I know this topic has already been brought up...

Started by Fat_Old_Sun, Nov 14, 2005, 09:47 PM

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I would say, by all accounts, that they're the good kind of guys.  :)

I'm not so sure...
Unruly facial hair usually suggests a baddie  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


you can be a good guy and do drugs...especially rock stars...its not like you gotta go work a 9-5
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nah...who hasn't had a small toke in their day?

i mean our Prez snorted coke and look where it got him!
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.


Quotenah...who hasn't had a small toke in their day?

i mean our Prez snorted coke and look where it got him!

i never had a small toke, i always tried to make mine as big as possible.   8)


i feel you on that...

i didn't want to scare the non-tokers away having them thinkin' we are "baddies"...LOL
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.


Quoteyeah, but i remember reading a thread titles "does jim smoke?"

plus can a cop honestly do anything about it if you smoke? if they never catch you which they wouldnt really tryu to do... im saying--say a cop hears of a popular band that does drugs.. what can they do about it??

Just ask the Black Crowes what happens.  There was a specific reason that it took them like seventeen years to come back to the ville and even then under a different band name.
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end



i never had a small toke, i always tried to make mine as big as possible.   8)

That's the spirit!



Just ask the Black Crowes what happens.  There was a specific reason that it took them like seventeen years to come back to the ville and even then under a different band name.

whats this story?
Visit [url="http://www.37flood.com"]http://www.37flood.com[/url] for Louisville music news.


i really can't believe you all care.  furthermore, i thought the jim smoking thread was regarding cigarettes?  i think anyone's who's met them can attest to the fact that none of them are drug addicts and beyond that who gives a shit.  


yeah, good point. but sometimes the keyboardist looks a little strung out. :)



Just ask the Black Crowes what happens.  There was a specific reason that it took them like seventeen years to come back to the ville and even then under a different band name.

what are you talking about, man?
As far as I know, as much as they've promoted pot smoking, I don't know of one instance of any of the band members getting busted, even Chris Robinson.
Plus, Chris makes references to smoking pot almost at every show. He was always scolding people at shows this year for taking pictures with their cell phones instead of sneaking in tokes. They've probably been one of the most honest bands out there in regards to drug use. Thankfully, it seems they've all left the heavy shit behind.
Shit, back in 92, they're stage back drop was a huge fuckin pot leaf. Now that's rock n roll.


This thread has officially become retarded.  As guest suggested, nobody in this band is addicted to drugs.  They are nice fellows who also carry secret rock powers and like owls.

Can we talk about something else, now?  Maybe we should talk about Jim's hair again... ;)


QuoteThis thread has officially become retarded.  As guest suggested, nobody in this band is addicted to drugs.  They are nice fellows who also carry secret rock powers and like owls.

Can we talk about something else, now?  Maybe we should talk about Jim's hair again... ;)

Jim's hair is geting long again.  do you remember when he used to come on stage with his hair pulled back in a ponytail and he'd head bang until it was free of the hair band and starting to fly.  That was pretty cool.   ;)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


i remember the first time i saw them at lebowski fest, and jim had long hair, dressed in the robe at the beginning, and he looked just about exactly like the dude.


I had previously shown my wife both of the Conan clips.

When I showed her the Gideon clip & first thing she said was "Oh, you can see his face!"

Women!  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteWomen! ;)
Yeah.  Jeez, eh?   ::)

Quotedo you remember when he used to come on stage with his hair pulled back in a ponytail and he'd head bang until it was free of the hair band and starting to fly.
See, that's amazing to me.  Cuz I've banged my head when my hair's been in a ponytail, and that elastic band does not come out.  It gets really tangled, and then I have to cut it out.


that's because you have to get those special bands, the 'rock star bands,'  they come out exactly when they need to...at the perfect moment...it's true...guaranteed or your money back!

rock hard, we'll do the rest!
You need it.  That's for sure.



what are you talking about, man?
As far as I know, as much as they've promoted pot smoking, I don't know of one instance of any of the band members getting busted, even Chris Robinson.
Plus, Chris makes references to smoking pot almost at every show. He was always scolding people at shows this year for taking pictures with their cell phones instead of sneaking in tokes. They've probably been one of the most honest bands out there in regards to drug use. Thankfully, it seems they've all left the heavy shit behind.
Shit, back in 92, they're stage back drop was a huge fuckin pot leaf. Now that's rock n roll.

Back before they were headlining I saw them open for ZZ Top.  I specifically went to see The Black Crowes.  They came out played an extremely short set, like 15 minutes or less, then got the hell out of dodge.  We were extremely disappointed to say the least.  The story was that they were tipped off that they were going to be busted by the locals when they finished their set.  When they found out, they stopped playing, got their crap and headed immediately across the river to IN to avoid getting busted.  They had never been back to Louisville until earlier this year when touring as Mr. Crowe's Garden.  The point of mentioning this was to show bands being open about their habits can indeed bring on the heat.
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end


QuoteThis thread has officially become retarded.  As guest suggested, nobody in this band is addicted to drugs.  They are nice fellows who also carry secret rock powers and like owls.

Can we talk about something else, now?  Maybe we should talk about Jim's hair again... ;)

haha, word.  :D