The boys have a new Senator!

Started by ctdeadhead, Nov 02, 2010, 07:37 PM

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QuoteI must admit SIGS youre starting to make a lot of good points, but when its you vs. tracy + GOP_Fanatic in politics talk, you might as well throw in the towel.  ;)

Lose the battle, win the war.

Hardly a GOP fanatic.  Just think Conservative principles are vastly superior to priciplces that reward laziness and sloth.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI like turtles

turtles will fuck you up.  


Because we're all in this together...


QuoteI must admit SIGS youre starting to make a lot of good points, but when its you vs. tracy + GOP_Fanatic in politics talk, you might as well throw in the towel.  ;)

Lose the battle, win the war.

Hardly a GOP fanatic.  Just think Conservative principles are vastly superior to priciplces that reward laziness and sloth.

Yeah, don't reward laziness and sloth, reward greed and selfishness.

Social Security for all you lazy, slothful people who worked your entire adult life.  What do conservatives propose?

Medicare for all the lazy, slothful people trying to survive in retirement with meager income and a for-profit insurance system.  What do conservatives propose?

Unemployment insurance so the lazy, slothful people who lose work will realize they can just sit back and suck on the government's teat.  What do conservatives propose?

Public schools for the lazy, slothful children who should have their parents buy their way to a top-notch education while the lazy, slothful children of the poor get the education they can afford.  What do conservatives propose?

Just as we agree not all Southerners are redneck racist retards, might we agree that government programs do not promote or produce laziness and slothfulness?  Those traits already exist in certain people on both sides of the political spectrum.  

And you don't help your cause regarding the stereotyping of conservatives as lacking compassion when you refer to Barney Frank's partner in such an unnecessary, gay-bashing manner.   

Some folks are angered that an atmosphere exists where a supporter of any candidate can assault someone and demand an apology from the victim.  Others are angered that Barney Frank likes guys.  


The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his [highlight]fudgepacking partner[/highlight] was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

Really Fanatic? Let's leave comments like this off the forum. I expect better than that.
Because we're all in this together...


I like JohnnyYYac.

It seems to me that if people could just recognize that nobody on either side actually carries the desire in their hearts to destroy America, I think things would be more civilized.

Ah, but I am a dreamer.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


THIS is why i dont worry about politics much outside of local issues.. the amount of time you have to invest to stay ahead of the curve and time wasted arguing with hard headed people could be much better used loving your loved ones more or helping out in the community or practicing a hobby. i think if more people did that instead of worrying about whatever the fuck others are doing.. things would balance out a bit better overall.


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his [highlight]fudgepacking partner[/highlight] was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

Really Fanatic? Let's leave comments like this off the forum. I expect better than that.

Some people do work in fudge packing else does the fudge get packed?



QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his [highlight]fudgepacking partner[/highlight] was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

Really Fanatic? Let's leave comments like this off the forum. I expect better than that.

Exactly.  Fanatic, you are probably the most politically informed person on this forum, yet your credibility goes completely out the window when you use terms like that.   It makes it look like you have a hateful agenda and immediately makes me eliminate anything you say.   And honestly, I'm sure you really don't care Sticky,  but same goes for you.  Do you seriously expect to make a blanket statement about southerners like that and then be surprised when someone calls you out?

Political discussions are already tense enough without making racial and insensitive remarks.  If you want people to actually take you seriously (and maybe you don't) leave the jabs out and say something useful.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


Just once I'd like to date a Republican.  I bet they'd be freaky-deaky.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires

bowl of soup

This all seems so important and all.  You know like really, really cool and neato.  And fudge is yummy.  Superchunk has a new album that rocks and I'm gonna see them in a month.

I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


People that completely blow off any sort if educated/intelligent debate absolutely amaze me. If you don't have a political point of view, don't care, or just don't care to express it... just don't post. Easy as that.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuotePeople that completely blow off any sort if educated/intelligent debate absolutely amaze me. If you don't have a political point of view, don't care, or just don't care to express it... just don't post. Easy as that.

pretty much.  political threads almost need a disclaimer since there will be arguments without a doubt when it comes to some of these issues.  something like "you may get bitched at hardcore, deal with it."


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his fudgepacking partner was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

Fudge packer partner, thats as fucking stupid as anything thats been posted here, liberal or conservative.  All your doing is reinforcing the divisive views the past six pages have contained.  
Idiots in Massholechuisetts.  Your ignorance is sickening.  


The most affective government is one with a balance of both left & right ideas. The disappointing thing about the current attitude in Washington (and nationwide) is the mentality of our elected leaders; I currently feel that most elected officials don't give a shit about us. They are more focused on getting elected and having control. They don't realize that the solution to our current issues will take everyone working together. Right now they are distracted by their own ego. I think it's interesting how it spreads through the people, and this forum. I am not a republican or a democrat; I am an American.

I like turtles that look like Ruckus


QuoteThe most affective government is one with a balance of both left & right ideas. The disappointing thing about the current attitude in Washington (and nationwide) is the mentality of our elected leaders; I currently feel that most elected officials don't give a shit about us. They are more focused on getting elected and having control. They don't realize that the solution to our current issues will take everyone working together. Right now they are distracted by their own ego. I think it's interesting how it spreads through the people, and this forum. I am not a republican or a democrat; I am an American.

I like turtles that look like Ruckus
I agree with this -- I think each side is completely absorbed with doing whatever it takes to get and retain power for their side...which means putting way more energy into imagining what the other side would do wrong than directing those efforts into governing effectively in the present time. It's not just politicians doing this, the people do it too. It goes back to something I said earlier -- everybody thinks that people that are on the other side are out to destroy their way of life, and it precludes them from even trying to work together.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


QuoteTHIS is why i dont worry about politics much outside of local issues.. the amount of time you have to invest to stay ahead of the curve and time wasted arguing with hard headed people could be much better used loving your loved ones more or helping out in the community or practicing a hobby. i think if more people did that instead of worrying about whatever the fuck others are doing.. things would balance out a bit better overall.

This is why we're friends.
Cow temperature.


QuoteThe most affective government is one with a balance of both left & right ideas. The disappointing thing about the current attitude in Washington (and nationwide) is the mentality of our elected leaders; I currently feel that most elected officials don't give a shit about us. They are more focused on getting elected and having control. They don't realize that the solution to our current issues will take everyone working together. Right now they are distracted by their own ego. I think it's interesting how it spreads through the people, and this forum. I am not a republican or a democrat; I am an American.

I like turtles that look like Ruckus

In a perfect world, this is true. This has never/will never happen in our country. Peace within is only sparked by violence from without. With that being said, my opinion will never be "I don't care as along as we agree." I have firm left wing opinions.

Back to the original idea of this thread... In a perfect world, Rand Paul would never hold power, and people would never believe someone like Sarah Palin could do something progressive. If there was someone in the spotlight as dumb as Palin on the left, I would vote Republican against them without a doubt.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


QuoteThe most affective government is one with a balance of both left & right ideas. The disappointing thing about the current attitude in Washington (and nationwide) is the mentality of our elected leaders; I currently feel that most elected officials don't give a shit about us. They are more focused on getting elected and having control. They don't realize that the solution to our current issues will take everyone working together. Right now they are distracted by their own ego. I think it's interesting how it spreads through the people, and this forum. I am not a republican or a democrat; I am an American.

I like turtles that look like Ruckus

[highlight]In a perfect world, this is true[/highlight]. This has never/will never happen in our country. Peace within is only sparked by violence from without. With that being said, my opinion will never be "I don't care as along as we agree." I have firm left wing opinions.

Back to the original idea of this thread... In a perfect world, Rand Paul would never hold power, and people would never believe someone like Sarah Palin could do something progressive. If there was someone in the spotlight as dumb as Palin on the left, I would vote Republican against them without a doubt.

...every day, large groups of people (with different ideas) come together for a common goal. I go to work every day and work as part of a team...with a common path. Thousands of people go to war, together, side by side, and each one of them has a different idea. Why can't members of our governments do the same? They must be distracted by something... :-?