baby name contest....

Started by johnconaway, Dec 30, 2004, 08:52 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

okay, the little bugger isn't coming until the end of february, but we're tossing about some baby names...

here's our short list, and i want y'all to cast your votes for your's our favs in order:

1.  Ameila Claire Conaway
2.  Cora June Conaway
3.  Camille Claire Conaway
4.  Claire Iris June Conaway

if none of these tickle yer fancy, give me your input!

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Hey, those are classic, pretty names.  Very girly names.  Nice!

I choose Amelia June Conaway (which is mixing it up a bit).  But I like Amelia Claire, too.

p.s.  I like how you've balanced all the girlyness by calling her a "little bugger".  heh.

peanut butter puddin surprise

yep, we're going for the old fashioned girly names, for sure!  that is a good combo, ameila june...hmmmmmm

BTW:  speaking of balance, we already have a Beatles baby outfit, and are expecting the Ramones outfit any day now.  not to mention the stylish baby Chuck Taylor Converse shoes...:)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I'll put a vote in for #2.  Cora June Conway, It's beautiful.
There's Still Time.........



what about namin the lil bugger

Cailey Camille Conaway




what about namin the lil bugger

Cailey Camille Conaway


CC for short?  ;)


QuoteBTW:  speaking of balance, we already have a Beatles baby outfit, and are expecting the Ramones outfit any day now.  not to mention the stylish baby Chuck Taylor Converse shoes...

I had no idea they made things like that for babies.  What's the Ramones outfit like?  Black?  Does it come with a wig and sunglasses?


Yeah, giving her a girly name and dressing her like Rock is awesome.


We have a Ramones Rock N Roll Preschool t-shirt that the 5 year old wears.

The Boar

Hmmm, all very wonderful names...

I'll have to side with Camille Claire as my top choice, with Cora June a close second.

"Ameila" is intriguing -- is that pronounced the same way as the first name of Ms. Earhart? Or does the metathesis of the "i" and the "l" give it a unique pronunciation?

peanut butter puddin surprise


what about namin the lil bugger

Cailey Camille Conaway


Uncle Riny, you're the best!  ;D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


i love the name claire, and i love anything with iris in it. so i guess my vote would be #4. are claire and june family names? they are both really pretty.

ben grimm

Cora June is my favourite, but they're all lovely names.


Cora June! Cora June! Cora June!

I absolutely love that name.  Though Camille and Iris are very beautiful as well.

When do you expect her to be here?  If irises are in bloom when the baby arrives, I think that's a sign.


They're all lovely, but I think I'd have to go for Cora June as well. There's something very "American" about it.

By the way, Tundra, Abe is a truly cool name.


I think John and mrsconaway know where my vote is on this issue.
CORA JUNE. Very americana with a little appalachian flavor.


QuoteBy the way, Tundra, Abe is a truly cool name.

 ;D Thanks.  I just hope he thinks so.


QuoteWe have a Ramones Rock N Roll Preschool t-shirt that the 5 year old wears.

Very cool.  (Who's idea was it?)


what about Conny Conaway ;D...when my little blighters born...IVF here we gonna cool it/she/he EMMYLOU OR NADINE OR AMELIE....I love toying with the idea of a real southern U.S state kinda name...even though im from England...i might add that Amelie is french...i just liked the movie...if its a boy what about JIMJAMES OR GRAM OR BO/BEAU  ;D we have plenty of time to think..need to get preggers first...3 years o trying still no luck...lots of pregnancies but no babies...i have a ten year old from a previous relationship called LILLIE-BRIANA ..I don't mind you borrowing that name John...GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND YOUR WIFE ANYHOW...