Drive by Truckers????????

Started by sweatboard, Dec 16, 2004, 10:38 PM

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Why do people keep hyping this band?  I downloaded this disk the other day and I almost threw it out the damn window of my car it was so bad.  The guy is talking about Tornadoes that sound like trains ,and how everyones got cancer, I couldn't decidede if this band was for real or just a Southern Rock Parody.  Seriously, I gave the disc a second chance and it sucked even harder the second time around, they're like a characeture of a southern rock band.  My suggestion to anyone thinking about listening to this band would be to just go play some Skynard and hear how it is supposed to be done.  All the riffs are cliche and the lyrics are so far beyond irritating it makes me throw-up in my mouth.      
There's Still Time.........


So you like them?  A lot?   :D


Did you even listen to the lyrics?
Give "Decoration Day" a chance.
Do it for me.
Listen to "Outfit" and see if your mind isn't changed...


One of very few who have not find the vibe I guess.  The Dirty South and Decoration Day were both on many top album lists and Southern Rock Opera is great as well.  Have you ever seen the in concert.  High energy band with great chemistry.  Admmitedly, sometimes bands just don't work out and this is one that didn't find your spot. Give Southern Rock Opera a chance and if that doesn't work don't waste your time with them again.



Yes, yes I did listen to the lyrics, that was what sucked the most.  It wasn't like it was hard to decipher what he was talking about.  The fact that the lyrics were so obvious was part of the problem.  Olwiggum, I listned to Decoration Day a while back and I thought it was crap to.  Dirty South just confirmed my thoughts.  I can't believe they named thier album "Dirty South", I mean come on take ten more minutes just to avoid using the hip hop term of the moment.  I will listen to "outfit" just for you though.  
There's Still Time.........


You want to grow up to paint houses like me, a trailer in my yard till you're 23
You want to be old after 42 years, keep dropping the hammer and grinding the gears

Well, I used to go out in a Mustang, a 302 Mach One in green.
Me and your Mama made you in the back and I sold it to buy her a ring.
And I learned not to say much of nothing and I figured you already know
but in case you don't or maybe forgot, I'll lay it out real nice and slow

Don't call what your wearing an outfit. Don't ever say your car is broke.
Don't worry about losing your accent, a Southern Man tells better jokes.
Have fun but stay clear of the needle. Call home on your sister's birthday.
Don't tell them you're bigger than Jesus, don't give it away.

Six months in a St. Florian foundry, they call it Industrial Park.
Then hospital maintenance and Tech School just to memorize Frigidaire parts.
But I got to missing your Mama and I got to missing you too.
So I went back to painting for my old man and I guess that's what I'll always do

So don't try to change who you are boy, and don't try to be who you ain't.
And don't let me catch you in Kendale with a bucket of wealthy-man's paint.

Don't call what your wearing an outfit. Don't ever say your car is broke.
Don't sing with a fake British accent. Don't act like your family's a joke.
Have fun, but stay clear of the needle, call home on your sister's birthday.
Don't tell them you're bigger than Jesus, Don't give it away.

Don't give it away.

AND BE A SIMPLE KIND OF MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, I guess they don't float your boat, and I can respect that. I guess they mean more to me because I know most of the places that they sing about. I remember the night that
"Tornadoes" happened. We drove over to the truckstop after the storms passed and it was crazy. I thought about it every time that I drove past that place (which has since been rebuilt 'cause I was little when it happened).
I live about 3 minutes from Wilson Dam that is mentioned in a couple of the songs. I remember my neighbor (when I was a kid) that had a big ol' stick that she got signed by Buford Pusser at one of his many appearances here in the area.

I guess it just hits me different.

Now I'll tell ya who I can't dig... Kings of Leon.


I totally agree with olwiggum.They are a just a fun band and have fantastic live show.There is usually three different people writing the lyrics.I can respect also if you don't like them,but they are a pretty good band that writes about their southern roots,warts and all and they aren't ashamed of their cultural heritage.Believe it or not I have friends that don't love MMJ.The song "The Great Alabama Icons" and "Ronnie and Neil" are great tunes(both of the "Southern Rock Opera disc".A lot of their songs are written with humour(tongue in cheek) and also compassion(Daddy's Cup) I also can relate to some of the things they are singing about growing up in rural areas of Kentucky.Some of the best country writers also write in very simplistic format.I'm sure they are influenced by Skynrd,but also Neil Young's Crazy Horse era.To each their own but I know they are a fine band.And Olwiggum you are right about the "Kings of Leon, they do rock!!!    


I love listening to The Kings of Leon.  I would say they deffinitly have a southern rock influence but have managed to create thier own unique sound.  I'm not going to argue that they write the BEST lyrics in the world but they aren't blatently annoying either.  I respect everyone's oppinion I'm just giving mine and trying to gain some insight into why so many people are so high on the Drive by Truckers these days, I'm just having a hard time seeing it.  Has anyone seen the Kings of Leon live?  I would imagine they are pretty good.  
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If the DBTs come to your area, they are definitely worth checking out. They love what they do and it's quite obvious while they're on stage. I've seen them play for 3 hours on several occasions... and I'm not talking about noodling around on the same song for 15 minutes like Panic or some of those bands. They play the 3-5 minute song, stop long enough to take a hit off of a bottle of whiskey and tear into the next one...
3 hours of pure, honest to god rock and roll...


Yes,I saw Kings of Leon last year.They are a great live show.They put a lot of soul in southern garage rock sound.The lead guitarist,Matthew Followill reminded me of the style of Johnny Quaid.Even though they don't exactly sound like the "The Stones",they kind of have that vibe on stage.Real rocking rollers.I do believe even Mr.John Conaway was also at that show.


There was a Skynard tribute band that came to town a couple weeks ago and they played for three hours and ripped shit up and I'm sure they enjoy what they were doing.  Does that mean that they are original, or can produce a great album with thier own songs?  My point is, I would probably have a great time at a DBT show but are they a great new band or are they a weak Southern Rock Ripoff?  I side on the latter.
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Why do they have to be a southern rock rip off?They are truly southerners who play rock.They play the music that they like.As far as originality goes,I think everybody shows their influences in their music,some more than others.To me it's not as blatant as you think,or at least I don't see it or I don't mind it as much.Oh well to each his own.But don't negate them because they remind you of someone else.Sorry if sounds personal,but nobody really likes to hear that their music taste in a band sucks.


It's funny you say that antoniostrohs because I was reading the "now playing" thread and you listed Sun Kil Moon and Sonic Youth with the Drive by Truckers and that was what inspired me to start this thread.  Sonic Nurse and Ghosts of the Lost Hwy are two masterpieces so I would never say your taste in music sucks.  I was just curious what the attraction to the Drive By Truckers is, and there have been some interesting responses.  Many people may not go along with this but I see it as
The Darkness is to 80's heavy metal what the Drive By Truckers are to 70's southern rock.
Look, I like the Vines so.............. :-[  
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We get your point already...  :)

I just wish you liked them.

I still think you're swell.  :)


I do agree with your theory on "The Darkness",and I also like The Vines.So we do have some musical taste in common.Sorry,butI'm just a little sensitive when people say a band I really like is a "ripoff" and "makes me throw up in my mouth".I Just thought those comments were a little harsh.I'm sure you would feel the same if someone had said that about Pearl Jam or MMJ.Hope you can see where I'm coming from thats all.So we agree to disagree about DBT and that's cool.At least we still made a good choice in loving "The Jacket".Happy Holidays.


There's Still Time.........


QuoteWord  ;)

I've noticed a few people use that word (word) as a comment here. Is it a Canadian or American thing? I can never work out what you guys mean by it. Can anybody explain?


its american, and i thought it orginates in rap music, but according to the rap dictionary it has some biblical association....

Biblical (John1:1). "logos": truth.
Exclamation or term of endearment.

i would define it as "that is the truth/I agree with you"

it can also be used in statements such as

"word to your mother"

but I have no idea why someone involves the mother in the statement of truth.



From the Online Slang Dictionary:

word   exclamation   1. an affirmation of agreement. (Question: "I'm going to the movies tonight, dawg - you want to go?" Response: "Word!")  Submitted by Slink, FL, USA, 02-04-1998.   2. When used as a question, equivalent to "Are you serious?"   ("Statement: "I met Michael Jackson!"   Response: "Word?"  Submitted by Jasmine, Washington Twp., NJ, USA, 06-12-2002.

--I think it evolved from "Word up," which was popular in the 80's (You might remember that horrible song)