David Berman disses MMJ

Started by cmccubbin@work, Apr 14, 2008, 01:09 PM

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Wow, B, this really got under your skin eh?
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


yeah, I think it just really shocked me to hear Dave make a comment like that and use MMJ as the example.  They are really opposite ends of the same beautiful spectrum.  If you are going to make a negative point about music I think you should go OUTSIDE instead of WITHIN that spectrum to make your point.

In the end, it's about doing what you love and if people get it.....they get it.  I'm sorry that Dave doesn't make much money, but neither do I.    
There's Still Time.........


I mean my two favorite bands of all time are probably Pearl Jam and MMJ.  I made a post a while back about Gideon vs. Pearl Jam's more recent political songs.

In my opinion Eddie has been using his brain to the detriment of his heart in his songwriting as of late.  What I LOVE about a song like Gideon is that it expresses what Eddie is saying in a much more emotional way?  Gideon is a bit abstract, yet it's clear enough that when he screams I still want to break something, and I have a pretty clear idea of why.  


Gideon = perfect marriage of music and lyrics

Silver Jews......

Party Barge = Send us your coordinates I'll send a St. Bernard

both awesome.
There's Still Time.........


 "I need people to raise their standards, so I can have a chance. If you don't raise your standards, then I lose. Left alone with regular people and the mainstream, then I fail, in that Venn diagram."

this argument of his (and narcissism) is as old as the hills. Just look at those guys from Oasis, holy cow!

You got classical and jazz musicians who will say both MMJ and Silver Jews (and Oasis) are crap (trust me, I got a brother in law who is a jazz pianist). It's is an unwinnable debate and has no bearing on anything.

Wayne of The Flaming Lips was once asked how he felt that Britney Spears outsells him by millions. He replied something to the degree of- I'm not going to get pretentious and tell people the difference in "good" and "bad" music; if someone makes a record that moves you, be it a 12 year old girl or a 44 year old man, it shouldn't piss me off, I should be happy that people have found something that makes them happy.


Quotehere is hating on Louisville, KY and its local "rockers"....what a douche:


Pitchfork: How long have you lived in Nashville? Where did you live before that, and what prompted the move?

Berman: Cassie [Marrett, Berman's wife] and I moved here in 1999. I'd been living in an apartment colony called Mallard's Crossing beside an office park on the outskirts of Louisville. When I looked out my window, I wasn't necessarily in "sour old Louisville," an idea of a town with which I had an antagonistic relationship. The surrounding mallscape, it could have been anywhere-- Falls Church, Plano, Toledo.

In my beery mind this display of exurban contempt was the equivalent of a lone "boo" during the silent section of a live Rodan set. Sure my neighborhood bar was a BW-3, but at least I didn't have to deal with the sullen and homely hippy women that make up so a large portion of that town's rock scene. The day after Cassie graduated from college we left. It was the Titans' inaugural season. It was a great time to move to Nashville.

Pitchfork: What made Louisville so sour for you?

Berman: Listen to the song "Van Lear Rose" on Loretta Lynn's last album, and for the words "Johnson County" replace with "Louisville," and for "miners" put "local rockers." Cassie is the Van Lear Rose. I'm the stranger who comes to town. Sprinkle in a lot of wide-bottomed hippy women.

Hey, I used to live in those apartments.  Pretty damn nice as far as apts. go!
Louisville Rock and Roll



Wayne of The Flaming Lips was once asked how he felt that Britney Spears outsells him by millions. He repiled something to the degree of- I'm not going to get pretentious and tell people the diffrence in "good" and "bad" music; if someone makes a record that moves you, be it a 12 year old girl or a 44 year old man, it shouldn't piss me off, I should be happy that people have found something that makes them happy.

I love, love, love that statement.  I smile when I see people really embracing music of any kind.  If it's not my cup of tea, so be it.  You know what, there are probably more 13 year olds that get passionate about music than 40 year olds.   So Mariah Carry is going to sell more albums than Bruce Springsteen.  So what?  Music can't be judged, or rated in some sort of contest?  As an artist, David should know that better than anyone.  Did Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteDid Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

actually, i'm pretty sure he did ;)


QuoteWayne of The Flaming Lips was once asked how he felt that Britney Spears outsells him by millions. He repiled something to the degree of- I'm not going to get pretentious and tell people the diffrence in "good" and "bad" music; if someone makes a record that moves you, be it a 12 year old girl or a 44 year old man, it shouldn't piss me off, I should be happy that people have found something that makes them happy.
Just another reason to love Wayne and the Lips.


"...a lot of wide-bottomed hippy women"

And when did the word "hippie" start getting spelled "hippy"?
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


QuoteDid Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

actually, i'm pretty sure he did ;)

;D  Good point.  You are right, he probably did!   But hopefully, he didn't judge his own worth by how many people like them at the time.  But again, maybe he did.   I know I appreciate when someone complements me. I guess it's not so hard to understand a bit of frustration but maybe he should just direct it elsewhere.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.



Wayne of The Flaming Lips was once asked how he felt that Britney Spears outsells him by millions. He repiled something to the degree of- I'm not going to get pretentious and tell people the diffrence in "good" and "bad" music; if someone makes a record that moves you, be it a 12 year old girl or a 44 year old man, it shouldn't piss me off, I should be happy that people have found something that makes them happy.

I love, love, love that statement.  I smile when I see people really embracing music of any kind.  If it's not my cup of tea, so be it.  You know what, there are probably more 13 year olds that get passionate about music than 40 year olds.   So Mariah Carry is going to sell more albums than Bruce Springsteen.  So what?  Music can't be judged, or rated in some sort of contest?  As an artist, David should know that better than anyone.  Did Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

I couldn't agree less. I know I'm like the only one in the world who will defend this position but I don't think music is COMPLETELY subjective as most people seem to believe.  No one can convince me that the song on taco bell's commercials has as much musical merit as Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.  Call me pretentious but I think it's pretty egotistical to believe that your interpretation of a song is just as valid as anyone else's.


My point is, that music is supposed to make you feel good right?  That's why we listen.  So if you make something that makes people feel good, then mission accomplished.  You know, my 5 year old girl, just isn't quite ready for deep lyrics and sad, sad songs, ya know.  She is optimistic, silly and likes to dance.  Bob Dylan just doesn't cut it for her.

Obviously Mozart is more tallented than Sid Vicious, but does that mean I should only listen to classical music?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteDid Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

actually, i'm pretty sure he did ;)

;D  Good point.  You are right, he probably did!   But hopefully, he didn't judge his own worth by how many people like them at the time.  

yeah he only shot himself, maybe this isn't a good example ;D
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


Obviously Mozart is more tallented than Sid Vicious, but does that mean I should only listen to classical music?

yes, you should only listen to the classical composers and the complexities of jazz. The rest is crap. Compared to Beethoven's 9th, the entire MMJ catalogue is crap, so why bother? And Happy Birthday to You? Pure meritless bullshit.

I am torching all my MMJ today! I might even burn Power Windows by RUSH  :o

I will only listen to Mozart, Thelonius Monk, and The Silver Jews from here on out.

Angry Ewok

QuoteDid Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

actually, i'm pretty sure he did ;)

;D  Good point.  You are right, he probably did!   But hopefully, he didn't judge his own worth by how many people like them at the time.  

yeah he only shot himself, maybe this isn't a good example ;D

I wouldn't say he only shot himself... Hell, Hemingway shot himself, too... Van the Man hacked his ear off before he mortally shot himself.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteMy point is, that music is supposed to make you feel good right?  That's why we listen.  So if you make something that makes people feel good, then mission accomplished.  You know, my 5 year old girl, just isn't quite ready for deep lyrics and sad, sad songs, ya know.  She is optimistic, silly and likes to dance.  Bob Dylan just doesn't cut it for her.

Obviously Mozart is more tallented than Sid Vicious, but does that mean I should only listen to classical music?

I know what you mean but it's a slippery slope when people start saying things like: no music is better than any other, it's all interpretation, blah blah.  I'm sorry but the beginning strings class at an elementary school is NOT as good as the London Symphony Orchestra.  And the garage band down the street from me is not as good as Led Zeppelin.  Some music IS better than other music. That doesn't mean I'm only going to listen to classical music it just means that some people like bad music.


QuoteDid Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

actually, i'm pretty sure he did ;)

;D  Good point.  You are right, he probably did!   But hopefully, he didn't judge his own worth by how many people like them at the time.  

yeah he only shot himself, maybe this isn't a good example ;D

I wouldn't say he only shot himself... Hell, Hemingway shot himself, too... Van the Man hacked his ear off before he mortally shot himself.

yeah i didn't mean it that way (sarcasm). i know about the ear obviously, i think he gave it to a prostitute. he also burned his hand when a woman who he loved refused to see him.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


This dude is gonna be at Grimeys on Saturday.


I do like the Silver Jews and like what they do for the most part but certainly it is a different approach. He can't even remember his lyrics and has some stand there where he recites them from what I have seen.  Meaning that the lyrics are more important aspects of the song considering how there is no real melodic parts or catchy parts to them.  It is him reciting poetry really.  I think also that part of his dislike comes from the fact that he is best friends with Will Oldham (Bonnie Prince Billy) and there is something there in that Oldham and Jim I don't think are too good of pals from what I've read.  Granted I don't know any of this for sure but it seems like it probably plays a part in Berman's comments.  Pretty lame and pointless comments in whatever case.


QuoteMeaning that the lyrics are more important aspects of the song considering how there is no real melodic parts or catchy parts to them.  It is him reciting poetry really.

i completely disagree.....there's lots of melody...and LOADS of catchy parts on every Silver Jews record.
....as mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!