best unsigned rock and roll band (imo)

Started by loftfan, Mar 13, 2004, 09:01 PM

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if youve never heard of these guys (and chances are you havent) they are simply the best damn band ive ever heard in forever. They told me there talking w/ labels but as of right now are not signed. they sound like the black crowes and mmj with some ben harper type stuff. they tour relentlesly for being independant (I saw them in Nashville last night) you really should check them out



They're exactly like you described them.  And damn pretty good too.  I think I'm gonna like this band.

Thx for the tip man.


Never heard of imo. Have you heard the Louisville band Hell's 1/2 Acre? Kinda spacey-country-rock-70's-rolling-stones sorta thing. Gr-e-a-t!



sorry,  somtimes I abbreviate sayings that dont really have an accepted abbreviation in this case (imo) was "in my opinion" the band I was talking about is called the loft.  but anyway thanks for the tip on Hells half acre.. their right up my musical alley. Ive already been spreading the word....does anyone else have know of any bands off the radar that kicks ass?