My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Shows => Topic started by: wamsankas on Jan 12, 2013, 10:09 AM

Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: wamsankas on Jan 12, 2013, 10:09 AM
Oh lordy, i am trying to click the link from the email but it isnt working!!!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: hflpjtrade on Jan 12, 2013, 10:12 AM
same with me hope it comes up soon

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: bluesky on Jan 12, 2013, 10:16 AM
Sleep No More ~ McKittrick Hotel is a space in Manhattan
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: YimYodd on Jan 12, 2013, 10:17 AM
same :angry:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: RastaRunner5 on Jan 12, 2013, 10:19 AM
I tried the Sleep No More site and they have nothing listed on their ticket page for February 20th.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 12, 2013, 10:23 AM
Quote from: bluesky on Jan 12, 2013, 10:16 AM
Sleep No More ~ McKittrick Hotel is a space in Manhattan

I was hoping that was the case, and there wasn't another McKittrick Hotel out there.  I'm there if I get lucky enough to score a ticket. Looking forward to seeing everyone that can make it too!  :thumbsup:  :beer:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 12, 2013, 10:25 AM
holy crap, this is cool. my link not working either.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: counselor on Jan 12, 2013, 10:31 AM
this is such an incredible combination and great idea.  the auditorium in the basement of sleep no more is pretty large -- this hopefully won't sell out too quickly. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 12, 2013, 10:36 AM
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: SaraBananaBear on Jan 12, 2013, 11:05 AM
This sounds so awesome!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Stevie on Jan 12, 2013, 11:06 AM
Wow.. this is definitely intriguing.  don't know if i can pull the trigger, though. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: TSarge on Jan 12, 2013, 11:08 AM
did anybody else email a ticket request?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 12, 2013, 11:09 AM

From MMJ Management:

this was a mistake. Wasn't supposed to go out yet! No idea why this went out today.

Asking what happened but if you guys could let people know (if you are in forum and they are asking) this was a error. I'm positive that we'll send a follow up email giving more details of when this goes on sale.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: bluesky on Jan 12, 2013, 11:14 AM
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 12, 2013, 11:09 AM

From MMJ Management:

this was a mistake. Wasn't supposed to go out yet! No idea why this went out today.

Asking what happened but if you guys could let people know (if you are in forum and they are asking) this was a error. I'm positive that we'll send a follow up email giving more details of when this goes on sale.

this message was brought to you by ground control
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Stevie on Jan 12, 2013, 11:14 AM
Jim said he wants to do the album front to back when he does it live... this leaves for some very interesting encore possibilities.  Just him and a guitar, he could play anything.  And would he be more likely, in the absence of his band members, to play something really really early? 

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Jan 12, 2013, 11:24 AM
Glad to know about the link, thought it was me. I'd really like to do this show!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: EverythingChanges on Jan 12, 2013, 11:25 AM
Quote from: Stevie on Jan 12, 2013, 11:14 AM
Jim said he wants to do the album front to back when he does it live... this leaves for some very interesting encore possibilities.  Just him and a guitar, he could play anything.  And would he be more likely, in the absence of his band members, to play something really really early?

Perhaps... I could see him doing numerous covers of sorts as well...

I hope he makes a show in Indiana, or Louisville at the least. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: lucylew on Jan 12, 2013, 12:28 PM
I sooooo want to go to this show.  But, alas, that ain't gonna happen.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: subinai on Jan 12, 2013, 12:58 PM
post MMJ show blues = over!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Angelo on Jan 12, 2013, 01:23 PM
I wish this were on a weekend. Middle of the week makes this almost impossible.  :embarrassed:

Hopefully some of you fine folks will be able to come home with videos for us less fortunate ones!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Jan 12, 2013, 01:30 PM
Premature email or not, having a mid-week show in NYC is tough for me.  I'm off the entire following week, so hopefully some other northeast dates are announced soon.

Didn't you enjoy the Colonial Theatre in Keene, NH, Jim?   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: delso13 on Jan 12, 2013, 01:49 PM

its $115 per person which includes the Sleep No More  and the performance.
Its a bit too steep for me, i'll catch him when he tours for the album

hope this helps

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: zutronics on Jan 12, 2013, 01:50 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 12, 2013, 11:09 AM

From MMJ Management:

this was a mistake. Wasn't supposed to go out yet! No idea why this went out today.

Asking what happened but if you guys could let people know (if you are in forum and they are asking) this was a error. I'm positive that we'll send a follow up email giving more details of when this goes on sale.

Mistake or not, these are now on sale.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 02:04 PM
They're definitely on sale now after an easy little trick with the URL. I've sealed up my two tickets already!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: subinai on Jan 12, 2013, 02:09 PM
thats steep
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: nuggets on Jan 12, 2013, 02:40 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 12, 2013, 01:30 PM
Didn't you enjoy the Colonial Theatre in Keene, NH, Jim?   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 12, 2013, 02:41 PM
Damn......I was really interested in the Sleep No More stuff in the Relix article and would LOVE to see an early Jim james Solo show but I don't know if I can manage $110 for one ticket. It's probably worth it but damn.....I'd like to bring a friend but wouldn't be able to find anyone to spend that much either.

Should be awesome though. Hope to hear reviews/photos/videos.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Jan 12, 2013, 02:44 PM
I agree, it's rather expensive but worth it I'm sure. I don't know what to do, if only it were a weekend. I live close enough that I could get there but I'd still have to take some time off work for sure.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 02:44 PM
Quote from: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 02:04 PM
They're definitely on sale now after an easy little trick with the URL. I've sealed up my two tickets already!

some member you are...way to brag and not share the wealth
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: GO4IT on Jan 12, 2013, 02:55 PM
A regular Sleep No More performance on a Wed is $75 so you're getting Jim for a mere $35.  All the same, it adds up and getting there mid-week is a challenge for me.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: CC on Jan 12, 2013, 03:01 PM
Hey guys,

Roll Callers should've gotten an e-mail with an updated working ticket link. Please don't share the ticket link yet as it's Roll Call only for now. Public on-sale will follow in a few days.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 12, 2013, 03:15 PM
ticket purchased  :thumbsup: and GO4IT is right, regular performances there are spendy as it is. I'm thinking about how it was worth it for the midnight ramble with levon helm and i'm sure this will be as well.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 03:21 PM
Quote from: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 02:44 PM
Quote from: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 02:04 PM
They're definitely on sale now after an easy little trick with the URL. I've sealed up my two tickets already!

some member you are...way to brag and not share the wealth

Correct emails have been sent out already. All that had to be done was remove the %20 at the end of the URL and you get taken to site that is now being pointed to in the new email. I was not sharing it because: 1. I didn't know if their site was ready to handle a ton of traffic and 2. Give the computer suave people a leg up (for about an hour).  :evil: I meant no disrespect.
The guy in charge of the email blast messed up and put a space at the end of the URL in the original email. %20=space
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 03:27 PM
i had dashes throughout my URL...mine ended with -e/ so i removed characters one by one. i didnt have a % anywhere
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 03:34 PM
Quote from: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 03:27 PM
i had dashes throughout my URL...mine ended with -e/ so i removed characters one by one. i didnt have a % anywhere

Interesting. Which browser are you using? Chrome didn't give me any dashes.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MMPJ6306 on Jan 12, 2013, 03:49 PM
Don't know if anyone here has been to Sleep No More but it is an amazing show albeit expensive. Completely unique experience. And the idea that Jim might be walking around with the rest of us during the performance is so cool.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jenfarr on Jan 12, 2013, 04:06 PM
Sleep No More is great!  Sleep No More + Jim = AWESOME! 

Can't Wait!  But I'm non-Roll Call, so I guess I will have to wait, for tickets that is...  ;)
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: SauceGod on Jan 12, 2013, 04:13 PM
gots me a ticket. costly, but there is the whole sleep no more show which should be interesting and then getting to see jim in an atmosphere like that will be priceless. best way to follow up the three nights at PC.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 12, 2013, 04:13 PM
I got my ticket.

I'm sure Sleep No More is a great show but I'm in it for Jim.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: CHIMMJFAN on Jan 12, 2013, 04:35 PM
Damn this sounds fun, there is just no way I can fly out mid week for this. I'm looking forward to hopefully some Chicago, Milwaukee, Louisville shows!

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 12, 2013, 04:49 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 12, 2013, 04:13 PM
I got my ticket.

I'm sure Sleep No More is a great show but I'm in it for Jim.

I'll see you there.  :beer:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 04:53 PM
Quote from: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 03:34 PM
Quote from: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 03:27 PM
i had dashes throughout my URL...mine ended with -e/ so i removed characters one by one. i didnt have a % anywhere

Interesting. Which browser are you using? Chrome didn't give me any dashes.

IE 9
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Jan 12, 2013, 05:25 PM
Got my ticket too. Will be rough mid-week but I'll figure something out.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: GO4IT on Jan 12, 2013, 05:46 PM
Anybody know the size or configuration of the space Jim will be playing in?  Seats, standing, balconeering, etc.?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: counselor on Jan 12, 2013, 07:17 PM
I assume he'll be playing in the big auditorium in the basement where the big finale scene of Sleep No More takes place.  From what I remember it is all standing room except there is a balcony and some pillars where you can find a place to sit.   It's tiring to walk through Sleep No More for 2+ hours; standing for this show will be on top of that, but I'm sure it will be worth it.  You can also sit in the bar/lounge where maybe they will pipe in or show video of the show. 

Having seen this weird/ strange/ fun/ fascinating show before, and having seen Jim's enthusiastic tweets about it in the past, I'm expecting this to be a very special night.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: zutronics on Jan 12, 2013, 07:49 PM
Quote from: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 03:21 PM
Quote from: paloozajam on Jan 12, 2013, 02:44 PM
Quote from: mudsonjar on Jan 12, 2013, 02:04 PM
They're definitely on sale now after an easy little trick with the URL. I've sealed up my two tickets already!

some member you are...way to brag and not share the wealth

Correct emails have been sent out already. All that had to be done was remove the %20 at the end of the URL and you get taken to site that is now being pointed to in the new email. I was not sharing it because: 1. I didn't know if their site was ready to handle a ton of traffic and 2. Give the computer suave people a leg up (for about an hour).  :evil: I meant no disrespect.
The guy in charge of the email blast messed up and put a space at the end of the URL in the original email. %20=space

It definitely wasn't working after removing the %20 after the email first went out, as I saw that and immediately tried without it.  They put them on sale sometime later in the day.

Sleep No More is awesome.  It's highly recommended for anyone who hasn't seen it.  I can't imagine a more surreal scene, everyone watching Jim James wearing those creepy masks!

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Jan 12, 2013, 09:50 PM
little help please.  my link is not working. 

can someone send me the link again please?

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jeff Murray on Jan 12, 2013, 09:57 PM
Wish I could do this but I just laid out a bunch of money for a Spring Training trip in March... I'll just have to wait until the solo tour for now...
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ms. yvon on Jan 12, 2013, 11:06 PM
jeff murray i am jealous!  have always wanted to do a spring training trip. maybe this is the year!  :beer:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dylyn on Jan 12, 2013, 11:15 PM
A buddy of mine did the SNM experience and said it was a weird/awesome experience.... this is gonna be gooooooooooood :grin:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: EverythingChanges on Jan 12, 2013, 11:25 PM
When is the tour dates going to be listed?  Seems like they are cutting it close if Jim is touring in Feb or March to promote the release.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 12, 2013, 11:26 PM
Ticket purchased, and now it's  time to get some deetz on a meetup. :wink:  :beer:
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Jan 13, 2013, 06:47 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 12, 2013, 11:26 PM
Ticket purchased, and now it's  time to get some deetz on a meetup. :wink:  :beer:
Y'all are going to enjoy this so much.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 13, 2013, 09:23 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 12, 2013, 11:26 PM
Ticket purchased, and now it's  time to get some deetz on a meetup. :wink:  :beer:

I will try to come upwith a good pre-show meetup.  My entry is for 6:00 so maybe 4:00 or 4:30 for those who can make it early.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 13, 2013, 09:36 AM
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 13, 2013, 09:23 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 12, 2013, 11:26 PM
Ticket purchased, and now it's  time to get some deetz on a meetup. :wink:  :beer:

I will try to come upwith a good pre-show meetup.  My entry is for 6:00 so maybe 4:00 or 4:30 for those who can make it early.

Excellent! Mine is 6:15, and I plan on being in the city in the afternoon. 4:00 should be no problem.

Can't wait, as it'll be almost two months after PC,and way too long between meetups!  :beer:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 13, 2013, 09:44 AM
I just purchased a ticket for 6 PM entry.  Would love to join you all for a pre-show meetup.  I can try to arrive in the city by 4 or so.  Can't wait to see all of you (and Jim) again.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 13, 2013, 09:53 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 13, 2013, 09:44 AM
I just purchased a ticket for 6 PM entry.  Would love to join you all for a pre-show meetup.  I can try to arrive in the city by 4 or so.  Can't wait to see all of you (and Jim) again.

Cool beans.  :cool:

I knew if you could swing it, you'd be there too. I was going to pm you to ask, but you beat me to it.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 13, 2013, 11:46 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 13, 2013, 09:44 AM
I just purchased a ticket for 6 PM entry.  Would love to join you all for a pre-show meetup.  I can try to arrive in the city by 4 or so.  Can't wait to see all of you (and Jim) again.

Looking forward to sharing the show with you Sir.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jeff Murray on Jan 13, 2013, 12:42 PM
Quote from: ms. yvon on Jan 12, 2013, 11:06 PM
jeff murray i am jealous!  have always wanted to do a spring training trip. maybe this is the year!  :beer:

This is my 3rd year... it's a good time... we stay in Clearwater Beach and go to the Yanks in Tampa and Phils in Clearwater... a nice break from the winter blues up here in PA.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 13, 2013, 02:11 PM
super stoked for this ... got my ticket / 6pm check in as well  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: bluesky on Jan 13, 2013, 02:19 PM
Quote from: br00ke on Jan 13, 2013, 02:11 PM
super stoked for this ... got my ticket / 6pm check in as well  :thumbsup:

wish i could be there with you  :smiley:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 13, 2013, 03:20 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Jan 13, 2013, 02:19 PM
Quote from: br00ke on Jan 13, 2013, 02:11 PM
super stoked for this ... got my ticket / 6pm check in as well  :thumbsup:

wish i could be there with you  :smiley:

Wish you could be there too, Val. It was so good to see you, and rock some shows together again.  :cool:

Looking forward to the next time, and I'll be sure to have that Jerry shirt ready to go!  :wink: :beer:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Jan 13, 2013, 04:14 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 13, 2013, 09:53 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 13, 2013, 09:44 AM
I just purchased a ticket for 6 PM entry.  Would love to join you all for a pre-show meetup.  I can try to arrive in the city by 4 or so.  Can't wait to see all of you (and Jim) again.

Cool beans.  :cool:

I knew if you could swing it, you'd be there too. I was going to pm you to ask, but you beat me to it.  :thumbsup:

I'll plan on being up there for 4:00 as well. Can't wait!  :cool:
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Jan 13, 2013, 04:32 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Jan 13, 2013, 02:19 PM
Quote from: br00ke on Jan 13, 2013, 02:11 PM
super stoked for this ... got my ticket / 6pm check in as well  :thumbsup:

wish i could be there with you  :smiley:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Dillsnufus on Jan 13, 2013, 04:54 PM
Damn I never get to go to these things. Too expensive and during the week?  :shocked:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 14, 2013, 06:25 AM
So I know the invitation for this says it's a solo show, but do people think that actually means Jim will play solo?  If so, that could make this really cool and special. 

I think this could happen, as this show might not be part of his full tour, and his set the next day at the Tibet House thing is likely solo.  So, maybe he won't bother bringing in the band for just this one show. 

I'd be very happy if this ended up as a solo Jim show.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 14, 2013, 10:01 AM
I held off for now. 115$ is a bit steep for me and I have a big project due at work on 2/20 (due that night by 8pm!) Hoping to meet up with you guys before if i can get this finished.

I also wonder (like above) if this is the NYC show on the tour or its separate..?

I also wonder why Grnd Cntrl always screws up everything..*sigh*
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 14, 2013, 10:46 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 14, 2013, 10:01 AM
I held off for now. 115$ is a bit steep for me and I have a big project due at work on 2/20 (due that night by 8pm!) Hoping to meet up with you guys before if i can get this finished.

I'm sorry, Penny, but I'm very unimpressed by your work excuse.  I have to give a presentation on 2/21 in DC, starting at 8:30 AM, and will be taking the overnight bus back after the show to make sure get back in time for it.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 14, 2013, 11:03 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 14, 2013, 10:46 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 14, 2013, 10:01 AM
I held off for now. 115$ is a bit steep for me and I have a big project due at work on 2/20 (due that night by 8pm!) Hoping to meet up with you guys before if i can get this finished.

I'm sorry, Penny, but I'm very unimpressed by your work excuse.  I have to give a presentation on 2/21 in DC, starting at 8:30 AM, and will be taking the overnight bus back after the show to make sure get back in time for it.

I'm impressed! This project could be my job if I don't finish--it's a report to the Fed Govt by 8pm ....but an overnight bus, WOW! (bowing down)...i'm working night and day (obviously  minus my 5000 posts) up until then so hopefully it'll be completed..
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Jan 14, 2013, 11:23 AM
it would be nice to know if this was the start of a tour, or a one-off thing, if more dates will follow, incl another NYC date or if this is THE nyc show...
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: tdb810 on Jan 14, 2013, 11:39 AM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Jan 14, 2013, 11:23 AM
it would be nice to know if this was the start of a tour, or a one-off thing, if more dates will follow, incl another NYC date or if this is THE nyc show...
and it would be nice to know if it is possible to just see the show, rather than this whole play/reservation extravaganza. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 14, 2013, 11:43 AM
I don't think that this date is a part of the proper tour.  This show is just over one month away, major tours don't generally get announced with that little advance notice.  It's usually 2-3 months at least.

I think the proper tour will be more like March April, anchored around a few festival appearances (Coachella, Jazz Fest).  Thus, there would likely be another NYC area show on the proper tour.  This is also why I hold out hope that this show might be unique/different from the proper tour.

I would also guess that you can't just get a ticket for the show without the sleep no more part, but that's just my guess.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: tdb810 on Jan 14, 2013, 11:51 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 14, 2013, 11:43 AM
I don't think that this date is a part of the proper tour.  This show is just over one month away, major tours don't generally get announced with that little advance notice.  It's usually 2-3 months at least.

I think the proper tour will be more like March April, anchored around a few festival appearances (Coachella, Jazz Fest).  Thus, there would likely be another NYC area show on the proper tour.  This is also why I hold out hope that this show might be unique/different from the proper tour.

I would also guess that you can't just get a ticket for the show without the sleep no more part, but that's just my guess.
you're so proper, Mr. Whippy   :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: jaye on Jan 14, 2013, 11:52 AM
I wonder if these tickets will go quickly.   I might be making a quick trip to nyc and it might just have to be that week.   :happy:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ynwa on Jan 14, 2013, 04:03 PM
Just purchased a ticket, 6pm check in for me too.  4pm pre-show meetup sounds fantastic!

Thinking about seeing JJ perform in this setting, following Sleep No More, makes me giggle.  Who knows what kinds of bizarre inspiration he'll treat us too.  It will definitely be a unique performance, to say the least.  If you're on the fence, just do it already!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 14, 2013, 06:45 PM
yea liz, so glad you'll be joining us. and ditto to what she said "if your on the fence, just do it!".

i think this show is a definite one-off and not part of the "proper" tour  :happy: it would be weird to have nyc's only show be a $115 ticket. alienates alot of fans because not everyone can afford that, ya know? my guess would echo what monsieur whip said, another show sometime in april or so.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Stevie on Jan 14, 2013, 07:05 PM
Quote from: ynwa on Jan 14, 2013, 04:03 PMIf you're on the fence, just do it already!

I came on here to proudly proclaim that I had successfully talked myself out of making what would have been a very impulsive, foolish decision.  I then read the above words and went ahead and made the foolish and impulsive decision.


See you guys in February.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Jan 14, 2013, 07:34 PM
lil help please?  can someone send me the link?

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ynwa on Jan 14, 2013, 09:06 PM
Quote from: Stevie on Jan 14, 2013, 07:05 PM
Quote from: ynwa on Jan 14, 2013, 04:03 PMIf you're on the fence, just do it already!

I came on here to proudly proclaim that I had successfully talked myself out of making what would have been a very impulsive, foolish decision.  I then read the above words and went ahead and made the foolish and impulsive decision.


See you guys in February.

Wahoo!!!  I love this!  See you in Feb, Stevie :beer:

I also agree with Mr. Whippy's & br00ke's thoughts.  I think this is going to be one hell of a one-off show.  Something close to otherworldly, I imagine.  Regular tour dates will follow, for sure.  Excited about the roll call already & look forward to seeing everyone on the 02/02!

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: SauceGod on Jan 14, 2013, 09:25 PM
After going to other worlds, I think this show would be perfect for some "goin to acapulco" as we all watch in awe in some creepy white masks....
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 14, 2013, 09:32 PM
See all of you crazy cats there!

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Jan 15, 2013, 08:11 AM
Quote from: ynwa on Jan 14, 2013, 09:06 PM
Quote from: Stevie on Jan 14, 2013, 07:05 PM
Quote from: ynwa on Jan 14, 2013, 04:03 PMIf you're on the fence, just do it already!

I came on here to proudly proclaim that I had successfully talked myself out of making what would have been a very impulsive, foolish decision.  I then read the above words and went ahead and made the foolish and impulsive decision.


See you guys in February.

Wahoo!!!  I love this!  See you in Feb, Stevie :beer:

I also agree with Mr. Whippy's & br00ke's thoughts.  I think this is going to be one hell of a one-off show.  Something close to otherworldly, I imagine.  Regular tour dates will follow, for sure.  Excited about the roll call already & look forward to seeing everyone on the 02/02!

I am very much looking forward to both parts of this show - I was reading up on it and it sounds like we are the ones wearing the masks throughout the theatrical performance, there are no words just music and the experience will be unique for each of us - ? If I was reading correctly. Anyway, I think it will be a special night, but then again every night is when you spend it with Jim (or any of the band) and fellow fans.  :smiley:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: megansparky on Jan 15, 2013, 07:05 PM
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 15, 2013, 07:58 PM
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 10:02 AM
Sorry to be negative to Roll Call, but this is complete BS.

This feels like the old bait and switch (or something!) Send out an anxiety inducing ambiguous email Sat AM telling about an exclusive Roll Call offer of seeing JJ perform (+ some sort of play mixed in) and people shelled out 115$ for this thinking this would be an 'exclusive' show', most likely 'separate from the tour' and one of the first times they could see JJ perform this new album (i was thinking somewhere I read or heard in its entirety). Then a few days later, we get an email announcing 2 regular shows the same week and on in the same city the day before this other performance? Plus the tix go on sale today? How about a couple day's notice...or perhaps letting people in on what's so special with this McKitrick Hotel performance. (Most people bought the ticket for Jim's show and are having to sit through this play-which no doubt is probably cool---but still). It seems like the old bait and switch to me? Now people are stuck with non-transferrable tix.

I'm in no way complaining about the opportunity for two NYC performances when most of you have none, I'm just saying that the manner it was done was confusing, misleading and now leaves people with this $115 ticket that they probably would have passed on. 

Done with the rant.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 10:17 AM
It does seem a bit odd, the timing of it all. You'd think they would announce all 3 at the same time.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Jan 16, 2013, 10:36 AM
I agree, the timing is suspect. 

I definitely wanted to see SLEEP NO MORE but would have preferred to do it on a Friday or Saturday but felt the opportunity of a Jim James show was too good to pass up.

The question is, How much are the 2 shows going to differ if it is indeed the new album being played front to back?  Is that confirmed?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Jan 16, 2013, 10:40 AM
Roll Call, Management, CC - anyone who can get us answers would be much appreciated.

1.  Is the McKittrick show a full length concert?

2.  are both shows (tues and wed) solo shows (no band)?

3.  If McKittrick is being billed as "the debut NYC solo performance by Jim James in honor of the release of his debut solo album", what is going to be played in Brooklyn (which is the night before?! and also in NYC lol)

I call BS too.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: vespachick on Jan 16, 2013, 10:52 AM
I had considered buying McKittrick tix and then figured I'd figure a way to fly 3,000 miles to get there for it, find a sitter, blah blah blah.  I couldn't swing it, though.

I would have been FURIOUS to have spent the money and vacay days, had I done so with today's announcement, so casually dropped like it was.  Not cool.

Who's in charge of this?? A great way to make fans gun shy, indeed.

EDIT: doesn't this remind you of that commercial where they tell the one kid they can have all the delicious ice cream and then the first kid is left standing there, all screwed over because I guess he didn't read the fine print?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: tdb810 on Jan 16, 2013, 10:57 AM
I hope that this was some sort of planning glitch, and not some sort of bait and switch.  That would be very disappointing.  Either way, I think it's time for GC to bow out.  This Roll Call thing is a failed experiment. 

Let's get back to the simple business of being fans, and buying tickets to shows.  It really shouldn't have to be this complicated.   
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Jan 16, 2013, 11:00 AM
It's really an abuse of fan loyalty, isn't it. They know we are going to go to these shows, but let's trick us into paying for really expensive tickets that are  non-transferable. Then we'll have another show the night before that's less expensive. It's nice that Jim wants to play the Sleep No More show, but let the purchasers of the tickets do it with full knowledge of the situation. Let's not manipulate us into spending more money. We aren't all super wealthy or even moderately wealthy. Just because we choose to spend our vacation time following this band does not mean we have so much disposable income that we can afford to shell out that much money on a regular basis.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Jan 16, 2013, 11:02 AM
thanks for the support Vespachick.   It is pretty frustrating.   I was in the same boat but figured out how to make it work.  ticket bought, hotel room booked, work schedule moved around.     It still may be pretty damn special, but don't advertise it as a "NYC debut" then follow up with more dates a few days later.    If there's a bigger tour to be announced, then just do it already and let us figure out how to allocate our free time and $$ without having to guess.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 11:04 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Jan 16, 2013, 10:57 AM
I hope that this was some sort of planning glitch, and not some sort of bait and switch.  That would be very disappointing.  Either way, I think it's time for GC to bow out.  This Roll Call thing is a failed experiment. 

Let's get back to the simple business of being fans, and buying tickets to shows.  It really shouldn't have to be this complicated.   

i just feel better taking my chances with Ticketmaster..i've lost so much money this year in non-transferrable tix, granted it's my fault for jumping the gun but ultimately it shouldn't be that hard to put transferability in place for a fan club.

it's also exhausting explaining Roll Call and will call/ticket holders to different venues and telling them how to line us up..other than Brooklyn, not sure many venues understood. i have yelled at so many security attendants and defenseless venue managers this past's created so much anxiety before BF turned to me at Alpharetta as we were attempting to get them to let us in before Verizon members 'i've never seen you this worked up, ever!' I'm tired. It shouldn't be this complicated.

and edited: I didn't BUY a ticket for this as I didn't want to spend the $ and was gambling on another NYC show later on...i'm lucky but a few of the people who did are pinching their pennies like everyone else and this was a HUGE shell out...
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 16, 2013, 11:05 AM
i'm not sure how i feel about this, but not entirely good would probably cover it. i think the mckittrick show will no doubt be something worth seeing, that it is special in that you get this whole other thing with sleep no more, and this is something that i know the band has all enjoyed in the past (didn't they all go together when they were here for T5 or actually I think it was during the Storytellers taping) and probably so much so that jim would like to share it with us. that said, should i attend the brooklyn show (i live here)? will it be the same exact show? i'd like to basically ditto all the questions kyle/mahg33ta asked.

i'm not sure if i'd say bullshit to the whole thing / mix up / what have you, but .. i dunno. i'm a bit confused. i don't regret purchasing a ticket to mckittrick, but i do feel a bit mislead or something.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 16, 2013, 11:10 AM
the brooklyn show is on 2/19 which means 2/20 being a 'debut' isn't accurate, right?

there have been many headaches with roll call, for me it was mainly early entry when the venue was basically clueless. ATL was the worst as there are two entrances (both being very far apart, about a 30+ minute walk) and we were never notified there was a dedicated entrance so we basically had to bully our way in early. it worked, the staff were very nice, but man what a headache that was. i have, however, really enjoyed having early entry (slave to the rail) as well as opportunity to purchase tickets before general on sale. i will only go with roll call when i have zero doubt about my attendance or if i'm OK with losing money if i can't go. i don't understand why tix are non-transferable. it's not like roll call is that huge and allowing transfers would tax the infrastructure that much.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Taterbug on Jan 16, 2013, 11:12 AM
I'm sure there is an explanation  :rolleyes:,    They gotta be getting tired of apologizing.  Actually I'm sure every show will be billed as the " Debut" of his new album.

"Directly following Sleep No More you will be treated to the DEBUT  NYC solo performance by Jim James in honor of the release of his debut solo album, Regions of Light and Sound of God. "

deĀ·but/deɪˈbyu, dɪ-, ˈdeɪ byu, ˈdɛb yu/ Show Spelled [dey-byoo, di-, dey-byoo, deb-yoo] Show IPA
1. a first public appearance on a stage, on television, etc.
2. the first appearance of something, as a new product.
3. (of a young woman) a formal introduction and entrance into society, as at an annual ball.
4. the beginning of a profession, career, etc.
verb (used without object) 
5. to make a debut, as in society or in a performing art: She decided to debut with several other violinists. 
6. to appear for the first time, as on the market: A new product will debut next month.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: subinai on Jan 16, 2013, 11:18 AM
Agreed that this whole release of show information seems backwards and shady. glad we get to see a show though.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 16, 2013, 11:32 AM

There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear

I think there is good reason why many of us are disappointed here.  Great to have 2 shows in the NYC area but the timing leaves a lot to be desired.

Very doubtful many of us would be laying out $110 plus a fee for a show on the 20th of February  BILLED AS A DEBUT when 3 days later we could get $30 tix for a show in Brooklyn on February 19th.

I think some explanation would be helpful.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 11:34 AM
Quote from: Taterbug on Jan 16, 2013, 11:12 AM
I'm sure there is an explanation  :rolleyes:,    They gotta be getting tired of apologizing.  Actually I'm sure every show will be billed as the " Debut" of his new album.

"Directly following Sleep No More you will be treated to the DEBUT  NYC solo performance by Jim James in honor of the release of his debut solo album, Regions of Light and Sound of God. "

deĀ·but/deɪˈbyu, dɪ-, ˈdeɪ byu, ˈdɛb yu/ Show Spelled [dey-byoo, di-, dey-byoo, deb-yoo] Show IPA
1. a first public appearance on a stage, on television, etc.
2. the first appearance of something, as a new product.
3. (of a young woman) a formal introduction and entrance into society, as at an annual ball.
4. the beginning of a profession, career, etc.
verb (used without object) 
5. to make a debut, as in society or in a performing art: She decided to debut with several other violinists. 
6. to appear for the first time, as on the market: A new product will debut next month.

hmmm..perhaps Jim is appearing as a female violin player?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Crispy on Jan 16, 2013, 11:35 AM
I doubt seriously that there's anything shady about this, it just seems like the usual poor communication, which is unfortunately par for the course these days.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 11:37 AM
Maybe they are considering this:

2/19 = Debut Brooklyn Show

2/20 = Debut NYC (a.k.a. Manhattan/Chelsea a.k.a. NOT Brooklyn) show

Not saying I agree with it but they could get by on a technicality. Still don't see the harm in announcing all 3 shows at the same time unless there were contracts/negotiations still taking place.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 16, 2013, 11:38 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 16, 2013, 11:35 AM
I doubt seriously that there's anything shady about this, it just seems like the usual poor communication, which is unfortunately par for the course these days.

I Agree.  But "the usual poor communication"  should not be that hard to fix.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 11:41 AM
and please don't announce special fan ticket sales the DAY OF THE SALE!

I bet Jim wouldn't approve of this. He's all about not being attached to social media. How else would I know this if I wasn't attached to my twitter acct or email or checking this board every few hours?

Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Jan 16, 2013, 11:44 AM
Quote from: megansparky on Jan 15, 2013, 07:05 PM
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Crispy on Jan 16, 2013, 11:44 AM
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 16, 2013, 11:38 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 16, 2013, 11:35 AM
I doubt seriously that there's anything shady about this, it just seems like the usual poor communication, which is unfortunately par for the course these days.

I Agree.  But "the usual poor communication"  should not be that hard to fix.

True enough, though I think the unwillingness to fix it probably isn't due to any shady intention to fuck people over. Except perhaps by venues, booking agents, etc. The fact that ground ctrl (or whoeverthefuck) won't fix this sort of thing is extremely disappointing, and I agree with Penny, I'm guessing Jim would not be on board.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 11:59 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 16, 2013, 11:44 AM
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 16, 2013, 11:38 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 16, 2013, 11:35 AM
I doubt seriously that there's anything shady about this, it just seems like the usual poor communication, which is unfortunately par for the course these days.

I Agree.  But "the usual poor communication"  should not be that hard to fix.

True enough, though I think the unwillingness to fix it probably isn't due to any shady intention to fuck people over. Except perhaps by venues, booking agents, etc. The fact that ground ctrl (or whoeverthefuck) won't fix this sort of thing is extremely disappointing, and I agree with Penny, I'm guessing Jim would not be on board.

These things really start to add up.

- Issues with early entry
- Issues with downloads
- Issues with shipping roll call packages
- Issues with Roll Call Pre-sales
- Communication issues (regarding shows and tickets)

I mean....I plan on renewing my Roll Call again next year but at some point you start to think about what exactly am I paying for? I would definitely like for them to try and work on communication with venues about Early Entry. Every time i've been able to use it I end up just getting in seconds before regular ticket holders. Sometimes at the same time.

I get that they have had issues with the new downloads set up so that's forgivable under the presumption that once it's figured out things should run smoothly after.

I do totally appreciate CC and the other people on here who work their asses off trying to quell our fears and concerns whenever one of these mixups/weird things happen but it starts to add up. Love the band and the fans on here...just wish the fan club thing was given a little more focus/priority.

P.S. - throw in a few more self-hypnosis things too  :grin:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: BH on Jan 16, 2013, 12:02 PM
Man I wish I had these problems.   :wink:

I will say, that this kind of thing happens ALL the time.    It's pretty "by the book" I've noticed to announce an extra special show a few days ahead of the "proper" tour as everyone says.    I always assumed it was the purpose to get people to commit before they saw dates in their home city.   If I was on the fence about flying to New York, and they announced a St. Louis show, it might make my decision easier.   Agree or disagree, it happens ALL the time.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: vespachick on Jan 16, 2013, 12:10 PM
I don't want my every post to be whiny and complainy, so ...

ATTN: NYC/Brooklyn Show Go'ers: please take a picture of the Merch Table and post it when you get to that first show so's I may plan accordingly.  Thank ye!  Finger's crossed for a life-sized poster of that babyblue background in white suit.  I know just the ceiling!

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: br00ke on Jan 16, 2013, 12:11 PM
tickets to this show are now sold out
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 12:11 PM
Quote from: itrainmonkeys link=topic=17170.msg321134#msg321134

These things really start to add up.

b]- Issues with early entry
- Issues with downloads
- Issues with shipping roll call packages
- Issues with Roll Call Pre-sales
- Communication issues (regarding shows and tickets)[/b]

I do totally appreciate CC

they need to hire me. i can do ALL of the above with pinache!

and of course, we all appreciate CC (and Wade)
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MMPJ6306 on Jan 16, 2013, 01:24 PM
They're specifying solo at Sleep No More and not in Brooklyn, that's probably with his new backing band.

And did everyone forget that they only put this show on sale last week because they accidentally announced it early?!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 16, 2013, 02:09 PM
Quote from: MMPJ6306 on Jan 16, 2013, 01:24 PM
They're specifying solo at Sleep No More and not in Brooklyn, that's probably with his new backing band.

And did everyone forget that they only put this show on sale last week because they accidentally announced it early?!

Well then they could have at least let the info about the other shows be known when they put this one on sale (if they indeed put it on sale earlier than intended).

I'm grateful as hell to already have a Jim show on my schedule, but really freaking annoyed about how this went down.

Coming from DC, it sure would have been nice to know about the show in Philly that is 2 hours less travel each way and $70 cheaper.  Yes, I know we are getting the Sleep No More thing, but it's not like it's any kind of package deal.  We are getting SNM and a Jim show for the price of SNM and a Jim show. 

If you are right that this is a special solo show versus Brooklyn that will be a band show then I'm fine with it and "All is Forgiven" (see what I did there!).
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Jan 16, 2013, 02:14 PM
Quote from: MMPJ6306 on Jan 16, 2013, 01:24 PM

And did everyone forget that they only put this show on sale last week because they accidentally announced it early?!

They billed the Sleep No More as the "NYC debut".    If that email went out accidently, fine, but it still wouldn't be true if they sent it out next week.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: robb on Jan 16, 2013, 02:16 PM
Am I missing something here?  Can somebody point out where the Sleep No More show was billed as being the "debut" show?  I can't find that ANYWHERE.  You're all being given  a GREAT opportunity, and still finding a way to complain about it.  I don't get it.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Jan 16, 2013, 02:24 PM
Robb, yes you are missing something.   It was billed as such, I can promise you.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 02:25 PM
Quote from: MMPJ6306 on Jan 16, 2013, 01:24 PM
And did everyone forget that they only put this show on sale last week because they accidentally announced it early?!

I did forget that, actually. Great point.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 02:29 PM
Quote from: robb on Jan 16, 2013, 02:16 PM
Am I missing something here?  Can somebody point out where the Sleep No More show was billed as being the "debut" show?  I can't find that ANYWHERE.  You're all being given  a GREAT opportunity, and still finding a way to complain about it.  I don't get it.

The page where you buy tickets says:

Directly following Sleep No More you will be treated to the debut NYC solo performance by Jim James in honor of the release of his debut solo album, Regions of Light and Sound of God.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: robb on Jan 16, 2013, 02:37 PM
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 02:29 PM
Quote from: robb on Jan 16, 2013, 02:16 PM
Am I missing something here?  Can somebody point out where the Sleep No More show was billed as being the "debut" show?  I can't find that ANYWHERE.  You're all being given  a GREAT opportunity, and still finding a way to complain about it.  I don't get it.

The page where you buy tickets says:

Directly following Sleep No More you will be treated to the debut NYC solo performance by Jim James in honor of the release of his debut solo album, Regions of Light and Sound of God.

My apologies, living in MI I never bothered looking into actually getting tickets, so I missed that part.  I still don't think this is worth getting upset about though.  Counting the Carnegie show NY is getting 3 JJ shows in as many days.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 16, 2013, 03:38 PM
Hey Robb,

Yes, I don't want to appear ungrateful at all by complaining, as we are lucky to live within striking distance of the only announced shows.

It's just the way the info has been distributed that is frustrating.  Particularly for those of us who figured out to travel to the one announced and significantly more expensive show (assuming that the Jim part is what we most care about) to then find out that there are other much cheaper and more convenient shows.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: wade(ctrl) on Jan 16, 2013, 03:39 PM
Hello Roll Callers & Forum Friends,

In response to some of the questions and concerns regarding today's announcement, here is a bit more clarity on what we are seeing being discussed:
The Sleep No More show will be a full set from Jim and his live band performing Regions Of Light And Sound Of God as well as other surprises.  And this show is SOLD-OUT.
The Sleep No More theatrical experience (which isn't a traditional play but really a killer interactive experience) is included in the $110 ticket which normally sells for $75-$105 a ticket.  We encourage you to show up early and attend this as this play is a meaningful part to the entire evening's theme and experience.
There was no "bait and switch" evil plan in place and for reasons beyond our control, the Sleep No More show needed to be announced before the other shows.  The McKittrick Hotel/Sleep No More is a non-traditional theatrical experience and they go about announcing shows/events differently from other concerts you and we are accustomed to attending.
The mention of Jim's "debut solo NYC show" in relation to Sleep No More wasn't intended to be untruthful.  Due to capacity and pricing constraints of the Sleep No More show, we wanted to do another show in Brooklyn that allowed more fans to have that 'first experience' of Jim's performance in NY at a price-point that was that much more accessible.  Both Manhattan and Brooklyn will indeed be unique and dynamic and to say that Jim is excited about all the shows is an understatement.
Thank you for your questions and we hope to have provided you with total clarity.

Jim James/My Morning Jacket
Roll Call Fan Club & Management
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 03:45 PM
Thanks for clarification Wade. It's much appreciated :)
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: e_wind on Jan 16, 2013, 03:48 PM
I didn't read this thread at all. it looks mighty frustrating. Gotta say though, NY is getting 3 shows in 3 days, and there are only 4 announced.

I have to say that I get frustrated sometimes when NY is treated so well and Louisville is "saved" for one-off events that come less than annually at times. I mean, home court advantage.... I could give a shit less about an overhyped show at the Yum Cetner, let the home town get the 3 night runs. surely they know that if any city could sell out 3 nights outside of NY, its Louisville.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 04:00 PM
Thanks, Wade. Much appreciated.

I should have phrased bait & switch as the effect, definitely not the intent. I have the utmost respect for the management. I just think the miscommunication led many people to buy a pricey ticket to something that they might not have otherwise.

ewind---i have no doubt L-ville is gonna get a special show on this tour :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 04:17 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 16, 2013, 03:48 PM
I didn't read this thread at all. it looks mighty frustrating. Gotta say though, NY is getting 3 shows in 3 days, and there are only 4 announced.

I have to say that I get frustrated sometimes when NY is treated so well and Louisville is "saved" for one-off events that come less than annually at times. I mean, home court advantage.... I could give a shit less about an overhyped show at the Yum Cetner, let the home town get the 3 night runs. surely they know that if any city could sell out 3 nights outside of NY, its Louisville.

I'm not 100% on this so it could be wrong but doesn't Jim James live in New York now? Could be a factor. I know for sure he's a big fan of Sleep No More so maybe playing that show was a special treat for him.

People keep talking about the 3rd Jim James show but the Carnegie Hall thing is a multi-artist event. To me that's a bit different and it's not like it's a full Jim James show (though I'm sure it's worth it with the other artists).

That said....I can't help but feel lucky about so many NY shows. There are times i'm jealous of other locations though (Red Rocks shows are one, the Forecastle Fest shows are another).
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 04:54 PM
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 04:17 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 16, 2013, 03:48 PM
I didn't read this thread at all. it looks mighty frustrating. Gotta say though, NY is getting 3 shows in 3 days, and there are only 4 announced.

I have to say that I get frustrated sometimes when NY is treated so well and Louisville is "saved" for one-off events that come less than annually at times. I mean, home court advantage.... I could give a shit less about an overhyped show at the Yum Cetner, let the home town get the 3 night runs. surely they know that if any city could sell out 3 nights outside of NY, its Louisville.

I'm not 100% on this so it could be wrong but doesn't Jim James live in New York now? Could be a factor. I know for sure he's a big fan of Sleep No More so maybe playing that show was a special treat for him.

People keep talking about the 3rd Jim James show but the Carnegie Hall thing is a multi-artist event. To me that's a bit different and it's not like it's a full Jim James show (though I'm sure it's worth it with the other artists).

That said....I can't help but feel lucky about so many NY shows. There are times i'm jealous of other locations though (Red Rocks shows are one, the Forecastle Fest shows are another).

i'm pretty sure he doesn't live here anymore..and i have my master's in stalking..

(and when i say here, i mean this planet :rolleyes: :wink:)
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 16, 2013, 04:55 PM
Quote from: wade(ctrl) on Jan 16, 2013, 03:39 PM
Hello Roll Callers & Forum Friends,

In response to some of the questions and concerns regarding today's announcement, here is a bit more clarity on what we are seeing being discussed:
The Sleep No More show will be a full set from Jim and his live band performing Regions Of Light And Sound Of God as well as other surprises.  And this show is SOLD-OUT.
The Sleep No More theatrical experience (which isn't a traditional play but really a killer interactive experience) is included in the $110 ticket which normally sells for $75-$105 a ticket.  We encourage you to show up early and attend this as this play is a meaningful part to the entire evening's theme and experience.
There was no "bait and switch" evil plan in place and for reasons beyond our control, the Sleep No More show needed to be announced before the other shows.  The McKittrick Hotel/Sleep No More is a non-traditional theatrical experience and they go about announcing shows/events differently from other concerts you and we are accustomed to attending.
The mention of Jim's "debut solo NYC show" in relation to Sleep No More wasn't intended to be untruthful.  Due to capacity and pricing constraints of the Sleep No More show, we wanted to do another show in Brooklyn that allowed more fans to have that 'first experience' of Jim's performance in NY at a price-point that was that much more accessible. Both Manhattan and Brooklyn will indeed be unique and dynamic and to say that Jim is excited about all the shows is an understatement.
Thank you for your questions and we hope to have provided you with total clarity.

Jim James/My Morning Jacket
Roll Call Fan Club & Management

Thanks Wade, I appreciate all that you guys do, and I trust that the intentions behind this were good. 

If you look at what I bolded from your message and then see the way this played out for Roll Call members, I think you can see that for Roll Call members it had the opposite effect of what you say was intended.

We were given info just about one, pricier show with hints that it was an exclusive area performance, and this partial info led some of us to make different choices than we would  have if we had all the info.

I think things played out fine for non-Roll Call members.  They got the email at 10:30 this morning with all the different show options presented at the same time, so they can decide what they want to do. 

Maybe just something to consider for the future when doing things for Roll Call is just to make sure we are informed to the fullest extent. 

If these other shows had to be announced differently from the SNM show, as you said, then maybe you guys should have made the SNM show announcement along with a separate informal note to Roll Call that there would be another option for an area show, and that details were coming later.
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: e_wind on Jan 16, 2013, 05:44 PM
He lives in louisville
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: robb on Jan 16, 2013, 07:00 PM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 16, 2013, 03:38 PM
Hey Robb,

Yes, I don't want to appear ungrateful at all by complaining, as we are lucky to live within striking distance of the only announced shows.

It's just the way the info has been distributed that is frustrating.  Particularly for those of us who figured out to travel to the one announced and significantly more expensive show (assuming that the Jim part is what we most care about) to then find out that there are other much cheaper and more convenient shows.

I just have a feeling this Sleep No More show has the potential to be the most special of the entire solo tour.  Sure, it's pricier, but in the end I think it'll be more than worth it.

A hopeful fan living in MI who gets tired of NY getting all the cool stuff  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: itrainmonkeys on Jan 16, 2013, 08:43 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 16, 2013, 05:44 PM
He lives in louisville

Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 16, 2013, 04:54 PM
i'm pretty sure he doesn't live here anymore..and i have my master's in stalking..

(and when i say here, i mean this planet :rolleyes: :wink:)

I stand corrected.....I should have known better because I just read that Relix article where they mention it. Not sure why I was thinking that lol.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
Quote from: wade(ctrl) on Jan 16, 2013, 03:39 PM
Thank you for your questions and we hope to have provided you with total clarity.

Jim James/My Morning Jacket
Roll Call Fan Club & Management

With all due respect, Wade, no, you have not provided "total clarity".  I don't buy into any of the evil intent comments posted on the board and I'm quite sure these shows will be amazing.

That said, the problem here is the lack of professionalism and transparency/clarity in announcing shows and providing for a reasonable number of tickets for the presale.

Roll call members should have been provided with more insight into the number of shows and where they would be, not just have them dribbled out like they may be the only ones. We're all rabid fans and want to catch at least one of Jim's shows and many purchased tix thinking that there might not be other shows available to them, only to find out that was not the case a couple of days later.  I'm OK with short notice but not OK with getting a VERY limited view of what a tour will look like.

The other big problem is the lack of tickets for Roll Call presales.  Today was a complete joke and not the first disaster.  I was on a microsecond after 3PM EST and got a pick list, picked 2 tix and on the next click got a "sold out" message.  A similar thing happened for Port Chester.  I'm all for "total clarity".  Tell us how many tickets were available for Philly and Brooklyn in the presale.

This is not my line of work but most of us on this forum with some common sense could easily figure out how to do this right.  Please get someone who won't bungle the next opportunity - it can't be that hard.  And have them work with the venue on Roll Call entry.  This is not rocket science.

We love this band and Jim and your are just adding frustration and stress to their fans when you should be facilitating access to the band and making it a painless process.

Please get your act together in a hurry - we really don't need to hear more excuses.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: the_wizzard on Jan 16, 2013, 10:38 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
That said, the problem here is the lack of professionalism and transparency/clarity in announcing shows and providing for a reasonable number of tickets for the presale.


Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
Roll call members should have been provided with more insight into the number of shows and where they would be, not just have them dribbled out like they may be the only ones.

And this

Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
I'm OK with short notice but not OK with getting a VERY limited view of what a tour will look like.

Oh, and this too

Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
I'm all for "total clarity".  Tell us how many tickets were available for Philly and Brooklyn in the presale.

Yep...this as well

Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
We love this band and Jim and your are just adding frustration and stress to their fans when you should be facilitating access to the band and making it a painless process.

Well said
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Jan 17, 2013, 04:07 AM
Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 16, 2013, 10:01 PM
Quote from: wade(ctrl) on Jan 16, 2013, 03:39 PM
Thank you for your questions and we hope to have provided you with total clarity.

Jim James/My Morning Jacket
Roll Call Fan Club & Management

With all due respect, Wade, no, you have not provided "total clarity".  I don't buy into any of the evil intent comments posted on the board and I'm quite sure these shows will be amazing.

That said, the problem here is the lack of professionalism and transparency/clarity in announcing shows and providing for a reasonable number of tickets for the presale.

Roll call members should have been provided with more insight into the number of shows and where they would be, not just have them dribbled out like they may be the only ones. We're all rabid fans and want to catch at least one of Jim's shows and many purchased tix thinking that there might not be other shows available to them, only to find out that was not the case a couple of days later.  I'm OK with short notice but not OK with getting a VERY limited view of what a tour will look like.

The other big problem is the lack of tickets for Roll Call presales.  Today was a complete joke and not the first disaster.  I was on a microsecond after 3PM EST and got a pick list, picked 2 tix and on the next click got a "sold out" message.  A similar thing happened for Port Chester.  I'm all for "total clarity".  Tell us how many tickets were available for Philly and Brooklyn in the presale.

This is not my line of work but most of us on this forum with some common sense could easily figure out how to do this right.  Please get someone who won't bungle the next opportunity - it can't be that hard.  And have them work with the venue on Roll Call entry.  This is not rocket science.

We love this band and Jim and your are just adding frustration and stress to their fans when you should be facilitating access to the band and making it a painless process.

Please get your act together in a hurry - we really don't need to hear more excuses.

This is why GO4IT is a wise man. Sometimes it's as if the people that run this "fan club" don't really understand that they aren't just providing a service to the band. You are also providing a service to the fans. I don't think that any of you truly understand things from our perspective. We aren't a bunch of kids. We are professionals in our own fields. Perhaps each of you should be required to go through the process with us, from trying to snag a very limited number of tickets to waiting in line to get early entry at a venue where no one who works there has any clue that we get early entry, to trying to figure out if we are in the right place to get our roll call tickets or can we get our will call tickets or dang it I had a death in the family and can I please transfer these to someone who can actually use them issues. Maybe you should hire one of us to handle fan relations. We actually understand what the problems are. We love this band and enjoy going to see them as much as possible, but we don't really enjoy paying extra to get services that seem to be an afterthought at best. We should be singing your praises, but we obviously aren't. You are supposedly helping us get to do our favorite thing. But then we have the hassle of dealing with the confusion. If you experienced going to a show with us, from the anxiety some of us get causing us to line up way too early to the anxiety created by unclear communication from ground control, you might have some insight into what you need to do to provide your customers with a positive user experience. Maybe the only people who are considered your customers are the artists that you work with. Maybe we just aren't all that important. However, if we didn't buy your "fan club" package you wouldn't have much of a purpose. Please understand that I'm trying to help you improve your business. This criticism is meant not to run you down, but to give you some insight into what the problems truly are.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 17, 2013, 06:56 AM
Wade, I think another example of how communication could be better is that no communication is being provided as to whether these Feb. Jim dates are part of his full tour, or just a handful of shows before a full tour that will stop again in these markets.

For example, I know other people in DC where I live that are considering going up to the Philly or NYC shows because they don't know if they will have options for shows closer to them at a later time. 

My hunch is that these are just a small bunch of shows and that there will be a full, bigger tour later with other stops in Philly, NYC (or close to NYC) and other big east coast stops.  It would sure help people out to know that, though.  Again, even just an informal announcement would do if nothing specific can get announced yet.  I can't see any harm in doing that, these Feb. shows will sell out regardless, they don't need additional hype around them of people thinking they are their only chance for a Jim show.

The venue for the Philly show seems very small, and thus it might save lots of stress and anxiety for people if they knew there would be another chance to see Jim in Philly a bit later.  It also might result in less people trying for tickets for these shows if they knew they will have shows later in their cities and don't need to travel for these ones.  Thus it would help that situation on several levels if we had a bit more info about the tour.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Jan 17, 2013, 07:47 AM
Man, this thread sure did get Yac'd! Might as well chime in. :wink:

All great points, and helpful suggestions for Ground Countrol. I'd also like to add one that I find to not only be troublesome, but makes NO sense to me.

PLEASE have a Ground Control rep either  on site or available to be reached by phone at ALL events that you are a part of. There were several ticket snafus at PC for example that could've been cleared up in a nano second if someone from Ground Control was available.

It seems a bit odd to me  that you close up shop, and wouldn't be at the ready on days/nights of shows that you have sold tix to, and are a part of. Common sense tells me that I sure as hell would have someone available  to contact if this were my business. It's bad business not to. Hell, even Ticketmaster can be reached by phone if there's an issue with tix. It's  as if once the tix are purchased we're left to fend for ourselves. That would be fine if we were mailed hard tix, and didn't have will call and an early entry to try and work out.  It seems to me once we get the email about early entry times, that an entry process has been worked out in advance. Definitely not so for PC, or a few other shows I've been to with early entry. An available rep would be SO helpful.

PC night one was a nightmare for Roll Callers who got there early for entry, but also had to pick up tix at will call. No need at all for big fans who support the band  in so many ways  including paying to be a part of their Fan Club to have to deal with all that stress, and confusion on show days. A rep on site, or phone call is needed,and should be available.

Lastly, PLEASE reconsider the tix only at will call, and not mailed issue. It would make our lives so much easier if we got the tix mailed or had that option. If that's not possible, how about  at least allowing Roll Calllers to transfer tix to another Roll Caller? They'll stay in the family that way, and not put us at risk of having to eat tix like so many of us have had to. Things come up, e.g. Friends cancel, work schedules, etc and we can't make a show. It's a tough call for us now, because we usually don't get much notice for a presale, and while going to a particular show is appealing,we have to make that call without really being able to workout all the plans on our end. Knowing we could pass the tix along to another Roll Caller if something comes up, will make purchasing them a little easier to do. I know I've eaten some, and won't be buying "in the hopes I can go" anymore.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Jan 17, 2013, 09:01 AM

Well said my friends.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: BH on Jan 17, 2013, 10:06 AM
Mailing the tickets defeats the whole purpose of how Roll Call avoids people scalping tickets.
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: e_wind on Jan 17, 2013, 10:20 AM
Man, what's that one famous Ozzy lyric about gettin off track?

While its on the table, though: What everyone here said. PC was a nightmare. BUT, some shows earlier in the year when there was some sort of rep on site worked so much easier. Sure, there was problems, but they got solved quickly.

My biggest problem with GC though, is the ticketing process. How is it that non-roll callers got better seats by a long shot than many of us during the public sale? I bought shitty seats from roll call, then got seats that were literally twice as close from ticketmaster days later. So I payed 240$ for a pair of NYE tickets, basically, and the seats still weren't great.  I'm really glad I pay an annual fee for that. And, don't try to say that's unavoidable because the 10club would never let the public beat out their members.

And obviously, this ain't an isolated incident.

I'm sure you don't want my advice, but here it is: ditch G(C) for a company that deals with artists with more in common. I.e. bands with loyal (ok, psychotic) fans like phish instead of One Direction or whatever the flavor of the month bands GC takes care of.

Fully's point about you all being so disconnected from us sums it up pretty perfectly. And, it's obvious.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Jan 17, 2013, 10:25 AM (
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jacdos on Jan 17, 2013, 11:29 AM
This thing has been a clusterfuck. I mean look at the tourdates page, it says My Morning Jacket will be playing at the McKittrick. If thats not misleading, I dont know what is.
I'm frustrated because after successfully booking my stay at the Hotel, lol, I went and bought my plane ticket. I totally would have skipped another day of work for the Brooklyn show and flown in on the 19th. Now I have to pay for another plane ticket.
First world problems, I guess.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: e_wind on Jan 17, 2013, 11:54 AM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Jan 17, 2013, 10:25 AM (

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: tdb810 on Jan 17, 2013, 11:55 AM
Quote from: Jacdos on Jan 17, 2013, 11:29 AM
This thing has been a clusterfuck. I mean look at the tourdates page, it says My Morning Jacket will be playing at the McKittrick. If thats not misleading, I dont know what is.
I'm frustrated because after successfully booking my stay at the Hotel, lol, I went and bought my plane ticket. I totally would have skipped another day of work for the Brooklyn show and flown in on the 19th. Now I have to pay for another plane ticket.
First world problems, I guess.

Damn, but that sucks. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: e_wind on Jan 17, 2013, 12:44 PM
the tradition begins with the airing of the grievances

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: APR on Jan 17, 2013, 01:52 PM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Jan 17, 2013, 10:25 AM (

Terrific article.

I read the whole thread and don't need to repeat all of the valid complaints.  Many of the problems affected me directly for sure (eating tickets due to will call only,  not sitting in the top quality seats, difficulties downloading the boots, early entry).  But I and it seems like most of us put up with it because it's MMJ.   

The band and the management hears us.  It may have had nothing to do with our issues, but they already ditched Artist Arena in favor of Ground(ctrl).  And to be fair, some of the issues mentioned above were probably not Ground(ctrl)'s fault.  What is up with the parenthesis?

The questions we have and clarifications we'd like probably won't be given.  How many tickets available?  How many members?  Why the announcments are made the way they are? The only other fan club I'm in is Pearl Jam's Ten Club.  People have complained for years about similar issues without a peep from anyone.  At least Wade chimed in.

Jim will tour, and I'm hoping getting tickets will be easy.  And here's expecting things go smoothly for our next MMJ ticket buying, show downloading, early entering, ticket trading experiences. 

If so, then hopefully we can say, "You are forgiven.  Forgiven.  Forgiven, etc, etc."  (See what I did copying Whippy).

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: wade(ctrl) on Jan 18, 2013, 12:09 PM
Hey all - I'll try to keep it short for now.  I absolutely understand your frustrations and appreciate the comments in this thread and I wanted to let you know you are being heard.  I'm always around if you have any specific questions as well, so feel free to message me directly.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 18, 2013, 12:28 PM
Thanks Wade.  I think there is lots of constructive advice this group could offer on how things could go better, particularly in terms of the handling of presales/show matters.  Maybe I'll send some of my own thoughts/suggestions in a PM to you. 

This band and the community around it is special, and we may differ from some of the other clients you guys have, but I think it's just a matter of understanding our wants and needs, and then they wouldn't be too hard to meet.

I will say that I recently attended the Fun Fun Fun Festival in Austin that was run by Ground Ctrl and you guys did a great job with that.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mcredder on Jan 18, 2013, 12:43 PM
Anyone looking for a Sleep No More ticket? I can't go that night anymore

Willing to make some sort of exchange for a Brooklyn ticket.

I called to make sure you can change the name on the reservation. Anyone with an extra brooklyn ticket, let me know!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jeff Murray on Jan 18, 2013, 02:06 PM
The way they are announcing shows is reminding me of a band that used to tour not so long ago... had a 20th anny a while back...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 23, 2013, 09:02 AM
Getting back to the discussion of the problem of how these shows were announced.  Look at this excerpt of a message that Pearl Jam's 10 Club members were just sent:

We are excited to announce two special Pearl Jam live performances to take place in London, Ontario and at Chicago's Wrigley Field in July 2013. Both evenings will be An Evening with Pearl Jam; there will not be an opening band for either performance date.
The two show dates are:

Tues, July 16 - London, Ontario Budweiser Gardens
Fri, July 19 - Chicago, Illinois at Wrigley Field

*Fall Tour dates in the US will be announced in the coming months.

See, they announce these dates, but also make sure people know that there will be a larger tour later, which is really helpful so that people don't freak out and travel to these thinking they are the only shows.  This is a really good model of a way to announce tour dates in situations where all the dates can't be announced at once.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jeff Murray on Jan 23, 2013, 01:37 PM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Jan 23, 2013, 09:02 AM
Getting back to the discussion of the problem of how these shows were announced.  Look at this excerpt of a message that Pearl Jam's 10 Club members were just sent:

We are excited to announce two special Pearl Jam live performances to take place in London, Ontario and at Chicago's Wrigley Field in July 2013. Both evenings will be An Evening with Pearl Jam; there will not be an opening band for either performance date.
The two show dates are:

Tues, July 16 - London, Ontario Budweiser Gardens
Fri, July 19 - Chicago, Illinois at Wrigley Field

*Fall Tour dates in the US will be announced in the coming months.

See, they announce these dates, but also make sure people know that there will be a larger tour later, which is really helpful so that people don't freak out and travel to these thinking they are the only shows.  This is a really good model of a way to announce tour dates in situations where all the dates can't be announced at once.

That is a first for them... I think all the complaints from fans over the years has finally sunk in.  I will admit it has kept me from making an impulsive decision to get tix for Chicago and for that I am grateful.  But I am not happy about this responsible side of me that is emerging!!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Feb 02, 2013, 01:04 PM
Have to say I'm getting very excited for this show given the glowing reviews from last night in Nashville.

18 days, peeps! 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Feb 02, 2013, 03:55 PM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Feb 02, 2013, 01:04 PM
Have to say I'm getting very excited for this show given the glowing reviews from last night in Nashville.

18 days, peeps!

Same here Jon!   :cool: I'm sure we'll be getting some deetz together soon on a pre show  meetup too. Really looking forward to this.   

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Feb 03, 2013, 03:31 PM
Definitely looking forward to seeing the gang and sharing this special night.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: shepherdspy on Feb 07, 2013, 11:37 AM
Hello Everyone,

I have a reservation for this show but it turns out I won't be able to make it.  After contacting the reservations desk at The McKittrick Hotel I found out that no refunds are available but I can transfer the reservation to someone else.  I'm only asking for the $115 I paid.  I know I have a low post count so If you're questioning my authenticity AMightyCaporal can vouch for me.  Please message me if you're interested.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Feb 07, 2013, 01:20 PM
Quote from: shepherdspy on Feb 07, 2013, 11:37 AM
Hello Everyone,

I have a reservation for this show but it turns out I won't be able to make it.  After contacting the reservations desk at The McKittrick Hotel I found out that no refunds are available but I can transfer the reservation to someone else.  I'm only asking for the $115 I paid.  I know I have a low post count so If you're questioning my authenticity AMightyCaporal can vouch for me.  Please message me if you're interested.

I am interested.  PM sent.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Feb 12, 2013, 09:34 AM
Any suggestions for a pre show meetup place? Still planning on being in the city by 4:00, and looking forward to getting a bite to eat,a drink, and hanging for a bit.  :beer:

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Feb 12, 2013, 09:56 AM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 12, 2013, 09:34 AM
Any suggestions for a pre show meetup place? Still planning on being in the city by 4:00, and looking forward to getting a bite to eat,a drink, and hanging for a bit.  :beer: (  ?

Just throwing this out there- I'm open to anything... and I'm not even from NYC?!   Chosen after a bunch of Googling last night.   Looking for:  close, serves food and drink, open at 4 pm (many places do lunch and dinner but closed in between, this place is noon-midnight)
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Feb 12, 2013, 05:16 PM
I checked out Kyle's suggestion and it looks great to me.  Plenty of good food choices even for us vegetarian hippies.  Seems ideal to have a place where we know we can get decent food and drink before the normal dinner time.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Feb 12, 2013, 05:28 PM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Feb 12, 2013, 05:16 PM
I checked out Kyle's suggestion and it looks great to me.  Plenty of good food choices even for us vegetarian hippies.  Seems ideal to have a place where we know we can get decent food and drink before the normal dinner time.

I checked it out too,and looks great to me.  :thumbsup: Reminds me a bit of meeting at Porta in Asbury before the Sandy Benefit.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Feb 12, 2013, 05:30 PM
alright!  Most importantly, the address is 513 W. 27th, and Sleep No More is 530 W. 27th!   Can't beat that  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Feb 12, 2013, 05:38 PM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 12, 2013, 05:30 PM
alright!  Most importantly, the address is 513 W. 27th, and Sleep No More is 530 W. 27th!   Can't beat that  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Well done Kyle!  :thumbsup: that's always a big priority for me when looking for a meetup place, or place to stay for a show. The closer the better.  :beer:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Feb 13, 2013, 09:10 AM
Can't wait to see all of you good folks there.  Gonna be a special night for sure.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Feb 13, 2013, 09:20 AM
Quote from: headhunter on Feb 13, 2013, 09:10 AM
Can't wait to see all of you good folks there.  Gonna be a special night for sure.

Same here Jeff.   :beer:

Still in for meeting up around 4:00?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Feb 13, 2013, 12:44 PM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 13, 2013, 09:20 AM
Quote from: headhunter on Feb 13, 2013, 09:10 AM
Can't wait to see all of you good folks there.  Gonna be a special night for sure.

Same here Jeff.   :beer:

Still in for meeting up around 4:00?

4:15 and I'll see you there!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Feb 14, 2013, 09:51 AM
[not sure if this was already mentioned somewhere]

...but does anyone know how many total tickets were sold for this show?

And if anyone needs to transfer a ticket, I've seen some other people on the other boards I frequent asking about tickets.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MMPJ6306 on Feb 14, 2013, 12:05 PM
I looked it up once- an unofficial site said the capacity of the auditorium is 250.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Feb 14, 2013, 01:43 PM
Quote from: MMPJ6306 on Feb 14, 2013, 12:05 PM
I looked it up once- an unofficial site said the capacity of the auditorium is 250.

"so sweet, oh so sweet...."
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Feb 15, 2013, 10:52 AM
Been looking into the SNM performance, and it really does look to be an interesting, active evening to say the least! Wear comfy shoes everyone, and be prepared for a bit of a workout with a lot of stair climbing. The production loops a few times, and runs three hours.

Looking forward to seeing everyone before the show, as it seems we won't see each other much until after the SNM part of the evening.  :beer:

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: adam_pliskow on Feb 18, 2013, 06:04 PM
Me and a bunch of people will be hanging out at Hill Country BBQ
30 West 26th Street NY, NY 10010

It's not next door, but pretty close and really good!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ynwa on Feb 18, 2013, 10:20 PM
Quote from: adam_pliskow on Feb 18, 2013, 06:04 PM
Me and a bunch of people will be hanging out at Hill Country BBQ
30 West 26th Street NY, NY 10010

It's not next door, but pretty close and really good!
Quote from: ericm on Feb 15, 2013, 10:52 AM
Been looking into the SNM performance, and it really does look to be an interesting, active evening to say the least! Wear comfy shoes everyone, and be prepared for a bit of a workout with a lot of stair climbing. The production loops a few times, and runs three hours.

Looking forward to seeing everyone before the show, as it seems we won't see each other much until after the SNM part of the evening.  :beer:

Eric, it sure does look interesting.  I read that they purposely try to separate people from their groups.  If I wind up in some creepy insane asylum medical procedure room and I'm by myself, I will FREAK OUT!

I will definitely need a fun pre-show meetup with you guys, and some "nerve tonic" before SNM.  And yes, comfy shoes and maybe do some stretches.  Especially calf and hammys.

Looking forward to Wednesday.  It will undoubtedly be like nothing else.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Feb 19, 2013, 08:24 PM
I am very excited about tomorrow night!  :smiley:
I was wondering if anyone here got any further emails from McKittrick other than the initial ticket confirmation. In the email it said we would be getting some more information a week prior to the show and I didn't see anything. I'm sure it's no big deal but just wanted to know if I was missing anything. Many thanks.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: BH on Feb 20, 2013, 12:18 AM
This is going to be an experience of a lifetime.   Have fun everyone.  Soak it in.   It will feel like a dream I'll bet!
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Feb 20, 2013, 06:15 AM
Liz! Grab ericm's arm and don't let go! He can protect you from the scary! mahg33ta and ericm will have poster tubes with them. They are good for beating away performance artists if it should come to that! Just don't hit Jim!!! (surely it won't come to that, but it's good to be prepared) above all - have fun you lucky mofo's!!!! This is going to be one special night!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Feb 20, 2013, 09:01 AM
Quote from: JaneCool on Feb 19, 2013, 08:24 PM
I am very excited about tomorrow night!  :smiley:
I was wondering if anyone here got any further emails from McKittrick other than the initial ticket confirmation. In the email it said we would be getting some more information a week prior to the show and I didn't see anything. I'm sure it's no big deal but just wanted to know if I was missing anything. Many thanks.

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Feb 20, 2013, 09:13 AM
I found this picture. It's what I imagine you all will look like tonight!

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: pattilovesmmj on Feb 20, 2013, 09:36 AM
 :smiley:have fun tonight peeps!
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Feb 20, 2013, 11:40 PM
Hope it was a good time.  Look forward to reports in the morning.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: FiddleCastro on Feb 21, 2013, 01:42 AM
It was a lot of fun except for the angry mob pushing to get into the Jim show.  Great set, great encore! Even if I ended up in the balcony.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MMPJ6306 on Feb 21, 2013, 02:19 AM
First and only(?) time I can be like "yeah, the opener involved a naked dude in a horse head covered in blood dancing to bad house music."

A great evening.

Encore was It's a Sin To Tell a Lie, I'm Making Believe (standards), victory dance, wordless, touch me pts 1&2.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: SauceGod on Feb 21, 2013, 02:29 AM
Everything was awesome about his set from those two covers, to the both fake and real sax playing. To how he did really stretched the new songs out. The whole sleep no more thing was a trip and might actually go back even if it is not with the addition of jim. Quite the theater experience to say the least, and I will probably have weird nightmares for weeks (mostly from the creepy nurse). Other than that, the show was bananas (except that lady who kept yelling "I love you jimmy" and just being a jerk on lots of levels. I might have pushed one or two people in that rush to get to the main stage. But I ended up front and center and rocked to every second. Will add more tomorrow with a couple pictures.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Feb 21, 2013, 07:59 AM
Loved the Jim show.  Situation to get in sucked, but I just went with the flow and didn't worry about where I ended up too much.

Definitely made me gain a deeper appreciation of the new album, but I fully expected that to happen. 

Sleep No More was very cool as well, and not something I probably would have done otherwise.  I'm thankful that the Jim show inspired me to have that experience.

My only complaint about SNM is that I saw by far the craziest scene of it (described above) very early in the night, so my bar was set pretty high for seeing other stuff at that same level, which didn't really happen.
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Fully on Feb 21, 2013, 08:21 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Feb 21, 2013, 07:59 AM

Definitely made me gain a deeper appreciation of the new album, but I fully expected that to happen. 

I'm glad :)
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Feb 21, 2013, 09:22 AM
Nice to see so many good people from around these parts last night.  Especially Eric, Jon, Kyle and Laura who made the long trek to nyc

I enjoyed the night before in Brooklyn much more.  The overcrowded scene and near-stampede to get in was really a buzz-kill.

First time I ever left a Jim or MMJ show early.     :undecided:

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: scosby2 on Feb 21, 2013, 09:31 AM
Quote from: RDist52 on Feb 21, 2013, 02:29 AM
Everything was awesome about his set from those two covers, to the both fake and real sax playing. To how he did really stretched the new songs out. The whole sleep no more thing was a trip and might actually go back even if it is not with the addition of jim. Quite the theater experience to say the least, and I will probably have weird nightmares for weeks (mostly from the creepy nurse). Other than that, the show was bananas (except that lady who kept yelling "I love you jimmy" and just being a jerk on lots of levels. I might have pushed one or two people in that rush to get to the main stage. But I ended up front and center and rocked to every second. Will add more tomorrow with a couple pictures.

you have to elaborate on the "creepy nurse"

sorry, it's my job
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: SauceGod on Feb 21, 2013, 09:53 AM
Quote from: scosby2 on Feb 21, 2013, 09:31 AM
Quote from: RDist52 on Feb 21, 2013, 02:29 AM
Everything was awesome about his set from those two covers, to the both fake and real sax playing. To how he did really stretched the new songs out. The whole sleep no more thing was a trip and might actually go back even if it is not with the addition of jim. Quite the theater experience to say the least, and I will probably have weird nightmares for weeks (mostly from the creepy nurse). Other than that, the show was bananas (except that lady who kept yelling "I love you jimmy" and just being a jerk on lots of levels. I might have pushed one or two people in that rush to get to the main stage. But I ended up front and center and rocked to every second. Will add more tomorrow with a couple pictures.

you have to elaborate on the "creepy nurse"

sorry, it's my job

On the 5th flooor that is the hallway with a bunch of doors and then the maze thing on the other side. I went through one of the doors, into a room and then in another room I could see that there was an actor. I walked over, there were already three other people looking around her nurse's office. I stood at the doorway. She just sat at her desk with a book using a scalpel to cut the pages and then press the scalpel against her arm. There were hundreds  of pages cut in different shapes in the corner of her room hanging. Then the music playing got louder and more dramatic so she finally look up at us. She looked directly at me in the doorway, then just started to smile. Once the music hit the peak, she went back to cutting up the pages faster. Oh, and her uniform was covered in blood. other non-creepy news. I heard from the photographer standing next to me last night that he was from and they were filming videos with jim.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Feb 21, 2013, 09:57 AM
I suspect I have the best creepy nurse story of the night.   I will type it up when I get home tonight.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: FiddleCastro on Feb 21, 2013, 10:04 AM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 21, 2013, 09:57 AM
I suspect I have the best creepy nurse story of the night.   I will type it up when I get home tonight.

You definitely do, Kyle. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: scosby2 on Feb 21, 2013, 10:30 AM
loving these creepy stories! makes me sick I wasn't there...

I am not a creepy nurse for the record though...
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: zutronics on Feb 21, 2013, 10:44 AM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Feb 21, 2013, 01:42 AM
It was a lot of fun except for the angry mob pushing to get into the Jim show.  Great set, great encore! Even if I ended up in the balcony.

Yeah, this got really ugly.  The guy in front of me freaked out and pushed everyone back inflaming folks even more.  What a recipe for disaster - loud music, booze, and flinging doors open with little to no warning while people were waiting for an hour.  Good show overall, and great vibe but this was very scary.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: korief on Feb 21, 2013, 12:23 PM
I didn't know anything before walking in, had to forfeit not only my coat but my entire purse. I felt like my control and power had been stripped. We were ordered about, not allowed to speak. Wandered around in the dark for hours with fellow masked patrons who bumped into you, somethings because of the dark, sometimes because they used anonymity as an excuse for some human contact.

Some of the rooms I explored bored me, some excited me, some terrified me. I loved the performers, all very beautiful and quite skilled dancers (the choreography was great, I'd like to know who did it). I oscillated between wanting to just be able to speak, find my way, have some clarity and just wanting to sink further into the darkness and silence. It was like a silence meditation retreat but conducted at an adult-style Tower of Terror. What I did not expect was to internalize so much - I thought I would be taking it all in rather than examining myself so much. The whole environment was very sensual though with all the pretty people, the inviting beds, the random masked strangers bumping into you, the darkness...

I thought it would be thrilling to see Jim James after so much "tension." But in reality, it was like topping a brownie with hot fudge - for some, a revelation but for me, too much on too much. I think I would have enjoyed the Sleep No More experience more if I didn't have the "show anxiety" and I would have enjoyed Jim James more if I didn't have the "mind-fuck exhaustion."

Not knowing where the show was, how to get there, when it was, if we would be told anything, what time it was... I think that fed into the angry, pushy mob. They were reclaiming their voices, their faces after being voiceless and faceless for so many long hours. It was late too, the show didn't start till about 10:30 and after most people had been stumbling around in the dark for many many hours. But Jim seemed in good spirits and I really liked his duo with that lady Karen. That's a nice name, Karen.  :smiley:

The best part of the night for me was sitting in the cocktail bar and watching the Django Conway quartet. It would have been cool if Jim James performed there, where I could have casually sipped my St. Germain and champagne while watching the cigarette girls work the crowd. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Penny Lane on Feb 21, 2013, 01:02 PM
Great recap, korief--(and nice meeting you offically on Tues). They took your purse? Did they take your phone, too? So you could all be released from our addictions and take it all in? Sounds like my worst nightmare.

I think separately, SNM could have been a moving thing, but it sounds like it was weird and gave everyone pre-show anxiety, which led to real show anxiety and a lot of waiting around in cramped dark places?

So was JJ part of the play at all? Or maybe you don't know because it was dark...hmmm
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: tdb810 on Feb 21, 2013, 01:14 PM
Quote from: korief on Feb 21, 2013, 12:23 PM
I didn't know anything before walking in, had to forfeit not only my coat but my entire purse. I felt like my control and power had been stripped. We were ordered about, not allowed to speak. Wandered around in the dark for hours with fellow masked patrons who bumped into you, somethings because of the dark, sometimes because they used anonymity as an excuse for some human contact.

Some of the rooms I explored bored me, some excited me, some terrified me. I loved the performers, all very beautiful and quite skilled dancers (the choreography was great, I'd like to know who did it). I oscillated between wanting to just be able to speak, find my way, have some clarity and just wanting to sink further into the darkness and silence. It was like a silence meditation retreat but conducted at an adult-style Tower of Terror. What I did not expect was to internalize so much - I thought I would be taking it all in rather than examining myself so much. The whole environment was very sensual though with all the pretty people, the inviting beds, the random masked strangers bumping into you, the darkness...

I thought it would be thrilling to see Jim James after so much "tension." But in reality, it was like topping a brownie with hot fudge - for some, a revelation but for me, too much on too much. I think I would have enjoyed the Sleep No More experience more if I didn't have the "show anxiety" and I would have enjoyed Jim James more if I didn't have the "mind-fuck exhaustion."

Not knowing where the show was, how to get there, when it was, if we would be told anything, what time it was... I think that fed into the angry, pushy mob. They were reclaiming their voices, their faces after being voiceless and faceless for so many long hours. It was late too, the show didn't start till about 10:30 and after most people had been stumbling around in the dark for many many hours. But Jim seemed in good spirits and I really liked his duo with that lady Karen. That's a nice name, Karen.  :smiley:

The best part of the night for me was sitting in the cocktail bar and watching the Django Conway quartet. It would have been cool if Jim James performed there, where I could have casually sipped my St. Germain and champagne while watching the cigarette girls work the crowd.
Thanks for the recap -- holy panic attack!  This would not have gone well for me. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: CountSA on Feb 21, 2013, 01:19 PM
Pretty cool article about the McKittrick Hotel (with Jim quotes): (
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: headhunter on Feb 21, 2013, 01:28 PM
An excellent and well written recap Karen.  Many of our thoughts and concerns were expressed succinctly by your words.  And yes those "actors" and 'dancers" were all in spectacular shape and very talented.

Either part could and would have been terrific on it's own but for me at least, this was a rare example of when the whole was much less than the sum of the parts.

While I can appreciate what they were trying to do with the combination,  I've seen JJ and MMJ over 30 times the past 4 years or so and this was clearly my least favorite experience.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Feb 21, 2013, 01:29 PM
Amazing recap, korief!  I think you really nailed it, a caustic mix of moments that make an already tense experience more so.  I wonder if anyone anticipated this, intentionally engineering the moment as part of the experience.  I'm reminded of when my brother and I were kids on Space Mountain in Disney.   The ride shut down while we were at one of its highest points and the lights were out.  For quite some time (or was it?), we were left confused and scared, which made the rest of the ride pretty tough once it was fixed. 

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: APR on Feb 21, 2013, 02:19 PM
Cool that you got some different covers.  I'm not familiar with the original versions, but I'll check them out on spotify.

Not so cool about all the problems pre show. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: vespachick on Feb 21, 2013, 02:20 PM
Quote from: tdb810 on Feb 21, 2013, 01:14 PM
Quote from: korief on Feb 21, 2013, 12:23 PM
I didn't know anything before walking in, had to forfeit not only my coat but my entire purse. I felt like my control and power had been stripped. We were ordered about, not allowed to speak. Wandered around in the dark for hours with fellow masked patrons who bumped into you, somethings because of the dark, sometimes because they used anonymity as an excuse for some human contact.

Some of the rooms I explored bored me, some excited me, some terrified me. I loved the performers, all very beautiful and quite skilled dancers (the choreography was great, I'd like to know who did it). I oscillated between wanting to just be able to speak, find my way, have some clarity and just wanting to sink further into the darkness and silence. It was like a silence meditation retreat but conducted at an adult-style Tower of Terror. What I did not expect was to internalize so much - I thought I would be taking it all in rather than examining myself so much. The whole environment was very sensual though with all the pretty people, the inviting beds, the random masked strangers bumping into you, the darkness...

I thought it would be thrilling to see Jim James after so much "tension." But in reality, it was like topping a brownie with hot fudge - for some, a revelation but for me, too much on too much. I think I would have enjoyed the Sleep No More experience more if I didn't have the "show anxiety" and I would have enjoyed Jim James more if I didn't have the "mind-fuck exhaustion."

Not knowing where the show was, how to get there, when it was, if we would be told anything, what time it was... I think that fed into the angry, pushy mob. They were reclaiming their voices, their faces after being voiceless and faceless for so many long hours. It was late too, the show didn't start till about 10:30 and after most people had been stumbling around in the dark for many many hours. But Jim seemed in good spirits and I really liked his duo with that lady Karen. That's a nice name, Karen.  :smiley:

The best part of the night for me was sitting in the cocktail bar and watching the Django Conway quartet. It would have been cool if Jim James performed there, where I could have casually sipped my St. Germain and champagne while watching the cigarette girls work the crowd.
Thanks for the recap -- holy panic attack!  This would not have gone well for me.

I think the stress would have given me a heart attack.   :embarrassed:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: SauceGod on Feb 21, 2013, 02:28 PM (
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: dp74 on Feb 21, 2013, 03:50 PM
I thought it was pretty remarkable that the audience was overwhelmingly respectful or considerate given how much latitude they got inside the Sleep No More performance.  Without our phones, our faces, or our voices, we became anonymous but also part of a weird community.   Pretty cool I thought.

You people who waited by the door for an hour to be up close to the stage instead of listening to the other 2 bands that were playing in the lounge and the bar will always puzzle me.  And then only to be crushed up it really worth it?  Especially in that small of a place. 

I was right in front of the soundboard and had plenty of room to actually dance instead of being squished.

* and I'm hoping that the dude stealthing the show will put it up somewhere soon.  wondering how good his mics were....
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: FiddleCastro on Feb 21, 2013, 04:20 PM
Quote from: dp74 on Feb 21, 2013, 03:50 PM
You people who waited by the door for an hour to be up close to the stage instead of listening to the other 2 bands that were playing in the lounge and the bar will always puzzle me.  And then only to be crushed up it really worth it?  Especially in that small of a place. 

I don't think anyone expected it to be another hour of waiting. We went over when one of the bands said "This is our last song! You guys ready to see Jim James!?" then that band proceeded to play at least 3 more songs. At one point they asked "should we keep playing?" after a song...
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: mahg33ta on Feb 21, 2013, 05:23 PM
My Nurse Story at Sleep No More

At one point in the show, one nurse collapses and the other tends to her until the first one recovers.   Then the 2nd nurse grabs me by the hand, leans in close, and says "follow me", and pulls me through the "woods" and through some halls until we get to a hallway.   She unlocks a door and pushes me inside and shuts the door behind us.    I'm thinking, this could be interesting.

We're in a small room, maybe 8x8, looks like a doctor's office.   She leads me over to a couch, has me sit, then lifts up my legs and swings me around so that I'm laying down.    She then covers me in a white sheet from the neck down, tucking me in firmly so I'm basically stuck.   I'm thinking, this is weird!

Then she straddles me and lays on top of me.   Have I mentioned that these actresses are young, attractive, and in fine shape?   Slowly, she takes my mask off and gives me the shhh sign.   Then, she leans towards me, slowly, slowly, slowly.   Until she's about an inch away from me.   (as a side note, if anyone watches Impractical Jokers, the thought flashes through my head to do the close-eyes-and-pucker move Murray does when he has to elicit a kiss from a stranger).   Does she know I'm a happily married man?    Can she feel my heart racing?   I try to stare at her but she is super unnerving.  Plus, after having a mask on for 2 hours, I feel naked.   I am having trouble making eye contact.  I'm thinking, I'm really sweating!

Suddenly, the lights change, and writing on the wall is illuminated.   She turns to read it and so do I.   Something about the raven and insects and something else.   It's scrawled and creepy.   The music turns harsh and crazy.   She leans in again and coughs.   Out drops a nail!  A big, serious, metal nail on my face.   She screams and hops up.   She grabs my legs, whips them around which makes me sit up, throws on my mask, and says "do not tell anyone".   The door opens, she pushes me out, and I'm alone in a dark hallway.   I'm thinking, WTF?

Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: korief on Feb 21, 2013, 06:09 PM
That settles it. I'm going back so I can have a hot nurse straddle me and spit a nail in my face.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ynwa on Feb 21, 2013, 06:40 PM
I have mixed feelings.  I'd read a little bit about SNM prior to last night (and even stumbled upon a PBS special about MacBeth recently, which had bits about SNM ((not to be confused with S&M)), so I thought I had just enough info to prep myself for this show.  Overall, SNM is something that's completely out of my comfort zone, but sometimes you have to challenge yourself, right? 

I think I freaked myself out more than what was actually put before me.  I didn't get nailed by any creepy nurses or anything like that (Kyle, they totally picked on you!).  I got a couple pieces of red licorice from one of the players (still not sure who he was in the plot of MacBeth, or what candy had to do with anything.  But it was a tasty snack.).  And I stumbled upon the post-murder, bloody, naked bathtub scene between The Lady and Mac, which was really intense, but I didn't find it to be erotic, as advertised.  I will say that the actors in this scene were fantastic.  There were a few partial-utterances during the scene, but for the most part I can best describe it as a violent ballet dance. 

I think I lasted about two hours.  I got blocked from the 6th floor and then found myself walking into rooms I'd already been in, so I figured my time was up. 

The whole thing was confusing.  And I understand the idea behind the production being an extended mysterious personal journey.  Uncertainty adds to mystery and intrigue, which can heighten the experience, if you are so inclined.  There were a few moments where I was like, "Oh, fuck this.  I'm outta here," (cemetery, funeral parlour... do we see a theme here?) but then repeated my mantra, "You are in a safe place."  Weakly :undecided:.

And THEN there was the line debacle for Jim's show.  It was horrible.  Even if my nerves weren't twitchy after the SNM experience, this would have been too much.  I won't repeat what's already been said, because I don't want to dwell on the one true negative aspect of the night.  But it was the worst line experience I've ever had.

Anyway!  Once a spot was secured in the 2nd row of the balcony with Headhunter and Fiddle, and the music started, it got better.  And as the crowd thinned out as the show went on, it got even better.  Although I was really bummed that HH had to make an early exit.  It got to a point where I had to tell myself to forget all the nonsense in the buildup and just enjoy the moment for what it was.  And then, I danced.         
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Crispy on Feb 21, 2013, 06:46 PM
WAITWAITWAIT, there were hot nurses at this thing? Straddling people and hacking up nails in their faces? WHY THE HELL WASN'T I THERE
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: FiddleCastro on Feb 21, 2013, 06:53 PM
Quote from: ynwa on Feb 21, 2013, 06:40 PM
And I stumbled upon the post-murder, bloody, naked bathtub scene between The Lady and Mac, which was really intense, but I didn't find it to be erotic, as advertised.  I will say that the actors in this scene were fantastic.  There were a few partial-utterances during the scene, but for the most part I can best describe it as a violent ballet dance. 

That scene was really fantastic. The choreography was incredible.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: pattilovesmmj on Feb 21, 2013, 07:01 PM
I don't know anything about the McKittrick, but it sure sounds like a trippy place.  Is it performance art?
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ynwa on Feb 21, 2013, 07:42 PM
Quote from: pattilovesmmj on Feb 21, 2013, 07:01 PM
I don't know anything about the McKittrick, but it sure sounds like a trippy place.  Is it performance art?

patti - here's the wiki info: (

Rich - the choreography was something else.  I was in complete awe.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: JaneCool on Feb 21, 2013, 08:40 PM
Quote from: dp74 on Feb 21, 2013, 03:50 PM
I thought it was pretty remarkable that the audience was overwhelmingly respectful or considerate given how much latitude they got inside the Sleep No More performance.  Without our phones, our faces, or our voices, we became anonymous but also part of a weird community.   Pretty cool I thought.

You people who waited by the door for an hour to be up close to the stage instead of listening to the other 2 bands that were playing in the lounge and the bar will always puzzle me.  And then only to be crushed up it really worth it?  Especially in that small of a place. 

I was right in front of the soundboard and had plenty of room to actually dance instead of being squished.

I don't know - I was up front and had room to dance and wasn't getting smashed or pushed. And yes it was worth it to me to get in the "line" a bit early to be up close - though I think the wait was closer to 1/2 an hour. I did enjoy the first band very much.

I also really enjoyed Sleep No More although I feel like I probably missed a lot of stuff. I wasn't terribly concerned with watching the acting so much as I was exploring everything - I purposely walked away from the crowds on several occasions and stayed behind after people cleared out of the rooms just so I could check everything out unhindered.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: pattilovesmmj on Feb 22, 2013, 10:00 AM
Quote from: ynwa on Feb 21, 2013, 07:42 PM
Quote from: pattilovesmmj on Feb 21, 2013, 07:01 PM
I don't know anything about the McKittrick, but it sure sounds like a trippy place.  Is it performance art?

patti - here's the wiki info: (

Rich - the choreography was something else.  I was in complete awe.
[/quote ynwa - thanks for posting the link.  very interesting to say the least  :smiley:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ynwa on Feb 22, 2013, 07:41 PM
Sure thing, Patti :thumbsup:

Having a couple of days to reflect on the whole thing, I'm finding that I wish I'd been less concerned with the JJ show following this.  A lot of my anxiety and reluctance to "just go with it" came from wanting to make sure that I got a good spot for Jim's show after SNM.  Which didn't happen anyway.  Although, once the majority of the people cleared out from the balcony during Jim's show, I was more than okay with having a lot of space and a great vantage point.  There's something to be said about not being right up in JJ's business, and watching fellow fan go bonkers over being down front.  Maybe it was because I saw a bunch of forumites up there, and was happy for them.  Actually, it was pretty cool seeing "strangers" freaking out and dancing their asses off too.  Watching people experiencing sheer joy is wonderful.
Title: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Feb 22, 2013, 08:24 PM
Quote from: ynwa on Feb 22, 2013, 07:41 PM
Sure thing, Patti :thumbsup:

Having a couple of days to reflect on the whole thing, I'm finding that I wish I'd been less concerned with the JJ show following this.  A lot of my anxiety and reluctance to "just go with it" came from wanting to make sure that I got a good spot for Jim's show after SNM.  Which didn't happen anyway.  Although, once the majority of the people cleared out from the balcony during Jim's show, I was more than okay with having a lot of space and a great vantage point.  There's something to be said about not being right up in JJ's business, and watching fellow fan go bonkers over being down front.  Maybe it was because I saw a bunch of forumites up there, and was happy for them.  Actually, it was pretty cool seeing "strangers" freaking out and dancing their asses off too.  Watching people experiencing sheer joy is wonderful.
Like. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MrWhippy on Feb 23, 2013, 07:24 AM
One very cool thing about this show that I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned yet was the "Touch Me Continuum".  It was very cool to hear Touch Me Parts 1 and 2 done together.  I don't think I've heard them together before.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MMPJ6306 on Feb 23, 2013, 05:24 PM
Any possibility of a tape surfacing? Or just video of the God's Love jam? I need that in my life.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: korief on Feb 24, 2013, 03:46 PM
Before leaving town, I had to go back to Sleep No More. I went without a reservation and explained I had been there for JJ and it was my last opportunity for a good while, so they let me in!

Without show anxiety, I had a much more exciting and interesting experience. In fact, now I'm hooked and will try to go anytime I am in the city.

Still wasn't admitted to the sixth floor though...
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: moflojo on Feb 24, 2013, 06:03 PM
can anyone tell me how Jim was utilized in the SNM performance. I was told he was going to be one of the "actors" in a sense
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: snuggalo1 on Feb 24, 2013, 06:16 PM
I saw Jim in the crowd wearing a mask and watching the performance like the rest of us. He had his hair in a bun, but it was still pretty easy to tell it was him because he was wearing the suit he's been wearing with that thing in the pocket. Plus, beard.

My sister said she saw him a few minutes later at the "orgy" (ha) - when he noticed people staring at him, he ran off to another part of the building.

I haven't heard anything about him actually acting, but that would have been super cool.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: rjlemons on Feb 24, 2013, 06:41 PM
This article mentions him in the audience: (

This one mentions that he was part of the play as a "crazed wheelchair-wielding doctor": (
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: parkervb on Mar 06, 2013, 12:30 PM with interview and performance from Sleep No More (
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: ericm on Mar 06, 2013, 06:45 PM
Quote from: parkervb on Mar 06, 2013, 12:30 PM with interview and performance from Sleep No More (

Really cool! Thanks for posting the link.  :cool:

I was getting some flashbacks looking at some of those rooms, and pics in the early part. :wink:  That was  our forum's own Janecool at the 5:34 mark who Jim  gave the rose to.  :cool:  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: FiddleCastro on Mar 07, 2013, 12:04 PM
Quote from: korief on Feb 24, 2013, 03:46 PM
Still wasn't admitted to the sixth floor though...

I think i figured it out  :wink:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jenfarr on Apr 09, 2013, 01:32 PM
So I decided to post this in a few threads...It looks like 9 songs from Sleep No More were released today. (
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Apr 09, 2013, 01:45 PM
Quote from: Jenfarr on Apr 09, 2013, 01:32 PM
So I decided to post this in a few threads...It looks like 9 songs from Sleep No More were released today. (
Thanks!  I guess I'm gonna have to cave and get the RDIO app. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: Jenfarr on Apr 09, 2013, 02:06 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 09, 2013, 01:45 PM
Quote from: Jenfarr on Apr 09, 2013, 01:32 PM
So I decided to post this in a few threads...It looks like 9 songs from Sleep No More were released today. (
Thanks!  I guess I'm gonna have to cave and get the RDIO app.

I've been listening for free so far, don't know how long that will last...   :cry:
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: johnnYYac on Apr 09, 2013, 02:48 PM
Quote from: Jenfarr on Apr 09, 2013, 02:06 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 09, 2013, 01:45 PM
Quote from: Jenfarr on Apr 09, 2013, 01:32 PM
So I decided to post this in a few threads...It looks like 9 songs from Sleep No More were released today. (
Thanks!  I guess I'm gonna have to cave and get the RDIO app.

I've been listening for free so far, don't know how long that will last...   :cry:
Long enough for me to go home and record the stream...  :thumbsup:

Actually, I don't want to break the rules, publicly, so if you download Freecorder 4 (or whatever the newest version is), you can record any streaming audio. 
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: bhyman on Apr 09, 2013, 03:43 PM
Have to say, the stream is very high quality and is getting me so excited to see Jim's set at Bonnaroo this summer. I liked the album very much, but much like MMJ it sounds even better when performed live.
Title: Re: Jim James McKittrick Hotel 2/20
Post by: MOWJO8185 on Apr 09, 2013, 03:56 PM
Just as an FYI, it is possible to buy the album for like $9 from Rdio. You have to download the app to actually be able to download the MP3's, but now I have them in my Itunes, able to sync to whatever I want. Just an option to those who were talking about recording streaming materials, it is actually for sale as an MP3 download, not just streaming.