The Most Capable Band

Started by Spoon, Dec 20, 2004, 07:44 PM

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Okay, I guess it's time for me to leave this topic as well, 'cause you've guys really lost me and this time, I think that's a good thing. :)
I'm ready when you are


Kopilot is a new store in Louisville that happens to be owned by ex-MMJ keyboardist Danny Cash.It is a very cool place.Check out the website


Ah, okay, now I get it. Well, then, John, I think you're overreacting. Spoon, if I read it right, never said he hates Tommy and wants him to leave, he was just making a cynical joke. Now, the problem with jokes is ofcourse that they're either funny or not, and this one was in your opinion, not funny. Okay. But it's nothing personal at all. He was just discussing the question wether band members are dispensible. Even if that question would have been answered by 'yes' (and most of us said 'no'), that wouldn't mean Jim is bad, or anything. Now, I think the Month of Sundays remark was a little too much, too, but I don't think you should be this hard on Spoon. He's just asking questions, not criticizing.

Now, who is this Clay Masters anyway? He was the one that started it, after all...
I'm ready when you are


everyone is dispensable.

and professing to love a band and then making smug sarcastic jokes at their expense IS rude so spoon, i would say, remains an asshole.  nice try at defending yourself, though, even if 'inoculous' is not a word.


I don't guess that I really want to enter this fray, but it's amazing to me that this line:
Quote"I'm very excited about this current lineup," James said. "I feel this is the most capable band we've ever had and we're all getting along really well."
which should make anyone who's a My Morning Jacket fan really happy, has caused such tension and weirdness, and people to get upset.

I don't know.  If this current line up is the most capable and the guys are getting along, and the man who started this whole ride is excited, then YEAH!  Let's be effin' excited, too!

(Just to be clear, I'm not saying that anything or anyone was right or wrong - so much of this stuff I don't understand because I didn't know these guys before this line-up.)

Anyhow, word peeps.  A new album is forthcoming.  Feel the love.


What gender would you say big bird is??
There's Still Time.........


the future is Ginger



What's up with the "word" thing?


I really have no idea.  I keep doing it. Word. There I did it again.
We had a discussion of sorts I think a little while back as to what it means to people. I have decided that it means 'honest' or 'this is my truth', therefore I am letting people know that all my (current) posts are gospel.

Apart from those which are complete fabrication, which accounts for 97.6% of what I post. The other 2.4% are just plain lies.  
The rest is the truth, though. Believe me.

the future is Ginger



What's up with the "word" thing?

If it gets really annoying, don't tell me.
I am prone to massive childish behaviour if so encouraged. 8)

Word lfish, special one, just for you. Nobody else.
the future is Ginger


this thread has become...

booooooooooooring! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


the future is Ginger


i'm really bored......

maybe it's just the crack talkin....! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


Quotei'm really bored......

maybe it's just the crack talkin....!

Chill out dude  8)

Didn't the teenage mutant hero turtles used to say that?  ;)


Word up on that Boar, i likke your thoughts

QuoteI don't know if this "darkness" is necessarily the essence of the band, though I definitely understand what is meant by it. I think any band's ethic or essence or what have you is the creative embodiment or expression of their experiences and their emotions. ÊAs has been oft repeated, with time, those experiences/emotions change and thus the tone of the creative output changes.

I listen to "It's About Twilight Now" and "I Will Sing You Songs" -- better yet, "I Will Be There When You Die" and "I Will Sing You Songs" -- and I hear the same ethic/tone but completely different sounds. I don't think that the essence of MMJ's sound is some darkness -- rather it is an honesty of the conveyance of emotion and a significance of that emotion, an essence lacking in so much of popular music.

Ultimately, to argue the techniques or effects of the music's production seems silly to me, and ignorant of the larger creative effort of a band. To declare that such music is somehow not genuine because attempts are made (through mixing, mastering, overdubbing, added musicians, what have you) to clarify that emotional conveyance is, I think, naive and snobbish. Even worse, however, is to limit one's acceptance of a band's creative vision to one's own personal music tastes -- to demand their output always be melancholic and dark, for example, because that is what you enjoy.

Sure, you may not care for such "overproduction" in the music of a band like Radiohead -- maybe it doesn't fit your groove, your concept of pure, in-the-moment music. But hopefully you can understand why they are doing it -- to clarify the honesty and efficacy of their creative output. And the fact that MMJ seems to feel a similar desire in their latest work -- the fact that they feel a similar need to clarify and perfect their creative vision -- should be a reason to commend them, and not detract.