The boys have a new Senator!

Started by ctdeadhead, Nov 02, 2010, 07:37 PM

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bowl of soup

QuoteSoup's hero =

and he'll lay some typical Soup bs down and say the people up in Heilongjiang are pìy[ch462]n's b/c they went to The Hermann Gmeiner Vocational School instead of Qiqihar University
 ;D  ;D  ;D

I have no comment on the Chairman or the fine people of the People's Republic.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his fudgepacking partner was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

Fudge packer partner, thats as fucking stupid as anything thats been posted here, liberal or conservative.  All your doing is reinforcing the divisive views the past six pages have contained.  
Idiots in Massholechuisetts.  Your ignorance is sickening.  

C'mon I was just being edgy and provactive  ;).  Besides Frank is the most distasteful piece of crap in Washington.  He's rude to his constituents and I can't imagine why anyone in his district wants him back there--he actually called one person who disagreed with him a "table"--talk about being in a job too long.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his [highlight]fudgepacking partner[/highlight] was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

Really Fanatic? Let's leave comments like this off the forum. I expect better than that.

Exactly.  Fanatic, you are probably the most politically informed person on this forum, yet your credibility goes completely out the window when you use terms like that.   It makes it look like you have a hateful agenda and immediately makes me eliminate anything you say.   And honestly, I'm sure you really don't care Sticky,  but same goes for you.  Do you seriously expect to make a blanket statement about southerners like that and then be surprised when someone calls you out?

Political discussions are already tense enough without making racial and insensitive remarks.  If you want people to actually take you seriously (and maybe you don't) leave the jabs out and say something useful.

My apolgies to the collective forum IQ for the low brow shot at Congressional elect Frank--I just can't stand the sight or sound of the guy and based on the things he's been caught up in recently I can't fathom how he best out Bielat--sour grapes on my part I guess.  No more crassity from me...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.