New Rehersal Space

Started by dwight, Feb 02, 2005, 07:11 AM

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Is anyone in the know?
Where are they rehersing?  I assume Louisville but I'm not sure.  It's a shame it's not longer at Quaid farm. That was just too cool.  The background noise they got on a few of the At Dawn cuts was unbelievable. The crickets, locusts, etc.  
Old news now.


QuoteIs anyone in the know?
Where are they rehersing?  I assume Louisville but I'm not sure.  It's a shame it's not longer at Quaid farm. That was just too cool.  The background noise they got on a few of the At Dawn cuts was unbelievable. The crickets, locusts, etc.  
Old news now.

Are we sure they're not still rehearsing at the Quaid farm?  


Yeah I believe it was mentioned in one of the many linked articles here on the board that they are actively pursuing new space.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


hey the guys can practice for free at my house antime they want!!!!


yea, but I think it's a good thing they changed locations, that farm was tapped. I remember reading about them using silo's, bathrooms, you name it. I think it will be cool for them to try something new and fresh, it's all about reinvention. It seems to me that the location they record is just as important as any other aspect of the music, which is really cool, because I never gave a shit about where a band would record before, or even noticed how much it could add to the music and the vibe. MMJ really is unique and it'll be cool to see what they come up w/ next.


Well, they said that the next album would no longer be recorded in the farm, but it's not certain they don't practice there either. However, if it's Johnny's farm it might be true. All that noise around you when you're trying to do your farmer's bussiness... :)
I'm ready when you are


that prompts a humorous image of Johnny's dad dealing with an Agway (or insert another farm supply) sales rep on feed  or pesticide prices while the guys are thrashing in the barn attic :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I heard they're in a house on 3rd street in Old Louisville.