Rolling Stone - Best Live Bands Playing Right Now

Started by red, Jul 23, 2007, 12:49 AM

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I really like The Hold Steady and can't wait for the Toronto show in a week and can witness for myself their bastardization of Elvis Costello meets The Kinks.


QuoteI really like The Hold Steady and can't wait for the Toronto show in a week and can witness for myself their bastardization of Elvis Costello meets The Kinks.
My favourite description I've heard thrown at them was along the lines of "a drunken Elvis Costello fronting the E Street Band".   ;D

If you happen to see me (I'll be as close as humanly possible to Craig in my Rain Dogs tee) say hello.  


QuoteI really like The Hold Steady and can't wait for the Toronto show in a week and can witness for myself their bastardization of Elvis Costello meets The Kinks.
My favourite description I've heard thrown at them was along the lines of "a drunken Elvis Costello fronting the E Street Band".   ;D

If you happen to see me (I'll be as close as humanly possible to Craig in my Rain Dogs tee) say hello.  

I'll keep my drunken eyes peeled.

I like the drunken Elvis Costello comparison with the E Street Band, but The Kinks, Who and power-pop is also a major part of their sound.


i'll be drinking in spirit with all of you!   ;D ;D


The Black Keys need to be on there somewhere, without a doubt.

bowl of soup

QuoteDoes anyone else think that The Hold Steady are one of the most horrible bands they have ever seen/heard.  I saw them less than a year ago and tried listening to Boys and Girls for a good week of play and just don't see what anyone likes about them.  The singer can't sing, the rhythm section is nothing special, certainly not close to the acclaimed E Street Band status that one critic mentioned, and like the leeches they are the other critics vomited on to unsuspecting readers.

Sorry for the rant, but I feel better now.  Anyone that doesn't like them will I hope take solace in my rambling.  For the rest of you, I respect you all because you are big enough fans of the best band in the world.  

Much obliged,

no[size=20][/size] NO[size=72][/size] NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  May "I'm All Out of Love" get stuck in your head for the rest of your life.  I feel better now.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteDoes anyone else think that The Hold Steady are one of the most horrible bands they have ever seen/heard.  I saw them less than a year ago and tried listening to Boys and Girls for a good week of play and just don't see what anyone likes about them.  The singer can't sing, the rhythm section is nothing special, certainly not close to the acclaimed E Street Band status that one critic mentioned, and like the leeches they are the other critics vomited on to unsuspecting readers.

Sorry for the rant, but I feel better now.  Anyone that doesn't like them will I hope take solace in my rambling.  For the rest of you, I respect you all because you are big enough fans of the best band in the world.  

Much obliged,

Nope.  I saw them a while back at Emo's and thought they rocked the house!  I went to see them only having heard "Almost Killed Me".  I bought the next two albums at the show.  I have to admit "Boys and Girls" hasn't grown on me yet though...  One side seems to rock, the other side seems a bit poppy...  gotta give it some more spins though.


"I know you were right, believing for so long"

haha, air supply hosts some Time Life compilation infomercial and they play that song on the acoustic. i LOVE how old rockers (and c'mon, air supply can hardly be called "rockers") still try to dress hip.


And now:


Never saw them live, but a couple of months ago I saw a televsion broadcast of an old AC/DC concert.  One of the things I immediately noticed is that Angus Young works it hard the entire performance.

I'd even say he works harder at selling the music and showing more enthusiasm for what he is doing than any musical performer I've ever seen, and that includes MMJ. In fact, it was striking how much Jim James and company look like five Angus Youngs pouring their souls into performing their music.  Coincidence? . . . one of the few times I saw Two Tone sing it was "Touch Too Much" and he looked as if he was going to explode if the song had lasted two seconds longer.

Part of the magic that great live acts bring is making you believe they're having as much fun up there on stage as you would if you could be up there.  That's part of a great live act, to me anyway.

The other part is having great material to work with. MMJ and AC/DC got that one covered too!

Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway


Right On!

Hey no love for Rawles Balls - These guys tear up the lower east side regularly.  ;D


Speaking of Tom singing, this is from September of 2000 and I think this is him singing Touch Too Much.  But I don't recall for sure and no set list is posted on Ger's website for this date.

Just a Heartbreakin' Man, doing a Victory Dance with Shaky Knees, along a Bermuda Highway