Pitchfork Prediction?

Started by primushead, Aug 24, 2005, 02:56 PM

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Pitchfork has (overall) been pretty kind to MMJ with its reviews (except giving at dawn a 7.1?!?!  WTF mate?)  Anyway, Pitchfork (at least from my point of view) has a reputation for reading WAY to much into the music and basically shunning it completely if it isn't up to their standards.  ISM did well with them (8.3 i think) so...how well do you think 'Z' will do?  I'm afraid they might brand it as 'mmj's attempt at mainstream' (even though I haven't even heard the album) and give it shit.  What do ya'll think?


i enjoy pitchfork media for their honest reviews. they usually don't shy from telling it how it really sounds. i'd imagine they will rate 'Z' around 8.5 give or take a few tenths.


Quotei enjoy pitchfork media for their honest reviews. they usually don't shy from telling it how it really sounds. i'd imagine they will rate 'Z' around 8.5 give or take a few tenths.

True...I'd imagine about 8 or above as well.  


excerpted from: http://pitchforkmedia.com/news/05-08/12.shtml#mmj

"Need we remind you that the band's next album, Z, drops on October 4? Nah, didn't think so. How about the fact that it fucking rules? You knew that, too."


I like reading Pitchfork, I read it almost every day, but I could really care less what they rank it.  They have given some of my favorite albums 0's or 0.something.  I would actually rather they rate it a 0.3 than a 6 or 7, at least a 0.3 is interesting.  A 0.3 creates a stir, people are like "oh my god what does a 0.3 sound like, I've really got to hear what could possibly suck this bad."  A 6 or 7 just warrants "Oh, MMJ put out a new album that's nice, I'll probably half listen to it once on my I-Pod and if anyone asks me If I've heard the new MMJ record I can say "Yeah man it's really good, not as good as that Franz Ferdianand LP but what is Right!." ;)    
There's Still Time.........


what is this business about them joining forces with some big cororate company.  heard a quick blurb, but is this a bad sign or good?  any thoughts?  not that they haven't been pretty mainstreem for awhile, just don't want them being influenced too much by outside sources.  Not that Ryan doesn't probably dictate what gets what for ratings.
banmds they love:
MMJ-so far
Broken Social Scene-bigtime
Arcade Fire-who would bash that album
Neil Young
who are my missing?


Franz Ferdinand
The Strokes
Belle and Sabastian

There's Still Time.........


Talking Heads and Radiohead


Well, they do have ok taste.  Sorry sweatboard, but what do you see in Interpol?  I have listened, learned, and walked away from them.  Can you offer me anything I am missing in the music?  To me it seems very generic.  I just thought you may know because of your logo. ;)

DJ Poops


My Morning Jacket: "Wordless Chorus"
genre: rock

Wherein stringy-haired So-Rock yokels pull one darkly electronic miracle. Intros can be misleading, but this one ensures the foundation-- growling sub-bass, drums canned tight, staccato Rhodes flickering against darkness-- then grows like Mr. Beanstalk. MMJ used to steep its whole package in commodious reverb, but here vocalist Jim James bathes solo while the band stays dry. The spare, burbly groove is thin enough for a howling James to swallow whole, his vocal features surely some of the most cavernous man-made sounds ever committed to tape. Hurricane lovers, check the stormy, immersive denouement: It's a Category 5.


Yeah, I actually just finished reading that...sounds like pitchfork has been taken for a journey into the MMJ world.


So was that good or bad  ???  Sometimes Pitchfork writters are more concerned with making clever metaphores and displaying there super awesome writting skills than actually reviewing the music.
There's Still Time.........

peanut butter puddin surprise

It's hard to say anything really bad about Pitchfork.  At least in public.  I'm not so swell on their reviews per se...I did get really sick of the GBV bashing they did.  Jesus, how many Bee Thousand's can one man put out?  I just hope they don't do that to MMJ-"it doesn't sound like TTF" or some shit.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteSo was that good or bad  ???  Sometimes Pitchfork writters are more concerned with making clever metaphores and displaying there super awesome writting skills than actually reviewing the music.

Well, they gave a star rating after the article.  I think it got 4.5 out of 5...which, by pitchfork standards, is very good.


Oh, and sweat, I like the 'a good pair of headphones and weed will help' quote.  It sounds like something I'd say. ;D

peanut butter puddin surprise

and Sweatboard-I'm a bit confused by "their swell writing skills".  Shakespeare they ain't... ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quoteand Sweatboard-I'm a bit confused by "their swell writing skills".  Shakespeare they ain't... ;)

But look at their metaphors, John, their metaphors!! If that isn't swell, I don't know what is. :D

peanut butter puddin surprise


But look at their metaphors, John, their metaphors!! If that isn't swell, I don't know what is. :D

Like sands through the hour glass, so our the Days of Our Lives... :)

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

