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My Music

Started by utonynashm, Jan 10, 2005, 12:24 PM

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Hey guys...I play guitar and I wirte my own songs and record them all the time...I finally found a spot to put them up at...

I would love to get some feedback from yall...

I play every instrument and sound you hear...So the recording process takes a while and is very tideous...Lots of work went into these...oh and I do everything but sing...i cant sing...


Damnit!  I kept meaning to post here and say that I would try and check out your music, and then I forgot, and then I worried about it in the shower.  

So now my hair's dripping all over the keyboard, and I'll probably get electrocuted, but I wanted to say that I will check out your music, and to thank you for posting the link.



Me too. I can't really take the time to register on that site today at work. I'll register at home tonight, then try to give it a listen tomorrow on my lunch break.


Okay.  Hey!  Dude, you can play!  You music is interesting and dynamic!


Rock'n roll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I would even say more:

This is great stuff! So you said, you're a band on your own, doing the drums, bass, rythm and lead?

Didn't you find a singer? Those songs scream for some beautifull haunting words.


Did you find a record company?

With every listen, the songs are growing! respect man!


Oh may I ask which gear you're using? Right now I'm looking for a new floorprocessor (my old zoom 3030 sucks big time) and I like the effects you're using there.


QuoteHey!  Dude, you can play!  You music is interesting and dynamic!

What the hell is that?  I feel like a librarian writing that.  (Not that all librarians are like that, I know a couple of wild ones!)

Anyhow, what I meant to say was:

Are you interested in songwriting?  Maybe you could find a songwriter and be like a Jagger/Richards team.  (Am I right, there?  Is that how they wrote the songs most of the time?)

Anyhow, yeah!


I have to agree with all of the above really know how to play. I dig it most.


Same to you Lfish and EC. Nice job on the tribute!


I can't say thank you enough guys for the kind words!

I have been in bands but none made it out of the basement...I just can't find good open minded people...I actually am just coming out of a band that I am not sure if it is going on or not...haven't heard from them at all...

And I have yet to find a good singer...i can't find any actually...they all want to scream and do punk or something...which is cool, but it is not for me...I have a crap load of lyrics and poems and all that stockpiled, but I just don't sing...Ive tried I just dont dig it...and I dont have enough balls to do it even if I could...hahaha

Those are just a few I have a lot more songs that show a lot more things and bring many different feeling to light...

So any faviortes or thing you like?

Oh and about the gear...I am a very meat and potatos kinda guy, very basic...I keep about the music and the tunes...What effects stood out to you?

I am really interested to finally have people digging my stuff!  And we can talk about it...

Thanks again!


Or you using separate effectpedals (which brand?) or are you going for the digital floor processors (like digitech, Roland,...)


I only have one pedal...A cry baby wah wah...

The other effects I use are on my crate digital 120 watt amp...

What song are talking about?


Hey there...I totally updated the site with pictures for the songs and lyrics and stories about them all as well...
I added some new tunes as well and will DEFINETLY be adding more within the next few days...
Again, please check it out!   ;)


QuoteHey there...I totally updated the site with pictures for the songs and lyrics and stories about them all as well...

I added some new tunes as well and will DEFINETLY be adding more within the next few days...

Again, please check it out!   ;)
Hey Tony - it look's really good.  Yay!  You keep going!


Hey, I'm listening to your stuff right now, ain't it cool!
Can't believe you can't find singer for this stuff, I love it. Old World Goodbye, Never Know Your down... Real nice.
Remember, a lot of singers weren't confident about their voice when they started out (I know Neil Young wasn't but I like his singing)
Nice fluent guitar work too and a fine slide guitar in one of these songs!

Keep it up man.


Gee, thanks so much guys and gals for checking this out for me!

I have been singing for a while now just trying it out and I have gotten a LOT better then when I first started but I still wish I could improve a lot more, and most of all get confidence...I have been trying to sing to MMJ tunes forever now almost everyday...and I practice my own songs as well, but I don't know what to think about any of it...

I have no ego and almost NO self esteem so things hit me hard in life...even the littles things...

It is even hard for me to share this stuff with anyone--ecspecially on the internet...But the vibe is top notch here so I figure why not try it...

I am so grateful for the feedback and you people taking your time to listen...again thanks...

I am putting up more tunes now...

P.S...Keep listening and posting feedback, this is one of the only places I get feedback!  hahahaha...



QuoteI have no ego and almost NO self esteem so things hit me hard in life...even the littles things...
Okay.  If you work on that, everything else will fall into place.  Honestly.  That is the root of everything.  

Sometimes if you pick a thing in your life that you're having difficulty with, if you make a conscious effort to constantly be aware of it, you work and you work, and one day you realize that it's kind of become part of your centre.  I remember one of my acting profs used to tell me that I needed a mantra, and it should be "I have confidence."  Now, that didn't actually work because I kept feeling like Julie Andrews in that damn musical about nazis, which did NOT give me confidence, and instead made me feel like I needed to cut my hair and get a blue dress.  (Which actually might work for a boy, because it might make you feel silly, which is better than feeling petrified.)  So I opted for "Everything is cool."  Occasionally, adding "man" for extra relaxation emphasis.

You're already halfway there.  Allowing people to share what you do is massive.  Hugely courageous.  Keep going!

The singing thing, just keep doing it.  Just keep singing to your MMJ and whatever music you like.  Then go to some open mics around your town, and practise there.  Those things are brilliant for musicians trying to get their performing legs strong.

You can start recording your voice, too.  Just to get used to the sound of it.  It'll be weird, but eventually you'll get used to the way it sounds, and then you'll feel better about sharing it with other people.

That is the end of my feel good self-esteem lesson for today.  Tune in next week when I'll discuss body image and how to deal with Scottish guys who yell at you in the middle of your open mic set.



Amazing advice, thank you VERY much!  :)

Also...I have been recording my voice for a while now and i'm gonna try again today as a matter of fact...Like I said people tell me i'm okay, I just need more practice or something...I think I just need  lessons on it or something but I don't have the money...

One of them members here (Chunt983) has heard me sing before...rough versions of it...

But my biggest problems now are this:

1. I can hit some chords fine, but when I try to sing to them in a prgression I can't hit them...

2. The most annoying thing is this: One day I will sing really good and nail it and the next day I sound like shit and I can't hit it...very inconsistant...