Started by linda p, Feb 03, 2006, 05:46 PM

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linda p

hello nice my morning jacket fans!  this is linda, tom's fiancĂ©e here...

our old pal danny cash is shaving his head to benefit st baldricks which is a charity organization that helps fund the world's leading childhood cancer research organizations.

please click on the link below and help him reach his goal so we can all see him and his funny bald head in the very near future.

it's a great cause so please help if you can!



Ned Flanders

Danny Cash is awesome!!!  That sound he makes leading into the breakdown on "Run Thru" is one of the coolest things I've ever heard on a record.  He never got the love he deserved.  It's great to see he's keeping it real with his charity work.  I'll definitely be donating.  Thanks for the info!!!!


Okay guys and gals - this post is getting a fair amount of hits but no replies and unfortunately Danny still has hair!

Please take a moment to check out the website and donate some cash for a hairless Cash and a good cause!  Like my very lovely soon-to-be-wife said this is a great opportunity to show your support - so get to it!

And just so you don't have to scroll back up here's the link again:



Two Tone

Danny Cash

Thanks, T-Dog. You and your lady are good friends in the mix. The children will thank you for your generosity. My cold, bald head will not.



Hello all! So, this post surprised and delighted me! My wife had childhood cancer and was associated with St. Baldricks--which is a wonderful organization!!!!

This is an AMAZING thing Danny is doing and I encourage EVERYONE on this board to contribute whatever they can, however little it may be. Cancer research gets a lot of attention in this country, but it is not always focused on kids.

THANK YOU DANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lissa and Brian
....as mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


fled nanders

Laurie the Artist

A modest goal for a great cause.
74% reached and counting...

Just $10 more puts him at 75% of the goal.
If 50 people gave just $5 each he meets his goal.
If 25 people gave just $10 each he meets it.
If then a few more people joined in, he'll clear it with room to spare.

All for the kids! Rock on.


are you dr. guggenheim from rushmore?!  how exciting!!!

Go Danny Cash!  Go go go!!


no.  i am a doctor of music.  i have worked with the boys on occasion, conducting and working them into shape.


Quoteno.  i am a doctor of music.  i have worked with the boys on occasion, conducting and working them into shape.
ah, i see.

so how'd you feel when you woke up from your coma and the first person you heard was max?  did you like max, or did you feel like he was kind of a threat to the school?  what'd you think of the heaven and hell cotillion?

aaaahhhhh, i'm just kiddin'.  :)


max fischer was the last person i wanted to see/hear after having a stroke ;)


Quotemax fischer was the last person i wanted to see/hear after having a stroke ;)

yeah, i'll bet.  but he sure did make a nice kite, though, don't you think?  :)

so when does danny cash shave his head?  does he have to do it in front of people?  will it be outside, and will somebody have a hat for him because his head will probably get really cold?  anybody know?

Danny Cash

MMJ FANS ARE THE BEST! You guys have contributed more than anyone. Thank you so much for the support.

If any of you feel like making the pilgrimage to Louisville on 3/19, you're more than welcome to rub my shiny bald head. The locals say it's good luck. It's kind of like the stump at the Apollo.


its great danny is doing this to raise money for cancer patients... i'm doing the same thing for the school that i teach at only for far less cash and far more hair... i think i may be in constant regret... keep up the good charity work!!!