Hating on newbies

Started by brkdwnbus, Apr 20, 2008, 01:26 PM

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I was thinking of this the other day when talking to a fellow Spoon fan about how mad they were that Spoon was selling out 1,000 capacity clubs now. They went on and on about seeing them before Gax5 and whatnot (all because the show they wanted to see soldout). Plus, back in the day, if you would go to Saddle Creek's message board and ask a simple question about Oberst, The Faint or Cursive, people would jump down your throat...however, MMJ fans don't seem to act like that. 99% are always offering suggestions on where to start to listen and offer welcome to new fans when they introduce themselves on the forum...back at the 9:30 Club in '06, a fan came up to me and asked me about MMJ, as he had only heard "it still moves" a week prior and came to check them out...he left saying he was going to get every album they made. Try that at a Bright Eyes show...and, well...no need to explain.

my question: why the big difference in reaction? Are Saddle Creek bands so "indie" outsiders are not allowed in? Or is it just something else. The vibe around MMJ and their fans is much different.

Angry Ewok

We generally only attack one another... newbies are always welcome.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


First:  there's way too much love on this forum--thanks to this band and their beautiful music--for anyone to want to hate on any new "recruit".  Sure there's good natured ribbing but you can expect that when a forum feels like home and your fellow users feel like kin.

Second:  we here actually want this band to be successful and huge.  This is reflected in the rabid competition for Street Team promo packages--everone wants to help promote these guys.  Plus, whenever they get a new, bigger spot everyone gets psyched, like when they were opening huge arenas with Pearl Jam or playing the Edgefest with the Boston Pops orchestra.

Welcome home--we like it here ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


At both Bright Eyes concerts I've been to, most everyone acts like they are better than everyone else because they like Bright Eyes the most.  The same applies for all the big Bright Eyes fans I've known over the past several years.  It's some sort of weird elitist crap that I just don't like.  

I just don't see that here.

The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


QuoteAt both Bright Eyes concerts I've been to, most everyone acts like they are better than everyone else because they like Bright Eyes the most.  The same applies for all the big Bright Eyes fans I've known over the past several years.  It's some sort of weird elitist crap that I just don't like.  

I just don't see that here.

  Exactly. At the 3 shows for Bright Eyes I've been to, it feels like everyone has their eyes on everyone else thinking "I bet they didn't listen until 'I'm Wide Awake...' or 'The OC is the only reason they are here.'
  The only time that didn't happen was back on the Monsters of Folk Tour...At the Pittsburgh show, there seemed to be a lot of Jim fans there and no elitist attitudes.

Angry Ewok

I went to a Bright Eyes performance, once. I left after about 8 minutes... and even though I have most of his albums, I haven't voluntarily listened to a single track since. I dunno, as I was sitting there listening to him drone on, I realized I didn't like him, his voice, or what he had to say.

But yeah, MMJ concerts have their share of assholes... I remember Alan and I had to kick some nuts at Rites of Spring '05 to meet up with the other vikings.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Remember though, Brad-- Rites of Spring was held at Vanderbilt, which is Frat-asshole center of Nashville. Sorry if anyone here is going to or has gone there, but after taking two years at Belmont, Vandy's definitely the "too rich to care" party crowd. That said, Rites of Spring, while having incredible lineups year after year, is exclusive to Vandy-- serious discounts on student tickets and all. Kind of exclusively invites that crowd to the shows then. A lot of drunk fratters who don't give half a shit about the bands playing but want to maintain some sort of "status" by acting like they've enjoyed the bands there.

Showcase shows are generally more give and take, but I've never had a bad time at an MMJ-headed show.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


QuoteI went to a Bright Eyes performance, once. I left after about 8 minutes... and even though I have most of his albums, I haven't voluntarily listened to a single track since. I dunno, as I was sitting there listening to him drone on, I realized I didn't like him, his voice, or what he had to say.

I understand completly...I'm from Omaha originally, same as he is. I know where he grew up and went to school and his sure as hell was a nicer upbringing then mine. I always found him to just be ultra pretencious and I never could believe him because of that. My nephew had a total mancrush on him for the longest time, but now can barely stand him. He hates him now for the reason someone mentioned. The hipsters that are into him are judgemental and are trying to be too hip for their own good. I'm not saying every fan of his is like that, but a good portion from what I've seen.

I think the reason most people here are friendly to newbies for the most part they come in being nice. Act nice you get treated nice. Act like a smarmy know it all arse, well.....


I dont post on here much, but I read everyday and make sure to get caught up.  I love downloading the shows, and reading the opinions.  I will tell you this... I also check a KU sports message board and it is full of jackasses.  It really blows my mind how ignorant and stupid people can be who like the same thing I do. They constantly attack each other and I once was emailed directly for one comment I made. (It wasnt kind)  I honestly belive this forum is better because of the overall intelligence of the people on it.  It nice to be able to read the views and opinions of fellow My Morning Jacket fans.  Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to everyone.
Turned on some music to start my day
I lost myself in a familiar song
I closed my eyes and I slipped away


QuoteI dont post on here much, but I read everyday and make sure to get caught up.  I love downloading the shows, and reading the opinions.  I will tell you this... I also check a KU sports message board and it is full of jackasses.  It really blows my mind how ignorant and stupid people can be who like the same thing I do. They constantly attack each other and I once was emailed directly for one comment I made. (It wasnt kind)  I honestly belive this forum is better because of the overall intelligence of the people on it.  It nice to be able to read the views and opinions of fellow My Morning Jacket fans.  Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to everyone.
Nice post Wardog  :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


totally agree, this place is really great and really helpful. been to a couple other boards and nothing even comes close. i am here to stay and will not let a couple people (you know who you are(actually i think its just one, sorry to anyone i may have pissed off before)) ruin it for me.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


I will admit to being annoyed by the bombardment of newbies today, all asking for a copy of the CD.  I'm talking about the people who (at 4 am Monday) have a grand total of maybe 6 posts.  

It may not have been that many but I'm going to blow it way out of proportion for arguments sake.  

Something big happens and they just crawl out of the wood work.  

Sorry if I come across as an jerk here, I'm tired.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


i have only posted a few times on the board, but felt totally welcomed as a newbie. I think it may depend on the board. I am on a phish board and felt totally welcomed, but i am also on a soul/jazz/hiphop/digging board and felt totally shat on as a newbie so i dont post as much as i do lurk


Quotei have only posted a few times on the board, but felt totally welcomed as a newbie. I think it may depend on the board. I am on a phish board and felt totally welcomed, but i am also on a soul/jazz/hiphop/digging board and felt totally shat on as a newbie so i dont post as much as i do lurk

Igbo: Phantasy Tour?
"Music is my savior
I was tamed by rock and roll
I was maimed by rock and roll
Got my name from rock and roll"

Penny Lane

QuoteI went to a Bright Eyes performance, once. I left after about 8 minutes... and even though I have most of his albums, I haven't voluntarily listened to a single track since. I dunno, as I was sitting there listening to him drone on, I realized I didn't like him, his voice, or what he had to say.

I understand completly...I'm from Omaha originally, same as he is. I know where he grew up and went to school and his sure as hell was a nicer upbringing then mine. I always found him to just be ultra pretencious and I never could believe him because of that. My nephew had a total mancrush on him for the longest time, but now can barely stand him. He hates him now for the reason someone mentioned. The hipsters that are into him are judgemental and are trying to be too hip for their own good. I'm not saying every fan of his is like that, but a good portion from what I've seen.

I think the reason most people here are friendly to newbies for the most part they come in being nice. Act nice you get treated nice. Act like a smarmy know it all arse, well.....

i thought he was really annoying and pretentious at bonnaroo (was it 2006?) when jim and Super furry animal (and possibly gillian welch?) were on stage with him? i can't remember exactly, but i will never go to one of his shows because he comes across as one of these liberal elitest snobs that lives in the village and criticizes everything and spends thousands of dollars trying to look and live the 'vintage' lifestyle. oh and other than digital ash and lift your ears..blah blah..i don't like his music
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Angry Ewok

QuoteI will admit to being annoyed by the bombardment of newbies today, all asking for a copy of the CD.  I'm talking about the people who (at 4 am Monday) have a grand total of maybe 6 posts.  

It may not have been that many but I'm going to blow it way out of proportion for arguments sake.  

Something big happens and they just crawl out of the wood work.  

Sorry if I come across as an jerk here, I'm tired.

I said the same thing somewhere else and got heat for it...

...but it feels good knowing I'm not the only one who isn't afraid to say it.

QuoteI went to a Bright Eyes performance, once. I left after about 8 minutes... and even though I have most of his albums, I haven't voluntarily listened to a single track since. I dunno, as I was sitting there listening to him drone on, I realized I didn't like him, his voice, or what he had to say.

i thought he was really annoying and pretentious at bonnaroo (was it 2006?)

Funny you say that... because that was the performance I was speaking of. I was one of the few dozen people who got up and left after the first one or two songs... nice meeting you, Penny!
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I am a newbie to this forum as you all can tell.

I found nothing but good vibes here and so far, decent folks!

By the way thanks for having me.

"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


i remember catching some sh*t on here when i first started, but oh well...got over it and looked at it as a rite of passage.

this board is so much better than the Rock Band video game board i frequent...people there are major a$$holes!
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


yeah, i caught some shit when I first joined up as well.  it used to be worse when john conaway was around.  i know some of you still love him but he was not very nice to newbies and all his hangers-on followed suit.  That's one of the reasons that I try to be helpful to newbies.  I don't understand people who want like-minded people to feel unwelcome.

I've definitely "hated" on some people in the past, but never because they were new or ignorant in the ways of the jacket.  we all have to start somewhere.  and I have no hard feelings towards anyone on this board and love the atmosphere here for the most part.  I know some people here hate me, but I can live with that.


I'm a big Bright Eyes fan and I'm not an asshole. ...or am I?  [smiley=evil.gif]
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...