The boys have a new Senator!

Started by ctdeadhead, Nov 02, 2010, 07:37 PM

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Tracy 3000

QuoteI'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here....

1 cent: I didn't know that sticky was from detroit. sorry man, but being from detroit really does lessen your argument for the intelligence of someone based on location.

the other cent: i feel like you all are all nitpicking stickys statement way to much. 1, I agree that in the majority southerners are not as "intelligent". its hard to find the words to use, because there are obviously people all over the south that got perfect scores on their ACT, but they can still be idiots. also obviously there are idiots everywhere, but i think there are more idiots by percentage in the south. I live in KY but I have also lived in mississippi and alabama. MS and AL are two of the "dumbest" states in the country based on education in K-12th grade.

sticky isn't an idiot, I think he knows that there are smart and dumb people everywhere. he made an extreme statement but we all know he didn't mean it 100% literally.

I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

and btw, I would consider Louisville the midwest. maybe not geographically, but certainly culturally.
southerners are not as intelligent as what...sometimes this forum REALLY shows its colors. In this case I'll color some of you fuckers stupid. I grew up in the south and the most racism I EVER encountered was in New York. Talk about  a segregated group of people...It REALLY makes my blood boil to be stereotyped by a group of BIGOTS >:(. I really thought this was an open minded group of people with diverse backgrounds. The more I get to "know" the people on the board. the less I like the board. It saddens me to think how much this board has changed since the 6 years I've been a member....If THIS is how people REALLY think on this board then I don't think I want to be a part of it any longer. Sticky, is it that hard realize that you put your foot in your mouth ?

Come on guy, I thought you were better than that :(

I think you might be the one that is a little too heated. I never called anyone in here an idiot, racist, or anything else you're getting at. I haven't offended anyone, and have said that there are obviously smart people everywhere. I even threw the phrase "by percentage" in there, to reassure that idiots and smart people are everywhere. You're the only one directly attacking anyone. You're calling all us bigots, I think. So just because a few of us are saying whats true (southerners are percentage wise not as intelligent or worse voters than northern/westerners) we aren't open-minded? You don't want to know us? You assume you don't like us? This is how we REALLY think. You're the one just put your foot in your mouth, and you sound like a ill tempered 16 year old.

If we're having the education argument, (based on best educated INDEX) New York is the 10th highest educated state, and the highest southern state is SC ranking in at 29. KY is 35, AL is 43, and MS is 49, just to name a few.

I have found barefoot, high school drop outs more fun to be around than over-educated, elitist pricks   ;) Plus, I am pretty sure no one in the band has a college degree. So, by your standards e-wind, the boys are dumb. Nice...

I mean, this is a rock n' roll board for a rock n' roll band, not a fucking country club. We tend to have a better time in the south, don't we?
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."


QuoteWhat I hate is when I opened my paper this morning, all I see is one big map of the US colored with Red and Blue states.  It creates a general image of certain areas.   Even the "reddest" state is probably 55% to 45%.   But yet we lump the whole state in with one color or another.  Life is not so black and white.  (Or Red and Blue.)  Life is purple.

Cow temperature.


QuoteWhat I hate is when I opened my paper this morning, all I see is one big map of the US colored with Red and Blue states.  It creates a general image of certain areas.   Even the "reddest" state is probably 55% to 45%.   But yet we lump the whole state in with one color or another.  Life is not so black and white.  (Or Red and Blue.)  Life is purple.
Is this Berminal Code?  Does this have something to do with the Cubs and the Cardinals?
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Let's face it - the south being uneducated has been an issue for going on 200 years now, at least the deep south. However, if education = intelligence, this nation would be in much better shape.

Yet despite having some of the largest and well-respected universities in the nation, Michigan can't make economic policy work if its life depended on it. It let a once-great city fall into ruins at the hands of man, not nature (Nawlins was decimated by nature and still fares better)

And here in the elitist north east, in Western NJ we have a serious Klan problem and perennial swastika painting of synogogues


People suck all over
I'm surrounded by assholes


QuoteWhat I hate is when I opened my paper this morning, all I see is one big map of the US colored with Red and Blue states.  It creates a general image of certain areas.   Even the "reddest" state is probably 55% to 45%.   But yet we lump the whole state in with one color or another.  Life is not so black and white.  (Or Red and Blue.)  Life is purple.
I don't know, the state I live in feels pretty fucking red.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


QuoteWhat I hate is when I opened my paper this morning, all I see is one big map of the US colored with Red and Blue states.  It creates a general image of certain areas.   Even the "reddest" state is probably 55% to 45%.   But yet we lump the whole state in with one color or another.  Life is not so black and white.  (Or Red and Blue.)  Life is purple.
Is this Berminal Code?  Does this have something to do with the Cubs and the Cardinals?

Well of course red dominates in that scenario.  It's the exception that proves the rule.   ;)
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteI'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here....

1 cent: I didn't know that sticky was from detroit. sorry man, but being from detroit really does lessen your argument for the intelligence of someone based on location.

the other cent: i feel like you all are all nitpicking stickys statement way to much. 1, I agree that in the majority southerners are not as "intelligent". its hard to find the words to use, because there are obviously people all over the south that got perfect scores on their ACT, but they can still be idiots. also obviously there are idiots everywhere, but i think there are more idiots by percentage in the south. I live in KY but I have also lived in mississippi and alabama. MS and AL are two of the "dumbest" states in the country based on education in K-12th grade.

sticky isn't an idiot, I think he knows that there are smart and dumb people everywhere. he made an extreme statement but we all know he didn't mean it 100% literally.

I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

and btw, I would consider Louisville the midwest. maybe not geographically, but certainly culturally.
southerners are not as intelligent as what...sometimes this forum REALLY shows its colors. In this case I'll color some of you fuckers stupid. I grew up in the south and the most racism I EVER encountered was in New York. Talk about  a segregated group of people...It REALLY makes my blood boil to be stereotyped by a group of BIGOTS >:(. I really thought this was an open minded group of people with diverse backgrounds. The more I get to "know" the people on the board. the less I like the board. It saddens me to think how much this board has changed since the 6 years I've been a member....If THIS is how people REALLY think on this board then I don't think I want to be a part of it any longer. Sticky, is it that hard realize that you put your foot in your mouth ?

Come on guy, I thought you were better than that :(

I think you might be the one that is a little too heated. I never called anyone in here an idiot, racist, or anything else you're getting at. I haven't offended anyone, and have said that there are obviously smart people everywhere. I even threw the phrase "by percentage" in there, to reassure that idiots and smart people are everywhere. You're the only one directly attacking anyone. You're calling all us bigots, I think. So just because a few of us are saying whats true (southerners are percentage wise not as intelligent or worse voters than northern/westerners) we aren't open-minded? You don't want to know us? You assume you don't like us? This is how we REALLY think. You're the one just put your foot in your mouth, and you sound like a ill tempered 16 year old.

If we're having the education argument, (based on best educated INDEX) New York is the 10th highest educated state, and the highest southern state is SC ranking in at 29. KY is 35, AL is 43, and MS is 49, just to name a few.

I have found barefoot, high school drop outs more fun to be around than over-educated, elitist pricks   ;) Plus, I am pretty sure no one in the band has a college degree. So, by your standards e-wind, the boys are dumb. Nice...

I mean, this is a rock n' roll board for a rock n' roll band, not a fucking country club. We tend to have a better time in the south, don't we?

So your argument is that since we like rock n roll we shouldn't worry about being dumb and electing someone like Rand Paul. And notice I said "IF were having the education argument..."
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Well, this whole thread is just silly. California obviously has the most idiots of any state. We've got a meth epidemic that puts the whole South's shame, and our public schools always rank in the bottom 10% nationally. PLUS, we just blew it on legalizing weed, AND we elected a totally old guy who was governor already, like, 50 years ago and they called him 'Moonbeam' back then. Some people probably still will. Call him that. Moonbeam.

Whatever...the Giants won the World Series.  8-)
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Tracy 3000

QuoteI'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here....

1 cent: I didn't know that sticky was from detroit. sorry man, but being from detroit really does lessen your argument for the intelligence of someone based on location.

the other cent: i feel like you all are all nitpicking stickys statement way to much. 1, I agree that in the majority southerners are not as "intelligent". its hard to find the words to use, because there are obviously people all over the south that got perfect scores on their ACT, but they can still be idiots. also obviously there are idiots everywhere, but i think there are more idiots by percentage in the south. I live in KY but I have also lived in mississippi and alabama. MS and AL are two of the "dumbest" states in the country based on education in K-12th grade.

sticky isn't an idiot, I think he knows that there are smart and dumb people everywhere. he made an extreme statement but we all know he didn't mean it 100% literally.

I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

and btw, I would consider Louisville the midwest. maybe not geographically, but certainly culturally.
southerners are not as intelligent as what...sometimes this forum REALLY shows its colors. In this case I'll color some of you fuckers stupid. I grew up in the south and the most racism I EVER encountered was in New York. Talk about  a segregated group of people...It REALLY makes my blood boil to be stereotyped by a group of BIGOTS >:(. I really thought this was an open minded group of people with diverse backgrounds. The more I get to "know" the people on the board. the less I like the board. It saddens me to think how much this board has changed since the 6 years I've been a member....If THIS is how people REALLY think on this board then I don't think I want to be a part of it any longer. Sticky, is it that hard realize that you put your foot in your mouth ?

Come on guy, I thought you were better than that :(

I think you might be the one that is a little too heated. I never called anyone in here an idiot, racist, or anything else you're getting at. I haven't offended anyone, and have said that there are obviously smart people everywhere. I even threw the phrase "by percentage" in there, to reassure that idiots and smart people are everywhere. You're the only one directly attacking anyone. You're calling all us bigots, I think. So just because a few of us are saying whats true (southerners are percentage wise not as intelligent or worse voters than northern/westerners) we aren't open-minded? You don't want to know us? You assume you don't like us? This is how we REALLY think. You're the one just put your foot in your mouth, and you sound like a ill tempered 16 year old.

If we're having the education argument, (based on best educated INDEX) New York is the 10th highest educated state, and the highest southern state is SC ranking in at 29. KY is 35, AL is 43, and MS is 49, just to name a few.

I have found barefoot, high school drop outs more fun to be around than over-educated, elitist pricks   ;) Plus, I am pretty sure no one in the band has a college degree. So, by your standards e-wind, the boys are dumb. Nice...

I mean, this is a rock n' roll board for a rock n' roll band, not a fucking country club. We tend to have a better time in the south, don't we?

So your argument is that since we like rock n roll we shouldn't worry about being dumb and electing someone like Rand Paul. And notice I said "IF were having the education argument..."


My argument is, there's no intellectual elitism in rock n' roll. Take that shit elsewhere, perhaps to a U2 or Ted Nugent board.

Some very smart people be voted for Rand Paul last night. I'd bet you a billion dollars that some of them even be more educated, intelligent and more informed than you be. Just b/c their political beliefs don't line up with yours doesn't mean they be "dumb". Your claim that they all be "dumb" is asinine and naive.

Be think about it.
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."


This is the stupidest argument ever.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


QuoteSo, anyway.  How about them election results?  

When I met my first class of students, in rural Roxboro, NC, and told them I was from NH, they said I must think they're a bunch of rednecks.  I said they should come to NH.  We invented redneck.  Stupidity, ignorance, bigotry are universal traits of the intellectually lazy, who came out in force yesterday.  [highlight]Might be time to move to VT[/highlight].

The mountains are greener... ;)
Being that I now live in NC, but spent lots of time in New Hampshire over the years, I agree that the mountains up there are nice but ya, definitely more redneck.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote I can't believe you guys are being so defensive about such an obvious truth.  the south generally sucks.  alabama blows, kentucky is full of lunatic racists, mississippi, missouri, the rest of the bible belt.  

there might be smart rational people out there but they didn't come out to vote this cycle.  

So what's Michigan's excuse for going Red for the House and Governor? An influx of dumb ass southerners?

And I'd bet a small fortune that you didn't even vote. Hell, you probably can't even tell me who's president.  ;D

Rick Snyder only agreed to 1 debate with a maximum of 3 rebuttals because he had such a large lead (2:1).  

Snyder declined and refused a lot of public appearances.  Because of ignorant republican support the former Gateway CEO was elected.   On top of this Michigan tends to bounce back and forth between dems and repubs.  He got elected because he had a lead and then went reclusive so nobody knew anything about him.  

If Detroit's voter turn out was more than 13percent the dems might have had a chance, but alas poor education is responsible for that.

Our state depended on one industry to survive.  When that industry collapsed it hit our state 7times harder than everywhere else, from dealerships down to people who sell parts for cars.

Detroit is made to sustain 2million people but since everyone has left the city and it only populates about 800,000people, everybody is scattered and resources are spread out too far to be efficient.  

I did vote and voted straight democrat.  One of the only democrats to hold their seat from my state is from Oakland County, which is where I live.   Michigan's problems are far different than Kentucky's.   Kentucky is still a racist state, it's undeniable.  It was one of the few states who sided with McCain/Palin.  

Kentucky repubs/tea baggers are idiots straight up. all they care about is repealing "obamacare" and lining the pockets of defense contractors.  They bitch about government spending while they scoot around on their government paid for hoverrounds that they got through medicare.  Republicans are hypocrites.  They campaigned on obama's fucking message.  "change".  

138 tea baggers ran for a seat in congress or whatever and all of them are republicans.  

you live in a world of delusion tracy, I live in a world of fact.  At least you don't have to worry about your boss hiring black people anymore.   ::)


[size=24]I like green...[/size]

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here....

1 cent: I didn't know that sticky was from detroit. sorry man, but being from detroit really does lessen your argument for the intelligence of someone based on location.

the other cent: i feel like you all are all nitpicking stickys statement way to much. 1, I agree that in the majority southerners are not as "intelligent". its hard to find the words to use, because there are obviously people all over the south that got perfect scores on their ACT, but they can still be idiots. also obviously there are idiots everywhere, but i think there are more idiots by percentage in the south. I live in KY but I have also lived in mississippi and alabama. MS and AL are two of the "dumbest" states in the country based on education in K-12th grade.

sticky isn't an idiot, I think he knows that there are smart and dumb people everywhere. he made an extreme statement but we all know he didn't mean it 100% literally.

I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

and btw, I would consider Louisville the midwest. maybe not geographically, but certainly culturally.
southerners are not as intelligent as what...sometimes this forum REALLY shows its colors. In this case I'll color some of you fuckers stupid. I grew up in the south and the most racism I EVER encountered was in New York. Talk about  a segregated group of people...It REALLY makes my blood boil to be stereotyped by a group of BIGOTS >:(. I really thought this was an open minded group of people with diverse backgrounds. The more I get to "know" the people on the board. the less I like the board. It saddens me to think how much this board has changed since the 6 years I've been a member....If THIS is how people REALLY think on this board then I don't think I want to be a part of it any longer. Sticky, is it that hard realize that you put your foot in your mouth ?
Come on guy, I thought you were better than that :(

sorry you disagree big chicken, but that's how politics go, we don't have to agree on everything.  I have high regard for the members of this forum, it's unfortunate when certain people re-direct the conversation and make it personal.  Just because I think Rand Paul is a dbag doesn't mean I think you or any or member here is.  

It's unfortunate but this argument reminds me of a thread from a different messageboard where people insisted racism no longer existed after obama was elected in 08.  at the core of it 90percent of republicans who voted were white this year.  

here are the fucking stats straight from NPR that I posted earlier:

if that doesn't paint a picture of my point I don't know what will.  I think everybody here is awesome, if tracy ever starts bitching at me and you doubt this, talk to me about it.  I love you guys.


QuoteI'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here....

1 cent: I didn't know that sticky was from detroit. sorry man, but being from detroit really does lessen your argument for the intelligence of someone based on location.

the other cent: i feel like you all are all nitpicking stickys statement way to much. 1, I agree that in the majority southerners are not as "intelligent". its hard to find the words to use, because there are obviously people all over the south that got perfect scores on their ACT, but they can still be idiots. also obviously there are idiots everywhere, but i think there are more idiots by percentage in the south. I live in KY but I have also lived in mississippi and alabama. MS and AL are two of the "dumbest" states in the country based on education in K-12th grade.

sticky isn't an idiot, I think he knows that there are smart and dumb people everywhere. he made an extreme statement but we all know he didn't mean it 100% literally.

I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

and btw, I would consider Louisville the midwest. maybe not geographically, but certainly culturally.
southerners are not as intelligent as what...sometimes this forum REALLY shows its colors. In this case I'll color some of you fuckers stupid. I grew up in the south and the most racism I EVER encountered was in New York. Talk about  a segregated group of people...It REALLY makes my blood boil to be stereotyped by a group of BIGOTS >:(. I really thought this was an open minded group of people with diverse backgrounds. The more I get to "know" the people on the board. the less I like the board. It saddens me to think how much this board has changed since the 6 years I've been a member....If THIS is how people REALLY think on this board then I don't think I want to be a part of it any longer. Sticky, is it that hard realize that you put your foot in your mouth ?

Come on guy, I thought you were better than that :(

I think you might be the one that is a little too heated. I never called anyone in here an idiot, racist, or anything else you're getting at. I haven't offended anyone, and have said that there are obviously smart people everywhere. I even threw the phrase "by percentage" in there, to reassure that idiots and smart people are everywhere. You're the only one directly attacking anyone. You're calling all us bigots, I think. So just because a few of us are saying whats true (southerners are percentage wise not as intelligent or worse voters than northern/westerners) we aren't open-minded? You don't want to know us? You assume you don't like us? This is how we REALLY think. You're the one just put your foot in your mouth, and you sound like a ill tempered 16 year old.

If we're having the education argument, (based on best educated INDEX) New York is the 10th highest educated state, and the highest southern state is SC ranking in at 29. KY is 35, AL is 43, and MS is 49, just to name a few.

I have found barefoot, high school drop outs more fun to be around than over-educated, elitist pricks   ;) Plus, I am pretty sure no one in the band has a college degree. So, by your standards e-wind, the boys are dumb. Nice...

I mean, this is a rock n' roll board for a rock n' roll band, not a fucking country club. We tend to have a better time in the south, don't we?

So your argument is that since we like rock n roll we shouldn't worry about being dumb and electing someone like Rand Paul. And notice I said "IF were having the education argument..."


My argument is, there's no intellectual elitism in rock n' roll. Take that shit elsewhere, perhaps to a U2 or Ted Nugent board.

Some very smart people be voted for Rand Paul last night. I'd bet you a billion dollars that some of them even be more educated, intelligent and more informed than you be. Just b/c their political beliefs don't line up with yours doesn't mean they be "dumb". Your claim that they all be "dumb" is asinine and naive.

Be think about it.

I don't disagree that educated people vote for Rand Paul last night, but (imo) anyone who can vote for a monster like that is unintelligent. And no, I never said I was the most intelligent person on Earth.

What erks me about your rock and roll argument is that I feel that myself and everyone else participating in this debate are good people and for us NOT to be able to have this debate would be ridiculous. I enjoy this board and EVERY person on it, and no one should be afraid of a little political disagreement. I am certainly not going to leave this conversation disliking any body or thinking slightly negatively about anybody, and I hope that everyone is in the same boat. And I am agreeing with certain people that the South as a whole (see how I said "as a whole," what I'm trying to say is that a higher percentage than other regions) has lower educated population with beliefs/opinions that I think are just down right dumb (again, I say not all, but a higher percentage). It is perfectly fine to for me to think that, but it isn't perfectly fine for you to act like I'm being so damn extreme. I'm not.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


QuoteI'm gonna throw my 2 cents in here....

1 cent: I didn't know that sticky was from detroit. sorry man, but being from detroit really does lessen your argument for the intelligence of someone based on location.

the other cent: i feel like you all are all nitpicking stickys statement way to much. 1, I agree that in the majority southerners are not as "intelligent". its hard to find the words to use, because there are obviously people all over the south that got perfect scores on their ACT, but they can still be idiots. also obviously there are idiots everywhere, but i think there are more idiots by percentage in the south. I live in KY but I have also lived in mississippi and alabama. MS and AL are two of the "dumbest" states in the country based on education in K-12th grade.

sticky isn't an idiot, I think he knows that there are smart and dumb people everywhere. he made an extreme statement but we all know he didn't mean it 100% literally.

I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

and btw, I would consider Louisville the midwest. maybe not geographically, but certainly culturally.
southerners are not as intelligent as what...sometimes this forum REALLY shows its colors. In this case I'll color some of you fuckers stupid. I grew up in the south and the most racism I EVER encountered was in New York. Talk about  a segregated group of people...It REALLY makes my blood boil to be stereotyped by a group of BIGOTS >:(. I really thought this was an open minded group of people with diverse backgrounds. The more I get to "know" the people on the board. the less I like the board. It saddens me to think how much this board has changed since the 6 years I've been a member....If THIS is how people REALLY think on this board then I don't think I want to be a part of it any longer. Sticky, is it that hard realize that you put your foot in your mouth ?
Come on guy, I thought you were better than that :(

sorry you disagree big chicken, but that's how politics go, we don't have to agree on everything.  I have high regard for the members of this forum, it's unfortunate when certain people re-direct the conversation and make it personal.  Just because I think Rand Paul is a dbag doesn't mean I think you or any or member here is.  

It's unfortunate but this argument reminds me of a thread from a different messageboard where people insisted racism no longer existed after obama was elected in 08.  at the core of it 90percent of republicans who voted were white this year.  

here are the fucking stats straight from NPR that I posted earlier:

if that doesn't paint a picture of my point I don't know what will.  I think everybody here is awesome, if tracy ever starts bitching at me and you doubt this, talk to me about it.  I love you guys.

Right on SIGS...this forum is agreat place full of wonderful people, and it's natural for us not to agree on long as we agree the MMJ rocks.

Back to the message at hand...I am so sick of old white people running this country...I also don't understand why there isn't a spending cap on people running for elections.

Penny Lane

QuoteWell, this whole thread is just silly. California obviously has the most idiots of any state. We've got a meth epidemic that puts the whole South's shame, and our public schools always rank in the bottom 10% nationally. PLUS, we just blew it on legalizing weed, AND we elected a totally old guy who was governor already, like, 50 years ago and they called him 'Moonbeam' back then. Some people probably still will. Call him that. Moonbeam.

Whatever...the Giants won the World Series.  8-)

i agree, bbill
seems like the election out there was the lesser of evils (moonbeam)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteWell, this whole thread is just silly. California obviously has the most idiots of any state. We've got a meth epidemic that puts the whole South's shame, and our public schools always rank in the bottom 10% nationally. PLUS, we just blew it on legalizing weed, AND we elected a totally old guy who was governor already, like, 50 years ago and they called him 'Moonbeam' back then. Some people probably still will. Call him that. Moonbeam.

Whatever...the Giants won the World Series.  8-)

i agree, bbill
seems like the election out there was the lesser of evils (moonbeam)

Jerry Brown is a smart guy and a good politician.  I can remember feverishly supporting him during the '92, before Clinton got the nod.  I was heartbroken, go Moonbeam!


QuoteWell, this whole thread is just silly. California obviously has the most idiots of any state. We've got a meth epidemic that puts the whole South's shame, and our public schools always rank in the bottom 10% nationally. PLUS, we just blew it on legalizing weed, AND we elected a totally old guy who was governor already, like, 50 years ago and they called him 'Moonbeam' back then. Some people probably still will. Call him that. Moonbeam.

Whatever...the Giants won the World Series.  8-)

i agree, bbill
seems like the election out there was the lesser of evils (moonbeam)

Jerry Brown is a smart guy and a good politician.  I can remember feverishly supporting him during the '92, before Clinton got the nod.  I was heartbroken, go Moonbeam!
Sounds like my drink of choice
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Tracy 3000

you live in a world of delusion tracy, I live in a world of fact.  At least you don't have to worry about your boss hiring black people anymore.   ::)

What does this even mean?
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."