Help me! Please!!!

Started by jackycreegs, Mar 24, 2005, 05:20 PM

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so, i joined up look.

as you all seem like such splendid people (what with your extravagant expenditure on posters on ebay and the like), i wonder if maybe you could help me out.

i'm gonna be away from home for ten weeks. there's a young lady i want to make a go of things with when i get back. she still needs some persuasion.

i was gonna buy her that filter magazine tsunami relief compilation cd, so it would arrive at hers while i'm away. but it's sold out. that fucks up my plan.

any suggestions for an alternative gift would be greatly appreciated. ideally it would be something i'd have to order from the US - or another country that isn't the UK - so it takes a while to get here (the willy mason album will be turning up at her house shortly after my departure).

don't worry. i'm not a stalker or anything. we are very close. it's just kind of hanging in the balance, i think.

obviously just buying the girl a couple of cds isn't gonna make her fall in love with me. but, who knows, it might just tip the balance. i must do all i can.

so... yeah. any advice would be much appreciated.


make a mixed cd from the heart!


Nah, get her the greater, gold and diamond rings.  Just don't make it last any longer than it has to. ;)


Quotemake a mixed cd from the heart!

Good advice. Someone special made one for me when we were apart and it really meant a lot. All the best  :)


Just a thought - if you want something to arrive at a certain point while you're away you could leave it with me and I'll get it to her. You already know my address and stuff. Anyhow. Let me know if I can help.


Quotemake a mixed cd from the heart!

i'm gonna be doing that already. it does indeed seem a good idea. i'm just trying to avoid putting anything on it that'll make her think of her (recently departed) ex.


QuoteJust a thought - if you want something to arrive at a certain point while you're away you could leave it with me and I'll get it to her. You already know my address and stuff. Anyhow. Let me know if I can help.

a very kind offer. and an idea i may well use. i like it. but there are people closer to home who i'm sure would do the leg work for me.

thanks very much though. a generous offer indeed.


I agree with the mixed cd.  Any old jackass can buy a girl things, but it takes a special one to make a good mixed cd.  With artwork, and some thought into the songs and their order.  I have been swayed by a mixed cd (actually it was a tape, but for the sake of argument) before.  

Now.  I personally recommend putting "By My Car" on there (it's an MMJ song - I think you said you didn't have any of their records, but you should buy them for this reason alone).  "By My Car" says "Hey, I'm sensitive, and your ex-boyfriend is a complete shithead, and I would even go so far as to beat the crap out of him because I love you so much."  Which is wicked, if you're a girl.

I was gonna list off a bunch of songs that might help in the making-her-love-you department, but truly that's all to taste and your own experiences.

Here's my question, though:  have you told her how you feel, yet?  If not, you better do it before you go.  That'll give her time to get over her stupid ex, and then she'll be getting lovely gifts while you're away, which will make her miss you very badly, and you're set when you get back.



"by my car" hey? i shall look into this.

she knows how i feel. i have made this abundantly clear. she says she thinks i'm crazy. but she said she'd say if i had no chance. and she hasn't said.

she will have seen her ex for the first time since she finished it with him last night (at her brothers party). so i'm somewhat apprehensive about finding out what went on.

she says she's been thinking about him a lot and finding it really difficult. but then she finds life in general pretty difficult, so that's probably not too surprising.

it's been over two months now since he stormed out on her on her birthday after he found her reading some poetry i'd sent her a few weeks previously. it's the guilt that gets you in the end.


He stormed out on her BIRTHDAY because he found her reading your poetry?  What a motherfucker.

Sorry, I don't even know him, but man.  People shouldn't be assholes on other peoples' birthdays.  They should wait.

Oh, and yeah, By My Car.  I think the lyrics are in the music section under The Tennessee Fire.  :)


definitely a home mader is the way to go--it demonstrates a level of thoughtfulness and creativity all at once
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


I've often found that a new Range Rover works wonders.
If thats a wee bit out of your price range, I would vote for the 'homer'.
Failing that, flowers.
(Flowers aren't lame, by the way)

Good Luck.

the future is Ginger



(Flowers aren't lame, by the way)

Absolutely agree, flowers are lovely. Anything that says you're thinking of her is good.

I wish you all the best but, if it's not to be it's not to be. I've got a feeling it IS to be, but if not, there's a whole world out there (as you're soon to discover  :D)


Just spotted you're online, Jack, and feel bad for that negative note. Ignore me and go for it!


don't feel bad. it's all good. didn't take it as a negative. the big underlined "is" made me smile.

i guess it is important (although it's not always possible) to try to remain philosophical about these things. especially when the girl's not got back to me today. but it's not too unusual for that to happen, and then the next day we'll be talking for hours.

but, as i've not heard from her since she will have seen him, it's hard not to imagine that she's back with her ex. but i must try not to think this. i must try not to think about it at all. but these efforts will be in vain.


You're really going through it, aren't you? I've been there and it's horrible. Trying not to think in a particular way just doesn't work, does it? I'll be thinking about you  :)


well that is nice to know. you truely are a lovely person.

luckily, vodka exists. and so does kahlua. and, so too, does milk. mmmmmmmmm, white russians.


Quotewell that is nice to know. you truely are a lovely person.

luckily, vodka exists. and so does kahlua. and, so too, does milk. mmmmmmmmm, white russians.

Ooohhh, my stomach is hurting thinking about the thoughts you've got racing around in your head.  You drink those White Russians if they help you through this sneaky headspace.  But be careful - no matter if she's back with her ex or whatever, you're going to be fine.  Look at what you're doing!  You've got a big exciting thing ahead of you, and that's really, really, really cool.

You'll be okay.  You really will. :)

Damn, though, you need to get It Still Moves so you can rock out.  Rocking out helps, too.  


baby mellow my mind
make me feel
like a schoolboy on good time
juggling nickles and dimes
with a fish on a liine

i've been down the road
but i've come baaack
lonesome whistle on a railroad traaaaaaaaack...........

don't worry. i can rock out with neil. it's all good. jim james/chavez/whateverthefuckhisnameis told me to buy 'it still moves'. it seems i have disobeyed him so far. and he's got such a good beard as well. i feel very small at this point.


Quotebaby mellow my mind
make me feel
like a schoolboy on good time
juggling nickles and dimes
with a fish on a liine

i've been down the road
but i've come baaack
lonesome whistle on a railroad traaaaaaaaack...........

don't worry. i can rock out with neil. it's all good. jim james/chavez/whateverthefuckhisnameis told me to buy 'it still moves'. it seems i have disobeyed him so far. and he's got such a good beard as well. i feel very small at this point.

Oh don't you feel small!!  (God, I'm sorry if I made you feel weird for not buying a record yet.  It's only because people's life expectancies increase when they buy My Morning Jacket Records - it's proven!!)

Honey, I swear that love fucks you up the most.  It just does, good or bad.  So you're bound to feel really weird right now.  Especially if you've been drinking white russians all night.  ;)

Just keep remembering that you are rock.