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Started by jellyfish, Dec 28, 2005, 05:13 PM

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Why does it seem from my part of the world that more males like MMJ than female? Now,I know we have some female fans on the board and one of my best female friends loves them,so I am not saying its a rule but most of my female friends I have turned on to MMJ didn't like them....mainly the # complaint I get is the reverb...they hate it.I tell them I like to drown myself in his reverb and they laugh.
Anyway,what ya'll think?
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need

ben grimm

I have thought this for a while, Mrs Grimm resisted the lure of the jacket for some time 'he has a silly voice' or 'I can't tell what he's saying' were common complaints but she has warmed to them considerably now, i have caught her playing At Dawn a few times. If ony they would play here I'm sure seeing them live would drive the message home.

Angry Ewok

I've tried spreading the gospel to males and female... so far, out of several females, only one has really become a convert.


--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


As a female I have had the opposite problem. I successfully made a believer out of my best friend, also a female. But it wasn't really fair seeing as how her first experience with the band was at thier show in St.Louis this fall, and no one can deny them live. No one with a soul anyway! ;D We had about an hour and a half drive down there and I had printed off a little info on the band and briefed her on my strong fellings about them. Basically how they'd restored my faith in music and gave me something to look forward to again. She was blown away, as was I (this was my second show). But when we got home she couldn't convince her husband of shit, he wasn't digging it. And as for my boyfriend, well I forced him to listen to 'It Still Moves' at least 5 times and then try to tell me he didn't love it. I Won, although he still tried to complain a little (Jim's voice, can't understand the words bla bla bla). But I caught him listening to it alot and singing along(badly, but whatever). When he heard one song off Z he tried to tell me it sucked, so I stopped trying. He has horrible taste in music anyway, and besides I STILL WIN, I got me a new favorite band! :-*

Mike Warren

This is a trip. I was just coming on this forum to see how many female fans were on board. I've found that not many girls like them,  but I don't know why. They are my favorite band and they melt my soul everytime I play them. Has anyone heard the b side of "off the record"? It's called "How Could I have Known". What a wonderful song.


well, as a girl, i can say i LOVE mmj, and reverb.... but i don't know why other girls don't like mmj as much as the guys do. the main problem i have is that no-one i know has even heard of mmj, let alone entering into the whole like/dislike reverb question. i'm on a mission though, to convert my best friend, and basically anyone else i can lay hands on.

it's all a bit sad when you're so excited about a band, but no one else knows them!! watch out australia... tenn, i like the idea of the little mmj info sheet... very cool. may have to use that in future!! ;D
love a song for the way it makes you feel


"the main problem i have is that no-one i know has even heard of mmj"

You took the words out of my mouth.  I know my wife and I love them.  She is as big of fan as I am.  I ask everyone else I know if they have heard them and no one else has.  But I'll keep spreading the Gospel!!
If you don't know for yourself, how could you ever know for me....


I don't have an answer to the question, but I can tell you that one of the first things that drew me into the band was the reverb.  At Dawn was the first cd I got and I really fell under its spell.

Sleazy Rider

The only people I know that like MMJ are the people I turned on.  Everyone at work, in my family, basically anyone I come into contact with. More males then females, don't know why.
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


I'm very female....and I did have to get used to the reverb....but I hardly notice it anymore.  Especially on the songs I know all the words to.  I just let Jim take me away...but I gotta watch it....cause his sound  can REALLY take me away... if I let it.   ;)   LOL  
Talk less....
Say more.


"How female are you?"
"I'm very female."

I'm pretty female, too, but I loved the reverb from the beginning.  I didn't actually even realize it as a thing until everybody was talking about it, and when I went back to the Mazzy Star and Mojave 3 records, I realized that it was a sound I really really loved.  Now, what was I listening to again recently where I realized it was totally reverberational...  irreverbable.  heh.  irreverberant.  The Reverberand Jim James.

okay, sorry.

Anyhow, yeah, it was somebody's drums or something...  It might've been Harvest.  I'll go re-check.  


i'm a girl and i'm a reverb-aholic. crazy about the sound. love feedback, love fuzz, lo-fi, slightly messy sounds... i read somewhere that everyone's brain is wired in a certain key and so they are drawn toward music composed in that key. maybe female brains are wired to like things that are not like MMJ sound whereas males can relate to it on a more primal level, more often.
also, and i'm only saying this from experience in the music retail industry, and it's in no way a condemnation of women, especially the amazing ones on this forum, but males seek and purchase more music than females on average. the music retail industry is geared toward the 18-45 male. i'm not saying this is fair and your results may vary. i'll compare music, especially "rock" music to professional wrestling. yes, there are many female fans, but the majority of fans tend to be male.
why is this? dunno.
i love rock n roll, but i also have mostly dude friends. maybe it's genetic. whoa... maybe we're onto something.
everything sucks. really.


This sounds like one of the great mysteries of the universe--but I've had unpredictable responses from themany people I have intro'd to MMJ.  They either get it immediately or warm slowly--I guess both provide the desired end result and, of course there will inevitably those who just can't get it :-/.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


to me, that's the best thing about mmj. male or female, it's just plain ole good music. that said, i only have 1 female friend that loves them like i do, but all the females in my family love them!