The boys have a new Senator!

Started by ctdeadhead, Nov 02, 2010, 07:37 PM

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Tracy 3000

Quote  Kentucky is still a racist state, it's undeniable.  It was one of the few states who sided with McCain/Palin.  

Few states? When you say "few", do you mean 44% of the United States that went for McCain and Palin? That's 22 states:

North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Nice "facts"
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote  Kentucky is still a racist state, it's undeniable.  It was one of the few states who sided with McCain/Palin.  

Few states? When you say "few", do you mean 44% of the United States that went for McCain and Palin? That's 22 states:

North Dakota
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia

Nice "facts"

your facts are pretty vague.

Tracy 3000

My final thought on this >  I don't support the following language here:

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.

Florida is southern as fuck and stupid as fuck, but it's because of old people.

the south generally sucks.  alabama blows, kentucky is full of lunatic racists, mississippi, missouri, the rest of the bible belt.

I'll speak up when I read this garbage and I don't apologize. Sticky has every right to say it and I have every right to ask him to be a little more civil. I am naive enough (or stupid enough) to think that one day he'll see where I am coming from and he'll see how ignorant his statements make him look.

(I really have to explain this?  :-/)
Jim brings all his love, passion, energy and mystery to the stage and says, "I'm right here."

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

you live in a world of delusion tracy, I live in a world of fact.  At least you don't have to worry about your boss hiring black people anymore.   ::)

What does this even mean?

what doesn't it mean?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteMy final thought on this >  I don't support the following language here:

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.

Florida is southern as fuck and stupid as fuck, but it's because of old people.

the south generally sucks.  alabama blows, kentucky is full of lunatic racists, mississippi, missouri, the rest of the bible belt.

I'll speak up when I read this garbage and I don't apologize. Sticky has every right to say it and I have every right to ask him to be a little more civil. I am naive enough (or stupid enough) to think that one day he'll see where I am coming from and he'll see how ignorant his statements make him look.

(I really have to explain this?  :-/)

You're so abrasive and disrespectful that it makes it nearly impossible to be civil with you.  what you want is for me to conform to your ideas of what is respectable.  and that idea can suck my proverbial dick.  You think you own this place because you've been here for a few years longer than me.  suck on my civility with your naive little mouth.

thanks for leaving out the context of my statements too by the way.   ::)


I'm Yankee as fuck, but those statements rubbed me the wrong way too. It's counterproductive at best to just write off a whole region of the country as "stupid".
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Tracy's fat and Sticky smells... :P

Don't you know how stupid and red don't make purple...they make a dumb-ass-elephant!

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI'm Yankee as fuck, but those statements rubbed me the wrong way too. It's counterproductive at best to just write off a whole region of the country as "stupid".  

but I don't think the entire population is stupid.  I just think the people motivated this time around are the crazy one's.  in 06 and 08 it was the dems that were cocky now it's the repubs/tea baggers.  I'm a radical liberal it shouldn't be surprising how I react to some of this shit.  you are the voice of reason alady so I shall concede from this argument with tracy... until he starts it up again..

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteTracy's fat and Sticky smells... :P

Don't you know how stupid and red don't make purple...they make a dumb-ass-elephant!

fair enough.  as long as it's on record that tracy's fat I'm cool with it.  


Cmon guys, over 4 pages of this redundant stuff? Where's the love?
The time is near, to come forward with whatever killed your spark.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteCmon guys, over 4 pages of this redundant stuff? Where's the love?

tracy ate it.


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his fudgepacking partner was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


Another short sighted small minded post

I'll respond to your other post in a minute.  but I do not believe I'm being small minded at all.  if anything I'm giving everybody here the benefit of the doubt that they know their shit.  I haven't talked down to a single person with exception to tracy.  anything else is exaggeration.  now for the fun one.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his fudgepacking partner was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

the left IS different than the right first of all.  they are not both mostly moderates now either.  the libs have gotten pulled towards the center because of people like Rand and his Tea Party friends on the right.

Boehner, McConnell, Canter, Rand Paul, and god knows who else have horrible ideas about what needs to be done.  I'm not even sure if they have an honest solution other than to try and repeal stuff.  or try to pass stuff they know obama will veto so they can run on that in 2012.  whatever hypothetical it may be the psychos are pretty much ALWAYS on the right.  you don't see some flower toting hippy stomping on a woman.  you don't see libs throwing money at protests with terminal diseases who are asking for government help, any help really.  you don't see them giving a fuck about a lot of the stupid ass shit conservatives care about and it's awesome.  unfortunately people have already forgotten how horrible republican policy is.  

8years, 2 wars and our economy collapse.  new guys get hired and 18months later you want it fixed, they don't fix it so you go back to the people who fucked everything up in the first place.  why?  I have no fucking idea dude.  It's seriously a paradox.

If it's about jobs repubs aren't worried about that.  Mitch McConnell "my number one job is to make sure obama is a one term president".  What the fuck is that shit?  That's what you voted for?  Rand Paul is going to be loud, he's an obstructionist.  


I guess the point of all this is: I agree that the south seems dumber by percentage, and its ridiculous that you all jumped all over this guy when you knew he wasn't picking out all of us southerners in particular.

thats pretty much was what I was trying to say last night when tracy threw a grenade in sticky's politics bunker.

and while not dumb, the highly religious of the south are the worst voters IMO because they dont vote based on candidates, no matter how good or bad 1 or the other might be, they just vote GOP because its "right"

That's funny I could say the exact same thing about my fellow MA voters--no matter how useless/crappy/indictable/corrupt their blessed dumocrat incumbent is they're gonna vote for 'em becuz they gutta have them a democrat--cuz their folks want a democrat and their folks before them wanted a democrat and so on and so on.  So much for brainiacs in a state with some of the "best higher education" (also the most slanted)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteHowever. Good-bye Christine O'Donnell. Get on your broom and fly directly into the sun you horrible excuse for a woman.

The only good thing she gave me was this hilarious picture I took at the rally last Saturday.

glad christine went down.  rand paul is a different kind of beast altogether.   the dude is a loon.  wouldn't even apologize for his followers stomping that lady who was protesting at one of his rallies or whatever.  

it blows that most southerns are fucking idiots.  (no offense to anyone here, I'm speaking more about the hicks and meth heads).

HOW the frig is Rand Paul responsible for other people's over-reaction?!?  I'm sick and tired of people looking at the left one way and the right the complete opposite way.  Barney Frank was present when his fudgepacking partner was busted for pot possession and cultivation yet he sails merrily along (same said partner was out harrassing his latest opponent for the congressional seat, the toad managed to hold onto, to purposely try to get a rise out of him), but a supporter of a conservative defending their guy from a potential loon threat?  Holy crap!  Call out the army, air force, and marines.  

I'm ecstatic Rand Paul is in, John Boehner is going to be speaker (mostly cuz we don't have to listen to the idiotic drivelling of Bela "I Vant To Suck Your Wallet" Pelosi anymore), Marco Rubio is in charge, and the good old "Live Free or Die" state is back to it's Yankee Conservative roots.   I just wish the idiots in Massholechusetts would catch the same clue me and close to half the rest of the state has and thrown out Patrick, Frank, Coakley, Moore etc.  Hell, these zombies didn't even want to cut themselves a break on the sales tax--from 6.25% down to 3%!!!!!!!!!  Jeez if a few more had given it an extra second's thought they might have realized that the lower rate would draw more of our neighbors in higher rate states in resulting in no net revenue loss.  Oh well at least the foliage is nice  ::)

the left IS different than the right first of all.  they are not both mostly moderates now either.  the libs have gotten pulled towards the center because of people like Rand and his Tea Party friends on the right.

Boehner, McConnell, Canter, Rand Paul, and god knows who else have horrible ideas about what needs to be done.  I'm not even sure if they have an honest solution other than to try and repeal stuff.  or try to pass stuff they know obama will veto so they can run on that in 2012.  whatever hypothetical it may be the psychos are pretty much ALWAYS on the right.  you don't see some flower toting hippy stomping on a woman.  you don't see libs throwing money at protests with terminal diseases who are asking for government help, any help really.  you don't see them giving a fuck about a lot of the stupid ass shit conservatives care about and it's awesome.  unfortunately people have already forgotten how horrible republican policy is.  

8years, 2 wars and our economy collapse.  new guys get hired and 18months later you want it fixed, they don't fix it so you go back to the people who fucked everything up in the first place.  why?  I have no fucking idea dude.  It's seriously a paradox.

If it's about jobs repubs aren't worried about that.  Mitch McConnell "my number one job is to make sure obama is a one term president".  What the fuck is that shit?  That's what you voted for?  Rand Paul is going to be loud, he's an obstructionist.  

How conveniently you fail to address how Rand Paul is even remotely responsible for the alleged incident.  And even more convenient you avoid addressing the controlling party in the federal legislature during those 8 years (Dumocrat) and how they steered the economy into the ditch--mandating loans be given to the otherwise ineligible to buy votes for themselves only to have those toxic assets bundled into semi toxic assets and sold worldwide so econmies everywhere could be affected just like ours.  Your really dreaming on some heavily psychotic hallucinogen if you think for one second the dems want to help anyone but themselves.

Liberals might give a person a fish but Conservatives teach them how to fish.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Rand Paul isn't responsible for his bases actions but he should have apologized or said something about how shitty it was.  But he didn't.  Even the guy who stomped on the lady didn't apologize.  He said HE wanted an apology from her or some bullshit.   It shows a lack of class for such a high official.  If he's going to stir up all the crazies and get them hyper reactive he should make sure that they are at the very least peaceful to other people.  I think even tracy would appreciate that.

second, the dems are responsible for the collapse? yeah right.  
and if you blame TARP or whatever the fuck that's bullshit.  Obama's even quoted as saying that voting for it was going to be "toxic" for his record but it was the necessary thing to do.  and it was.  most economist agree to that.  

it comes down to spending and when you ask people like you what you want to cut spending to you don't have very good answers.  ever.  what about derivates and shit I thought bush/cheney & co.  are straight up responsible for some skanless shit that happened on wallstreet.  whatever.  we disagree.  I'm glad you got the person you wanted elected.  It's good so many people on here voted, no matter who it was for.

capt. scotty

I must admit SIGS youre starting to make a lot of good points, but when its you vs. tracy + GOP_Fanatic in politics talk, you might as well throw in the towel.  ;)

Lose the battle, win the war.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI must admit SIGS youre starting to make a lot of good points, but when its you vs. tracy + GOP_Fanatic in politics talk, you might as well throw in the towel.  ;)

Lose the battle, win the war.

yeah I'm about done anyway.  I don't have much ammo left about the current congress other than emotional bs.  appreciate the support when I got thrown into the ring, when the bell rang I knew you'd be there to give me some water to spit the blood into the bucket.  I love you.

I wonder what the rights argument for immigration reform is?

muahah politics!