Jacket Fans: Stoned, Drunk, Rude, & Stupid?

Started by Anu, Apr 22, 2010, 05:33 PM

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Quoteim with you songdiver...why are people racking on other people liking good music?  People get their panties in a wad and go on rants that Vampire Weekend is over rated and Passion Pit is annoying.  Well I'll tell you one thing - I would much rather have bands like MGMT, KOL and John Legend rule the pop charts than Stained, Limp Biskit and Creed like we had a couple years ago.  

Remember - everyone liked the Stones and everyone liked Stevie Wonder.  Just because all walks of life (pumelers, "fans", idiots, drunks and superfans) enjoy the same kind of music, doesn't mean there's a bad thing going on.  

I am so happy...so so happy, quality music is finally becoming popular again.

Question: any old timers out there? Dead heads, Stone's fans? Im sure people bitched about the same kinda shit when The Hells Angles started attending Dead shows....

Well, sonny....  I remember, way back, when there was this thing called MTV.  And the M stood for Music, unlike today.  And there was this band called the Grateful Dead.  And they released an album and made one of them fancy music videos for the song "Touch of Grey".  Well, wouldn't you know it, but a bunch of young whippersnappers saw this video and wanted to see what all the fuss was about.  Suddenly, here's us old folks (used ta call us Deadheads) and these Dead virgins getting in the way, don't know the words, can't tell what song is coming next from the look on Phil's face ten minutes earlier.  Ayup.  That was the beginning of the End.  Its probably what killed Jerry, those know-nothing, Polo-shirt wearing frat boys!  Damn them!  Damn them all to Hell!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


QuoteBTW, I used to be a liberal too before I understood the stupidity of labels.  You people should be happy these "BROS" are finally listening to good music...that is a positive change...stop trying to be snobs and embrace the revolution.  The only people I still meet who act like music snobs (like I did years ago) are people who have issues they haven't gotten over and want to make fun of less intelligent people to feel better.  You are being as bad as the people you are making fun of.  I don't like frat boys either, but it makes me happy they are finally "getting it"

you're the dude in the blue shirt aren't you?


Raaaaazor sharp, son! Razor sharp!

You get a Wilford Brimley for that one  :)

that DEFINITELY deserved a WB!  ;D ;D
A WB and a 4 Popped Collar.


Tracy 3000

QuoteBTW, I used to be a liberal too before I understood the stupidity of labels.  You people should be happy these "BROS" are finally listening to good music...that is a positive change...stop trying to be snobs and embrace the revolution.  The only people I still meet who act like music snobs (like I did years ago) are people who have issues they haven't gotten over and want to make fun of less intelligent people to feel better.  You are being as bad as the people you are making fun of.  I don't like frat boys either, but it makes me happy they are finally "getting it"

you're the dude in the blue shirt aren't you?

if i could whistle i would... them's fightin' words, boys.

sticky's "age of the bros" has nothing to do with more people "getting it".  in fact, it's the exact opposite.  he's talking about the kind of people that go to a show for all the wrong reasons.  they have no idea that mmj is possibly THE greatest motherfucking band of all time.  they throw glowsticks @ the band & chatter incessantly throughout the sets.  in other words - they're totally disrespectful towards the band.    

i wouldn't call that snobbery.  don't we all try to protect the things we love?  


I saw Andrew Bird try to "handle" some of these guys once. Early on, he tried explaining that since he "hit the big time" (saracasm) that he was used to playing to more attentive crowds at smaller, sit down venues; that playing a big bar was harder b/c of all the people talking. And some dudes in the front were talking TO HIM during one of his more quiet ballads and he stopped playing and just looked at the guys and said into the microphone, "I think the problem is that you and I are on totally different planes right now" and after the guys whoooped and hollered by being called out by the lead singer, Andrew just starting laughing and shaking his head.

That's a true story I have and I just shared it.  :)
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."



We are entering The Age of the Bro.  Watch the dude in the blue shirt, he hugs every dude he can get his hands on.  We're screwed.

Woohoo more hugs&love and less glowstick-throwing, I'm all for it!  :D

I'm pro-peace for sure, pro-bro is something else altogether.  I'm a liberal guy but I'm definitely not pro-bro.  The Age Of The Bro is something we all should fear, let us not get it confused with The Age Of The Brah.  These "bro's" are a nuisance and must be destroyed.  Only because they have no respect for the music.  

You might say, "Well I'm a girl, am I a bro if I talk during a show?".  The Answer is no bananer's.  You'd be a dumb bitch.  you and the other ladies here don't seem to have any symptoms of "dumb bitch disorder" as far as I can tell so you're cool with me.  Chicks who talk to their BFF's, take constant pics with their phone, and flat out don't pay attention are what I'd consider, at least in this scenario, a dumb bitch.  

I haven't been here nearly as long as everybody else but I can tell you this, the bro's are coming and there isn't much we can do about it.  If we're not passionate as fuck and if we don't rock as hard as we possibly can next time they tour the vibe of the bro could fuck us.  Then the lots will be over run with bro's and dumb bitches galore, and for what?  the chance to throw a fucking glow stick at somebody famous.

Like cancer these people spread from show to show, band to band.  Forming a parasitic bond that is hard to reverse, they in most cases are a life time disease.  Similar to Aids.  It's been discussed.  Bro's/Dumb Bitche's are like Cancer-Aids. We must be strong.

The Dude in that gif didn't even try to get in the zone during Tonight I Want to Celebrate with you.  Ridiculous.  It's the first song they played too! usually when I'm at a show one of the most pumped moments is yelling until they finally come out and start into that first tune no matter what it is.  

I Guess... in a way I don't understand why people pay money to see a band and then talk the whole time, give each other hj's, talk on their phone, etc.  To me, they mine as well sit in the parking lot.

Hahaha, I'm pro-love, any kind of love, as much love as possible, more loooove [ch9829], but definitely not pro-talking-while-the-band-plays, that's a different thing.
Europe ♥ My Morning Jacket

Rufus T. Firefly

QuoteI know that the Bon Jovi show was down the road at the Bridgestone Arena. But I wonder if they had more intelligent & respectful fans there than we did at the half-empty Municipal Auditorium last night.

There's very little that I can attribute the rude and rowdy mess I experienced down front by stage other than to the abuse of drugs and alcohol. It was sick, and not in the good way that Dondante, Smokin from Shootin, OTR, or Run Thru was.

I have loved this band more than any other in recent years.

And I cannot complain that the set last night was not one of the best. And I cannot complain that the fans I stood near didn't know the songs; in fact, folks knew all the words to every song, even to some of the covers I did not recognize.

The thick and sticky ganja smoke was bad enough, but the cigarette smoke was excessive and puke worthy. Does MMJ attract that many people addicted to nicotine, with no respect for their neighbors, or the indoor smoking ban in our fine state of Tennessee?

For too many years, I went to Jacket shows wasted. I imagine what I saw last night was probably karmic payback for my own stupidity on previous MMJ benders. But the experience of seeing the jacket sober was seriously diminished by the antics of my drunken peers.

Not once, but multiple times, Yim was pelted with glowsticks. Many frontfolk would not have his grace and professionalism and would have walked off stage.

Lots of people who are not drug addicts or alcoholics can handle their buzz and respect their neighbors. However, in the crowd at the Jacket last night, I saw far too many people too fucked up to care that some people do not want to be groped, bumped, ass-grabbed, screamed at, or have giant wafts of nasty tobacco smoke blown in their faces for the sake of *your* good time.

I know that if I want to be sober and still go to shows, I need to put up with stuff like this. However, I hope better for the Jacket and their incredibly dedicated fanbase. Please, handle your buzz & respect your neighbor or get the help that I needed to get & get clean & sober.

Rant over. Forgive me my rant as I forgive y'all for what I saw last night.


Bon Jovi?........YIKES!!!


capt. scotty


You might say, "Well I'm a girl, am I a bro if I talk during a show?".  The Answer is no bananer's.  You'd be a dumb bitch.  

I just white dragoned my iced tea  ;D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Whoa, this one really went places since I checked it last. Isn't songdiver the guy who wanted us all to move to Louisville with him a few years back? Seems like a really smart guy (possibly a genius), droppin' quantum mechanics on us and all.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


This may be the longest lasting thread I've ever started on any fan board ever. Whoosh.

A matter of days after the Nashville show, I celebrated my one-year-sobriety birthday, & I'm now writing an essay about Yim's lyrics, my Jacket fandom, & the road to recovery.


QuoteThis may be the longest lasting thread I've ever started on any fan board ever. Whoosh.

A matter of days after the Nashville show, I celebrated my one-year-sobriety birthday, & I'm now writing an essay about Yim's lyrics, my Jacket fandom, & the road to recovery.

Good for you, Anu.  You definitely started a classic thread.  
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


QuoteI'm 32 and I prefer chairbacks.  I love the experience of being on the rail, but the drama sucks.  Most of the time for me, it's just not worth it.  

I'm 32 and I don't prefer chairbacks.  Rock with me flyguy.  It'll be worth it. ;D :-*
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

This thread cracks me up.  It reminds me of a frat boy.

Penny Lane

QuoteThis may be the longest lasting thread I've ever started on any fan board ever. Whoosh.

A matter of days after the Nashville show, I celebrated my one-year-sobriety birthday, & I'm now writing an essay about Yim's lyrics, my Jacket fandom, & the road to recovery.

Congratulations, Anu. That's great. Good luck w/the writing.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Penny Lane


You might say, "Well I'm a girl, am I a bro if I talk during a show?".  The Answer is no bananer's.  You'd be a dumb bitch.  

I just white dragoned my iced tea  ;D

OMG. I had to look that up on urban dictionary. Disgusting!!

You didn't even use that properly.  ;D It's supposed to come out through the girl's nose. Ick.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteI'm 32 and I prefer chairbacks.  I love the experience of being on the rail, but the drama sucks.  Most of the time for me, it's just not worth it.  

I'm 32 and I don't prefer chairbacks.  Rock with me flyguy.  It'll be worth it. ;D :-*
I just like to have my "defined area"; I don't actually use the seats for anything more than a barricade.  Also, there's a good chance for several beer/bathroom breaks and, although I've never tried either, I just don't think that I would be a fan of Depends or a catheter.

Ruckus, if we ever end up at the same show, I pledge to rock the rail with you.


QuoteI'm 32 and I prefer chairbacks.  I love the experience of being on the rail, but the drama sucks.  Most of the time for me, it's just not worth it.  

I'm 32 and I don't prefer chairbacks.  Rock with me flyguy.  It'll be worth it. ;D :-*
I just like to have my "defined area"; I don't actually use the seats for anything more than a barricade.  Also, there's a good chance for several beer/bathroom breaks and, although I've never tried either, I just don't think that I would be a fan of Depends or a catheter.

Ruckus, if we ever end up at the same show, I pledge to rock the rail with you.
I'm hurt, Rowan. Hurt, confused, and sad.  ::)
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


QuoteI'm 32 and I prefer chairbacks.  I love the experience of being on the rail, but the drama sucks.  Most of the time for me, it's just not worth it.  

I'm 32 and I don't prefer chairbacks.  Rock with me flyguy.  It'll be worth it. ;D :-*
I just like to have my "defined area"; I don't actually use the seats for anything more than a barricade.  Also, there's a good chance for several beer/bathroom breaks and, although I've never tried either, I just don't think that I would be a fan of Depends or a catheter.

Ruckus, if we ever end up at the same show, I pledge to rock the rail with you.

Have you tried "Stadium Pal"?

The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


QuoteI'm 32 and I prefer chairbacks.  I love the experience of being on the rail, but the drama sucks.  Most of the time for me, it's just not worth it.  

I'm 32 and I don't prefer chairbacks.  Rock with me flyguy.  It'll be worth it. ;D :-*
I just like to have my "defined area"; I don't actually use the seats for anything more than a barricade.  Also, there's a good chance for several beer/bathroom breaks and, although I've never tried either, I just don't think that I would be a fan of Depends or a catheter.

Ruckus, if we ever end up at the same show, I pledge to rock the rail with you.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


If I'm drinking, I avoid the front for two reasons:

1) It's harder to get to/from bar at most venues
2) I don't want some jackass knocking into my beer or, in the alternative, I don't want to have to battle a crowd with a beverage
I'm surrounded by assholes


I was at said Nashville show. I didnt read any of this thread except the first and last page, but I feel like going to a show with thousands of people, most of which are probably in their 20's, at a venue that sells alcohol you should expect people to be "drunk and stupid." I mean, it IS a rock concert. Sorry if I sound rude, but complaining about other people having fun that you don't agree with personally is a little bit ridiculous in my opinion.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...