SF Giants love MMJ

Started by bbill, Apr 15, 2010, 12:05 PM

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Wooderson: "Say Timmy, you're a freshman, so tell me, how's this new crop of freshman chicks comin' in?"
Lincecum: Forces uncomfortable laugh and looks at ground, awkwardly grabs bridge of nose and shakes head.
Pink: "Wooderson, you dog, you're gunna get busted one of these days!"
Wooderson: "Nah man, that's what I love about these High School girls...I get older, and they stay the same age..."

That is hilarious. Did you memorize that scene?  What cracks me up is the "grabs bridge or nose" part.  It is insane how many times that kid grabs his nose in that scene.   ;D

;D I guess I kinda have memorized it, but I saw it recently too. It's a go-to movie in my house - we end up watching it a couple times a year. Dazed & Confused always delivers!  8-)

Memorize? Bbill lives it!

;D Maybe a decade ago, minus the sleazy, HS girl predator thing. I mean, I was pretty sleazy, but there were certainly boundaries to my sleaze. But, anyway...thanks?



"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Penny Lane


I was pretty sleazy, but there were certainly boundaries to my sleaze.

;D ;D  ..for the forum quotes thread.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

ms. yvon

as a Giants fan & MMJ listener i fully endorse this thread.  the Giants are off to a great start this season!  [smiley=cheesy.gif]

bbill, i listen to the games via mlb.com so i haven't heard any of the game promos yet.

walterfredo:  have a great time sunday and remember to be a good sport!
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."

capt. scotty

Quote"Nah man, that's what I love about these High School girls...I get older, and they stay the same age..."

Quite possibly my favorite quote of all time

....and remember bb, it aint eazy being sleazy
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons