MMJ:  Better suited for a coffee house?

Started by slappymoe, Jun 24, 2009, 04:49 PM

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i thought some of you might get a chuckle from this, i sure did.

i am a frequent visitor to University of Louisville basketball message boards. last week someone started a thread asking, "what band should open our new arena next year?"

of course, there are a few of us who realize it's a no-brainer.....the hometown band should open the hometown arena.

but i was amazed, and amused, by some of the replies by the people who either didn't like MMJ, or just had no clue about MMJ.

the thread is here:

some of the choice replies. a coffee house????:

Other than the local connection, I just don't see what is so special about MMJ. I mean. I guess being older (just turned 40) I am stuck in my musical tastes. I just don't get the state of Rock and Roll anymore. Music is just blah to me in this country now. Give me some good Metal from Europe anyday.

I just pulled up several songs of MMJ from playlist. I had never heard of them.
Sorry, but color me unimpressed. They remind me of a soft U2 meshed with Dave Matthews.
Perhaps you can give me a few of their better songs. But they do not song like a band set to rock an arena, more coffee house.

I am with you on this one BirdSeat. And someone said they were Guitar Gods? Are you serious? :) lol
Give me Randy Rhodes, Eddie Van Halen, Criss Oliva, Ted Nugent and Clapton anyday over these guys.
If these guys are the modern day Guitar Gods, then the state of Rock in America is in bad shape.

I would bet that the Crue would draw more than MMJ would at the new Arena.

My votes:
AC/DC.. number one.
John Mellencamp
Dave Matthews Band
I'm just not crazy about MMJ as a choice... I mean, I know they are from Louisville, I know they are popular... but I just don't see them being the choice to open up and play a big arena.

I find MMJ to be talented but a little bland for my tastes. They just don't bring the "buzz factor" that a U2, Springsteen or AC/DC would bring. I mean I want to open the arena with a bang!

My wife bought one of their CD's and I will tell you. I listened to it and I still don't hear the whole "Guitar God" thing going. I lump them with Nickelback and the other cookie cutter pseudo-rock bands of the day.

Like I said, MMJ is not appealing to ME. Maybe they are to the college crowd, but to those who like music, they are not satisfying. There are enough depressed, poor vocally sounding "musicians" in the world.

these poor folks just don't know what they're missing.......


that dude sounds like a huge douche.

pretty sure that grouping mmj and nickelback together as the same kind of music is an offense punishable by a long time in hell.

all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Quotethat dude sounds like a huge douche.

pretty sure that grouping mmj and nickelback together as the same kind of music is an offense punishable by a long time in hell.


actually, each paragraph is from a different post, so there are a number of huge douches representin' in that thread.


There are no words. That is just so ridiculous it's actually hilarious.


nickleback... cookie cutter... thats it, I'm getting my samurai swords! those folks are done for!
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

Penny Lane

yeah, i won't even be able to read that. I'll be steaming... :o

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


LOL if u guyz want reel music, chek out da Jonas Brothas!
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteLOL if u guyz want reel music, chek out da Jonas Brothas!

;D ;D


Yeah, MMJ is too much the jam band scene for my taste!  ;D

The only positive to those jerky statements is : [size=16]More for us. Ha![/size]
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


I would bet that the Crue would draw more than MMJ would at the new Arena.

Much Greater Than Science Fiction


I would bet that the Crue would draw more than MMJ would at the new Arena.

yeah, that one made me laugh the hardest, right next to "to those who like music, they are not satisfying" is that even supposed to mean? :-?


Question in regards to this statement by the UL fan....

"their obvious love for their hometown outweighs the fact that JJ is a uk fan"

Anyone out there know if JJ is in fact a fan of UofL or UofK, or is he indifferent to them altogether?  I know he went to UK for a year or two, but was/is a Louisville resident.

Was just wondering how JJ felt about the local rivalry.  I have never seen/heard anything that makes me believe he is a fan one way or the other.


I would bet that the Crue would draw more than MMJ would at the new Arena.

yeah, that one made me laugh the hardest, right next to "to those who like music, they are not satisfying" is that even supposed to mean? :-?

this thread fills me with rage-  I need to laugh

PHEW! Much Better
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


Quotenickleback... cookie cutter... thats it, I'm getting my samurai swords! those folks are done for!
Again?? :-?

Words cannot describe the ammont of douche bag aura that is in that thread

capt. scotty

All those people sound like a bunch of 40 year old UofL grads who still think the 80s had better music than the 90's and 00's.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


yeah i browsed that thread and agree D-O-U-C-H-E.

i dont completely blame the D-bags, though comparing MMJ to Nickleback  made Dr Pepper rain on my PC via my nose.  

i blame MTV and even more to blame is corporate radio stations.  

i live in San Antonio and i swear i dont even listen to the local rock stations anymore for fear of hearing neverending bands like godsmack.  and i swear if that damn song by five fingered death punch isnt played 19 times a day it surely must be a sign that the world is going to self implode.  

sorry thats been boiling inside for a while  ;D

whos to say that the world can do it better...whos the world can do at all...


I would bet that the Crue would draw more than MMJ would at the new Arena.

yeah, that one made me laugh the hardest, right next to "to those who like music, they are not satisfying" is that even supposed to mean? :-?

this thread fills me with rage-  I need to laugh

PHEW! Much Better
sorry to anyone who may have found those posts offensive.  i can understand that.  my intention was to essentially "point and laugh" at the woefully uninformed people on display there.

as i always tell people, if you don't dig the jacket, that means you were probably born without a soul.


QuoteQuestion in regards to this statement by the UL fan....

"their obvious love for their hometown outweighs the fact that JJ is a uk fan"

Anyone out there know if JJ is in fact a fan of UofL or UofK, or is he indifferent to them altogether?  I know he went to UK for a year or two, but was/is a Louisville resident.

Was just wondering how JJ felt about the local rivalry.  I have never seen/heard anything that makes me believe he is a fan one way or the other.
i was unsure until the david lynch benefit. i can no longer find the link, but local music critic and huge MMJ fan jeffery lee puckett reported that jim was wearing a UK tie to the event.  it kinda broke my heart, but my love for mmj's music is far more important than my love for u of l hoops.


Ha it's funny how so many among us just don't know how to listen to music. As Patton Oswalt says "they will miss everything cool and die alone and unhappy."

By the By good luck getting Ac/Dc, Motley Crue, Nickelback or U2 to play this thing (maybe DMB). Just goes to show the line of thought being put into this event is being done by representatives of Rohypnol


I would bet that the Crue would draw more than MMJ would at the new Arena.

yeah, that one made me laugh the hardest, right next to "to those who like music, they are not satisfying" is that even supposed to mean? :-?

this thread fills me with rage-  I need to laugh

PHEW! Much Better
sorry to anyone who may have found those posts offensive.  i can understand that.  my intention was to essentially "point and laugh" at the woefully uninformed people on display there.

as i always tell people, if you don't dig the jacket, that means you were probably born without a soul.

Truth, I wasn't really filled with rage, just kidding around
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side