the books we read

Started by wellfleet, Apr 30, 2006, 12:14 AM

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Sleazy Rider

I'll be delving into "Lies My Teacher Told Me" before too awfully long, too. anyone else read this one?

I read that a few years back. Pretty interesting stuff and quite an eye opener for me at the time. you'll enjoy it.
Politics. It's a drag. They put one foot in the grave, and the other on The Flag.


HP 7..DONE. Damn, that truely was outstanding. Well worth waiting in line, staying up till 4AM and getting up at 8 and reading until 5 today.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - WHAT A MASTERPIECE.  

Simply f'n outstanding.



Sooooooooooo good.   8-)


Bleachers (John Grisham)
I like stories about football but at some points it's really hard to read if you aren´t a football expert or someone who knows all the rules and all the terms. But I still have some pages left.


fist stick knife gun by geoffrey canada is my summer reading. i think it's pretty terribly written and organized, but a good message... it's just very cliche (maybe it' sjust 'cos i've read like fourteen books about teh same topic in the last few months... but i mean, whatever)

The Big Come Up

Just finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Absolute masterpiece, it made you feel great, though it feels like your saying goodbye to a friend who has kept coming by for 10 years. Thanks for the magic, Ms. Rowling.

"All was well"


Hey Red/Big JKR has released and will drop some more, nifty tidbits on most of the main characters. She said the Epilogue was much longer but it didn't works so she shortened and left more to the imagination. Interesting facts have come out.


Reading On The Road by Jack Kerouac.  I just read the phrase "Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together" and went all goosebumpy about The Hold Steady.

Red, you've got a lot to answer for!  ;) :-?
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side



QuoteReading On The Road by Jack Kerouac.  I just read the phrase "Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together" and went all goosebumpy about The Hold Steady.

Red, you've got a lot to answer for!  ;) :-?
Haha, and answer I shall do...

When writing the album Craig put that passage on a card and wrote loosely-inspired songs based off that.  Makes the "Some nights I think that Sal Paradise was right..." all the better to fist pump too!

They also reference Keruac in "Hot Fries"



Finished A Farewell To Arms last week (loved it!) and am just starting Sophie's World; anyone read that?  No spoilers please...

THEN it's Cormac time!   :-/


I've read Sophie's world.  It was my introduction to philosophy which I went on to get a degree in.  A lot of college professors have it as required reading for their intro to philosophy classes, but don't let that detour you, it's a great read!


Currently reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.  Not going to win many friends upstairs, that one.   ;)
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


This was a work of genius. Structurally virtuosic, but also funny AND touching. Any other fans?

Next up? Thinking about a big Murakami, or The Road by McCarthy? Or a little reading break? Some mind-numbing TV seems pretty attractive now  :)


I finished "A Confederacy Of Dunces" by Robert Kennedy Toole awhile ago.  It was one of the funniest books I've ever read.  I actually got into it because Toole wrote a book called "Neon Bible" when he was like 16.  So, I hope you can figure out why I was interested in him.  

I just started Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."  I hope it's worth the 1000-plus pages.  





a band that references jack kerouac? i think now would be the time for yours truly to become acclamated to the hold steady.

k, where do i begin?





a band that references jack kerouac? i think now would be the time for yours truly to become acclamated to the hold steady.

k, where do i begin?

all our blathering about the hold steady and you just now want to get in to them?   ;)

BOYS AND GIRLS IN AMERICA is the most accessible but SEPARATION SUNDAY is one of the best albums you'll ever hear.  


I just started Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."  I hope it's worth the 1000-plus pages.  

NOOOOOOOOO!  don't do it!

You must be writing a College Grant essay based on this right???
"pull the wool over your own eyes"


Actually, it's because of Neil Peart.  Since he seemed to revere her so much I figure she is worth reading.  I have done it in the past so it's not unlike me.  I read Arthur Koestler's "Ghost in The Machine," too.  That one was totally worth it.