Tell Me Your Fears...

Started by PhriendlyMMJPhan, May 24, 2010, 11:38 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

as for my grandmothers they act completely different.  I know it has to deal with protein build ups in the brain or something.  if they have the same thing it's odd how different their symptoms are.


QuoteI have a recurring nightmare about college.  It's my senior year and it's almost the end of my final semester.  I realize that I haven't been to an English class all year.  I think that I can still pass if I show up for the final but I can't figure out where the classroom is.  I'm just wondering around campus with the complete terror feeling and it goes on and on and on.  Thank goodness it only happens about two or three times a year.

A week or so ago, I had a nightmare that all of the oil wells in the gulf started breaking up and ridiculous amounts of oil filled the gulf.  It was so bad they thought it might actually end life on earth as we know it.  I woke up sweating and breathing heavy, gripping the sheets like I was hanging on for life.  It was fucked up.

So besides those nightmares, I guess just sharks.  Definitely sharks.

I have those same school dreams too, but it can be set at any time in my life, even middle school. Crazy!

I was thinking about all of the deep sea wells too, and the fact that eventually they all WILL fail someday and nobody will be around to plug them up. Great.

I had a colonscopy last week, and now I'm wondering about popping a boner when I was out...the nurse was pretty attractive.  :-[

I have the school dreams as well. You go in and they tell you you haven't been there all year, and you don't understand why. Crazy.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


sharks - i'm not even comfortable seeing them @ an aquarium where they're behind, like, a 3ft thick window.  they swim by all slow & just stare @ you with those cold, dead eyes...

clowns - they're wearing all that crazy makeup & you can't see what they really look like.  it's creepy & makes me uncomfortable.  plus, i think there was an episode of little house on the prarie with some dubious clown behavior.

the flying monkeys from the wizard of oz - absolutely terrifying.  i didn't sleep for days after seeing that movie for the 1st time.

falling thru a manhole/those basement doors in sidewalks - i don't step on them if it can be avoided.  i prefer to go around them.  not really sure why apart from knowing it'd really fucking hurt!
"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss



clowns - they're wearing all that crazy makeup & you can't see what they really look like.  it's creepy & makes me uncomfortable.  plus, i think there was an episode of little house on the prarie with some dubious clown behavior.

Clowns are evil.


I, too, despise clowns, but this one seems to have a good time.


Penny Lane

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quotefalling thru a manhole/those basement doors in sidewalks - i don't step on them if it can be avoided.  i prefer to go around them.  not really sure why apart from knowing it'd really fucking hurt!

Whilst working there years ago, a colleague of mine fell down a manhole in Bangkok during the rainy season.  It was the middle of a downpour, roads and pavements flooded and down he went.  Broke his leg, but managed to stop himself from going down completely by putting his arms out.  You really don't want to drown in a Thai sewer.  It freaked him (and all of us) out.  Plus, when it rained like that, there were all sorts of snakes swimming around as they were washed out of their holes...

My fear is to fall through ice and drown trying to find a way back up.

The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


the flying monkeys from the wizard of oz - absolutely terrifying.  i didn't sleep for days after seeing that movie for the 1st time.

THIS. Oz and Willy Wonka scarred me for life when I was little. A kid falls into a chocolate lake and gets sucked up a translucent intake pipe??? WHAT. THE. FUCK.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


what are the odds of dying from HIV/AIDs? when I was 8years old a few girls that were my neighbors and I were using a Ouija Board and it told me I was going to die of Aid's when I'm 45.  it scared me for so long.  most of my childhood I was scared of either HIV or Aliens.  

capt. scotty

QuoteI, too, despise clowns, but this one seems to have a good time.



Thats like a real life Krusty
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteI, too, despise clowns, but this one seems to have a good time.



Thats like a real life Krusty

I don't think that the lady at the end could have handled the situation any better.


I don't think that the lady at the end could have handled the situation any better.

I was thinking that too, and then I wondered if she was a professional...
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


QuoteT\s could invade Australia: UFO experts

2010-05-27 13:10:00
Last Updated: 2010-05-27 16:01:48

Melbourne: Experts in Australia have expressed their fears that a full-scale alien invasion of the Northern Territory is about to take place.

Though astronomers and police say the flares seen across a 360km-long stretch of the Top End coast were probably caused by a meteor shower.

But highly qualified UFO-ologists said they believed the bright lights were space ships on a pre-attack scouting mission, and Darwin-based UFO expert Alan Ferguson said the flares were obviously aliens.

"This all sounds like UFO activity," the Daily Telegraph quoted him as saying.

"Meteors usually just flash across the sky and leave a tail. But UFOs will stay in the same spot and wobble up and down and side to side. Fast movements.

"That's how they work," he explained.

Related story: We should thank aliens for our computer screens: Expert

Ferguson said UFOs nearly always came to the Top End during the dry season.

"It may be just that there are less clouds and we can see better. Or it maybe that we're outside more during the Dry," he said.

"Or maybe the UFOs are interested in our military activity. There are always more of them about during (Operation) Pitch Black," he stated.

Superintendent Bruce Porter said police received many calls about the flares at about 9pm on May 25, and even launched a search when they feared a boat was in distress.

More reading: Stay home ET. UK scientist: Aliens may pose risks

"We took this seriously, but the indications are that nobody is missing," they said.

Just last month the NT News reported on how one Territory town's invasion by UFOs had been recorded in the world's most famous museum for extraterrestrial life.

But Superintendent Porter believes the flares were probably a meteor shower.


Quotemuahahaha! this thread is for posting and discussing your deepest darkest fears of past, present, and future.  I'll start it out with a story when I was a wee young lad.

At the end of the year of 6th grade, the first year of middle school where I'm from, our entire class went on a trip to "Camp".  It was an annual thing all the 6th graders did every year.  in 8th grade our class trip was washington D.C. (that was an amazing weekend for 8th grade).  

anyway, I watched the movie "fire in the sky" a few months before going to camp.  but after watching the movie I had changed.  I was now in fear for my life.  the x-files theme song mixed with the smell of summer was simply scary to me.  eventually I convinced myself there was potential I could be abducted by aliens.  I read stories about kids who said they were abducted and it freaked me out more.  I would not sleep with the windows open.  to me that was the only way the aliens could get me.  levitate me out of the window and I wasn't about to let that shit happen.  Flash back to 6th grade camp, it was so fucking hot in our cabin, we had the shitty one but every night after everyone was asleep I'd run and shut all the windows, or as many as I could.  If they were going to get me anywhere it was at the camp, it had a lake and everything.  prime abduction location.

after awhile the heat got so bad that I said fuck it but stopped sleeping.  when I stopped sleeping I realized that the other cabin was planning a late night attack on us.  I woke my friend and then we organized the rest of the gang.  took them down.  they totally tried to get in through the windows!  they had to hug some trees or some shit.  after that aliens didn't have the power they once did.  Aliens freaked me out.

Not Existing Anymore freaks me the fuck out as well.  

Tell Me Your Fears!
Its so crazy you mention that movie. I've been meaning to check this thread out for a couple of days because I knew it would be nuts. I was just thinking about that movie 2 days ago. I couldn't remember the name and its been bugging the hell out of me, thank you! Scared the shit out of me too. I remember hanging out with my dad watching it on HBO all the time while my older brother and sister were at school. I was afraid of aliens for a long time. That fear gradually transformed into a more intense fear of demons, I'm not sure what movie I watched that got me going on that, but it lasted for a long time. I always had to sleep with my back to the wall, I thought they couldn't get me that way. Now that I've grown up somewhat I have gotten over it. Spiders freak the hell out of me. I can handle snakes all day long, we used to have them as pets growing up. They don't even have legs, what is there to be afraid of? Spiders, on the other hand, have 8 legs and those bastards'll come after you. I had to pull a wire through an old crawlspace at work today and I was freaking out the whole time.
There's only one thing (non-boner related) that scares me more than spiders, and that's 'possums. Those are some freaky bastards. If I see them at night on my way home they'll give me nightmares, it takes hours to shake the feeling they give me. To think that one could have a pouch filled with even more little 'possums is insane. I think 'possums are the closest thing on earth resembling zombies. They should make a Resident Evil with 'possums they're that scary. I love animals, and I'm sorry if there are any PETA members reading this, but I will try my hardest to hit a possum with my truck if I see one in the road. It's a good thing it's only 3 in the afternoon, otherwise I don't think I'd be getting any sleep tonight
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


POSSUMS...  Back in high school some buddies and I Would go trapping for  Mink & Coones and on occasions we would get a cat or a possum in our traps.  The LAST time  I trapped we  had a Possum that had gotten both front legs caught in our conibear trap and I can still hear its screams to this day.  It took about 20 swings of my Louisville Slugger  to it's head to put it out of it's misery.  I gave all my traps away after that.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


That is a terrible story
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


QuoteThat is a terrible story

I know,  I could of probably done it with less swings  but I thought he was playing possum  ;D
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteThat is a terrible story

I know,  I could of probably done it with less swings  but I thought he was playing possum  ;D

Of course you could of done it in less, but then you wouldn't be a White Sox fan if you did. You were being selective and working the count. Or you were being a real Sox fan. Swinging and missing and falling behind in the count.  ;)
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


QuoteThat is a terrible story

I know,  I could of probably done it with less swings  but I thought he was playing possum  ;D

Of course you could of done it in less, but then you wouldn't be a White Sox fan if you did. You were being selective and working the count. Or you were being a real Sox fan. Swinging and missing and falling behind in the count.  ;)

I know..we are frickin terrible this year, I don't want to talk about it.  Thank goodness we still have the Hawks.  Just remember it's a long season and the Twins are playing beyond there talent right now  ;)
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


QuoteThat is a terrible story

I know,  I could of probably done it with less swings  but I thought he was playing possum  ;D

Of course you could of done it in less, but then you wouldn't be a White Sox fan if you did. You were being selective and working the count. Or you were being a real Sox fan. Swinging and missing and falling behind in the count.  ;)
Ref Ref, he's hitting below the belt!!!