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Started by aMillionDreams, Aug 08, 2005, 11:03 AM

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Does anyone know anything about this song?  I got a hold of the 3-2-01 show the other day and it had this song I had never heard on it.  I checked the From Nasheville to Kentucky site to see what it was and the setlist says 'Icream!'.  Here's the link:

Does anyone know anything about it? Was this the only performance of the song?
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


BTW, this show is amazing! everything is slowed way down and it features the best Jim James screaming fits ever recorded at the end of 'Twilight'.  JonJon, is working on fixing the volume on it and then I think he's said he's gonna put it on atree.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive