NME confirm album new album title, 'Evil Urges'...

Started by fortbethel, Jan 29, 2008, 10:00 AM

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As I type this, there's already another thread with the same info as this... and it's only 2 POSTS UNDER YOUR POST.

Do you ever read the forum before you post something? I'm not trying to be an ass, but didn't someone ride your case about this same exact thing not too long ago?

Please forgive me if I'm thinking about someone else.



The ONLY post regarding the 2 words, 'Evil Urges' only appears once in this forum & it just says THAT! Am I too just ASSUME that this means the title of the new album? Have I started an offensive post? Do u need 2 b on meds cuz u can't STAND to see the words, 'Evil Urges' posted twice or GOD FORBID maybe 3 or more times in the same forum. Calm down mate. *eyeroll*


No, you don't have to assume, just read the other post. :-/
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


Ah yes, fortbethel, the author of such beautiful posts, such as At Dawn:Flawed Masterpiece, plus the truely insightful This LONG silence means 1 thing.  They've split up. and don't forget the classic OBH Camp, Is there a website? which included warm, heartfelt phrases like, "I'm not trying to b a crank but really!"plus "I'm NOT dropping a grand in travel $ only to find this camp not knowing their heads from their asses." and my personal favorite gem, "Seriously folks this is such TOM-FOOLERY!"
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteAh yes, fortbethel, the author of such beautiful posts, such as At Dawn:Flawed Masterpiece, plus the truely insightful This LONG silence means 1 thing.  They've split up. and don't forget the classic OBH Camp, Is there a website? which included warm, heartfelt phrases like, "I'm not trying to b a crank but really!"plus "I'm NOT dropping a grand in travel $ only to find this camp not knowing their heads from their asses." and my personal favorite gem, "Seriously folks this is such TOM-FOOLERY!"

;D That shit's funny! This guy (understandably) can't catch a break from you sharks!  ;D

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


 ;D ;D ;D

I ripped into him for the same thing a few weeks ago.  I guess he just doesn't get it. But what do you expect from someone who ASSUMES the band broke one week after they played a concert and two weeks before they finished their new album?  What a dip shit!


Here's the thread where I tried to take up this fight (only later to be chewed out by Tracy for it  ::) )  It's the one where he informed us this album's going to be a gospel album.  And then tracy added another shortly after, just to piss me off and goad me into another fight.  but that's why we love tracy, right?????????????????


and another one.



yeah, you def never try to stir shit up, aMD...  :|


no, really, i'm asking.  This is one of the many reason's tracy pisses me off so much.  I just wish people had the balls to say to call tracy out.

anyway, this thread is about forbethel. he sucks.  sorry for the triple post but this thread should be closed anyway.


what in the fuck are you talking about?  are you using this stupid thread as a platform to jump all over tracy?  who's the asshole in this equation?


Quoteno, really, i'm asking.  This is one of the many reason's tracy pisses me off so much.  I just wish people had the balls to say to call tracy out.

anyway, this thread is about forbethel. he sucks.  sorry for the triple post but this thread should be closed anyway.
aMD, i agree with you whole heartedly. remember the current complaint threat where i was bitching about the colts losing and the pats cheating. apparently if your opinion is not the same as his, you dont know what the fuck youre talking about. what bullshit. if i wanted an opinion other than my own, i would have started a thread called,"whats your opinion of my current complaints?" what an ass.


Quotewhat in the fuck are you talking about?  are you using this stupid thread as a platform to jump all over tracy?  who's the asshole in this equation?

Ummm... i'm talking about this thread:


One that Tracy started despite the fact that we had two threads about it already, including one started by forbethel.  However, when Tracy does it no one says anything. I'm wondering why there's a double-standard. There is a connection there, EC, maybe if you concentrate real hard you'll get it.  

Or maybe you'll just continue hating me. Hate devours your heart, EC.  (I borrowed that one from Tracy.  How does it feel, EC?)


"what's your opinion of my current complaints"

You really need to start that thread!  It would kind of be like during Festivus, when you air your grievances!


I'll call him out. He wears purple CROCS!! ;D


Quotewhat in the fuck are you talking about?  are you using this stupid thread as a platform to jump all over tracy?  who's the asshole in this equation?

Ummm... i'm talking about this thread:


One that Tracy started despite the fact that we had two threads about it already, including one started by forbethel.  However, when Tracy does it no one says anything. I'm wondering why there's a double-standard. There is a connection there, EC, maybe if you concentrate real hard you'll get it.  

Or maybe you'll just continue hating me. Hate devours your heart, EC.  (I borrowed that one from Tracy.  How does it feel, EC?)
1.  i don't hate you, don't be so retarded, this is a message board
2.  it feels fine, i feel like i'm in the twilight zone of weirdness, though
3.  i don't have time to read all of the threads on this board, nor do i really want to.  it seems to me like this was a thread that tracy wasn't even in, but you've all of a sudden made it a big tracy callout so that everybody's comin on in talking about how tracy wrecks everything.

and i just don't get how a) you remember all this stuff, b) you take the time to list all of the details, and c) you care so much.

seriously.  "how does it feel, EC?"


Actually, I think we need a "Tracy and Dylan don't like each other" thread.   Just in case anyone forgot. ::)    

You guys don't get along.  We get it.  Let's move on.  Please?

I mean damn, realdeal is even trying to lighten things up for crying out loud. ;D
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteActually, I think we need a "Tracy and Dylan don't like each other" thread.   Just in case anyone forgot. ::)    

You guys don't get along.  We get it.  Let's move on.  Please?

I mean damn, realdeal is even trying to lighten things up for crying out loud. ;D

see what happens when the boys go on hiatus for too long...we start fighting with each other!!!
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


i've never wanted to be a part of something so badly as much as i wanted to stay out of it.  

EC i'm really disappointed that you don't read every thread, find one that REALLY bothers you, and then hold it in and brood about it. I'm so terribly disappointed that i'm canceling all future slumber party invitations.
"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


QuoteActually, I think we need a "Tracy and Dylan don't like each other" thread.   Just in case anyone forgot. ::)    

You guys don't get along.  We get it.  Let's move on.  Please?

I mean damn, realdeal is even trying to lighten things up for crying out loud. ;D

I am pretty flattered that I am getting talked about and I haven't really said anything here.

The difference in me and some others here is I don't hold a grudge or harbor negative feelings towards anyone here. I do not hate anyone here (gosh, do I really have to say that?) This is a message board about MMJ, no more, no less. I would be more than elated to buy anyone here a beer at a Jacket show and we could hold hands and pray to the Gods that they play War Begun.

And you could always decline, and that's cool too. And call me out for being an ass, I can handle it. I still won't hate you or hold a grudge.

That's just how I roll. I am just happy to be on the planet; seriously.

I am faaaaar from perfect and I am not the person who should have the ability to dictate how you feel. Do that yourself.


(somehow I think bowl of soup is covertly heading up the team of people who hate me, but I can't prove it, just yet...)