post a pic of something ridiculous

Started by johnconaway, Jul 18, 2005, 12:54 PM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there





The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


I have a shirt with the Oswald Band pic on it.  :)



The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


i dont know what's more funny.. the old school looking vac or the sideburns


or the fact that we just buzzed my hair and my stomach is being shop-vac'd?

(the chops fled the scene quite soon after)
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Eisey, buzzing your head is a truly liberating and addictive experience.  Feels damn good doesn't it.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteMoving pictures (21 seconds of video):

question, is this video supposed to be a joke?  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


if that's really him, then that's awesome. He's still just a regular guy, which is very cool. I respect Bush a lot because he doesn't really give off that high and lofty bastard vibe, and that scores points with me. I feel like America could go fishing with him.

But let's please not turn this into a politics thread. It's just good to see the man having some fun.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


haha, screw it. What do you think, Meg? I only like him because he's just a regular guy and he'll get his hands dirty and go and talk to people. Seems like a good guy, and i respect that, even if he has done a shitty job as president. And the economy, you can't blame on him. Because any economic policy that a president puts into motion doesn't really actualize until about four (or maybe its eight, i can't remember) year later. So it's mostly Clinton on that front.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Yeah, I guess he does come off cocky. But I do think he's still better than Kerry. Either way, I don't strongly support him, i wouldn't stand behind most of the stuff he does. And now that you mention it, he really does seem like he stands behind Dad a bit too much. Whatever. Our presdients are rarely perfect. That said, we need another Teddy Roosevelt.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Hell yeah, why not? Our national food would be Jello. Honestly, somebody with a degree that deals with kids or people would probably be a lot better usited for office, however, i would suppose they'd need some background in politics too. Let's get him to be a mayor somewhere, and then put him in office.

And yeah, I'd go fishing with Cosby over Bush.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

peanut butter puddin surprise

(cracks knuckles)

"regular guy" he ain't.  nobody born into total wealth and privilege is a "regular guy".  he may be "regular" to the cocaine snortin', drunk drivin', bitch slappin' crowd of the world (think the fraternity next door to the deltas in animal house), but to just about anyone else, he ain't "regular".

plus, the horrendous stupidity he is responsible for releasing on the world ain't all that kosher, either.  economic policies CAN be blamed on the president, BTW.  

the biggest business in america is the GOVERNMENT.  they have a several TRILLION dollar budget EVERY year that pumps a LOT of money (or not) into the economy.  not to mention they control the federal reserve that influences prime lending rates-something that influences every business and homeowner or credit card holder in America.  by choosing massive defense budgets, hundreds of billions of dollars have been pigeonholed into the pockets of some of america's wealthiest folks-AND their policies abroad have had a HUGE impact on how petroleum is being sold in the world market.

Bush is far and above the WORST president in all of american history.  He makes Nixon look good.  He makes Hoover look good.  His inept bumbling and pandering to the most nefarious and devious corporate forces in our country are dangerous, self serving (how many shares of Halliburton do you own, Mr. President/Vice President?), and frankly, HE SOLD US OUT.  Once they have a lock on the Supreme Court, look for some fucking scary shit to come down the pike-let's turn back the clock to pre-1950's America.

Kerry was no saint, but fucking Alfred E Neuman would have been a better president.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Oh snap look at this thread!  Started with godzilla and last I checked there was some nasty shit being said (which I agree with.)

To throw my two cents into the fray, I have got to say I don't like the idea of having a president that I can sit down and have a beer with.  I want a president who is smarter than me and can give us answers for all of our problems, not one who can tell me how shitty my Detroit Lions are every year.  There are plenty of people out there who are intelligent and don't sound like pricks.  Colin Powell is one of them.  He got so sick of Bush's shit that he quit.

My other mini rant is for our "two party system".  Its fucked up that we Americans need to have everything black and white when nothing really is.  Republican or Democrat, Bush or Kerry, its a bunch of bullshit.  We need a good 4 or 5 viable parties to choose from instead of what we have now.

I love my country but some days it just makes me sick to think of what is going down.
When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.