first black president or first woman V.P.

Started by true, Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 AM

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I've got lots of debating to watch tonight.  Our (Canada) English language leaders debate is on tonight - last night was the French language - and your VP debate starts immediately after.  Looks like I'll be setting Ace of Cakes to tape tonight.   8-)


QuoteI've got lots of debating to watch tonight.  Our (Canada) English language leaders debate is on tonight - last night was the French language - and your VP debate starts immediately after.  Looks like I'll be setting Ace of Cakes to tape tonight.   8-)

Um, the debates happen at the same time, at least they do "live". Maybe out west where you live the US debates are on a delay. I'm watching them both at the same time - the US for sheer entertainment value and the Canadian for the fact that I want our Conservative Prime Minister Harper to be exposed for the insular out-of-touch evil creep that he is.


QuoteI've got lots of debating to watch tonight.  Our (Canada) English language leaders debate is on tonight - last night was the French language - and your VP debate starts immediately after.  Looks like I'll be setting Ace of Cakes to tape tonight.   8-)

Um, the debates happen at the same time, at least they do "live". Maybe out west where you live the US debates are on a delay. I'm watching them both at the same time - the US for sheer entertainment value and the Canadian for the fact that I want our Conservative Prime Minister Harper to be exposed for the insular out-of-touch evil creep that he is.
Ah, I see "tape-delay" has foiled me once again.  For the best, I'm extremely curious about both.  I surely hope Harper is exposed tonight as well; it's revolting to see the amount of Conservative yard signs here.  

What did you think of last nights debate?  


QuoteI've got lots of debating to watch tonight.  Our (Canada) English language leaders debate is on tonight - last night was the French language - and your VP debate starts immediately after.  Looks like I'll be setting Ace of Cakes to tape tonight.   8-)

Um, the debates happen at the same time, at least they do "live". Maybe out west where you live the US debates are on a delay. I'm watching them both at the same time - the US for sheer entertainment value and the Canadian for the fact that I want our Conservative Prime Minister Harper to be exposed for the insular out-of-touch evil creep that he is.
Ah, I see "tape-delay" has foiled me once again.  For the best, I'm extremely curious about both.  I surely hope Harper is exposed tonight as well; it's revolting to see the amount of Conservative yard signs here.  

What did you think of last nights debate?  

I didn't see it. Back later. The debates are on.


She also said she made her disagreement known to top campaign officials:
    "I fired a quick e-mail and said, 'oh, come on! Do we have to call it there?' she said. " Todd and I would [be] happy to get to Michigan and walk through those plants [with] car manufacturers.
    "We'd be so happy to get to speak with the people there in Michigan, who are hurting because the economy is hurting," she added. "Whatever we can do and whatever Todd and I can do in realizing what their challenges in that state are, as we can relate to them and connect with them and promise them that we won't let them down in the administration."

what planet is this?




Do you realize how many lies they flashed in that segment?  NOT ONE person has ever been "charged for a rape kit" in Wasilla--I challenge you to find one name (plus it doesn't hurt that thaere really aren't a whole lot of rapes there to begin with).  The "ban library books" line is another fairy tale left wing nuts want everyone to swallow.  I would continue but my writers cramp is returning.  

Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Mister Anthrope

No- she did not ban books but she did start discussions regarding removing "ojectionable" books.

There are plenty of lies told on either side.  Let's not even pretend it's just the left.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Vonnegut

Mister Anthrope

QuoteNOT ONE person has ever been "charged for a rape kit" in Wasilla--I challenge you to find one name (plus it doesn't hurt that thaere really aren't a whole lot of rapes there to begin with).

also this:

It's (not) funny...  this article says Alaska has the highest rate of rapes in the country.
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Vonnegut




Do you realize how many lies they flashed in that segment?  NOT ONE person has ever been "charged for a rape kit" in Wasilla--I challenge you to find one name (plus it doesn't hurt that thaere really aren't a whole lot of rapes there to begin with).  The "ban library books" line is another fairy tale left wing nuts want everyone to swallow.  I would continue but my writers cramp is returning.  

Hmmm. People were charged for rape kits. I live in a town about the same size as Wasilla, and if the Mayor has no clue what a small town sherrif is doing, thats pretty pathetic. The mayor knows what is going on in a town that small.

Also, Alaska has THE HIGHEST rates of rape. Regardless if there were a lot that occured in Wasilla or not, that's pretty fucking shady.


Back at ya.  Even if it's true that the POLICE CHIEF (NOT Sarah Palin, nor via Sarah Palin's approval) did charge a rape victim's INSURANCE, its a far cry from the fund raising violations occuring right now in Obama's camp--he has foreigners pumping money into his campaign, in amounts close to but below the level that triggers detail reporting about the contributor, and under various names--meaning they are making multiple donations.  Check it out--he's raised ~$500 Million already and refuses to reveal information about the donations.  Not to mention the dirt all dems want kept under the rug--his relationship with Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers.  
Mudslinging may not be a one sided affair but the leftys are the nastiest and lowest--they just make shit up and see if it sticks.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Mudslinging may not be a one sided affair but the leftys are the nastiest and lowest--they just make shit up and see if it sticks.
Something like there were WMD's in Iraq and they had something to do with 9/11. Yeah, us leftys just make shit up to see if it sticks all the time.

Oh and Obama was 8 when Ayers did anything subversive or terroristic. Because he's on the same board and lives in the same neighborhood as someone doesn't constitute a relationship.

At least Obama wasn't caught on video getting a blessing to ward off witchcraft as he prepared to run for higher office.

Mister Anthrope

QuoteMudslinging may not be a one sided affair but the leftys are the nastiest and lowest--they just make shit up and see if it sticks.

jesus CHRIST it blows my mind that people believe this.  
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Vonnegut

Angry Ewok

QuoteAt least Obama wasn't caught on video getting a blessing to ward off witchcraft as he prepared to run for higher office.

No, instead Obama attended a radical, racist church for about twenty years, where the pastor screams "God Damn America!" and insinuates that the white folks running the American government invented AIDS and invited the 9/11 attacks with their Zionist views.

QuoteOh and Obama was 8 when Ayers did anything subversive or terroristic. Because he's on the same board and lives in the same neighborhood as someone doesn't constitute a relationship.

"I don't regret setting bombs... I feel we didn't do enough." - Bill Ayers, 2001

You don't think serving on the same board with someone for five years, sometimes being a guest in their home, constitutes some sort of relationship? I'm not saying they're best friends or anything, but it'll be hard to pretend that 1) Ayers is reformed and 2) Obama never had a relationship with him.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteMudslinging may not be a one sided affair but the leftys are the nastiest and lowest--they just make shit up and see if it sticks.

jesus CHRIST it blows my mind that people believe this.  

Its narrow-minded thinking if you ask me, shocking that it takes place here.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

Mister Anthrope

also this:

Yes...  Obama is so very elitist (although I would agree that elitist is a state of mind, not a state of things).

We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be. Vonnegut

Angry Ewok

John McCain has a vintage jeep? That's awesome.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Penny Lane

sometimes i wonder why being elitest is so bad---i mean we had GW (a good ol' boy) in there for 8 years and look what happened?  just sayin...nothing wrong w/obama thinking he's elite or mccain being rich..look at bloomberg ...

Elitism--a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes — are those whose views on a matter are to be taken the most seriously or carry the most weight; whose views and/or actions are most likely to be constructive to society as a whole; or whose extraordinary skills, abilities or wisdom render them especially fit to govern
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

bowl of soup

Anderson Cooper was pleased that we finally got to see "the physicality of the McCain and Obama."  Mmmmmm, yummy.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Here's a VERY good breakdown of each candidate's plans for big picture items like economy, trade, war, health care....buncha stuff, really balanced too. Links to all different topics are on the right side of the page:

This issue of The Economist is on newsstands now, and I highly recommend it for anyone who plans on voting, whether or not they're unsure of who they like.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Penny Lane

bbill-i've had a subscription for many years. it's my bible ;-)! i gotta have my fill of charlamagne every week.

i'm so over this election---i loved that they both wanted to call putin evil but couldn't, though--zzzzzz for the debate----if you don't know what each candidate's stances are by now, there's a problem there...

there's a tough mccain article in rolling stone this week, too---going over keating 5 scandal, etc
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill