Psychedelics anyone?

Started by TheKnoxvilleBear, Dec 08, 2007, 08:12 PM

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We've all done them...LSD, Shrooms, cannabis...Even if you havent, you would have to be stupid not to know how common they are in the music world.  Bonnaroo is a great example of combining the.  With that being said, I've been doing alot thinking about the band.  Under the influence or not, MMJ's music is simply magical. Steam Engine, Golden, Dondante, Rollin' Back, and pretty much every one of their songs has that magical sound that makes your mind go free.  I was wondering if the guys have ever talked about psychedelics when they were writing new songs, playing at a show, etc.  


this is an awesome thread, man. I've been wondering the same thing too. I've done shrooms, I fuckin blaze almost every day, done E, but I've never done acid. Does anyone wanna send me some blotter acid through the mail? I'm serious!

but yeah, I think MMJ smokes a lot of weed, but I don't know further from that.

Angry Ewok

Nothing personal, guys, but this is a tired subject in art.

I'll agree that MMJ's music is "magical" at times, but it is so, so juvenile and lame to assume that all good art these days is obviously the product of habitual drug use, and not just god-given talent. Call me a nutty straight, but maybe My Morning Jacket is just collectively very gifted, and maybe there are a few musicians out there that don't need drugs as a crutch to compose colorful, creative material.

You guys aren't going to call me a narc, now, are you?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Not at all man....and I totally agree with you that there are bands out there with god-given talent to just play amazing music. Im not implying that the boys are what they are today because of drugs, I'm just asking if they have ever commented on experiences or influences on their music from psychedelics.  Look at the Beatles man, its obvious they were pretty drugged up when they released Sgt. Pepper, and now it is considered the greatest album of all time. Thats not saying that you have to be drugged up to make a high-selling album, because thats not at all true.  All I'm saying is that some drugs bring out another side of music think about stuff in a song that you might not recognize if you were just listening to it in your car to work or something.


Quote All I'm saying is that some drugs bring out another side of music think about stuff in a song that you might not recognize if you were just listening to it in your car to work or something.

yes, and it also brings out stuff you never recognized on the back of your hand...

Bliss also occurs drug free, it's just harder to get there; the drug free bliss I have encountered has made much more of an impression on me than the drug induced psychedalia I experienced as a younger man. If you can tune in on something and make it last, using your own mind, that, for me, is the magic.

Not knocking drugs, just speaking my truth. The bottom line is that whatever happens, happens.


QuoteI've done shrooms, I fuckin blaze almost every day, done E, but I've never done acid.
Thanks very much for sharing, we're all very proud of you  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteI've done shrooms, I fuckin blaze almost every day, done E, but I've never done acid.
Thanks very much for sharing, we're all very proud of you  :)
I assume you'll be the one mailing him some blotter acid?   ;D


I think Jim has probably already contacted him & got some stuff sent.
Or Carl maybe...
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quotethen there's this:

That just made me laugh!  Thank you! :)


I didn't know weed was classified as a Psychedelic???
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


QuoteI've done shrooms, I fuckin blaze almost every day, done E, but I've never done acid.
Thanks very much for sharing, we're all very proud of you  :)
I assume you'll be the one mailing him some blotter acid?   ;D



QuoteI didn't know weed was classified as a Psychedelic???

It's a mild hallucinogen.  So, it can't really be classified as a depressant or a hallucinogen.  It falls somewhere in between.


Non prescribed drugs are illegal and should not be taken under any circumstances.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


QuoteNon prescribed drugs are illegal and should not be done under any circumstances.

That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


All I do is smoke weed. Thats all I do...everyday of my life. I don't give a FUCK. 8-)
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


QuoteAll I do is smoke weed. Thats all I do...everyday of my life. I don't give a FUCK. 8-)
me, too, ghosts.  right now i'm at work and i'm really fucked on acid.  i'm up to about 27 hits - just to get me through the morning.  

that's normal, right?

i think it's fair to say that drugs can add a different twist to an experience - like a concert or a record or, you know, kind of anything - family dinners...
but i also really like to experience things straight.  i like mild drugs here and there, but i find, like booze, if i'm doing it all too much, i caint get nothing done.  it feels okay to not get anything done, but then i'm just wastin' time.

as to bands taking drugs, i don't know, how can anybody know a thing like that?  and who caaaaaaaaares?  sometimes it feels like people will relate more to artists if they know they're taking drugs.  i'm not sure why that would be.



as to bands taking drugs, i don't know, how can anybody know a thing like that?  and who caaaaaaaaares?  sometimes it feels like people will relate more to artists if they know they're taking drugs.  i'm not sure why that would be.

weren't the Spin Doctors on drugs?


Im pretty sure the boys play sober...theres a big difference between a Jim James preformance and Trey Ant preformance

But none the less i enjoy music and drugs just as much as the next 22 year old college kid, but My Morning Jackets music surpases all of that - it's amazing on drugs and its amazing off drugs.  Wish i could say the same for a Sound Tribe Sector 9 show...for that, drugs are needed.  :o

But I WAS that dude at NYE losing my mind...and ever sense that night I have been a changed man.  Was it the drugs or the music?  I would like to say the music. the drughs simply got me laid later.  
God damn those shaky knees.