Anybody else get EU already from Amazon???

Started by EOTW, Jun 06, 2008, 11:28 PM

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I couldn't believe this.  I ordered a new TB hard drive a few days ago (DL too much music) and the new CD.  I guess they put them together.  either way, SOOOO great to have it (and to finally get the "right" lyrics!!!).  Anyone else get it yet?  So funny.  Been listening to this album all the time, at least a few times a week since it leaked and now I appear to be one of the first fans to get a hard copy early.  Just great.  So psyched to see the buys LIVE.  August can't get here fast enough!


Your lyeing...that's crazy shit. I wonder if the guy in shipping was a MMJ fan?


I've always heard about this happening to other folks.  Never me.  Got lucky this time.  


Actually, all the lucky peoples here in the Netherlands could go out yesterday and get Evil Urges from their local record store. As did I. I quite like the cover art now I've seen it on the actual physical record. Also, all the lyrics are in the booklet, which is always a good thing..


I'm just back from my local record store (in Leuven, Belgium) and listening to Evil Urges with the stereo wide open!  Magnificent!



i ordered the vinyl from Amazon (getting the cd from work-- B&N--40% off...."employee appreciation days"....whatever that means) and will be  anxiously awaiting the ups man/mail man now!!!!!!

although i'm sure i'm setting myself up for disappointment! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!

Angry Ewok

Quotei ordered the vinyl from Amazon [...] and will be  anxiously awaiting the ups man/mail man now!!!!!!

although i'm sure i'm setting myself up for disappointment!

Indeed. I'm wondering when or if our pre-orders are going to be canceled.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.