm really just not that into this album and I think its effected my not being enthralled with this tour.

It probably DOES have something to do with the production. Whether its overproduction or something else it just seems so different that any one song on It Still Moves. Interpret this as hyperbole if you so choose but I think the worst song on ISM is light years better than The Waterfall and the difference to me is glaring. If you love the album then fantastic! Nothing better than getting album after album of goodness from the band you love. I'm jealous.


My question is, has there ever been another show where they played:

Steam Engine + Dondante + Phone + Touch Me pt 2 in one show. Had they played War Begun my head would have blown off with the awesomeness of it all. I mean to me those are their big 5 epics in terms of song length and amazingness. I mean yeah I have seen single shows where they've combined  2 or even three of those, but all 4 of them in one show..

what a treat!

Having said all of that, I really do hope they start rotating the set lists. I was basically able to predict all of the multi night runs as they played basically the same songs in different order. They have a fan base that is willing to travel throughout the country to see them multiple times on a tour and they know that. To me it would take them to that next level if there really was more spontaneity in their shows.

Now having said all of that, I still am ok seeing I'm Amazed or the any of the standards as I realize this band will not be around forever (nor will I). And I will someday be thankful of all the times I got to see them.
Mona Lisa must'a had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles.


I think people might be confusing Frank saying "I expected X and got slightly less than X" with saying that "I didn't like the show".

Steam+Dondante+PWW+both touches is waaaaaay more than most bands are surprising fans with on a given night. Check out Radiohead setlists from 2012 and notice how until the encore every night is exactly the same and even the encores are only minimally mixed up. I picked Radiohead because they're an awesome inventive band marked by creativity yet NOT a band most people would want to see for two nights straight in an arena due to the aforementioned similarities.

Anybody who wants to be amazed by super deep cuts et al will have to probably wait till Masonic and/or Beacon. My prediction is that even the Orpheum will be more like Columbus last month than like the guaranteed-epic-because-its-NYC Beacon shows.


Quote from: Lonndown27 on Aug 18, 2015, 05:17 AMEVERYONE WHO SENT ME A PM HAS SOMETHING IN THEIR INBOX  :cool:

MyMorningSweatshirt, IS THE MAN!!!!!  :cool:

Can confirm, thank you!!!!  :cool: :thumbsup: :beer: :drum:


Quote from: dontgetupset on Aug 18, 2015, 12:37 PM

Johnyy- TOTALLY off point but which Beatles albums do you think are clunkers- I am not looking to debate this at all I'm just totally curious and I know you to have a very high music IQ.

not mr. yac, but this beatles fanatic has little love for "beatles for sale," and the some of the records that could be considered soundtrack albums - help, magical mystery tour, yellow submarine, let it be - are less than stellar, imo.


Quote from: dontgetupset on Aug 18, 2015, 11:26 AM

I'm with you on this, The Waterfall isn't my favorite album.  I like about five or six of the songs a great deal, and the rest are okay to me. 

That said, Red Rocks was over the top great!  Getting Dondante, Steam Engine & Phone Went West in one show was pretty effing tops to me.
Cuz it's been so long since someone shattered me.


i think the show sufficed in saying holy fucking shit we will play these fucking songs as bad ass as we can every fucking time we play them.  they fucking jammed they fucking rocked and they are fucking great.  i loved when Jim walked in back and played to the mountain and i loved the oooonhhmmm meditation at the end of wonderful and if you ask me it was a killer show.  Especially if it was your first Jacket show like it was for my father.  he had a fucking blast.  woke up singing the next day literally.   do i wish i would have heard some of my lesser known favs yeah but i also succeeded in introducing MMJ to a random beauty on the plane ride to Denver.  it was awesome.  And Red Rocks is truly a magical place.  But i do have a very serious complaint.

About the fucking encroaching on the territory of GA where we had marked our place.  People kept dancing behind me and infront of me and crowding me.  one drunk girl tried to hug her way into my heart or into my spot.  It was really weird.  Not like this in 2012.  it was never excuse me i need to get by it was hey fuck you i'm taking your spot.  Which is fine if you want a 350 pound man pissed at you who is from chicago and knows how to handle these situations with a firm get the fuck out of here.  also they were doing this to my dad.  But he was doing the same thing as I being that he is from Detroit and Chicago too hey fucknut get out of my fucking space i'm trying to watch my favorite band and i was here first....fuck nut.  i don't think red rocks needs to be assigned seating but people should stop acting like dicks, assholes and pussies.  people were shocked by my bluntness.  i've been that guy looking to get by and get into a mosh pit at hardcore shows when was a teenager and i had guys my size telling me the same thing very politely...if you don't move on there will be a problem.  granted now adays i'm  a very peaceful person and i speak my mind the way i want to.  But someone giving my dad shit for only bumping him once when it happened about four to ten times in under a minute by your stupid rave dancing...well fucker you give shit to my dad I'm going to step in.  but i didn't have to he left quickly, i wonder what my dad said. 

on another not my dad freaked out during Dondante, he was like it is almost nothing like the record but better...and then he said OBH and wonderful were still his favs.  and i'm just curious how many encroaching people wanted to hit him but were too nice to the would have been kind of funny to have him whollop a guy in the face.  little known fact about my dad he handles himself very well in violent encounters.  why i know this you must ask well...we took self defense shodokon classes in my younger days.  We learned how to defend ourselves very well and in fact every thursday's class was sparring. i grew basically wrestling, grappling and learning how to defend in a fist fight with my dad and a bunch of teenagers and adults, i would get tossed around but i would do a lot of damage for a little guy, then i hit my growth spurt...stopped getting tossed around by teens and moved on to adults.  it didn't make me a violent person or anything but it was fun.  helped me get through some serious shit here and there.  example fight in ohio after a wilco show.  i'm sitting at friends house and boom a knock on the door and fifteen or more frat boys looking for a fight, didn't get a scratch on me. 

and to top that off the last Red Rocks experience i had i was wearing a purple shirt and this girl called me a faggot, then i called her a See you Next Tuesday.  her boyfriend puffed up his chest...and stepped down to my level about a foot shorter than i.  and my best friend stepped in front of me and said.  hey you got one punch to knock him and then all hell will be coming at you, so when i step out of the way i suggest you with run or hit him as hard as you can but trust me that won't be enough because you'll have to fight me even if you knock him out.  basically what would have happened, is i would have been punched in the face and i would have gone into Rage mode.  but if i had been punched in the face and knocked out or down, which is unlikely i don't have a glass jaw,  he would have then had my best friend rage on him for hurting me.  he was outnumbered then...but really he wasn't fighting a group it was he had to fight a 6'2'' 350lbs giant or a 5'10'' ex foot ball player.  i didn't like that show very much until later in the night.  i don't like people yelling out faggot and bringing out the mean version of me out.  i won't let that aggression stand.   i did nothing but walk up and try to go to my seat.  hmm i'm rambling.  Red Rocks 2015 was a great experience for my party but it sounds like others might have been expecting something different.  I think we should demean 2 shows next year.  Should be exciting.  fun!
Can you keep it simple? Can you let the snare crack? Can you let it move without holding back?


Quote from: dontgetupset on Aug 18, 2015, 11:26 AM

You are not alone. 

I like Circuital far more than The Waterfall.  It just got more songs I like.  Victory Dance, Circuital, Slow Slow Tune, Moving Away, Wonderful and Black Metal beat Thin Line, Memories Remain, Big Decisions, and the middle section of In Its Infancy for me. Some Waterfall songs that I don't care for on the album are getting good live, like Tropics, Spring and maybe Compound Fracture.  Some Watefall songs I will probably never like (The River, Get The Point, Believe)

What matters most to me is how the songs sound live, not what the record sounds like.

Like others have said, I prefer seeing the multi-night runs because I know they are the special shows.  MMJ make it pretty easy to figure out which are the shows for the diehard fans that want the special stuff and that is pretty cool of them.  I'm expecting no repeats in San Francisco.

"Some like their water shallow, I like mine deep"




Quote from: Shug on Aug 18, 2015, 02:17 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Aug 18, 2015, 11:26 AM

You are not alone. 

I am here with you


quite the eclectic bunch we are  :huh:
"'Cause everything'd be great and everything'd be good If everybody gave like everybody could"


I'm also not a fan of Tucker Martine's production.  Guitars are buried too deep for my tastes, but my tastes run more towards Led Zeppelin and Humble Pie.

I'd like to hear the results of someone like Glynn Johns engineering and producing a Jacket album.
"Some like their water shallow, I like mine deep"


Quote from: ffghtrs on Aug 18, 2015, 01:57 PM
i think the show sufficed in saying holy fucking shit we will play these fucking songs as bad ass as we can every fucking time we play them.  they fucking jammed they fucking rocked and they are fucking great.  i loved when Jim walked in back and played to the mountain and i loved the oooonhhmmm meditation at the end of wonderful and if you ask me it was a killer show.  Especially if it was your first Jacket show like it was for my father.  he had a fucking blast.  woke up singing the next day literally.   do i wish i would have heard some of my lesser known favs yeah but i also succeeded in introducing MMJ to a random beauty on the plane ride to Denver.  it was awesome.  And Red Rocks is truly a magical place.  But i do have a very serious complaint.

About the fucking encroaching on the territory of GA where we had marked our place.  People kept dancing behind me and infront of me and crowding me.  one drunk girl tried to hug her way into my heart or into my spot.  It was really weird.  Not like this in 2012.  it was never excuse me i need to get by it was hey fuck you i'm taking your spot.  Which is fine if you want a 350 pound man pissed at you who is from chicago and knows how to handle these situations with a firm get the fuck out of here.  also they were doing this to my dad.  But he was doing the same thing as I being that he is from Detroit and Chicago too hey fucknut get out of my fucking space i'm trying to watch my favorite band and i was here first....fuck nut.  i don't think red rocks needs to be assigned seating but people should stop acting like dicks, assholes and pussies.  people were shocked by my bluntness.  i've been that guy looking to get by and get into a mosh pit at hardcore shows when was a teenager and i had guys my size telling me the same thing very politely...if you don't move on there will be a problem.  granted now adays i'm  a very peaceful person and i speak my mind the way i want to.  But someone giving my dad shit for only bumping him once when it happened about four to ten times in under a minute by your stupid rave dancing...well fucker you give shit to my dad I'm going to step in.  but i didn't have to he left quickly, i wonder what my dad said. 

on another not my dad freaked out during Dondante, he was like it is almost nothing like the record but better...and then he said OBH and wonderful were still his favs.  and i'm just curious how many encroaching people wanted to hit him but were too nice to the would have been kind of funny to have him whollop a guy in the face.  little known fact about my dad he handles himself very well in violent encounters.  why i know this you must ask well...we took self defense shodokon classes in my younger days.  We learned how to defend ourselves very well and in fact every thursday's class was sparring. i grew basically wrestling, grappling and learning how to defend in a fist fight with my dad and a bunch of teenagers and adults, i would get tossed around but i would do a lot of damage for a little guy, then i hit my growth spurt...stopped getting tossed around by teens and moved on to adults.  it didn't make me a violent person or anything but it was fun.  helped me get through some serious shit here and there.  example fight in ohio after a wilco show.  i'm sitting at friends house and boom a knock on the door and fifteen or more frat boys looking for a fight, didn't get a scratch on me. 

and to top that off the last Red Rocks experience i had i was wearing a purple shirt and this girl called me a faggot, then i called her a See you Next Tuesday.  her boyfriend puffed up his chest...and stepped down to my level about a foot shorter than i.  and my best friend stepped in front of me and said.  hey you got one punch to knock him and then all hell will be coming at you, so when i step out of the way i suggest you with run or hit him as hard as you can but trust me that won't be enough because you'll have to fight me even if you knock him out.  basically what would have happened, is i would have been punched in the face and i would have gone into Rage mode.  but if i had been punched in the face and knocked out or down, which is unlikely i don't have a glass jaw,  he would have then had my best friend rage on him for hurting me.  he was outnumbered then...but really he wasn't fighting a group it was he had to fight a 6'2'' 350lbs giant or a 5'10'' ex foot ball player.  i didn't like that show very much until later in the night.  i don't like people yelling out faggot and bringing out the mean version of me out.  i won't let that aggression stand.   i did nothing but walk up and try to go to my seat.  hmm i'm rambling.  Red Rocks 2015 was a great experience for my party but it sounds like others might have been expecting something different.  I think we should demean 2 shows next year.  Should be exciting.  fun!

THIS IS NUTS! While I totally love and agree and am aligned with your self-defense, I feel its insane you guys even had to stand up for yourselves at a Jacket show. up until this tour, I'd never heard of dick fans, especially in GA, and I haven't heard of fans being abrasive, mean, out of control and threatening violence to you and your dad. thats insane. and in 2012 that happened? WEIRD.

It seems there's a lotta drunk bitches at the Jacket shows who get drunk and start screaming in people's faces...I've heard like 15 accounts of this EXACT thing happening...drunks trying to take spots or JUST taking them. or freaking out and getting in faces of real fans...its not fucking ok...if you are at a show with a group of you, STAND UP FOR EACH OTHER, Don't let these people ruin your experience. Grab a security guard, say the person is violently attacking you, even if they're not, and get them moved!!!

Chicago guys knows how to fuck shit up in a fight, and I know that well hahah. I got into a fight with 3 Chicago kids in high school and let's just say, while I held my own, what they got off HURT BAD hahah
(MMJ): 8/2/12+8/1/13+10/07/15+12/29/17+12/30/17+12/31/17+8/21/2022+ 8/16/2024::::(JIM): 11/5/2018


VB #13

Quote from: Bernard on Aug 18, 2015, 03:36 PM
A few of us who actually got thru, got refunds an hour or so later.  It was over sold.

Don't support the flippers  :angry:

Seeing this is beyond infuriating. Not that I am interested in that poster, because I was not at the Red Rocks show, but its the principle of the matter. Sorry for you folks who really wanted to get your hands on this poster for your own collections.